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Release Year: 2011
Slogan: «Make the improbable possible»
Country: The UK
Genres : Comedy | Drama | Romance
Runtime: 107 min.
Director: Lasse Hallström
Stars: Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt, Amr Waked

About the film Translate into Russian. Explain the grammar in underlined sentenses:

A visionary sheik has a big dream -- to bring salmon fishing to the desert. Willing to spare no expense, he instructs his repre-
sentative to turn his dream into reality, an extraordinary feat that will require the involvement of Britain's leading fisheries
expert who happens to think the project both absurd and unachievable. That is, until the Prime Minister's overzealous press
secretary latches on for its potential as a 'good will' story. Now, this unlikely team will put it all on the line and embark on an
upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible, possible.

Review Read it before watching. Answer whether you agree with it or not after watching:

This is a movie wherein you'll come out of the theater glad you've spent the money for it. It's a movie about hope and determi-
nation. It's witty, has funny bits (especially how it portrays politicians and bureaucrats). Emily Blunt is great in this movie. I've 1
seen her in small parts in other movies (Jane Austen Club and the Devil Wears Prada) wherein she's very cold and proper. Here
you see two sides of a woman, one efficient in her job, and the personal soft side. I will go with Ewan McGregor to Yemen any-
time. He looks just as hot as a Jedi and as a staid British fisheries expert. Overall, it's a feel good movie.

Exercises and tasks Do these tasks after watching with a help of the «voca-book» you have the next page be-
1. Write a review of yours. That will improve your way of thinking in English.
2. Read the words using transcription and their translation from each part before watching.
3. Try to paraphrase those you find difficult to remember.
4. Read and translate contextual sentences after watching so you could make sure you’ve got all the words properly.
5. Ask your partner questions around each part, using new words and phrases.
6. Remember who said each phrase or word, in the situations you’ve just watched.
7. Retell each situation. Especially those that are important for better understanding of the plot.
8. Put as many questions as you can to each part so that your partner could find the answers and discuss them with you.
9. Discussion: Please state your ideas about what persistence and faith really are. Define these words.
10. Description: Describe Dr. Fred Jones / Harriet Chetwode-Talbot / Sheikh Mohammed / Patsy (PM’s press secretary)/ Mary
Jones, appearance, character, habits, things they go for.
11. Describe Dr. Jones as if you were Harriet / Mr. Sudgen / Robert / Mary
12. Name the differencies between Asian and Western cultures. How can these be reconciled?
13. Would you like to be an oil sheikh? Why? What would you do if you you were sheikh?
14. Who are you – man of faith or facts and figures man? What are the pros and cons of each outlook?
15. Split into groups: Your task is to have 2 columns on a sheet of paper and write some bad points about faith in one column and
good points about it in another one. The team that names more such things wins.
16. Express your ideas: about the film, about the idea of it, about the music and the script.
17. Name all the plot lines. What lessons have you taken out this film? Discuss them in your group.

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
№ Word/phrase Context. Tasks.
Active verbs A sentence or phrase that may be diffi-
Active nouns cult for translation grammatically.
Active adjectives Translate them.
Active phrases A grammatically interesting
Active Phrasal verbs phrase.Explain them and translate.
Fixed or idiomatic phrases Preposition
Grammatically interesting phrase

1 2
1. The request. Dear Dr. Jones, I act on behalf of a client with access to very substantial
3 4
1. I act on behalf of Я действую от имени… funds who has indicated a desire to sponsor a project to introduce
2. Access to ['ækses] Доступ к… salmon and the sport of salmon fishing into the Yemen. I would like to
6 7 8
3. Substantial funds Солидные средства seek a meeting with you to identify how this challenging project might
9 10 11
be initiated and resourced . I might add that the Foreign and Com-
(денежные) 12 13
monwealth Office supports the project as a symbol of Anglo-Yemeni
4. Indicated a desire Изъявил желание 14
cooperation. Yours sincerely , Harriet Chetwode-Talbot, Ms. Fitzharris &
5. Salmon ['sæmən] Лосось Price Investment Consultants.
6. To seek a meeting Искать встречи с вами − Night.
7. To identify Обозначить, опреде- − Have a good evening.
лить − You, too. Say hi to soldier boy.
− We're just friends, you know. We've only met a couple of times .
8. Challenging Сложный; требующий
напряжения сил − Yeah, you tell me that on Monday.
9. Initiated Начат, запущен − Shut up.
10. Resourced Снабжён ресурсами − Hello.
11. − Hi. It's great to see you.
I might add that Могу (также) доба-
вить, что…
− Yes. Me, too. Sorry.
− Yes?
12. Foreign and Министерство ино- − Yes.
Commonwealth странных дел и по де- − You, too.
Office лам Содружества (в − No, "Yes" is a start, that's fine.
Великобритании) − Stop it, I'm so nervous.
13. Supports Поддерживает − Why are you nervous?
− I don't know. I'm trying to be very sophisticated and grown-up .
16 17
14. Yours sincerely Искренне ваш(а)
15. Couple of times Пару раз − Right. No, grown-up, absolutely.
16. Sophisticated Изысканный; умуд- − Quite right, yeah.
[sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] рённый (опытом) , − Harriet.
опытный − Yes?
17. Grown-up Взрослый − Last one to the restaurant pays.
− What? You bastard.

2. Dr. Jones denies a request. Dear Harriet Chetwode-Talbot, thank you for your e-
1 2
1. Fisheries Рыболовство; рыбный промысел mail. As a fisheries specialist, permit me a word or
3 4
2. Permit me Позвольте мне two about salmon. Migratory salmonoids require
5 6
3. Migratory salmonoids Мигрирующие лососевые cool, well-oxygenated water in which to spawn . In
7 8
4. Require Требуют, нуждаются в… addition , in the early stages of the salmon's life
9 10
5. Well-oxygenated Хорошо снабжаемая кислородом cycle, a good supply of fly life indigenous to the
6. Spawn [spɔːn] Метать икру northern European rivers is necessary for the juve-
12 13 14
7. In addition В добавление к этому nile salmon , or parr , to survive . Some consider-
8. In the early stages На ранних стадиях able distance from the Indian Ocean, or indeed the
9. Supply of fly life Снабжение летучей живностью Red Sea, as I am sure you are aware , though ap-
parently not the Foreign and Commonwealth Of-
10. Indigenous [ɪn'dɪʤɪnəs] Свойственный, присущий 18
fice. We conclude that conditions in the Yemen
11. Necessary Необходимо 19
make this project unfeasible . - Fundamentally un-
12. Juvenile salmon ['ʤuːvɪnaɪl] Молодой, юный лосось
feasible. Yes, yes. Fundamentally unfeasible. We
13. Parr Пестрятка, молодь лосося 20
therefore regret that we are unable to help you
14. Survive Выжить 21 22
any further in this matter . Yours, Alfred Jones,
15. Indeed Несомненно

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
16. You are aware Вы в курсе, вы осведомлены Doctor.
− I've put duck liver patè in your sandwich.
17. Apparently Несомненно; предположительно, по
всей видимости − That's lovely.
− Righto . I'm off to bed.
18. Conclude Подвести итоги, заключить
19. Unfeasible [ʌn'fiːzəbl] Неосуществимый, несбыточный − Already?
20. We therefore regret that Следовательно, мы сожалеем, что… − Airport car's coming at 5:00.
− Righto. I'll maybe have another wee pass at the
21. Further Дальше
22. In this matter В этом деле caddis fly paper. You could read it on the air-
23. Duck liver patè Паштет из утиной печени plane.
− Up to my ear in reports, darling. I'll read it when
24. Righto Ладно!, согласен!, хорошо!
25. Wee pass Крохотный абзац, заметка I'm back.
26. Caddis fly paper Доклад о майской мухе − Right, then. Good night.
27. Up to my ear in… Я по уши в…

3. At night. − Oh, my God, I don't do this. I don't do this.

− No, I can tell .
1. I can tell Уверяю тебя (я
могу сказать) − I haven't done this in a really long time.
2. Shy Застенчивая, стес- − Okay.
− I'm so shy .
3. I mean it Я это всерьёз − Okay. No, I'll sleep on the sofa.
4. − No, I'm so shy.
Forget Забыть
− Look, Harriet, I mean it . I...
5. Army barracks Солдатская, ба-
− Shut up.
joke рачная шутка
− You were saying you're shy.
6. Be nice to me Будь добр ко мне − I am shy and quiet. Like Hitler. I'm serious. Robert, I... Don't do this and then
7. Bloody well Наверняка, чёрт 4 5
forget me. I just don't wanna be an army barracks joke in the morning. Please
возьми be nice to me .
− Harriet, I'm serious, too. I mean it. So if you want me to sleep on the sofa, then
− If you say, Captain Mayers, one more time you'll sleep on the sofa, you'll bloody
well sleep on the sofa.
− Captain Robert Mayers, 3-6-4-7-7-2.

4. Making of a good news story from the Middle East − Maxwell. Better be good.
1. Mosque [mɔsk] Мечеть − Mrs. Maxwell, we have a situation.
2. Religious establishment Религиозное учреждение − What?
3. Joint operation Совместная операция − Code Red in Afghanistan.
− Go to sleep. Tell me that's not a mosque .
4. Have absolutely nothing Не имеет абсолютно никакого от-
− Well, it is a religious establishment ...
to do with this ношения к…
5. Goat − Of course it's a bloody mosque!
− Well, of course... - What's up?
6. I can be wrong Я могу ошибаться
− Go to sleep.
7. Strapping on her suicide Нацепляет на себя пояс смертника − ...make this a joint operation .

belt − No, no, no. The British have absolutely nothing to

8. In sympathy От сочувствия 4
do with this whatsoever. And I want every single
9. Marines Морские пехотинцы man, woman, child and goat in Afghanistan to
10. You lot Вы все (обращение к группе лю- know that.
дей) My God, I didn't think we could make the war in Af-
11. Middle east Ближний восток (название терри- ghanistan any less popular, but, hey, even I can be
wrong . We'll have Vera Lynn strapping on her sui-
тории на западе азии и северо- 7 8
cide belt in sympathy next. Bravo, the bloody Ma-
востоке африки) 9 10
rines . Right, you lot . We need a good news story
12. Get on with it Пошевеливайтесь, поторапливай- 11
from the Middle East , a big one. And we need it
тесь с этим now. You've got an hour, get on with it .

13. Come up with some- Придумай что-нибудь Good news, eh? New girl band, Middle East tour.
thing Maybe. Maybe. Touch my body… No, no... Okay...
14. Puffed-up Надутые, напыщенные Maybe not. No. British trans-Arabian rally. For God's
15. Oxbridge-educated Образованные в Оксбридже sake. Come on, come on. Come up with something .

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
(обобщающее понятие, составлен- What's this? A project to introduce salmon fishing to
ное из названий двух престижных the Yemen. Salmon fishing. Salmon fishing in the
британских университетов: Окс- Yemen. Is that the best you puffed-up Oxbridge-
15 16
форда и Кембриджа) educated moronic buffoons can come up with?
Yes? Yes, Prime Minister. Well, no, I'm working on it
16. Moronic buffoons Слабоумные клоуны
right now. I think I may have come up with some-
[bə'fuːn] thing that you'll like. Salmon fishing. Salmon fishing.
17. Dollies Куколки 17 18
Are you dollies trying to get me fired ? Well, here
18. To get me fired Сделать так, чтобы меня уволили we go. Fish it is.

5. Mrs. Maxwell calls to Mr. Sugden − Morning. - Good morning. - Morning. - Morning. -
1. Busy Занят Morning. – Hello.
2. Urgent ['ɜːʤ(ə)nt] Срочно − Mrs. Maxwell on line one, sir.
− Busy .
3. pensioned you off Уволили на пенсию
− She says it's urgent , sir.
4. I got the heads-up Я получила предостережение
5. FCO (Foreign and Com- Министерство иностранных дел и по − Maxwell who?
monwealth Office) делам Содружества − The press officer to the Prime Minister, sir.
6. Fancy it? Нравится? − Patricia.
− They haven't pensioned you off yet, then? Listen,
7. Chasing Преследовать, гоняться
4 5
8. back on track Возобновлять (взаимоотношения) I got the heads-up from the FCO about this salm-
9. Détente [deɪ'tɑːnt] разрядка, ослабление напряжённости on fishing in the Yemen. Fancy it ?
(в отношениях между государствами) − Well, I...
− We do. Chasing a good news story out of the
10. Ancient ['eɪnʃ(ə)nt] Древний
11. sodding чёртов Middle East. Anglo-Yemeni relations back on
8 9
12. yank out Выдёргивать track . Arab-Western cultural détente through the
10 12
13. What do you reckon? Что считаешь? Что думаешь? ancient sport of yanking poor sodding fish out
14. it's a bit of a long shot Это несколько рискованное предприя- of rivers. What do you reckon ?
− Well, it's a bit of a long shot , to be honest .
14 15
тие (это выстрел издалека)
15. to be honest Если быть честным − Well, don't be honest. Lunatic's an oil sheikh .
Got money pouring out of his arse . Good friend
16. Lunatic чудак, сумасшедший
17. oil sheikh Нефтяной шейх of the West. Good friend of the Party, too, so give
18. pour out Вытекать it a go , eh, dolly?
− Well, we'll certainly bend every sinew to the job ,
19. arse Зад, задница 22
20. give it a go попытаться сделать что-л. Patricia. I'll set up a working party immediately .
21. bend every sinew to the Напрячь все жилы в работе (согнуть − What? - Hey! Don't you "working party" me, you
job ['sɪnjuː] каждое сухожилие) short-arsed little pen-pusher . I did not say kick it
22. immediately Немедленно into the long grass . I said do it!
23. pen-pusher Бумагомарака, бумажная душа − Yes, Patricia. Right... away.
24. kick it into the long grass Отложить в долгий ящик (запинать в
высокую траву)

6. Mr. Sugden is asking Dr. Jones − Mr. Jones? Morning, Mr. Jones.
1. Racy Яркий, живой, колорит- − Good morning, Betty. I trust you had a nice weekend.
ный − Yes, thank you, Mr. Jones. Mr. Sugden would like a word.
2. For the cover На обложку − Would he indeed? What do you think of that? It's for the caddis fly
1 2 3
3. Rev up report. Need something racy for the cove r. Something to rev up
Встряхнуть, завести 4 5
the YouTube generation . I know it's not quite what we would
4. Generation Поколение 6
expect from a scientific paper , but we must keep up with the
5. Not quite Не совсем, не вполне 7
times , Mrs. Burnside.
6. Scientific paper Научный доклад − Mr. Sugden asked to see you, Mr. Jones.
7. Keep up with the Идти в ногу со временем − I'm not too sure that I don't have a picture of a caddis being eaten
8 9
times alive by a spider somewhere. There it is. That's a beauty. What
8. Caddis being eaten Майская муха, поедаемая do you think about that for...
− Good God .
alive заживо
− Little too much , do you think?
9. Spider Паук
− No, not if you're making a horror film . Look, this e-mail about the
10. Good god Боже правый!
salmon thing.
11. Little too much Немного чересчур
− Yes. Did I miss April Fools' Day or something? Did you like my
12. Horror film Фильм ужасов

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
14 15
13. April fools' day День дурака, первое ап- little swipe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office wonks ?
реля − Yeah, well, I just had another e-mail from the FCO today.
− Rattle their cage , did I?
14. Swipe Сильный удар; критика
15. Wonks Зануды − Look, you wouldn't take a meeting with her, would you? This
16. Rattle their cage Chetwode-Talbot woman. She represents this Sheikh Muhammed
Задал им жару (встряхнул 17
bloke .
их клетку)
− Why would I want to do that? Why would I want to traipse
17. Bloke Малый, парень across London to discuss that nonsense? I've very important work
18. Traipse Тащиться, волочиться to do here, as you can very well see.
− Yeah, well, the FCO, in their infinite W, feel that a meeting on
19. 19
Infinite Бесконечный
20. Tendrils Выкрутасы this is important business, too, Alfred.
− Lord, the tendrils of this busybody government .
20 21
21. Busybody govern- Назойливое правитель-
ment ство − Dr. Jones, as your Operational Line Manager, I am asking you with
22. Extreme prejudice Чрезвычайная предвзя- extreme prejudice to take a meeting with Harriet Chetwode-
− I take it that's an order?
23. I take it Я так понимаю, что…
− Take it how you wish.
24. Wanker Онанист; мерзкий тип − Nazi.
− Wanker . Morning.

7. Dr.Jones meets Ms. Chetwode-Talbot − Dr. Jones?

1. A bit of a mouthful Слегка труднопроизно- − Miss Chetwode-Talbot is expecting me.
− Yes, it's a bit of a mouthful . Do call me Harriet.
2. Represent Представляет; является − Nice to meet you.
представителем − You, too. Do you want to come with me?
3. Sheikh's assets Активы, капиталы шейха − Yes.
4. − Do come in. Please, sit down. Yeah, anywhere you like. Would you
Including Включая
5. A number of es-
Некоторое количество
like tea or coffee?
− No, thank you. 5
− So... Fitzharris & Price represent the sheikh's assets in this coun-
2 3

6. Keen fisherman Заядлый рыбак 4 5

try, including a number of estates in Scotland. He's a very keen
7. Sparkling or still Газированная (искрящая- 6
fisherman , so he asked us if we would...
ся) или без газа (тихая) − Water.
вода − Sorry?
8. Familiar with that Знакомы с этим понятием − Water, Miss Chetwode-Talbot. H2O.
− Do you want sparkling or still ?
9. Let me keep this Позвольте мне быть крат- − Not for me, for the fish. Fish require water. You are familiar with
brief ким that concept ?
10. − Yes. I am, yes.
See the difference Видите разницу?
− So, to save us both a lot of time, let me keep this brief and sim-
11. Pointing to Указываете на…
ple. Here it's very cold. It rains a lot. Here it's very hot. It doesn't
12. Deliberately Намеренно, нарочно rain a lot. Do you see the difference ?

13. Missing the point Упускать суть из виду − Well, you're pointing to Saudi Arabia, Dr. Jones, not the Yemen.

14. Unlike В отличие от… − You seem to be deliberately missing the point .
12 13

− With respect, not really. You see, unlike Saudi Arabia, parts of
15. Wet season Сезон дождей (мокрый
сезон) the Yemen get up to 250 millimeters of rainfall a month in the wet
15 16
16. Edge of the mon- Граница муссона (ветер) season . It gets the edge of the monsoon , you see.
soon [mɔn'suːn] − And the dry season?
− Well, interestingly, recent oil explorations have uncovered a
17. Recent oil explora- Недавние нефтяные 18
number of very large freshwater aquifers , which could sort of re-
tions изыскания 19 20 21
charge the wadi in the dry season using a dam .
18. Freshwater aqui- Водоносные слои почвы с
− I'm sure they could. So, when he's built his dam, why don't you get
fers ['ækwɪfə] пресной водой back to me then?
19. Sort of recharge В некотором роде, пере- − Completed, couple of years ago. Long-term plan is to irrigate

зарядить thousands of acres of desert. We could grow watermelons ,

24 25
20. Wadi Высохшее русло реки maize , cotton .
21. Dam Плотина, дамба − Now you're going to tell me it isn't hot in the Yemen, too, aren't
22. Long-term plan Долгосрочный план you?
− Well, in the mountainous areas , the nighttime temperatures get
23. Watermelons Арбузы
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
24. Maize [meɪz] Кукуруза; маис down to well below Celsius. And, of course, I defer to your ex-
25. Cotton Хлопок pert knowledge, Dr. Jones, but I do believe that Pacific salmon get
26. Mountainous areas Горные районы as far south as California. Temperatures are not too dissimilar
27. I defer to Я считаюсь с…
− Water.
28. Dissimilar Различающийся, различ-
− For the fish.
ный, отличный от… − No, for me.
− Of course.

8. About Sheikh. − Ms. Chetwode-Talbot.

1. This is plainly ridiculous Это попросту смешно − Yes, Dr. Jones?
− This is plainly ridiculous . There's just no way that
1 2
2. There's just no way Не существует такого способа
3. In those sort of environ- В такого рода окружающей salmon can survive in those sort of environments . If
ments среде your sheikh wants to pour his money down the
drain , why doesn't he buy himself a football club or
4. To pour his money down Вылить деньги в сточную кана-
the drain ву − Look, Dr. Jones. I don't really think it's my place to
5. Wealthy clients Богатые клиенты explain the sheikh's motivations. But I will say this,
6. I would go so far as Я бы зашла так далеко, как… 5
that of all of our wealthy clients , he is different. I
6 7
7. Describe Описать would go so far as to describe him as a visionary
8. Visionary man Дальновидный человек; склон- man .
ный к галлюцинациям, имею- − A visionary?
− Yes, I know, it's not a very fashionable word, but if
щий видения 10
9. Fashionable Модный you decide to take this project with us, then you
can judge for yourself when you meet him.
10. Decide Решать
− My line manager asked me to come here and take
11. Judge for yourself ['ʤʌʤ] Судить самостоятельно this meeting to discuss your project and that I have
12. I'll see myself out Я сам найду выход (сам себя done. I thank you for your time, Ms. Chetwode-
провожу) 12
Talbot. I'll see myself out . Goodbye. Thank you. 6
9. “P45 or sign a letter” − Did you get my e-mail?
1. Waste of time Пустая трата времени − Yes. What did it say?
− Took the meeting. Waste of time , as predicted . Now, if you don't
1 2
2. As predicted Как и предсказано
3. If you don't mind Если вы не возражаете mind , I'll get back to my work.
4. Employee Работник − Dr. Jones.
− What is this?
− P45.
5. Employer Работодатель
− I'm sorry, I don't... I don't understand.
6. Sign this letter Подписать это письмо − Well, a P45 is the official document given to an employee when
7. To assign yourself Назначить себя, припи- his services are no longer required by his, or her, employer .

сать себя − Yes, but, Bernard, this has got my...

8. Exclusively Исключительным обра- − Or you can sign this letter stating that you are delighted to assign
7 8
зом yourself , exclusively , to the Yemeni salmon fishing project with
9 10
9. With immediate Незамедлительно immediate effect . It's up to you .
effect − But, Bernard, you know as well as I do this thing is a bloody joke.
10. It's up to you Всё зависит от тебя; вы- There's no way you can get salmon that far up a...
бор за тобой − Just there.
− This is blackmail , Sugden. This is a bloody outrage .
11 12
11. Blackmail Шантаж
− Fitzharris & Price will be paying your salary while on second-
12. Outrage Произвол 13
ment . Almost double what it is now. I'd say that's a bloody out-
13. While on second- Во время командировки rage.
ment − Double? Can I have time to think about this?
14. Borrow Одолжить − Nope.
− Can I borrow your pen?
15. Italic nib Курсивное перо
− No. It's my special one with the italic nib . Hey.

− Hold it , hold it. Hold it. Brian, what... What have you got in bar seven?
1 2
10. Discussing the adopted decision
− I should have resigned .
1. Hold it Постой
− You can't afford to resign.
2. Bar Такт
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
− Matter of principle . I have a standing in the scientific community, Mary.
5 6
3. I should have Мне следовало уво-
resigned литься A reputation.
− You have a mortgage .
4. Can't afford to Не можешь себе поз-
волить − Two, three, four.
5. Matter of prin- Дело принципа − Maybe I should resign. We could have a baby. Why not? You could stay
on at work and I could bring up the nipper . I could take him to the park
and to school. I could take him fishing. What do you think?
6. Standing Положение − They're really losing the plot in Geneva. One minute they're buying Eu-
7. Mortgage Заклад; ипотека 10
ros, the next minute they can't ditch them fast enough for dollars.
['mɔːgɪʤ] They're panicking, and guess who they want to bail them out .

8. Bring up the Воспитывать мальчу- − I can't imagine.

− Say a command. - Shut up. - Say a command. - What were you shouting
nipper гана, девчушку
9. They're losing Они не справляются about back there?
the plot − Nothing.
10. To ditch Сплавить, сбагрить − Say a command.
11. To bail out Спасти от банкротства − Mar... Oh, Lord.
− Well, that should do you for a while .
12. Shout Кричать
− Thank you, Mary.
13. For a while На некоторое время
− Good night.
− Night, dear.

− Oh, Jesus. Good morning. Yes, Staff . I've gotta go.

11. The call.
1. Staff Штаб − Now?
− That was the call . Sorry.
2. Call Вызов
3. Somewhere Где-нибудь в пес- − Is it Afghanistan?
− It's somewhere sandy , that's for sure .
3 4
sandy чаных районах
4. That's for sure Это уж наверняка − I'll go get some tea.
− No, look...
5. Lie Лгать
− No, it's all right, Robert. It's... 7
− No, no, come here. Look, the last few weeks... This is good.
− Wonderful.
− I'm not gonna lie to you. I don't know how long I'm gonna be. Will you wait for

me? Now go get that tea.

− You bastard.

12. Making a plan for salmon fishing in the Yemen. − Well, firstly, we would need to trap 10,000 salmon from
1. For the sake of argu- Просто рассматривая такую the North Sea, for the sake of argument , get them to the
ment возможность (in order to con- Yemen alive, don't ask me how, where they would be de-
sider the possibility) posited in temperature and oxygen-controlled holding
3 4 5
2. tanks built into a wadi that would, hallelujah , open dur-
Deposited Размещены на хранение 6
ing the rainy season, allowing the salmon to migrate up-
3. Holding tanks Резервуары 7
stream for, say, 10 kilometers, which would allow your
4. Built into (smth.) Встроенные в… 8
sheikh to hoick them out of the water to his heart's con-
5. Hallelujah Аллилуйя (в иудаизме и хри- 9
tent . Of course, until the dry season, when they will all
стианстве: возглас, заключа- die.
− Well, unless we feed the wadi all year round using the
10 11
ющий в себе хвалу богу)
6. Allowing the salmon Позволяя лососю мигрировать dam.
− Of course. Stupid idiot man. Why not use precious wa-
to migrate 13
7. Upstream Вверх по течению ter resources to support one man's sport fishing? So,
8. now that we have year-round water, why not build some
To hoick out Выуживать; резко выдёрги- 14 15
gravel spawning grounds , breed the world's first Ara-
вать 16
bian salmon, and teach the clever fellows to migrate to
9. His heart's content Для удовлетворения его the Indian Ocean...
сердца − Wonderful, wonderful idea.
10. Unless − Singing, "Step we gaily , here we go. Heel for heel and
17 18
Если только не…
11. Feed Питать toe for toe."
− Rough cost ?
12. Precious ['preʃəs] Драгоценный
13. Support Поддерживать − Cost?
14. Gravel spawning Гравийные нерестовые угодья − Cost. Forty million. No, 45... Fifty million.
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
grounds − Dollars?
15. Breed Выводить, разводить (живот- − Dollars.
ных) − Dollars.
16. Clever fellows Умные парни − Or pounds.
17. Step we gaily Бодро мы шагаем − Pounds.
− At least .
18. Heel for heel Нога в ногу (пятка в пятку)
− So it's theoretically possible?
19. Toe Палец (ноги)
− Well, it's theoretically possible in the same way as a
20. Rough cost [rʌf] Стоимость по грубым подсчё- 22
manned mission to Mars is theoretically possible.
там − It's very impressive, Dr. Jones.
21. At least По меньшей мере − No, it's not. It's nonsense . Look, I just made it all up .
23 24

− No, the drawing . Real talent, if I might say so . Excellent

22. Manned mission to 25 26
Пилотируемая экспедиция на
27 28
Mars Марс start. So I suppose we should just crack on and get
23. Nonsense Чепуха, бессмыслица things started now?
− You can't hold me to this . I mean, these are just random
24. Made it all up Сочинил это всё 30
25. Drawing Рисунки ideas . I mean, this is a sort of joke.
− Well, I'm sure you wouldn't joke about a 50-million-
26. If I might say so Если можно так сказать
pound project, Dr. Jones. Not when you're in charge of
27. Suppose Полагать, думать 31 32
it . Well, the sheikh is so looking forward to meeting
28. Crack on Продолжать в том же духе you, and he'll be back in the next couple of weeks. So, in
29. Hold me to this Принудить меня к этому the meantime , is there anything else that I can do for
30. Random ideas Случайные идеи you?
− Well, as a matter of fact , there is. Could you arrange a
31. In charge of it Ответственный за это 35
32. Looking forward to С нетерпением ждёт встречи meeting with the hydro-engineering team from the
meeting (смотрит вперёд) Three Gorges Dam ?
− The one in China?
33. In the meantime Тем временем, между тем
− Is there another?
34. As a matter of fact Фактически, на самом деле
− British Oxygen Company. A meeting with them as well .
Arrange a meeting
Three gorges dam
Организовать встречу
Плотина "три ущелья"
And then, what are those great big transport aircraft 8
called? The big Russian military... Antonovs. Find out
37. As well Также, тоже about renting two of those, one for the fish and one to
38. Find out about renting Разузнать насчёт аренды carry all the money that we're going to need. When that's
39. I'd be delighted to Я буду счастлив, рад… done, I'd be delighted to start working. Good day, Ms.
− Good day, Dr. Jones.

13. Mary goes to Geneva. − Mary!

1. Put a hurricane up Ошарашил (наслал − Up here.
− Boy, did I put a hurricane up that Chetwode-Talbot woman. You
on… ураган)
2. To start with Для начала would have laughed. I told her I wanted a meeting with the Three
3. Though [ðəu] И всё же Gorges Dam team from... Where are you going?
4. − Geneva. I told you.
Head up Возглавлять
− You didn't say now.
5. Enough is enough С меня довольно
− Well, I am. Tomorrow.
6. To make a decision Принять решение − Well, how long are you going for?
7. Get Sundays off Брать выходные по − Six weeks, to start with .

воскресеньям − Six weeks?

8. Mostly В основном; обычно − There's no need to shout.
− Six weeks, though , Mary.
9. Fishing stuff Рыболовные снасти
− This is a big chance for me. I'll be heading up the whole operation.
10. Suddenly Внезапно
11. Seemed like the right Показалось правиль- Well, you could say "Congratulations." Great.
− Enough is enough . It's job or marriage. You've got to make a deci-
decision ным решением 6
12. To leave on bad Уезжать с плохими sion and make it now, God damn it.
− There are planes, you know, Fred. And I get Sundays off . Mostly . You
7 8
terms отношениями 9
can get all your horrible old fishing stuff out again.
13. Fizzy Игристый (напиток)
− Didn't even ask me. Just went and did it.
− I know. I'm sorry. It just suddenly seemed like the right decision .
10 11
Maybe for both of us. Fred, I don't want to leave on bad terms .
− No. No. I'll open a bottle of something fizzy . Okay?

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
14. Mrs Maxwell as a press officer and as a mother. Reports are coming in from Afghanistan of
1. Killed while on duty Убит при исполнении, несении службы a British soldier killed while on duty in
2. Improvised explosive de- Самодельное взрывное устройство Helmand Province. An improvised explo-
vice sive device detonated during a routine
3 4
search in a local village . This...
3. Routine search Регулярный обыск
The Minister for Culture's been photo-
4. Local village Местная деревня 5
graphed doing what? Naked or clothed ?
5. Naked or clothed ['neɪkɪd] Голый или одетый Boy or girl? How old? Jesus. Well, at least
6. Statement 6
Утверждение she's legal. Press statement from us say-
7. Real issues ['ɪsjuː] Реальные проблемы ing that we're a party of policy not per-
8. Getting this country back Возвращение страны на истинный путь sonality, concentrating on the real issues
on track of getting this country back on track in
9. Economic hardship times of economic hardship and not tab-
Экономические трудности 10 11
loid sensationalism , et cetera , et
10. Tabloid sensationalism Бульварные сенсации (tabloid - бульвар- 12
cetera, et cetera. Meanwhile , get the
ная газета) useless arse on the front page of every
11. Et cetera И так далее paper apologizing for being born , big
12. Meanwhile Тем временем spread in “Hello!” with blonde forgiving
13. Apologizing for being Извиняющийся за то, что вообще родился wife and cute kids. If they're not cute, find
born a horse or something. Joshua! Hood .
14. Big spread in “Hello!” Большая публикация с "Хелло!" Don't you suck your teeth at me, young
man. I'm not one of your bitches from the
15. Hood Капюшон 17
Baltimore low-rises . You feel me? I'm
16. Suck your teeth Цыкать зубами your fucking mother! Got to go. Meeting.
17. Baltimore low-rises Нищие районы Балтимора

15. Two million fishermen in the UK Dear Dr. Jones, the sheikh has requested your company at his es-
1. Requested your
Запрашивает вашей ком-
tate in Glen Tulloch to discuss the salmon project further. Please
2 3
advise which dates would suit you best . Many thanks, Harriet
2. Advise Посоветуйте Chetwode-Talbot, Fitzharris & Price.
− Mr. Sugden would like to see you in the canteen , sir.
3. Suit you best Подойдут вам лучше все-
− Up his arse with a meter ruler . Thanks, Betty.
− Which one is he?
4. Canteen Столовая − Over here. Fred. Can I introduce Patricia Maxwell? She is the
5. Meter ruler Линейка-метр Prime Minister's press officer.
6. Up his arse with a Никуда от него не де- − Hello.
meter ruler нешься (его задница все- − Fifty million from Sheikh Muhammed thingummy . It's the first-
8 9
гда поблизости) stage payment on research development for the salmon fishing
7. Thingummy Штуковина (здесь: по со- project.
− The PM's keeping a close eye on this one. It's just what we need
звучию с zaidi bani tihama
- имя шейха) right now, a bit of Anglo-Arab news that isn't about things that ex-
8. First-stage pay- Первоэтапная оплата plode. I want to know, is it a goer ?
− Goer? Well, look, the complexities . I mean, I barely know even
12 13
where to begin, but, well, just for starters, we would need 10,000
9. Research develop- Развитие исследований live salmon.
ment − Is 10,000 salmon a lot?
10. Keep a close eye on Пристально следить − Well, if they're to come from British waters, and I don't see where
(держать близкий глаз else they're gonna come from. I mean, you would need the per-
14 15
на…) mission of the Environment Agency .
11. Is it a goer? Это (дело) выгорит? − That's your job, Bernard. Okay, so you get on to the EA and get
12. Complexities Сложности this man his salmon.
13. I barely know Я едва знаю − Miss Maxwell.
14. Permission Разрешение − Mrs. Happily married. Details in Who's Who.
15. − Mrs. Maxwell, there are two million fishermen in the UK who are, I
Environment agen- Агентство по защите
would say, unusually protective of...
cy окружающей среды
− How many?
16. Waving their little Размахивающие своими − Two million.
rods around удочками − Two million?
17. Vote our way Голосуют за наш курс
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
18. Look after their fish Присматривает за их ры- − Yes.
бой − Bloody hell. Two million out there waving their little rods
16 17
19. In my experience По моему опыту around ? Are they the kind that vote our way ?
− They vote for those that best look after their fish , in my experi-
20. I bet they do Наверняка, так и есть 19
21. ence .
Whatever Что бы там ни было
− I bet they do , I bet they do. Right, so, Prime Minister on the front
22. Fisherfolk Рыбаки (как общность) 21
cover of Fishy Weekly or whatever . Best friend of the British
23. Spearing a leaping Насаживающий на копьё 22 23
fisherfolk . Spearing a leaping salmon . I like this. I like it a lot.
salmon лосося в прыжке They do have magazines, these people? They can read?
− Aye, the Angling Times , Trout and Salmon, Coarse Fishing
24. 24 25 26
Angling times Время ужения
25. Trout [traut] Форель Monthly, Bassmania .
− Bassmania? Marvelous . Marvelous. That's marvelous. This has
26. Coarse fishing Ловля крупной рыбы
27. Bassmania Мания «окунеловли» just become a priority project. Anything I can do, just give me a
28. call. Two million. God, men, what a species .
Marvelous Изумительно
− I don't think she got the right end of the stic k there.
29. What a species Что за существа
− Your call, I think, Bernard. Ten thousand native Atlantic salmon on
30. She got the right Зашла с того конца, пра- my desk by Friday, please.
end of the stick вильно поняла − Yeah, well, you'd just better come through on this , Jones.

31. You'd just better Лучше бы тебе справить-

come through on ся с этим (пройти через
this это)

16. Online correspondence. − Prime minister, can you fish?

1. It depends Зависит от об- − It depends1
стоятельств − Yes or no?
2. Voters Избиратели − Potentially
3. In that case В этом случае − For ***’s sake there are 2 million voters2 out there with *** ing fishing rods!
− In that case3 I can fish 10
17. Meeting Sheikh Muhhamed − It's been a long time since I was back.
1. Butler ['bʌtlə] Дворецкий − Yes?
2. To avail yourself Воспользоваться воз- − A long time.
of можностью − You see?
3. May I present Могу я представить − Is that where he lives?
вам…? − Yes. He has many estates, but this one's his favorite. May I present Mal-
4. Your excellency Ваше превосходитель- colm, the butler .
− Hello.
− This is Dr. Jones.
5. Creator Создатель
− Welcome to Glen Tulloch, sir. His Excellency thought you might like to
6. Woolly Шерстистый 2
avail yourself of the fishing while you're waiting.
7. The pleasure's all Что вы, это мне прият- − Thank you very much.
mine но 3
− May I present Sheikh Muhammed bin Zaidi bani Tihama. This is Dr.
8. Realize Осознавать Jones.
9. Invented Изобрёл 4
− It's a great pleasure to meet you, Your Excellency .
5 6 7
10. Famous fly Знаменитая наживка − To meet the creator of the Woolly Jones, the pleasure's all mine , sir.
11. Habit Привычка − That's very kind.
12. Fly-tiers Вязальщики наживок − Ms. Chetwode-Talbot, do you realize that for more than 10 years I
13. Approve Одобрять have fished with a Woolly Jones?
14. That sort of thing Такого рода вещи − Really? What's a Woolly Jones?
9 10
15. That's for sure Это уж точно − Dr. Jones invented a famous fly .
11 12
16. Delightful lie Очаровательный омут, − Well, it's a sentimental habit that some fly-tiers have of calling a fly
13 14
заводь (обиталище, after... Anyway, I don't approve of that sort of thing normally, but...
лежбище рыбы) − Woolly Jones. It's a great name.
17. Lead on − A bloody good fly, that's for sure . Please allow me to show you a de-
Веди(те) 16
lightful lie just around the corner.
− Absolutely. Lead on .

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
18. About virtues. − You think I'm mad ?
1. Mad Безумный − No, Your Excellency. I...
2. Question your judg- Подвергать ваше суждение со- − Of course you do. I would question your judgment if you
ment мнению did not. Though I have judgment enough to know that
3. Admirer Поклонник under there lies a fish much cleverer than I. I'm a great
3 4
4. For many reasons По многим причинам admirer of the British for many reasons , but still there
5. Mysteries Загадки are mysteries to me. The rich are frightened of the poor.
6. The poor are frightened of the rich. And even your politi-
To sound like Звучать, словно… 6
cians, they try to sound like the people on the EastEnd-
7. Eastenders Жители Ист-Энда (восточная 7
ers . A wonderful program, but still.
часть Лондона, в прошлом - ра-
− Yes, the great British class system.
бочие кварталы) 8 9
− Indeed. But fishermen, I have noticed , they don't care
8. I have noticed Я заметил 10
whether I'm brown or white, rich or poor, wearing
9. They don't care Им безразлично 11 12
robes or waders . All they care about is the fish, the
10. Whether Ли: коричневый ли я или белый river and the game we play. For fishermen, the only vir-
11. Robes Халат 13 14 15
tues are patience , tolerance and humility . I like this.
12. Waders Болотные сапоги 16 17
You are struck dumb by my naivety , Dr. Alfred.
13. Virtues ['vɜːʧuː] Добродетели, хорошие челове- − No, you're on .
ческие качества − What?
14. Patience Терпение − You're on.
15. Humility Смирение − This is a sign .
16. Struck dumb by Лишиться дара речи от чего-л. − A sign?
(онеметь) − A sign that I should stop talking bollocks and fish. Come
17. Naivety Наивность here.
18. You're on У вас клюёт − Nicely done, sir.
19. − Thank you.
Sign Знак
− Very nicely done.
20. Stop talking bollocks Прекратить молоть чепуху 11
19. The dinner. − Ms. Chetwode-Talbot.
1. It suits you Вам идёт − Hello, Dr. Jones.
2. They seem to know Похоже, что они знают − Is that yours? The dress.
3. A wee bit sinister Самую малость злове- − Yes.
ще, мрачно − This is not mine.
4. Tailor Портной − It suits you very well.
5. Tracking me across Выслеживающий меня − Thank you. They seem to know my size. That not strike you as a
3 4
London по Лондону wee bit sinister ? The idea of the sheikh's tailor tracking me across
5 6
6. Satellite measuring London with some kind of satellite measuring device ?
Спутниковый измери- 7
− They asked me for your size. And I took a guess .
device тельный прибор 8 9
7. I took a guess − Well, for future reference , I have a 42-inch waist , Ms. Chetwode-
Я предположила
8. For future refer- На будущее вам для
− Right.
ence справки 10
− Not a 46. No pies for me.
9. Waist Талия 11
− Note taken , sorry about that. Thank you.
10. No pies for me Пирожки мне не пред- − Ms. Harriet has told me of your marvelous plan.
лагать! − Plan? Well, not so much of a plan, really, as more of a feasibility
11. Note taken Принято к сведению study .

12. Feasibility study Исследование осуще- − Theoretically possible, you said, Dr. Jones.
ствимости − Theoretically.
13. A miracle of God Чудо Божие − Indeed.
14. Facts-and-figures Человек фактов и цифр − It would be a miracle of God if it were to happen.
man − I'm more of a facts-and-figures man myself.
15. I don't follow Не понимаю; не следую − You're not a religious man?
(за вашей мыслью) − No. No, I'm not.
16. Dozens Дюжины − But you're a fisherman, Dr. Jones.
17. Persist Настаивать, упорство- − I'm sorry, I don't follow .
вать − How many hours do you fish before you catch something? Doz-

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
18. Poor odds of suc- Ничтожная вероятность ens ?
cess успеха − Gosh, hundreds sometimes.
19. Man of faith [feɪθ] Человек веры − Is that a good use of your time for a facts-and-figures man? But you
20. You are rewarded Вы вознаграждены persist in the wind and the rain and the cold with such poor odds
18 19
21. Constancy Постоянство of success . Why? Because you're a man of faith , Dr. Alfred. And
20 21
22. With due respect Со всем должным ува- in the end, you are rewarded for your faith and constancy . With
жением a fish.
22 23
23. Hardly − With due respect , fishing and religion are hardly the same thing,
Едва ли
Your Excellency.
24. With equal respect С равным уважением 24
− With equal respect , I have to disagree. A toast? To faith. And fish.
25. Science Наука
− To faith and fish.
− To faith and fish. And science .
− And science.

20. A conversation. − You're unhappy tonight, Ms. Harriet?

1. Wives Жёны (pl. от wife) − No. I'm fine, really.
2. Не have been Он был отправлен в… − I have too many wives not to know when a woman is unhappy.
posted to Though mine are not so quiet about it.
3. For how long? Как надолго? − Robert, he's my boyfriend, has just been posted to Afghanistan. Or
4. It is kind of her Это мило с её стороны somewhere.
5. − I'm sorry.
To spare you Поделиться вами
− No, it's fine.
6. Working abroad Работает за рубежом 3
− For how long ?
7. Have more in Имеете больше общего,
− They don't really tell us things like that.
common than чем… − How worrying.
8. I have put my feet Я влез не в своё дело (я − I just try not to think about it.
in it поставил в это свои но- − And you are married, Dr. Alfred?
ги) − Indeed.
4 5
9. To retire to bed Удалиться ко сну, в по- − It is kind of her to spare you .
стель − My wife's actually working abroad at the moment in Geneva, so...
10. You have been Вас уговорили, прину- − So you two have more in common than one might suppose. I have
persuaded дили put my feet in it . Please forgive me. Perfect moment to retire to
11. Unless Если только вы не… bed .
12. Consider Принимать во внима- − Good night.
[kən'sɪdə] ние, учитывать − Good night.
13. Has a certain ten- Имеет определённую − Thank you for a lovely evening.
dency towards склонность к… − You're welcome. Dr. Alfred.
14. Doolally Temporarily deranged − Your Excellency.
10 11
['do͞oˌlälē] (душевнобольной) or − I know you have been persuaded to help us, but unless you do this
with an open heart, I don't think anything will come of it. So, please,
feebleminded (слабоум- 12
consider .
− Of course.
15. Entire enterprise Всё предприятие в це-
− I hope we meet again.
− Dr. Jones.
16. Clearly Очевидно; несомненно, − Yes?
безусловно − Well, I was just wondering what you thought.
17. On we go Двигаемся дальше 13
− Well, the sheikh's English has a certain tendency towards the mysti-
14 15
cal, don't you think? But then, doolally as this entire enterprise
clearly is, I've had the most pleasant day I can remember having for
quite a long time. So, if the sheikh is paying, as it were, on we go .
− Great.
− Good night, Ms. Chetwode-Talbot.
− Good night, Dr. Jones.
− It's been a pleasure.
− Yes.

21. Fulfilling the plan − Have you any idea what an outcry there would be if the Environ-

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
1. Outcry Шумный протест; спра- ment Agency stripped British rivers of 10,000 salmon and shipped
ведливый гнев them off to the effing Yemen?
2. Stripped Ободрало − Well, how many can you spare ?
5 6
3. Effing Мерзкий, гадкий − None! Christ, Bernard! Anglers , they're obsessive crazies . You
7 8
4. Spare Уделить think AI Qaeda are a threat , think again, mate . I've seen a fly
9 10
5. Anglers Рыболовы fisherman wade into a river and try and drown a canoeist just
6. Obsessive crazies Одержимые психи for passing by in a Day-Glo jacket . You haven't got a hope in hell
7. Threat [θret] Угроза of getting these fish from British rivers.
8. Mate Приятель − Yes?
− Dr. Jones.
9. Wade into a river Забрёл в реку 12
− Hello. Ms. Chetwode-Talbot. How nice. Did we book a meeting ?
10. Try and drown Попытался утопить
− No. You know how you said that you wanted a meeting with the
11. Day-Glo jacket Жилет яркого цвета (как hydro-engineering team from the Three Gorges Dam?
будто светящегося при − Did I say that?
дневном освещении) − Yes.
12. Book a meeting Назначить встречу − That might have been a little hasty .

13. Hasty Необдуманно, опромет- − They're outside.

чиво − Who?
14. Flow rate calculus Расчёты мощности по- − The chief hydro-engineering team from the Three Gorges Dam.
тока − Here?
15. My Mandarin is rusty Мой Китайский запущен − I e-mailed them about the flow rate calculus , and I think there
['rʌstɪ] (заржавел) must have been some kind of... My Mandarin is very rusty .
16. We're concerned Мы обеспокоены по по- − Bloody hell. We are able to control the flow of water from the
about воду… upstream dam. But we are... Well, we're concerned about the
17 18
17. Capability Мощность capability of the sandstone walls. I mean, there's the possibility
18. Sandstone Песчаник also of some flash-flood scenario. Thank you very much.
− My God, do you think we got away with it ?
19. Flash-flood Кратковременный ката-
строфический паводок − Do you know, I think we did. 13
− I'm so sorry, Dr. Jones.
20. We got away with it Нам это сошло с рук
− No, please don't apologize. I think we've just found our engineers.
21. Should the project В случае, если проект − Yes.
get that far зайдёт столь далеко 21
− I mean, should the project, of course, get that far . Your Manda-
rin was much better than I expected.
− Thank you.

22. Ms. Chetwode-Talbot meets Mr. Sugden − Bernard Sugden, Head of Department.
1. Bother Надоедать; беспоко- − Hello.
ить, докучать − Alfred not bothering you too much, I hope?
2. First name Имя (last name - фами- − No.
лия) − Ms. Chetwode-Talbot from Fitzharris & Price.
3. Chippy-chappies Китаяшки (пренебр. о − Hello. Bet he doesn't even know your first name , does he? So, who
китайцах) were all those little chippy-chappies ?
4. Would have appreci- Я бы оценил, если бы − Those are the engineers from the Three Gorges Dam.
ated an introduction меня представили − What, the one in China?
5. Responsible for − Is there another?
Ответственный за…
− Don't think there's another one.
6. Acquiring [ə'kwaɪə] Приобретение 4
− Would have appreciated an introduction .
7. It's all in hand Всё под контролем 5 6
− Bernard is the man who's responsible for acquiring our 10,000
8. Don't dilly-dally Не мешкай native Atlantic salmon. How's that coming along, Bernard?
9. End is coming along Конец близится 7
− Don't you worry about that, Fred. It's all in hand .
10. We're bang on Мы укладываемся в 8 9
− Well, don't dilly-dally . Our end is coming along . We're bang on
schedule график 10
schedule , in fact.
11. Debrief [ˌdɪ'briːf] Отчёт по выполнению 11
− Yes. A debrief in the canteen, or has Fred brought in the famous
задания sandwiches?
− Ms. Chetwode-Talbot and I are going out for lunch, Bernard. There's
lots to discuss. Clare, could you ask Betty to bring my bag? Thank
you. - Certainly, Dr. Jones.

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
23. At lunch. − Are you sure you won't have one?
1. Celebrate Праздновать − At lunch time?
2. No exceptions Никаких исключений − Dr. Jones, I haven't spoken a word of Mandarin for about four
3. As I recall Как я припоминаю years, so I am celebrating even if you're not.
4. − I only drink alcohol on the weekend. And even then, only after
Bank holiday Официальный нерабочий
день, установленный за-
− No exceptions ?
коном (все банки в этот − None that I can think of. Well, yeah. We got married on a Friday,
день закрыты) 3 4
but I think it was, as I recall , a bank holiday in Northern Ireland,
5. Glass Стакан; стекло 5 6
so I allowed myself, I think, a glass on a technicality . That was an
6. On a technicality Для формальности (чисто attempt at a joke , Ms. Chetwode-Talbot.
технически) − Right. Good one. Do you really think it's going extremely well?
7. An attempt at a Попытка пошутить − What?
joke − The project.
− The project. Well, it's utter nonsense , of course, naturally, the
8. Utter nonsense Сущая бессмыслица 9 10
['ʌtə] bagatelle of a man with more money than sense , but... I haven't
actually found anything to say that it couldn't work. You know,
9. Bagatelle Игрушка, безделица
theoretically, of course. In theory. Well, theoretically speaking, in
10. Sense Здравый смысл theory it...
11. Bid for the contract Подали заявку на кон- − We'll see, yes.
тракт − Of course. Actually, these are the companies that have bid for the
12. Bid (bid, bid) Заявить, подать заявку contract to build the holding tanks at the downstream end of
13. Shall we go Нужно ли нам пройти че- the wadi. Shall we go through these ?
through these? рез эти? (не пробежаться − Now?
ли нам по этим (докумен- − Yes, we could go through them now. Well, we could work and eat,
там?)) no?
− Yes, I... Yes, all right, then.
14. Cheers "чин-чин", "ну, будем!"
(краткий тост) − This one's from... 14
− Before that, cheers .
15. Bad luck Невезение; плохая при-
− Cheers.
мета − Very bad luck with water.
16. Go on Продолжай − Some people think it's bad luck. EWB...
17. Go ahead Давай; продолжай (по- − Sorry. Excuse me. It's the barracks. It's Robert. Sorry.
буждение к действию) − No. Go on .

− Hello.
− Go ahead .

24. Harriet in depression. Hello? Yes? What? What?

1. Missing in action Пропал без вести (во время Are you all right, Ms. Chetwode-Talbot?
боевых действий) He's missing in action .
2. You've reached Вы достигли (дозвонились) What does that mean? Come upstairs and we'll get you your...
No, I just need a minute. Hello. My name's Harriet Chetwode-
3. Message Сообщение
Talbot. Well, I only knew him for three weeks, but I am Rob-
4. I was at something Я пребывал в некоторой рас- ert's girlfriend. I was wondering if you knew anything... Of
of a loss терянности course. Yes. Sorry, Mrs. Mayers. Yes, I... Yes, of course. Good-
5. Data Данные bye.
2 3
6. Considerable Значительное количество You've reached Harriet Chetwode-Talbot. Leave a message
amount after the beep.
7. I don't have to re- Мне не приходится напоми- Ms. Chetwode-Talbot, it's Dr. Jones here. Please forgive me for
mind you нать вам calling you on your home number. I was at something of a
loss . I realize that this has not been an easy week for you, but I
8. Working to a dead- Работаем к сроку
was wondering when you might be coming back into the office.
line I had a very productive meeting with the engineers from British
9. Time and tide waits Время и прилив не ждут че- 5
Oxygen Company and, well, there's a lot of data coming in.
for no man ловека (время не ждёт) 6
Really a considerable amount . I'm sure I don't have to remind
7 8 9
10. You are aware Вы в курсе, вы осведомлены you that we are working to a deadline . Time and tide , as I am
11. I look forward to Я с нетерпением жду вестей sure you are aware , waits for no man. Or woman. Anyway, I
hearing from you от вас look forward to hearing from you at your earliest conven-

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
12. At your earliest con- При ближайшем удобном ience . Goodbye.
venience случае

25. Dr. Jones comes to Harriet. − Can I come in?

1. You might get cold Вы можете простыть − Why?
− Well, you might get cold . Very nice.
2. Be here in case Быть здесь на тот случай,
если… − What?
3. Shred of under- Клочок, огрызок понима- − Your flat. Very pleasant.
standing ния − Look, I'm not... I'm not coming into work, all right, because I need
4. to stay here. I need to be here in case there's news. So, actually,
Humanity Человечность 3 4
anyone with a shred of understanding , or humanity , or simple
5. Frankly Откровенно говоря 5
feeling, who, frankly , wasn't suffering from some kind of Asper-
6. Suffering from Страдающий от некой 6
ger's , would know that the last thing that I need is your bullying

some kind of As- разновидности синдрома little phone call asking me to come into work so that you can up-
8 9
perger's Аспергера (developmental date me on fish . You want to fill me in on fishing . Well, Dr. Jones,
disorder related to autism, you can take your work and you can shove it up your unfeeling
characterized by high intel- arse.
lectual ability and impaired − I didn't come here to talk to you about work.
social skills) − Then why are you here?
7. Bullying Запугивающие, травящие − I made you a sandwich.
8. − Why?
Update me on fish Сообщить мне свежие
− You're probably not eating. Are you? No. You see, it's very im-
новости о рыбе
portant. You must eat something. Ms. Chetwode-Talbot. Here.
9. Fill me in on fishing Предоставить мне ин- − I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do because... I'm so
формацию о рыбалке sorry, Dr. Jones.
10. Shove up Запихать − Call me Fred. Just call me Fred. You're all right now?
11. Plate Тарелка − Yeah.
− You all right?
To hurt their feel-
Задеть их чувства − Sorry. 15
− No, don't. Why don't I get a plate and we... You can put this on a
14. Say whatever you Говорить всё, что бы вы plate. Shall I do it?
like ни пожелали − No, it's okay. I'll do it. I'm so sorry about what I said before. That is
just unforgivable .
15. Upset Огорчённая, расстроен-
− The great thing about people with Asperger's is it's very difficult to
ная 13
hurt their feelings . So it's all right, you can say whatever you
16. And rightly so И это справедливо 14
like .
17. I took the liberty Я взял на себя воль- − You don't have... You know, I was upset .

of… ность… − And rightly so . Look, I took the liberty of buying a wee bottle
16 17 18
18. Wee bottle Крохотная бутылочка of wine. Now, I hope you don't mind . I know it's not the week-
19. You don't mind Вы не возражаете end, but this one goes very well with duck.
20. Is it all right for me Ничего, если я… − I'm not very hungry.
to… − Harriet, you've got to try and eat... Is it all right... Is it all right for
me to call you Harriet?

− My father is... He's ex-Army , so he's like very stiff

26. Harriet about herself.
2 3
1. Ex-Army Бывший военный upper lip and don't make a fuss about anything, but
2. Stiff upper lip Жёсткая верхняя губа; ≈ плотно I'm more of a gusher . I think that's his word for me,
сжатые губы, английский харак- anyway. My upper lip's never been very stiff, I'm
тер (символ выдержки и упор- afraid.
− But you still have a boyfriend. I mean, I don't know a
ства, умения не пасовать перед
great deal about such things, but... Robert hasn't been
трудностями) listed as being dead, has he?
3. Make a fuss about Суетиться по поводу… − No. But I just feel that "missing in action" is Army-
4. I'm more of a gusher Я в большей степени болтунья speak for...
− Dead? No. No, as a civil servant , I happen to know
5. 5
Civil servant ['sɪv(ə)l Государственный служащий, чи-
'sɜːv(ə)nt] новник that the Ministry of Defense absolutely hate uncer-
6. Ministry of Defense Министерство обороны tainty of any kind . If he were dead, they would simply
7. Uncertainty of any Неопределённость любого рода say "dead."
kind − Can you stop using that word, please?

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
8. Survey ['sɜːveɪ] Экспертиза, оценка; осмотр − I beg your pardon.
9. We're not about to Мы не близки к тому, чтобы… − It's okay. They say that they'll call when there's news.
10. Submerge [səb'mɜːʤ] Затопить But they don't, so I guess there isn't.
11. Ark of the Covenant Ковчег Завета (Библ.) − Come to the Yemen. We're leaving tomorrow, just for
a few days. Geological studies, engineering surveys .
12. Unfortunate Плачевно, прискорбно
− No.
13. Private jet Частный реактивный самолёт − We even have a team of archeologists checking we're
14. Immediately Немедленно 9 10
not about to submerge the Ark of the Covenant ,

15. Highly valued Высоко ценятся 12

which would be unfortunate , you know.
16. Project can't do with- Проект не может обойтись без… − No, I can't leave because there might be news and...
− Well, then, you'll fly back on the sheikh's private jet
17. Who the hell cares? Кому, чёрт побери, есть до этого immediately .
дело? − Why would he do that?
18. Strangely enough Как ни странно; довольно стран- − Because I asked him to. Your services are very highly
но valued by the sheikh, and by me. The project really
can't do without you.
19. Folly Прихоть, причуда
− Who the hell cares ? Project? I mean, it's fishing. You
20. I can't help sometimes Ничего не могу поделать, и пред- know, who the hell cares?
imagining ставляю − Well, strangely enough , I do. I mean, I know it's

21. Come off Удаваться 19

probably just a terrible folly , but, still, I can't help
22. A bit of luck Немного удачи sometimes imagining that this crazy enterprise
21 22
23. Most definitely Более чем определённо might just come off . You know, with a bit of luck
24. Come across Наткнуться, случайно встретиться and with the right people. And you, you are most def-
25. Inadequacies of that Несоответствия в этом предло- initely , most definitely one of the most rightest peo-
ple that I've had the good fortune to come across . If
sentence жении
you'll forgive the grammatical inadequacies of that
sentence .

27. About salmon in the Yemen. − Do you sometimes think that maybe we're just part of a lavish practi-
cal joke ?
Lavish practical Расточительный розыг-
joke рыш − What do you mean? Salmon, here?
− Yes, I'm beginning to suppose that. I don't know anyone that goes to
2. Suppose Предполагать, допус- 3
кать church any more.
− I don't think I do, either .
3. Church [chərch] Церковь
− On a Sunday, we go to Target . You know, this gravel here is perfect
5 6
4. Either Также, тоже 7
for salmon to lay their eggs in between. Who'd have thought that
5. Target Мишень, цель; "Таргет" 8 9
here in the middle of the Yemen, perfect spawning grounds for
(марка супермаркета) salmon?
6. Gravel Гравий − Fred, look.
7. To lay their eggs Откладывать икру (яй- − What? Yes. Thank you.
ца) − Thank you.
8. In the middle of В середине − Harriet, the water.
9. Spawning Нерестовые угодья − It's beautiful.
− It's cold. The water in her well is cold.
10. Well Колодец − Oh, my goodness. It's really happening, Fred.
11. − Oh, my goodness, it really is.
Western ways Западный образ жизни
− Unbelievable. These men, they say that by bringing water, life, to this
12. Insulted God him- Оскорбил самого Бога 11
desert, I am bringing the Western ways to our land. They say I have
self 12
insulted God himself . I say they are fools. A thousand apologies ,

13. A thousand apol- Тысяча извинений my friends. Please, this is not a way to introduce you to our great en-
ogies terprise. Look. Is it not magnificent ?
14. Magnificent Величественный; вну- − It's beautiful.
шительный − Certainly is.
− Bloody amazing.

− For the last time, Sugden, there is absolutely no way I

28. Finding 10,000 alive salmon.
1. There is absolutely no Нет такого способа, чтобы… can get you these fish.
− Tom, this comes from the top. The very top .
− I don't care if God's taken up fly fishing .
2. The very top С самого верха
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
− Now, I suggest you make this work, Tom.
3. If God's taken up fly Если сам господь Бог занялся
− Is that a threat , Sugden?
fishing рыбалкой внахлёст
− These are difficult days, Tom. Cuts. Cuts everywhere . I
4. I suggest Я советую; внушаю
5. Threat Угроза don't know. Is the Environment Agency a frontline ser-
6. vice ?
Cuts everywhere Повсюду сокращения
− That is a threat.
7. Frontline service Передовая служба
− See it as an opportunity .
8. See it as an opportunity Рассматривай это как воз-
− Well, then. An opportunity. Hilary, get me Matthew
можность Sweet from Fly Fishing Monthly, will you?

29. Harriet’s worries. − That's all I've been told, and so I... Okay. All right, then. Well,
1. Ridiculous Смешно; смехотворно please, please, please call me when... Okay. Bye. I'm so sorry.
2. Turning into a mad- Превращаюсь в бузумицу Did I wake you up?
woman − No. No, no. News?
3. When things get Когда мои дела усложня- − No. No, I was just leaving a message on Robert's phone which
is ridiculous because he hasn't got his phone with him. And I
tricky ются 2
know that. Just turning into a madwoman .
4. Pond Пруд − No. No, when things get tricky in my life, I talk to my fish. I
5. Answering machine Автоответчик 4 5
have a pond . Talking to an answering machine is no madder
6. Chatting to koi carp Болтовня с китайскими than chatting to koi carp .

− I just somehow wouldn't associate you with having a tricky

7 8
7. Somehow Так или иначе; каким-либо life.
− Well, it wouldn't do to talk about your emotions with a col-
8. Wouldn't associate Не стала бы связывать вас league, would it, Ms. Chetwode-Talbot?
you with… с… − No, I think...
− I think things are beyond tricky , really. They have been for
9. It wouldn't do to Не подобает говорить…
some time. Mary's in Geneva. I'm here. The koi carp are alone
in Surrey. We got married very young.
10. Things are beyond
Дела более чем сложные
(за пределами понятия
− I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't really know things were hard. 17
− No, don't apologize. There's always hope. For me and for you.
"сложный") − Do you know, I can't even remember what he looks like. Not
11. Not exactly Не совсем, не вполне 11 12 13
exactly . But I'm stuck , and I can't move on . Does that
12. I'm stuck Я застряла make any sense ?
13. I can't move on Я не могу двигаться дальше − Yes. Totally. I feel a bit like I've been stuck for years.
14. Does that make any Это вообще имеет какой-то − Yes, but you can move on.
sense? смысл? − Well, I suppose in theory.
15. Traitor Предатель − You should be happy, Fred. I knew you'd have a pond.
− The traitor has had his chance. You know what to do. Do not
16. Do not fail us Не подведи нас 16
fail us .

30. Solving the problem with alive salmon. − I think the idea of taking Scottish salmon to a foreign country is ab-
1. It would appear that Выяснилось, что… solutely absurd. These fish have been running these rivers for tens
2. gentle fisherfolk смирный рыбацкий of thousands of years. I've fished the rivers of Scotland all my life.
− Yes, Prime Minister. It would appear that the gentle fisherfolk are
1 2
3. ditch the whole thing Бросить всю затею not so effing gentle after all.
4. Turrets ['tʌrɪt] Башни, башенки − Rape and pillage of our national rivers...
− What, ditch the whole thing ? No. No, no, no, Prime Minister. No,
5. blocking my reception Блокируют приём (сото-
вой связи) we must just find the fish somewhere bloody else. Your turrets are
6. If you'd care to follow Если вы озаботитесь тем, blocking my reception .
− Well, I'm terribly sorry about that, madam. If you'd care to follow
me чтобы проследовать за
мной me, please. Mrs. Maxwell.
7. It's an honor Это честь (для меня) − Pleasure to meet you.
− It's an honor .
8. we could do with… Нам бы не помешало…
− Happy birthday, Patricia. Yes, we could do with a few more like you
9. spare some time for… выкроить немного вре-
мени для… in Cabinet. Very good, Your Excellency.
− I'm grateful, indeed, that you could spare some time for our little
10. we have gone out on a Мы вам руку даём на
bit of a limb for you отсечение project.
− Yes. Well, we have gone out on a bit of a limb for you , Your Excel-
11. Rod's never out of his Удочка не покидает его
hand руки lency, but the Prime Minister does love his fishing.
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
12. down to business К делу − Really?
− Yes. Rod's never out of his hand . Anyway, down to business . The
11 12
13. big fuss about it Большая шумиха по это-
му поводу fish. The salmon. We're not gonna get it out of British waters.
13 14
14. no doubt [daut] Никаких сомнений There's a bloody big fuss about it , as no doubt you've heard.
15. no-goer Гиблое дело Don't know what it is about fishing. Anyway, no-goer .
16. solved your problem Решила вашу проблему − Yes, but I thought...
− However, I have solved your problem . See? There must be thou-
17. up and down the coast Вверх и вниз по побере-
жью sands in this one alone. This guy's got four fish farms up and down
17 18 19
18. Stocks Складские запасы the coast . Stocks all the Tescos. Right under your nose .
19. Right under your nose прямо у вас под носом − These fish were bred for the dinner table. It's barbaric. They've nev-
20. forebear предок; предшественник er run in their lives. Neither have their forebears for two genera-
21. generations поколения tions . Why would they run for us? - The difference in these salm-
22. open the sluices Открыть шлюзы on...
− We'd open the sluices and they would just drift off downstream
22 23
23. drift off downstream Дрейфовать вниз по те-
чению never to be seen again.
− Well, get a couple of days fishing out of it, then just re-stock or
24. re-stock Пополнить запасы 25
25. Seems to be no short- Не похоже, что будет whatever the word is. Seems to be no shortage of them. - In trans-
age недостаток it for the supermarkets.
26. I have a vision У меня есть видение − These fish will never run. They're just not right.
27. bloated pretenders Обрюзгшие, заплывшие − Not right? Well, a fish is a fish is a fish, isn't it?
− No. You see, Mrs. Maxwell, I have a vision . Tired, bloated pretend-
жиром притворщики
28. thank you for your Спасибо за ваше драго- ers are not part of this vision.
precious time ценное время − Well, unfortunately, Her Majesty's Government also has a vision,
29. decline Отклонить and that vision is farmed fish or no fish.
− Then I must thank you for your precious time . And decline .
28 29
30. advisers Советники
− No advisers , either. Back at your desk on Monday, Fred.
31. in that case В этом случае
− Well, in that case , I resign.
32. Resignation accepted заявление об отставке
− Resignation accepted .
− Thank you. 18
− Pleasure.

− So, this leaves us with what ?

31. Saving the life of Sheikh.
1. This leaves us with С чем это нас оставля- − Well, with no salmon.
what? ет? − We must have faith, Dr. Alfred.
− Well, that's a very laudable sentiment , Your Excellency, but we're
2. Laudable senti- Похвальное отноше- 3
ment ['lɔːdəbl] ние running out of time . Can't catch faith with a fishing rod.
3. We're running out У нас заканчивается − Hello, Fred.
− Sheikh Muhammed bin Zaidi bani Tihama!
of time время; время истекает
− Are you okay? Are you okay? I didn't think he looked right, that man.
4. Pulled out a gun Вытащил пистолет 4
And he pulled out a gun ! Are you all right?
5. Are you sure? Вы уверены? − Yes.
6. Don't be silly Не глупите − Are you sure ?

7. It was only a cast Это был всего лишь − Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Alfred. Thank you very much.
− Don't be silly . Don't be silly. It was only a cast , really.
6 7
− A very good cast. An essential cast , one might say .
8 9
8. Essential cast Существенный бросок
9. One might say Можно сказать − Yes, I suppose one might say that.
10. It was over in a Всё закончилось в − Here.
flash мгновение ока (во − My God, Fred. Are you all right?
− Yeah, yeah. It was very quick. It was over in a flash , really.
11. Right-handed "змеиная катушка" с − How did you do that?
− I did a right-handed snake roll . Did I get him ?
11 12
snake roll правой руки (название
− Yes, it was extraordinary .
− Are you all right?
12. Did I get him? Я его достал?
− Yes, thank you very much. Please, continue your work as if nothing
13. Extraordinary Выдающийся, исклю- had happened.
чительный − Of course, of course.
14. I owe you my life Я обязан вам жизнью − I owe you my life .

15. The debt will be Долг будет выплачен − No. Please, come on. Anyone would have...
repaid − This is not one of those British metaphors, Dr. Alfred. The debt will be
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
repaid . Bye, now.
− Goodbye.
− Bye.

1 2
32. No survivors. In response to the Right Honorable Member's ques-
1. In response to В ответ на… tion of the 7th of last month, the Ministry of Defense
3 4
2. Right honorable member Достопочтенный член (обраще- can now confirm that an engagement by British
5 6
ние к лордам, а также некото- Special Forces against known terrorists did occur on
the 13th of September. The details of this operation
рым сановникам) 7 8 9
are classified . However , I am at liberty to say that
3. Confirm [kən'fɜːm] Подтвердить 10
serious casualties were incurred by the British forc-
4. Engagement Бой, схватка es. I deeply regret to inform the House that there
5. 11
Against Против were no survivors . An internal investigation is being
6. Occur [ə'kɜː] Случаться, совершаться carried out .
7. Classified Засекреченный − Sorry to wake you up.
8. However Тем не менее − No, don't be.
9. I am at liberty to say Мне позволено сказать − It's just...
10. Serious casualties were Серьёзные жертвы стали след- − It's okay.
− It's just... I just never got the chance to really know
incurred ствием
11. There were no survivors Выживших не было
12. Is carried out Приведено в исполнение

33. Mary about Harriet. − Mary?

− Fred? There you are .
1. There you are Вот ты где
− I had no idea you were...
2. I had no idea Я понятия не имел
− I got a day off and thought, "Why not surprise him?" I've got this
3 4
3. I got a day off Я взяла отгул 5
wonderful Swiss mountain Comté from a little shop round the
4. Why not surprise
Почему бы не удивить
corner in Geneva. Is everything all right, Fred? Where's your suit
and tie ? Day off?
5. Swiss Швейцарский − I resigned.
6. Round the corner За углом − Don't be ridiculous. You've resigned? What about your pension?
7. Suit and tie Костюм и галстук 8
It's final salary .
− Well, the government pulled out of the salmon fishing project
8. 9
Final salary Последний оклад (зар-
плата, полученная ра- and we'd put a lot of time and energy into it. I didn't want to walk
ботником в последний away from that.
период работы перед − We?
− Well, everyone involved . I'm still being paid , if that's what
10 11
выходом на пенсию)
9. The government Правительство отказа- you're worried about. Fitzharris & Price have been more than...
pulled out of… лось от участия в… − I might have known she'd be involved.
− If you're referring to Harriet, we're working on the project to-
10. Everyone involved Все вовлечены
gether. Of course she's involved.
11. I'm still being paid Мне по-прежнему пла- − Harriet?
тят − What do you mean exactly by that, Mary?
12. If you're referring to Если ты ссылаешься на… − I've seen her photograph on the Fitzharris & Price website. You're
13. I'm not the one Это не я бросила, поки- making a fool of yourself.
abandoning… нула… − Now it's you that's being ridiculous.
− Am I'? I'm not the one abandoning a decent , highly respected
13 14
14. Decent job ['diːsnt] Достойная работа
15. Short-skirted office Офисная девка в корот- job for a joke fishing project and a short-skirted office girl .
girl [skɜːt] кой юбке − She's not an office girl.
16. Expectations Ожидания − What is she, then, Fred? Hey? Just what is she?
17. − She's a colleague. She's a very talented colleague and...
Mid-life crisis Кризис среднего возрас-
− And?
− And a friend! She's just a friend!
18. It's textbook Это по учебнику
− Are you in love with her?
19. Pathetic Это жалко, убого − I've done nothing, Mary. I have no expectations .

20. You'll be begging to Ты будешь умолять, − I didn't ask about your expectations. I asked if you were in love
be taken back in чтобы тебя приняли 17 18 19
with her. This is a mid-life crisis . It's textbook , it's pathetic .
 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
21. DNA ДНК − I'm so sorry, Mary.
22. Scientist would know Уж это-то учёный дол- − You'll be back, Fred. Or you'll try. Six months and you'll be begging
20 21
that much жен знать to be taken back in . It's in your DNA . You'd think a bloody sci-
entist would know that much !

34. Farmed salmon will run! − Six months and you'll be begging to be taken back in. It's in your DNA.
1. Despite Несмотря на… − We don't need native river fish. We'll be all right with farmed salmon. I know. I
2. Philosophical Философские don't much like them, but... Well, they will run. I know it. Yes, Your Excellency. De-
1 2
objections протесты spite our moral and philosophical objections , farmed salmon will run. I'm abso-
3. You are tireless Вы не знаете lutely sure of it.
− You are tireless , Doctor. You have uncovered some new research? A new paper,
3 4
4. Uncovered Открыли − No, I just know it.
− You just know it. I see. Faith, Dr. Alfred.
− Damn it. Yes, all right, then, faith.
− So?
− They're alive.

− That hurts !
35. Captain Robert Mayers has been found alive.
1. That hurts Это больно − Sorry, sweetie.
2. Presumed dead Сочтённый мёртвым − Mrs. Maxwell?
3. You're the first to Вы первая, кто узнал − What?
− Amazing news. One of the officers presumed dead , Captain Robert
4. Mayers, has been found alive.
Keep it that way Удерживайте это таким
− Good.
образом (пусть так и
− Yes, we're very pleased.
будет )
− Yes, very good.
5. Embargo Эмбарго, правитель-
ственный запрет
− It's very good news for the family. And his girlfriend, Ms. Chetwode-
6. As far as I'm Насколько я осведом- − Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Who else knows about this?
aware лён − You're the first to know .

− Right, keep it that way . Total press embargo . Do you understand?

4 5

− Yes, Mrs. Maxwell.

− That salmon fishing thing. Is that still happening?
− As far as I'm aware .

− It is?
− Yes.
− Yemen?
− Yes.
− Perfect.

36. Online correspondence. − Prime minister, can you really fish?

Foreign sec Министр иностран- − Yes
ных дел − REALLY?
spare the useless Поделиться беспо- − No
− Foreign sec can...
8. twit лезным тупицей
− Can you spare the useless twit for a trip to the Yemen?

− Yes

− Yes, this is all coming together very nicely.

37. Fred confesses his feelings
− I intended to create a small miracle . Something to glorify God and
2 3 4
This is all coming Всё сходится воедино
1. 5
together bring our tribes togethe . Sometimes I wonder if we haven't created
2. I intended to Я намеревался something that glorifies man.
− It is a very fine line .
Create a small Создать маленькое
− Hubris , Dr. Alfred. Hubris.
3. 7
miracle чудо
− It's nice here.
Something to glo- Нечто, что прославит
4. − Beautiful. You know, Fred, this project, it saved me. I think. You know,
rify God Господа

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
Bring our tribes Объединить наши with everything that happened. So those farmed fish had better run.
together племена − I believe they will.
6. Fine line Хорошая реплика − You do?
− Yes, I believe that it's in the very core of their being to head up-
7. Hubris ['h(j)uːbrɪs] Спесь; надменность 9
stream even if they never have, even if the parent fish never have.
That it's in the Это в самой сердце-
Look at this.
8. very core of their вине их существа
− Look at that.
being − Mary said something about me. She said that I was genetically pro-
To head upstream Направляться вверх по 10
grammed to return to a dull pedestrian life with her. That it was in
течению my DNA.
Dull pedestrian Скучная прозаичная − Do you think that you are?
− No. No, I belong here . I always have done. Harriet.
life жизнь
I belong here Я чувствую себя ком- − Yes.
11. фортно здесь (принад- − I was wondering about you and me. The theoretical possibility in the
лежу этому месту) same way as a manned mission to Mars is a theoretical possibility.
12. Obviously Очевидно Obviously .
− Or salmon fishing in the Yemen. Yes.
All the time you Столько времени,
− Yes?
want сколько пожелаете
13. − Yes. I just need a little time.
− Of course, of course. All the time you want .

− Thank you. Thank you.

38. Mr. Foreign Secretary in the Yemen. − Mr. Foreign Secretary.

1. It has been a little while Прошло некоторое время − Brian Fleet.
2. A bit rusty Малость запущено − The great fisherman.
− The great... Well, it has been a little while , to
Some skills are never forgotten Некоторые навыки никогда не
3. 2
be honest. A bit rusty , you know.
− Some skills are never forgotten . Please, fol-
I shall join you
Я присоединюсь к вам
low this man to your tent . I shall join you
shortly .
6. Shortly Вскоре; в скором времени − What have you been saying?
7. Trust me Поверь мне − Fishing's the last thing anyone's gonna be
Photo op (opportunity) of a life- Позирование перед прессой interested in, trust me . Get ready for the
8. 7
time всей твоей жизни photo op of a lifetime , Sonny Jim. N-S-R. No
9. No salmon required Лосось не требуется salmon required .

39. Appearance of Robert. − Is that a Woolly Jones?

1. Chetwode-Talbot Красотка Шетвуд- − No, this is a new one I've invented.
beauty Толбэт − Is it? What's it called?
− This one is called the Chetwode-Talbot Beauty .
2. You're not being Ты не шутишь?
funny? − That's very nice.
3. Sense of humor Чувство юмора − It's true.
− You're not being funny ?
4. As you recall Как ты (можешь)
− No, I don't have a sense of humor , as you recall .
3 4
− That is true. Beautiful.
5. Prepare Готовиться
− Yes, she is. Here.
6. What is the world Куда катится мир? − Thank you.
coming to? − Don't you think we should be doing something, Fred? Preparing ?

− I am preparing...
− Well, for the whole thing, you know.
− Everything's done, Harriet, it's fine. Just relax.
− Did you just... Dr. Alfred Jones just told me to relax. What is the world
coming to ?
− Oh, my God.
− Harriet.

− Right, Harriet and Robert... Right, okay. Shut up, hacks . No

40. Reunion of Harriet and Captain Mayers
1. Shut up, hacks Заткнулись, продажные military stuff . It's classified. Anyway, I don't think you'd un-

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
шкуры! derstand it. The only thing you need to know is that this man,
2. No military stuff Никакой военной инфор- Captain Mayers here, is a war hero . Human interest stuff on-
мации ly .
3. War hero Герой войны − Sir. Harriet, can you tell us how it feels?
− It feels like it's a... It's a... It's a shock, but it's wonderful.
4. Human interest stuff Только человеческие инте-
− Please can we have a kiss?
only ресы
− Go on. Come on.
5. Nevertheless Тем не менее − I am sorry, my friend.
6. Privacy Уединение; частная жизнь − No-No, it's... It's a miracle.
7. Government is proud Правительство гордится − Indeed. Nevertheless , I'm sorry.

to тем, что… − All right, gentlemen, gentlemen, I think that's all. A little pri-
8. Significant part Важная роль vacy for the couple, please. I'd just like to say that the British
9. Reunion Воссоединение government is proud to have played a small but significant
8 9
part in this extraordinary reunion of Harriet and Captain
Mayers. That's what we're here for.

41. Harriet and Robert. − This is strange.

− Bad strange ?
1. Bad strange/good Странно в плохом/в хоро-
− No, good strange . Do you mind if we don't...
1 2
strange шем смысле
− No, of course not. There's no rush .
2. Do you mind if… Ты не будешь против, ес-
− Will you just hold me ?
− How did you get caught up in this ? Salmon fishing out here?
3. There's no rush Нет никакой спешки
4. It's ridiculous.
Hold me Обхвати меня
− Well, you never know with the sheikh .
5. Get caught up in this Попалась на это
− I expect there will be a six-star hotel and a golf course be-
6. You never know with С шейхом никогда не зна- fore you know it.
the sheikh ешь наверняка − That's not his style at all.
7. Golf course Поле для гольфа − Don't you believe it. He's gotta make his money back some-
8. Somehow Каким-то образом 8
how . They're no fools, these Arabs. 22
42. Robert and Fred − You don't sleep, either?
1. At least По крайней мере − No, not much.
− Well... At least there's no bloody journos around at this time, any-
1 2
2. Journos Журналюги
3. I appreciate it Я ценю это way. You've been very good to Harriet, Fred. I appreciate it .
4. You weren't alive Тебя не было в живых − I love her.
5. − Yeah, she's great. She's really great.
In a ditch В окопе
− No. I love her.
6. Accept your apol- Принять твоё извине-
− Does she love you?
ogy [ək'sept] ние − I don't know now. Yesterday, you weren't alive .
7. Sort of В некотором роде − Well, I apologize for not being dead in a ditch .

− I don't think I can accept your apology .


− Is that a joke?
− Yes, yes, sort of . I'm not... I've never been very good at jokes. It's all

right, Robert. Really. It's all right.

− The day has arrived . Before the dam, this was a dry riv-
43. The day has arrived.
1. The day has arrived День настал erbed . And now, as you all can see, we have water. And to-
2. Dry riverbed Сухое речное русло day, we hope we shall discover the one missing thing . So,
3. Discover the one miss- Обнаружить единствен- thank you, one and all , for coming as not one of you, not
5 6
even my dear self , knows if this curious experiment of mine
ing thing ную недостающую вещь
will actually work.
4. One and all Все и каждый из вас
− It better had bloody work.
5. Even my dear self Даже мой дорогой "я" − Doesn't matter if it works or not, dolly. All that matters is

6. Curious experiment Любопытный экспери- you. Fishing on Sky tonight with our war hero.
['kjuərɪəs] мент − I haven't done this in years.
7. Doesn't matter Не имеет значения − For God's sake. There are 10,000 fish in there. If you can't
8 9
8. Hook Подцепить на крючок hook one of them, you can just flip off back to Transport.
− My intention is to color this desert in green . Make an ag-
10 11
9. Flip off Соскочить

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
10. My intention is Моё намерение в том, ricultural industry for my people, and the sons and daugh-
чтобы… ters of my people for generations to come.
− Right on cue .
11. Color this desert in Раскрасить эту пустыню в
− So here we are, Muslims, Christians and the odd heathen .
green зелёный 15 16
12. Agricultural industry We are all gathered here in an act of faith . And why not?
And now, the moment that we are all waiting for, the fruits
индустрия 17 18
of all our efforts . The moment of truth . Open the sluices.
13. Right on cue Точно к слову − Where's it going?
14. Odd heathen Странные язычники − It's going the wrong way . It's heading downstream . Wait a
19 20
['hiːð(ə)n] minute. It's turned around . Wait. Wait, wait.
15. Gathered Собрались вместе − Look, they're going upstream.
16. Act of faith Деяние веры − Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
17. Fruits of all our efforts Плоды наших усилий − Oh, my God, they're running. Fred, look. Look! They're run-
18. The moment of truth Момент истины ning, Fred! They're running!
19. Wrong way Не в ту сторону − Blondie. Come down here, come on. Come down here now.
Look, we ought to get a picture of him with the sheikh.
20. Heading downstream Направляются вниз по
− It's working, Your Excellency.
− It is.
21. Turned around Развернулись − They are running upstream, look!
22. We ought to Мы должны (совет, реко- − Let's go fishing, Dr. Alfred.
мендация, инструкция)

− Turn it on , dolly.
44. The flash-flood.
− I need to get further out .
1. Turn it on Действуй
− For God's sakes. Come on, off you go ! Have you got that?
2. Get further out Зайти дальше
3. Off you go Пошёл! − Yes, Mrs. Maxwell. But can we get them closer together?
− God, I'll give it a go . Robert, darling. Can you come... Can you turn
4. I'll give it a go Я попытаюсь
around a bit?
5. More fun without
Без болотных сапог
− I'm worried about what he's doing with his rod. 23
− Lovely. And, Brian, just a nice smile, that would be good. Did you get
6. Look out behind you! Берегитесь, сзади! that? God, he's useless, isn't he?
7. I repay my debts Я выплачиваю свои − More fun without waders , Dr. Alfred.

[det] долги − Yes.

− I think I caught one, Dr. Alfred.
− It's a beauty, Your Excellency. Look out behind you ! Your Excellency,

behind you!
− Step up...
− No, you first!
− I repay my debts , Dr. Alfred.

− Okay.
− I'll pull you up. After...
− Okay. Here, Your Excellency, hold on. Here, come on.

45. Trying again. − We won't need these any more.

− I just don't understand who would do this . Why would they do this ?
1 2
1. Who would do Кто вообще мог это
this сделать − I know who. And I know why.
2. Why would they С чего бы им делать − Can't you find them? Arrest them?
do this? это? − What for?
− Justice .
3. Justice ['dʒʌstɪs] Правосудие, спра-
− Justice. I think these destroyers ... Bad men, certainly. But I think per-
ведливость 5 6
haps they have a point . I expected people to understand what we
4. Destroyers Разрушители were doing here. I expected them to see that it was really not about
5. They have a point Они в чём-то правы 7
fishing at all. In the end , I asked for too much.
6. I expected people Я ожидал людей по- − Will you try again?
to understand нять (Я ожидал от − The question is "Will we try again?" This was ours.
людей, что они пой- − Yes, I think maybe Robert wants to go home. So, I don't... I don't know.
− Does home call , Dr. Fred?
7. In the end В конце концов − I don't really have a home any more. There was a moment when I had

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42
8. Does home call? Зовёт ли вас дом? everything, but... Well, now I don't know what to do.
9. Well, until then Ну, до тех пор − When the time comes, you will know.
− Well, until then .

46. New plans. − Thank you. Just gonna say goodbye to Fred.
1. Only thing that kept Единственное, что застав- − Are you sure?
me going ляло меня идти − Sorry?
2. I want you to under- Я хочу тебя понять (хочу, − Listen, Harriet. When I was in the desert, the only thing that
stand чтобы ты поняла) kept me going was the thought of you. You don't owe me
3. anything. I want you to understand that. So...
It almost worked Это почти сработало
− We're going. I'm so sorry, Fred.
4. I never meant to Я не собиралась причинять
− It was an extraordinary idea. It almost worked , too.
hurt you тебе боль
− I wasn't talking about the project.
5. It's not your fault Это не твоя вина − No, I'm not sure that I was.
6. Not a single fish left Не осталось ни единой ры- − I never meant to hurt you like this.

бы − It's not your fault .


7. Someone's gonna Кому-то придётся сделать − I don't know what to do.

have to make a шаг − I can't help you there, I'm afraid.
move − Are you going to stay?
8. Good luck Удачи − Stay for what? There's nothing here anymore. Not you, not a
9. On my own Сам по себе, в одиночку single fish left in the river. Well, someone's gonna have to
7 8
10. I'll start small Я начну с малого make a move . Good luck , Harriet.
11. − Dr. Alfred, look! They're alive!
This time На этот раз
− I'm going to stay. I want to start again. I'll do it on my own if
12. Different approach Другой подход 10 11
I have to. I'll start small , though, this time . A different ap-
13. To begin with Для начала 12 13
proach . Just a few fish to begin with . Involve the local
14. Involve the local Вовлекать местное сооб- 14
community more. Make it their project, not ours. That's the
community щество
15. Protect Защитить
way to protect it.
− Do you need an assistant , Dr. Jones?
16 24
16. Assistant Помощник − Well, I suppose I will. I'm sure the sheikh has somebody
17. More than anything Более, чем что бы то ни that... An assistant?
было − A partner.
− A partner. Yes, Ms. Chetwode-Talbot. More than anything .

47. Soon to be a PR triumph. − Patsy, where are you?

− On the next camel out of here
On the next camel out Выбираюсь отсюда на очередном
− PR disaster ?
of here верблюде
− Soon to be a PR triumph . Fishing project back up and
PR disaster Пиар-катастрофа (PR – public rela-
19. 21 22
tions) running , love is in the air and I smell a front page
Soon to be a PR tri- Наш будущий пиар-триумф story .
umph ['traɪəmf] − Foreign secretary?
21. back up and running Вернулся и действует − Alive and well. Unfortunately.
− Oh well, can’t have everything .
22. love is in the air Любовь носится в воздухе
− Can we sack the useless arse ?
I smell a front page Я чувствую запах сенсации (исто-
story рии на первых страницах газет) − You mean “Redeploy his extensive talents elsewhere”
24. can’t have everything Нельзя иметь всё и сразу ?
25. sack the useless arse Уволить эту бесполезную задницу − Which department?
Redeploy his extensive Перевести куда-нибудь его об- − Fisheries?
talents elsewhere ширные таланты − Perfect.

 Copyright 2009 “Happy Hopy Movie School of English” Материал подготовила: Счастливая Надежда 8(985) 782-43-42

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