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Yulistiana, W. 2021. Gender Representation In A Prescribed EFL Textbook of

Junior High School In Indonesia. S1 Thesis English Department of
Mulawarman University. Advisor (1) Dr. Bibit Suhatmady. M.Pd (2) Dr.
Desy Rusmawaty, MA

Textbooks are one of the materials in the teaching and learning process that
are often used by teachers and students in schools. EFL English textbooks become
a representation of gender equality as gender bias. Therefore, this study was
conducted to examine if both sexes were represented equally in junior high school
English textbooks. This study aims to find out the representation of gender in EFL
textbooks because of their domestic roles and work. To find out gender
representations of their conversations in EFL textbooks. To explain the features
presented in the EFL textbook determined from junior high schools. To answer the
research question, the content analysis method is applied in this research. Each
page of the EFL textbook was analyzed to find six aspects. These aspects consist
of the six aspects analyzed in the textbook are pictures of women or men, women
or men mentioned, roles, games, models, and names of men or boy. The result of
this study indicate that in representing gender roles in the EFL textbook “ When
English Rings a Bell”, the researcher found the results of the overall analysis of the
number of female roles more than male roles, namely for the pictures mentioned of
gender names, occupation roles, roles domestic, predominantly female play, the
roles models conveyed al lead to female characters as seen in the EFL English
textbook “When English Rings A Bell”. After conducting the analysis, it can be
concluded that the EFL English Textbook contains different levels of gender bias
in the exercises in each chapter. Men are dominant in two categories, namely
work, and activities. Meanwhile, women only have a dominant number in the

visibility category. Overall, textbook authors have tried to promote gender equality
in textbooks. Men are still dominant in textbooks. The textbooks in this study still
contain issues of gender bias. So it is hoped that it can be revised so that gender
representation in all textbooks will be represented equally.


Culture, “English Language”. The study broadens the scope of inquiry by

calculating the appearance of men and women both textually and visually, and
examining how men and women are discussed in textbooks. This examination is
carried out by looking at the order of gender appearance and activities, roles, and
occupation of the gender domain, and adjectives used by men and women. In
evaluating textbooks, especially for English textbooks, things that must be
evaluated are not only focused on language-based topics such as tenses, adjectives,
verbs but also must pay attention to social aspects. Of the many sources that have
been synthesized from ten aspects of textbook evaluation, one of which is gender
issues in education, such as examining some implications of gender in materials
and interactions (Sunderland, 2000), examining the effects of gender stereotypes in
children's literature (Bowker, 1996), examining (the representation of men and
women in textbooks (Sari, 2011), finding differences between men and women in
English textbooks (Gharbavi & Ahmad Mousavi, 2012).

Analysis of textbooks from a gender perspective is important. Because

textbooks are a source of learning especially in contexts where assessment is
generally very focused on rote memorization, textbooks can easily become tools
for promoting bias, including gender bias or exposing gender stereotypes (Loan et
al., 2010). English textbooks are no exception. In English textbooks, gender
representation is one aspect of reality that appears in written and verbal
communication in a social context, so it is advisable to explore what elements in
textbooks such as gender stereotypes can hinder gender equality and what should
be changed. In the context of Indonesian English as a foreign language (EFL), the

design of ELT textbooks as curriculum documents or curriculum products Widodo,

(2016) must consider gender bias as a serious consideration because the social
state culturally recognizes gender differences. Although the sexes of women and
men have long been recognized stereotypically as unique or different in
multicultural and multi-religious Asian societies such as Indonesia, these gender
differences are influenced by issues of gender equality, for example through the
emancipation of Indonesian women. Or what Widodo (2018) describes as
empowering women for Raden Ajeng Kartini, national heroes who fight for gender
equality women's education in all aspects of social practice. Despite this gender
equality movement, gender differences still operate in the social practices of any
society because men and women are fundamentally different in terms of
perceptions and behavior patterns. To some extent, these gender differences can
create gender bias that leaves a negative imprint on people's perceptions of gender

English textbooks, as one manifestation of the language-in-education

policy, play an important role in linking classroom language and real-world
language. According to Sadker and Sadker as cited in Plumber (2009), textbooks
are used 80 to 95% of class time, either literally or inspiring teacher teaching
practices. Often, together with the teacher, that is the only way for students to gain
direct access to the target language. Especially in the context of learning English as
a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia where students are faced with the use of
English only in class, and they are rarely able to practice the language
authentically outside the classroom. Gender representations in English textbooks
are most often discussed only by scholars but also by other researchers. It may also
be prevalent in the English textbooks of junior and senior high schools. The gender
roles expressed by English textbooks are a way of changing gender
representations. In this case, most English textbooks present gender issues through
text, symbols, and pictures of English subjects, especially the level of English
textbooks represented in schools.

Therefore, the representation of gender bias in ELT textbooks deserves

investigation. The current critical discourse study examines these representations
in ELT textbooks supported by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education.
The findings of this study can be a starting point for language teaching. Language
material developers have to rethink how men and women are represented in ELT


Why researchers choose Representation of Gender Conversations in English

Textbooks ?
Why researchers choose English Textbooks for language teaching ?
Why the researchers choose students‘ conversations in the Junior High School
English Textbook in Indonesia ?

Research Question

What are representation of gender in the EFL textbook due to their domestic and
occupational roles ?
How are the roles representatied in EFL textbook ?

The features are presented in the EFL textbook determined from junior high school

Purpose of the Study

To find out gender representation in EFL textbooks because of their domestic role
and occupation roles.

To find out the representation of their role in EFL textbooks.

To explain the features presented in the EFL textbook determined from junior high

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Although there are many types of gender representation, researchers decided only
elaborates research in the area of male and female characters, illustrations, aspects
of nouns and pronouns based on Stockdale (2006) because of the feasibility of the
This study will only focus on gender representation in English textbooks. This
study will also be limited to an English textbook titled "When English Rings A
Bell" written by Siti Wachidah 2017, revised edition used in junior high schools
published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta.


A good textbook considers teaching methods and level of readers. This was
revised keeping in mind new developments and changing teaching methodologies.
There are differences of opinion about the place of the textbook as the source of
the agreement. Analysis is a method in which something is separated into several
parts, and those parts give accurate, logical, and detailed results. Consistently
relatively complete account (William: 20). Whereas Text Book Analysis or
Textual Analysis is a methodology in social science to study the context of
communication. Earl Babbie defines it as "the study of records of human
communication, such as books, websites, paintings and law". According to Dr.
Farooq Joubish, Textbook analysis is considered a scientific methodology in the
humanities where texts are studied for authorship, authenticity, or meaning. This
last subject includes philology, hermeneutics, and semiotics.

Indonesian fairy tales. Teachers and students can discuss the character traits
and moral values in the story. The teacher can also provide students with a variety
of texts that expose students to the virtues of different characters and moral values.
For example, the company's Genre vision and mission can be used to learn
character values. To exploit these traits and values, students need to understand the
text from the start. Of course the teacher can provide step-by-step scaffolding from

genre-based language learning integrated assignments to character-driven language

assignments (Widodo 2015).

In English textbooks, the tendency of gender issues between men and

women can be analyzed whether in a systematic and schematic approach.
Widdowson (as cited in Brusokaite, 2013, p. 13) states that foreign language
textbooks provide two aspects: systematic knowledge consisting of syntax,
semantics and schematic knowledge that obtains social environment in gender
roles as the target language. English textbooks are the core material for courses
which have a large impact on student behavior outside the classroom, provide
linguistic content and models and directly or indirectly present the cultural and
social background of the target language.

Textual analysis is a broad term for various research methods used to

describe, interpret, and understand texts. All types of information can be collected
from a text - from its literal meaning to subtext, symbolism, assumptions, and the
value it expresses. The method used to carry out textual analysis depends on the
area and purpose of the study. This often aims to connect the text to a broader
social, political, cultural or artistic context.

In recent decades, discussions about gender inequality in education have

been developed to be part of the research and political agenda of democratic
countries. New understanding and insight appear. However, equality of
opportunity to respect gender has not yet been achieved, especially if we consider
it as an important goal to overcome subalternity citizenship (Araújo, 2007: 164).
Together with women's invisibility in the official curriculum and gender
stereotypes in textbooks, with superficial discussions about girls 'schooling
achievements and school boys' dissatisfaction, or with the difficulties experienced
by female teachers to have access to decision-making positions in school structure,
there is an awareness of the transversality of gender equality in education. We can
find new challenges played by gender issues in new contexts and phenomena such
as school violence, many inequalities or intercultural and migrant topics.

Discussing whether gender is still important in education is a bit of an ironic and

inevitable question to which the special edition of Educação, Sociedade & Culturas
tries to answer.

The concept of gender equity refers to fairness of treatment for women and
men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or
treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights,
benefits, obligations and opportunities (International Labour Office [ILO], 2000).
It is distinct and different from the concept of gender equality, which is the
effective equality between men and women, that entails the concept that all human
beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make
choices without the limitations set by stereotypical views, rigid gender roles, and


This research is a qualitative study that uses content analysis as a learning

method. This method is used to describe textbook content. One aim of this method
is to identify biases, prejudices, or propaganda presented in textbooks. (Lucy.p.
442) In this study, Researcher analyze the representation gender of in EFL
textbooks. The object of the study was an English textbook for seventh grade
students entitled : "When English Ring a Bell" English textbook for Junior School
Students by, Siti Wahidah The Center for Curriculum and Bookkeeping, published
this book Balitbang, Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017. To support this
research, the writer will use an English textbook, taken from the internet. Relevant
sources from libraries and the internet are also used in analyzing and describing
data. All sources were carefully combined by researchers to obtain the best results
in analyzing data from the EFL English textbook "When English Rings a Bell"
from high junior school.

Every conversation spoken by all roles becomes a source for the researcher
to be consintent analyzed. Then the research data will be taken from the
conversation in the textbook, while the data is the two roles text from the EFL
textbook. Analysis is the process of breaking down data into smaller components
based on certain elements and structures. According to Bogdan and Biklen (in
Moleong, 2014) is an effort made by working with data, breaking it down into
manageable units, synthesizing it, searching and finding what is important and
what works, and what can be tried for people lay down. According to Miles and
Huberman (1984) and Huberman (1984) in Sugiyono (2013), the activity in
qualitative data analysis is carried out interactively and is carried out continuously
on every study that is reviewed thoroughly, and the data is saturated. The steps of
data analysis according to Miles and Huberman (1984: 207-208)

Cambell & Fiake as quoted in Chohen, Manison, & Mrrisson (2013)

believe that triangulation is a great way to demonstrate concurrent validity,
especially in qualitative research. This supports independent research to avoid
information bias from resources. In addition, this is used to confirm the ability of
the researcher himself. (Patton, 2002, p247) have identified four basic types of
triangulation: (1) data triangulation, the use of various data sources in a study; (2)
triangulation of investigators, the use of several different researchers or evaluators;
(3) theory triangulation, the use of multiple perspectives to interpret a single data
set, and (4) methodological triangulation, the use of multiple methods to study a
program problem.


In this study, the six aspects analyzed in the textbook are pictures of
women/men, women/men mentioned, roles, games, models, and names of
men/men. All Textbook EFL units were analyzed. The data are described as

1.Female / male image Found in the English Language Textbook (EFL) as

images of women and men are presented unevenly. 

2. Women and Men Mentioned 

In this aspect, the number of women and men mentioned is counted in the
textbook in practice, prayer, word, text reading, or dialogue. And the results show
that more women are mentioned than men. In total, it was found that the number of
women mentioned was 153 and the number of men mentioned was 127. This
shows that the gender representation in this book is dominated by women.

3.The role of women/men.

In this aspect, many roles of women and men are counted in the textbook,
which analyzed only involved the job or professional roles in the pictures, because

this book shows more pictures. The results showed that the strength of the role of
human work is the same as the role of women's work. In total, the total number of
masculine work roles was 18 years old and female work roles were 18 years old.

4. Games or sports for women/men.

Sports games or women and men in the textbook on this aspect of the
number of sports games or women and men analyzed including gymnastics,
reading text or pictures. Female games find more games or sports than men. Total,
found by the number of games or sports for women is 6, while the number of
games or sports for men is 3. Table 4.4

5. Patterns mentioning names of women/men.

In this aspect, the number pattern mentions the names of women and men
in phrases. Find many parts as; (Women and Women, Women and Men / Men and
Women and Men). But in this aspect, it is taken in the pattern of women and men
or men and women in phrases. From the results of the study, it was found that the

first 4 names were in the female designation pattern and 3 names in the masculine
designation pattern. This means that the number patterns mentioned to women are
more than just human names.

6. The representation of gender in EFL textbooks due to its role and domestic

In this chapter, the results of content analysis. Later, comparative results of

the three textbooks are presented comparing and contrasting similarities and
differences across textbooks. In the following chapters, a discussion of the main
findings along with a general description of the research, implications for future
practice and investigations, and limitations of the study are presented. In general,
textbooks in English entitled "When English Rings, Bell" argues that students are
cooperative, tolerant, promote peace, promote gender equality and non-violence to
communicate and interact with others. This will be described as follows. The value
of cooperatives in the textbook can be seen in various group work activities in oral
or written productions in unit 3. For example, students are asked to work in groups
and are also asked to ask for mealtimes for everyone in the group. In another
activity, students are asked to write information on a table about what Edo did on
Sunday. Then, students were asked to work in groups to discuss and decide
information about the conversation about what we used to do on Sundays. The
value of tolerance is also promoted in textbooks that direct students' understanding
of how tolerant they are to other people and other cultures. To promote tolerance in
others, there are several explanations of what to expect during the conversation.

7. Gender representation of your conversations in EFL textbooks

The roles of women/men analyzed in the textbook refer to social roles or

professions. This role is identified in pictures, exercises, and text reading in each
unit. But the role of women/men is not found in units 8, 9,10 which talk about
objects and animals. Most of the roles presented in the textbook are students and
teachers. This relates to textbook readers who are students (see Appendix 3).
Besides, male representation is dominant in work or activities. 

8. EFL textbooks feature more men's work than women's work

Besides, the majority of male characters have short hair. Lastly, things like
cars, newspapers, expensive glasses and sporting goods (balls, skateboards) are
mostly associated with men. On the other hand, work, household, grooming, or
grooming and shopping activities are the same as social, routine, and negative
roles are mainly developed by women. For famous female characters, the domains
they run are limited to musicians and painters. Appreciating leisure and sports,
women engage in less risky activities such as visiting national parks, farms, or
museums and going for walks. Regarding physical appearance and objects, women
are often associated with hair accessories and makeup.

The results show that gender stereotypes are assumptions about the
differences between the two gender characteristics that men are more dominant
than women. Besides, the stereotypical appearance of women and men is found in
textbooks, that women draw beautiful, long hair, and men draw short and
handsome hair. Second, women and men who are mentioned in English textbooks
and When Rings A Bell are dominant than women are mentioned. This is similar
to Umm Salamah, who states that more women are mentioned than men in English
textbooks. Third, stereotypes against women are also found in textbooks. Some
pictures depict women doing household chores. Women are associated with
household chores such as cooking, preparing meals, washing clothes, etc. This
reflects gender norms that emphasize the assumption that women's work refers to
domestic work and caring for children.



Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the results of
gender representation in the English textbook with the title When Rings A Bell
show the dominant female representation in the mentioned genre aspects, gender
games or sports, and mention the patterns of women and men's names. Meanwhile,
male representation is dominated in the aspects of images and gender roles. In
textbooks, When Rings A Bell represents women who are dominated in terms of
gender mention, gender roles and gender games or sports. Meanwhile, human
representation is dominated by the gender aspect of the image and the pattern of
mentioning the names of women and men. The number of gender representations
in textbooks in English is more visible than that of men, such as women (689) and
men (592). Meanwhile in the textbook, When Rings A Bell is seen to be more
women than men like women (431) and men (395). Then, from the two textbooks,
the number of gender representations in Elt's textbooks is equivalent to whether
women are more dominant than men. 


1) For teachers  
For English teachers, they must pay attention to the circulation of textbooks
used by schools and teachers must be more selective in choosing books or
materials to be given to students. And teachers must analyze and evaluate
English textbooks first before use and must be more aware of gender issues
in textbooks.  
2) For Authors 
Authors are expected to be careful when writing material or materials so
that there are no writing errors. Authors must see their writing to be a good
book without flaws or failures.  

3) For Researcher 
For researchers who carry out similar research, this research can serve as an
example and add to information and information.

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