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Release Year: 2002
Slogan: «Freedom. Country. Honor. Passion. To
save his best friend, one man must risk
everything he loves»
Country: USA | UK
Genres : Adventure |drama | western
Runtime: 125 min.
Director: Shekhar Kapur
Stars: Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley, Kate

About the film. Translate into Russian.

Set in 1884 Sudan, this film adapted from the A.E.W. Mason novel follows a British officer who resigns his post right before his
regiment ships out to battle the rebels. Perceiving his resignation as cowardice, his friends and fiancée give him four white feathers,
the symbol of cowardice, but little do they know he's actually going undercover and plans to redeem his honor. Recently he finds a
way to get to his comrades’ place, travelling with a caravan of an Arabic smuggler, but as long as the black slaves in caravan set up a
riot, he finds himself crossing the desert alone, ready to collapse from exhaustion and dehydration. Rescued by a wandering African
tribesman who just happens to be passing by, Harry soon has himself made up to look Arabic so he can become a baggage porter for
his own ex-battalion. He plans to bide his time until an opportunity to rescue his accusers from certain death presents itself.


I really like that movie because the acting and the special effects were astounding! It brings one into the situation and keeps you
wondering what will happen next. The pictures were magnificent and helped to enter easily in the story. The cast is quite well chosen
with each one making you believe they are that character. Ignoring the fact that this story isn't 100% historically accurate, the script
was pretty good and the battle scenes were awesome! This is good for young and old and men and women. The girls will enjoy the
romance and the guys should enjoy the battle scenes. All will enjoy the test of the human spirit. It is a very interesting movie that I
recommend to people who need a cute story to relax and make you smile at the end.

Exercises and tasks you are to with the vocabulary you can see below.

1. Write a review of yours. That will improve your way of thinking in English.
2. Read the words using transcription and their translation from each part before watching.
3. Try to paraphrase those you find difficult.
4. Read and translate contextual sentences after watching so you could make sure you’ve got all the words properly.
5. Ask your partner questions around each part, using new words and phrases.
6. Remember who said each phrase or word, in what situation.
7. Retell each situation. Especially those that are important for better understanding of the plot.
8. Put as many questions as you can to each part so that your partner could find the answers and vocalize them.
9. Discussion: Please state your ideas about what cowardice and courage really are. Define these words.
10. Description: Describe Harry Faversham – appearance, character, habits, things he goes for
11. Describe Harry as if you were General Faversham / Abou / Ethne / fellow officers
12. Describe Jack as if you were Colonel Hamilton / Ethne / Harry
13. Would you like to live in England at the times shown in the movie? Why?
14. What do you think about idea of retrieving one’s honor? What do you think is an honorable thing to do? What is it and what’s more
interesting – why?
15. Split into groups: Your task is to have 2 columns on a sheet of paper you have and write bad points about being an officer (as Harry
and his fellows) in one column and good points about it in another one. Make remarks whether the thing you take is possible in a real
life or not. The team that names more such things wins.
16. Express your ideas: about the film, about the idea of it, about the music and script.
17. Name all the plot lines. What lessons have you taken out this film? Discuss them in your group.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 1
№ Word/phrase & Translation Context
Phrasal Verbs Prepositions, grammar constructions
Popular adjectives
Conversational patterns

1 Bloody Чертова, проклятая 1. At the football field

2 Come on! Вперед! Шевелись! Tom, Vicar, Harry, Jack
3 Go on! Продолжай! Pass it left to Jack! Pass the bloody thing, Tom! Tom, pass it
left! Pass the ball! Come on, Tom! To Jack! Go on, Tom!
4 To push on Поспеши! Ускорить, ускориться
Tom! What's that man's name?! You see the girls, Jack?
5 Move it! Шевели ногами! Пошевеливайся! Push on! Move it, boys! Come on! Stand tall! There you
6 To stand tall Приготовиться (Встать во весь рост) go... straight. Go on, Vicar! Sean! Sean! Go on. keep going!
7 Straight [streɪt] Прямо Break it up! I need you on the field, lad. - Huh? - You're all
8 To keep going Прожолжать движение right. Behind you! Jack! Take it, Jack! Well done, old chap!
9 To break up Прекращать немедленно Well done, Jack. Is there anything else left in there?
10 Lad Парень
11 Behind [bɪ'haɪnd] Позади, сзади
12 Old chap Старина, дружище

1 Bathtub ['bɑːθtʌb] Ванна 2. Bathroom scene

2 Darling Дорогой, любимый Tom, Vicar, Harry, Jack
3 Out of place Не на своем месте How long you going to be in that bathtub, Vicar? As long as I like.
Stand tall, Vicar. Idiot! Willoughby, you look wonderful, darling.
4 To grow up Расти, вырастать
Princess Willoughby. Miss Willoughby. Hey, Tom, there's a hair
5 To call Звать, называть out of place there, boy. When are you gentlemen going to grow
6 To believe Верить; полагать up? "Gentlemen"? Did he just call us "gentlemen"? I believe he
7 I won't take that from Я ни от кого не потерплю did. - I won't take that from anyone. - Nor will I. I like when you
anyone подобного do this. Not my hair! - Willoughby, this is... - Not the hair! Not
8 Nor will I Так же, как и я the hair!

1 To be promoted Получить повышение (по службе) 3. The ball

2 We'll see about that Это мы еще посмотрим Jack, Tom, Vicar, Harry, Ethne, officer
3 To bite Кусать, кусаться And don't think we're going to take you any more seriously once
you're promoted, Miss Willoughby. - We'll see about that. -
4 Quiet ['kwaɪət] Тихо
Whoo! Ladies. Don't worry, Vicar, they're only women. They
5 To hurt Болеть; причинять боль won't bite. Just be quiet. Does it hurt? Yes. What are you two
6 To laugh about Смеяться над… lovebirds laughing about? His eye. Don't fall for it. He colors it in
7 To fall for Клюнуть, попасться; влюбиться with a pen. I can draw you one if you're feeling left out. Go on,
8 To feel left out Испытывать недостаток внимания then. What? Well, I want a black eye like Jack's. If you really
9 Black eye Синяк want one, Harry, I can facilitate you. Want a second black eye,
10 To facilitate Содействовать; помогать Jack? No. That's good. Are you nervous? Stop it. What? What are
Until you two doing? Nothing. I want to dance. Not up there, Ethne.
11 До тех пор; пока
Now, Ethne, come down from there, please. Not until you dance
12 For God's sake Ради Бога; во имя всего святого with me, Harry. Oh, dear, yes, come down, Ethne. - For God's
13 To get down Спускаться sake, be careful. - Oh, please. Jack, tell her to get down. When
14 To relax Расслабиться, успокоиться does she ever listen to me? Ethne, listen to Jack, please. Relax,
15 To pirouette Делать пируэты Harry. Listen to me. Thank you, Jack. I will not pirouette. Dance
16 Scary Страшно with me. Right, right. - Oh, my God. - Scary, isn't it, Harry? Don't
17 Bore Скучный человек, зануда be such a bore, Harry. I'm trying. Please be careful, okay? It's not
Funny very funny, Ethne. Excuse me, Mr. Faversham, sir. Your father is
18 Забавно, весело
asking for you and Miss Eustace. Oh. Thank you.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 2
1 Colonel ['kɜːrn(ə)l] Полковник 4. Dance with General Faversham
2 To send (sent, sent) Посылать за вами Harry, Ethne, Colonel Sutch, General Faversham
3 To steal (stole, stolen) Похитить; украсть - Sir. - Sir. Colonel Sutch. Harry, my boy. How are you, sir? Well, well.
Mum. Colonel Sutch. I'm sorry to send for you, my dear. I was hoping
4 It'd be my pleasure С удовольствием
to steal you for the last dance. It'd be my pleasure, General. Your son
5 Catching a breath of air Глотнул свежего воздуха won't dance with me. Where were you? Catching a breath of air, sir.
6 To catch (caught, caught) Ловить, хватать My dear. She is very beautiful, Harry. Yes, she is, sir. I was thinking
7 Proud Гордый how proud my father would be if he were here. An officer who gave
8 To give (gave, given) Давать, отдавать his life for his country deserves far more respect than I do. I wish I'd
9 To deserve Заслуживать met him. Are you ready, my dear? With all my heart.
10 Respect Уважение
11 I wish I'd met him Я бы хотел повтречать его
12 To meet (met, met) Встречать

1 To feel (felt, felt) meanly Чувствовать себя подлым, низким 5. Public engagement.
2 To fear Бояться Colonel, General Faversham, soldiers
3 Active service Действительная военная служба My lords, ladies and gentlemen, the general. Dr. Johnson
once said every man feels meanly about himself for not
4 …Shown yourselves willing Проявили свою готовность
having been a soldier. Well, that's something no one here
5 To lay (laid, laid) down Положить; возложить tonight need fear. Whether or not you've seen active
6 To salute Салютовать, отдавать честть service you have shown yourselves willing to lay down
7 Royal Cumbrians Королевские гвардейцы your lives and for that I salute you. - The Royal Cumbrians!
8 In my mind По моему мнению; что до меня - The Royal Cumbrians! Now, in my mind, there is only
9 Sacrifice Жертва, жертвоприношение one sacrifice more noble than pledging one's life for one's
10 Noble Благородный country and that is loving and marrying a man who does. -
Marry?! - Marry?! Harry and Ethne. Harry and Ethne!
11 To pledge Отдавать в залог, закладывать
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Form a square! Form a square!
12 Square Квадрат

1 Engagement Помолвка 6. After the ball

2 Quiet ['kwaɪət] Тихая, спокойная Harry, Ethne, Jack, Tom, Vicar
3 Wedding Свадьба - Well, now that we've had such a public engagement
can we have a nice, quiet wedding, please?
4 Not on your life ни за что на свете; держи карман
- Not on your life! I want the full works, the church near
шире my home and then a rousing speech from your father.
5 The full works На полную катушку - My father? "I'd like to congratulate my son. When I
6 Church [chərch] Церковь was his age, I was in charge of a full regiment."
7 Rousing Воодушевляющий; восторженный - He doesn't sound anything like that.
8 I was in charge of… Я отвечал (нес ответственность) за… - Oh, yes, he does.
9 Regiment Полк - Besides, you will be in charge of a regiment. It'll be
He doesn't sound anything Jack and Isabelle's turn next.
10 Он вовсе не такой (он вовсе не
like that - Jack? Oh, no, Jack will never get married. He's too
звучит так)
much of a soldier.
11 Besides Кроме того - So are you.
12 Turn Очередь - Yes, but not like him.
13 He's too much of a soldier Он есть слишком много солдата - Yes, you are, more than him, more than any of them.
(Он слишком солдат) You're my husband.
14 Husband Муж Good night, ladies. Good night, ladies. Go away. Please,
15 Don't act like… Не ведите себя словно… ignore them. Don't act like children! Merrily, we roll
along, roll along, roll along. Merrily, we roll along until
16 Merrily весело, радостно
the morning comes! Good night, gentlemen, good night,
17 To roll along Шуровать, кутить gentlemen. Good night, Ethne! Good night, Harry! Good
18 Have to (do smth.) Должен night, Ethne, we have to take him home!

1 To keep (kept, kept) up Продолжать; держаться бодро 7. Announcement of mobilization

2 To get out Вынимать Harry, Jack, officer, Colonel Hamilton, priest,
3 To carry on Продолжать soldiers

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 3
4 Enemy spear through the foot Вражеское копье пронзило ногу Hyah! Hyah! Come on, Harry, keep up! Come on,
5 To get a move on Поторапливаться, пошевеливаться John! Come on, Mr. Castleton, get it out! Mr.
6 Self-proclaimed Самопровозглашенный Trench, carry on! Mr. Castleton's dead. enemy
spear through the foot! Come on, get a move on!
7 Fortress Крепость, форт
Get it out! Come on, let's go! Come on! Gentlemen,
8 To fight (fought, fought) Сражаться the colonel! Gentlemen. I have some news. An
9 Rearguard action Арьергардный бой army of Muhammadan fanatics under the
10 To slaughter ['slɔːtə] Совершать массовое убийство command of their self-proclaimed messiah, the
11 Hostility военные действия, враждебный акт Mahdi has attacked a British fortress in the Sudan.
12 Including Включая Our forces there fought a heroic but in the end
13 To ship out Выходить в море, отплывать hopeless, rearguard action. They were slaughtered
To see (saw, seen) fit to a man. As a result of these hostilities several
14 Считать, находить нужным
regiments, including the Royal Cumbrians will be
15 We're off Мы отправляемся shipping out to the Sudan within the week.
16 To endow [ɪn'dau] Наделять, одарять Congratulations to you all. This government has
17 Worldwide Всемирный finally seen fit to send its soldiers to war. Finally,
18 To execute Исполнять; реализовывать we're off. Gentlemen. God has endowed the British
19 Sovereign ['sɔv(ə)rɪn] Монарх race with a worldwide empire that they may
20 Purpose Цель, замысел execute His sovereign purpose in the world. The
Heathen ['hiːð(ə)n] victories you will have over the heathen are the
21 Язычник
victories of the nobler soul in man. - God save the
22 Nobler Благородный queen. - God save the queen!
23 God save the queen Боже, храни королеву

1 Grown Взрослый 8. Talk to Jack

2 To get on with Поторапливаться с… William, Harry, Jack
3 To be like Быть похожим на… All together!
- This is what nerves do to grown men. If we're going to go to
4 To wonder Интересоваться; размышлять
war, I wish we'd just get on with it.
5 Godforsaken Проклятая Богом - Do you ever think about what it's going to be like when we get
6 Desert ['dezət] Пустыня there?
7 In the middle of В середине пустоты (у черта - All the time. Don't you?
nowhere на рогах) - I sometimes wonder what a godforsaken desert in the middle
8 Has to do with Имеет общего с… of nowhere has to do with Her Majesty the queen.
9 Her Majesty Ее Величество - What's going on? What happened?
What's going on - Aren't you afraid you won't come back?
10 Что происходит?
- Did you have a bad dream about me or something? Did I get my
11 To happen Случаться head lopped off by one of those Mahdi savages?
12 To come back Возвращаться - Yes, Jack.
13 To lop off Отрубать (голову, конечности) - Of course, I'm scared.
14 Scared Испуганный, боящийся - Then, what makes you go?
15 To make Заставлять; делать - I suppose, I'm going because you're going. You, Trench,
16 To trust Верить, доверять Castleton, even Willoughby, but especially you. There's no one
I'd sooner trust my life with.

1 Papers Документы, бумаги 9. Harry resigns his commission

2 Leave Увольнительная Colonel Hamilton, Harry
3 To consider Рассматривать, принимать во - What is this?
- My papers, sir.
- If it's leave you want, there's a different procedure. Normally I
4 Circumstances Обстоятельства wouldn't consider it in the circumstances but given that
5 Given that… При условии, что… you've just got engaged...
6 To get engaged Обручиться - It isn't leave I want, sir. I wish to resign my commission.
7 To resign Отказаться - If I were you, I'd think very carefully about what you're saying,
8 Commission Офицерское звание, Lieutenant.
полномочия - I've made up my mind, sir.
9 I've made up my mind Я принял твердое решение - We'll talk about this when you've spoken with your father.
- It isn't his decision, sir.
10 To speak (spoke, spoken) Говорить

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 4
11 Decision Решение - I do not accept these papers, Lieutenant, and I do not accept
12 To accept Принимать that one of my men would walk out on his regiment...
13 To walk out отказаться участвовать, бросить - Sir...
- ...the very week we are shipping off to war! Now, as far as I'm
14 The very week На той самой неделе
concerned, you were never here. You can thank your father
15 As far as… Насколько... for that.
16 Concerned Убежден, уверен - Sir... I wish to resign my commission.
17 Immediately Немедленно - Please leave these barracks immediately.

1 To smell Ощущать запах, обонять 10. Friends quarreling about Harry

2 Scent [sent] Аромат Tom, Jack, William, Vicar
3 Bloody Чертов Whoa! Hello, Miss Willoughby! I thought I could smell
the scent of fresh roses in the air. Harry's resigned.
4 To refuse Отказывать, отказываться
Resigned what? His bloody commission, what do you
5 Excuse Уважительная причина, извинение think? What did Hamilton do? Refuse him leave to
6 Perfectly Совершенно, в полной мере marry Ethne? Hamilton didn't do anything. There was
7 Doubt Сомнение no excuse for it. "Excuse for it"? You're talking about
8 The very next day На следующий же день Harry. He's right, Tom. He's just got engaged. It's
9 What's that supposed to Что это предполагается значить? (Что perfectly natural to have doubts. We're sent to war,
mean? ты имеешь в виду под этим?) and the very next day he resigns? There's no doubt
Clear about it. What's that supposed to mean? I think it's
10 Ясно, понятно
perfectly clear what it means. - Tom, don't be absurd. -
11 Absurd Абсурдный, нелепый Shut up, Vicar. It means he's a coward, Jack. Then say
12 To shut up Заткнуться, заткнуть рот that to his face. I would've done only he left the
13 Coward Трус barracks before I had a chance. All right, then, say it to
14 Disgrace Позор my face. Easy, Jack. Harry's a disgrace! He's disgraced
15 Obviously Очевидно the regiment! Jack! He's the best soldier in the
16 When it counts Если подсчитать (когда доходит до regiment! Obviously not when it counts. Get off! I will
дела) tell him but not to his face, he doesn't deserve it. He
deserves to be treated with the same contempt that he
17 Get off! Отвали!
treated us. What contempt? Did he talk to you about
18 Treat Относиться it? Did he talk to any of you? He's left our backs
19 Contempt Презрение, неуважение exposed and he doesn't even have the courage to tell
20 Left our backs exposed Оставил наши спины открытыми us. He was my friend, too, Jack. He'll be there. This has
(Оставил нас без прикрытия) to be answered.
21 Courage ['kʌrɪdʒ] Отвага, смелость
22 To answer Отвечать

1 Lawful ['lɔːf(ə)l] Законный 11. Rehearsal of a wedding

2 Wedded Супружеский Harry, Ethne
3 Bride Невеста - Do you, Harry Faversham take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife?
- Yes, and you may kiss the bride.
4 To jump ahead Перескакивать,
- You can't jump ahead like that. You have to let me enjoy my wedding. It's your fault
забегать вперед we won't be able to do the real one for another six months.
5 To enjoy Наслаждаться - There's no reason why we can't get married whenever we like, is there?
6 Fault Вина - I've heard that before.
7 Whenever Когда бы ни… - I've left the army. No, Ethne, I have left the army.
8 To hear (heard, Слышать - Why?
heard) - Well, there was talk they may send us abroad for a year or two. I didn't want to wait
9 Abroad За границу that long to get married. Well, I would've waited or come with you. My mother did
10 To matter Иметь значение the same for my father.
- Yes, I know, but it isn't what I wanted for us. You're all that matters to me now.
11 To be sure Быть уверенным
- Where were they going to send you?
- They weren't sure.

1 Joke Шутка 12. A disgraceful parcel.

2 Feather ['feðə] Перо A messenger, Harry, Ethne

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 5
3 Cowardice Трусость Mr. Faversham.
In their right minds - Is this your friends' idea of a joke? What is it, Harry?
4 В их здравом уме
- Feathers of cowardice. Yesterday, we were informed that our regiment would be
5 Misunderstanding Недопонимание shipping out to the Sudan, that we would be sent to war.
6 To clear up Прояснять, выяснять - You don't know where they were sending you, you said so yourself and you did it for
7 To go back Возвращаться me.
- Ethne...
8 Fault [fɔːlt] Вина
- Nobody in their right minds could call you a coward, especially not your friends.
9 It has nothing to do Это не имеет к тебе There's been some kind of misunderstanding. You have to clear it up. You have to go
with you никакого отношения back to the regiment and clear it up.
10 To join Присоединяться, - No, I can't.
- Then I will. I'll go see Trench, Willoughby and Castleton myself and tell them it's my
fault you resigned, that you did it for me.
11 To serve out Отслужить; отплатить - It has nothing to do with you, Ethne!
12 To keep everyone Оставить всех - Then why?
happy счастливыми - I never wanted to join the army! I did it for my father. I thought I'd serve out my
commission in a year or two keep everyone happy, and then I could just...
13 Truth [truːθ] Правда - You'd what, wait till we were married to tell me the truth?
14 l never meant to lie Я никогда и не думал - No, Ethne, l never meant to lie to you.
to you лгать тебе - No, but you were quite happy to let me deceive myself. Do you think people will let us
15 Quite Довольно-таки forget this?
- I don't care what people think, Ethne. All I care about is us.
16 To deceive Обманывать - It's not about us, Harry. It's not just about us. What about Jack? He would give his life
17 To forget (forgot, Забывать for you.
forgotten) - Don't you think I know that?
18 I don't care Я не беспокоюсь (мне - Then go back. It's not too late. Tell them you wouldn't have resigned if it weren't for
безразлично) me.
- I would have resigned... And I wouldn't have gone to war for anything or anyone.
19 Too late Слишком поздно
- Then you are a coward.

1 To fight Сражаться 13. The departure.

2 To avoid Избегать William, Harry, General Faversham
3 Local Местный Fight for England! "Avoid drinking local water and spirits, avoid local barrooms
and brothels and, above all, remember, you're a Christian soldier." Why'd they
4 Spirits Крепкие напитки
give this to me? It must be for you, Vicar. Father? After you. May I speak with
5 Barroom Кабак you, sir? I don't know you. I need to speak with you, sir. British attack the City
6 Brothel ['brɔθl] Бордель of Korti! British casualties in the Sudan!
7 Above all Превыше всего
8 To speak (spoke, spoken) Говорить
9 Casualties ['kæʒjuəltɪ’z] Потери, жертвы

1 Something wrong Что-то не так 14. Assault and pursuit

2 To get a drink Заказать напиток Jack, William, Vicar
3 Probably Вероятно Something wrong, Jack? Well, I don't know about you lot but
I'm going to get a drink before Mustafa does. It's probably
4 Poisoned Отравленная
poisoned. Mustafa, after you, mate. - Take cover! - Stay down!
5 Mate Дружище Take cover! Take cover! Where is he? Get down and stay
6 Take cover! В укрытие! down! - Get down! - Take cover! Where is he? Where is he?
7 Stay down! Оставайся внизу! (Не вставай!) Take cover! Stay down! Stay down, everyone! Find him! Find
8 To get down Спускаться, ложиться him! Where the bloody hell is he? He's on the roof! - Where?! -
9 To find Находить Over there! Over there! Get him! Now! - Move! - Right, sir.
10 Over there Вон там! Hey! Put the gun down. Put the gun down. Put the gun down!
Tell him to put the gun down! Put your gun down! For God
11 Get him! Взять его!
sakes, man, put your gun down! Don't. Hold your fire. Put the
12 Put the gun down! Положи ружье вниз (брось оружие) gun down. Tell him to put his gun down! Don't! Don't! Don't!
13 For God sakes Ради Бога (ради всего святого)
14 Hold your fire! Удержите ваш огонь (Не стрелять!)

1 To happen Случаться 15. A visit of Colonel Sutch

2 To know (knew, Знать Colonel Sutch, Harry
known) - What's done is done, Harry.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 6
3 Capable of Способен на… - No, sir it isn't. Something like this happens, and you're lost. You don't know who you
4 Unless Если только не… are anymore or what you're capable of. Unless I do something this is how people will
5 To remember Помнить always remember me. A feather. And that is how I will always see myself – a coward.
All I know is I can't live with myself like this.
- Who gave you the fourth feather? Jack Durrance?
- No, sir. Ethne did.

1 To forgive (forgave, forgiven) Прощать 16. Harry’s letter to Ethne

2 Shame Стыд Dearest Ethne: Forgive me for all the shame I've
3 To cause Вызывать, причинять caused you. I can only imagine the indignities you
must have suffered because of me. I hope my
4 To imagine Представлять, воображать
leaving London will at least allow you to begin your
5 Indignity Унижение, презрение life again, free of my shadow. I have no right to your
6 To suffer Страдать trust or claim to your love but please believe, I never
7 At least По крайней мере set out to deceive you. I don't know if an
8 To allow Позволять opportunity will ever arise to redeem myself but I
9 Shadow Тень have to believe it will and I have to believe that this
10 Right Право time I'll face up to my fears and prove to myself and
others, I'm not a coward.
11 Trust Вера, доверие
12 To claim Требовать, заявлять права
13 To set out Намереваться
14 Opportunity Возможность
15 To arise (arose, arisen) Возникать. Появляться
16 To redeem [rɪ'diːm] Искупать вину, исправлять ошибки
17 To face up Встретить лицом к лицу
18 To prove (proved, proven) Доказать

1 To pay (paid, paid) Платить 17. Meeting with smuggler.

2 To bring Привести, принести Guide, Gustave, Harry
(brought, brought) What did he pay you to bring him here? Listen, Gustave, I wouldn't bring... Take
3 Get out! Убирайся! this. Now get out. Don't come back.
4 Camp Лагерь - What do you want?
- Can you take me to the British camp at Korti?
5 Across Через
- Across the desert?
6 To learn Учиться, научиться - Yes.
(learnt, learnt) - Why?
7 To look like Выглядеть, словно… - Can you take me there or not? For your time.
8 Whore [hɔː] Шлюха - Can you speak Arabic?
9 Up to Korti До Корти - I can learn.
- Yes, but can you learn to look like an Arab? If the Mahdi's men find you... I'm
taking a caravan of whores up to Korti next week. Come and see me then.

1 Congratulations Поздравления 18. Audience with Colonel

2 To decide Решить Jack, Colonel Hamilton
3 Report Доклад, рапорт Left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Thank you. Left, right, left,
right, left, right, left.
4 To receive Получать
- Congratulations, Jack. I've decided to give you a few weeks'
5 To single out Выделять leave. Every report I receive singles you out for praise. You and
6 Praise Похвала several other officers will be going to London to convince
7 Several Различные, некоторые Parliament and the public opinion that it's high time this
8 To convince Убедить government ordered us out of Korti to rescue General Gordon.
9 Public opinion Общественное мнение - With your permission, I'd rather stay here with the regiment.
10 High time Давно пора, самое время - Why?
- I don't feel I've done my duty yet. I wouldn't want to let the
11 Order Приказ
others down.
12 To rescue ['reskjuː] Спасать - Permission refused.
13 Permission Разрешение

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 7
14 Rather Охотнее, предпочтительнее - Sir, why me?
15 Duty Долг, обязанность - Because you're a hero, Jack.
16 To let the others down Подвести остальных With all due respect, sir I don't think we've been fighting long
17 To refuse Отказывать, отказываться enough to have any heroes in this campaign.
18 With all due respect При всём должном уважении
19 Enough [ɪ'nʌf] Довольно, достаточно

7 Royalty Королевский титул 19. The caravan.

8 Dirham Дирхем (денежная Gustave, Harry
единица государств - Shut up! Keep them quiet, Saadi! What do I pay you for?! They are
princesses. Can you imagine even the savages have royalty? But
Марокко и Объединённые
the British soldiers pay me three dirham an hour for them. Well
Арабские Эмираты)
worth the trip to Korti.
9 Well worth the trip Путешествие того стоит - Is this the Mahdi's territory?
10 You're not to look at me Ты не из тех, кому можно - Everywhere is Mahdi territory. What is it? She doesn't like my
смотреть на меня manners? Savage!
11 To teach (taught, taught) Учить, научить - Stop it! You're not to look at me!
12 To thank Благодарить - Stop! Stop doing this! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
13 To expect Ожидать - I'll teach you manners!
Of course - Stop it! Enough!
14 Конечно
- That'll teach you manners!
15 They have no concept of Они не имеют понятия о… - Enough!
16 Gratitude Благодарность - You think she'll thank you for what you did today?
17 Loyalty Верность, преданность - I don't expect her to.
18 Value Ценность - Of course you do; you saved her life. They're like children. They
19 Proud Гордый have no concept of gratitude or loyalty. That's something you
British don't understand. You come here, trying to civilize them
with your Christian values. Now, she'll thank you. Don't be so
proud, my friend.

1 Follower Последователь 20. Jack’s few weeks in London

2 Rebel Повстанец; повстанческий Jack, Ethne
3 Tribe племя, клан There are followers of the Mahdi everywhere in the Sudan. The
rebel tribes are gathering forces under the leadership of the
4 To gather Собираться вместе
Mahdi to fight us. We do not need more reinforcements. All we
5 Leadership Предводительство need is for this government to give an order to march and we will
6 Reinforcement Подкрепление route the enemy and preserve the dignity of our empire.
7 Order Приказ - Have you heard from Harry?
8 To route Направлять, прокладывать - No. Have you?
маршрут - No. Ethne, you can't blame yourself.
9 To preserve Сохранять - You make a stupid mistake and you pay for it for the rest of your
Dignity life. I can't forgive myself.
10 Достоинство
- You had your reasons.
11 To blame Обвинять - What reasons? Pride? Because I was afraid of what people
12 Stupid Глупый would say. What do I care what people said? I loved him.
13 For the rest of your life Всю оставшуюся жизнь - Ethne, you have to...
14 To forgive Прощать - He came to me, Jack. He came to me and I turned him away.
15 Pride Гордость - It's all right. It won't be like this for the rest of your life. I'll write
16 To turn away Прогонять, отвращать to you when I'm gone.

1 Referee Судья, рефери 21. Selection of workmen

2 Fair Справедливый, честный Tom, officer, overseer
3 To open up Открывать Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right left, right, stop! Referee,
come on! That wasn't fair! Congratulations! Open up. He's got no
4 Teeth Зубы
teeth. Get rid of him. Who's next?! Come on, keep 'em coming,
5 To get rid of Избавляться от… keep 'em coming. No, he's too small. I want to see this man's
6 Keep 'em coming Держи их идущими (Веди еще!)

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 8
7 Strong Сильный teeth. He looks strong enough. Put him with the baggage porters.
8 Baggage porter Носильщик How many more we got? How many, Bill? Okay, we need another
9 What's going on? Что происходит? three of them. What's going on?! This man comes from a tribe of
slaves. The men will not serve with him, sir. Look, we need all the
10 Slave Раб
help we can get. Baggage porter! Get him through. I can't believe
11 To serve Служить it. Come on. Come on. Get him through. Come on, next.
12 To get through Провести, пропустить

1 To relieve Успокаивать, приносить облегчение 22. Ethne’s letter to Jack

2 To receive Получать My Dearest Jack: I was so relieved to receive your last
3 The whole… Весь, целый letter. While the whole country is celebrating your
campaign against the Mahdi all I feel is dread and all I
4 To celebrate Праздновать
think about are the precious times we spent together:
5 Against Против you, Harry, and I. My father used to say that God takes
6 Dread Страх away what's dearest to our hearts to remind us how
7 Precious Драгоценный much we take for granted. Now that it's too late, I
8 To spend (spent, spent) Тратить; проводить (время) wish I could turn back time. How differently I'd do
9 To take away Забирать things given a second chance. Take good care of
10 To remind Напоминать yourself, Jack. I don't mind if you don't come back
covered in glory. Just come back safely. Your friend
11 To take for granted Принимать как должное
forever, Ethne.
12 Take good care of yourself Береги себя как следует
13 Covered in glory Покрытый славой (осиянный славой)

1 Thoughtful Заботливый, чуткий 23. Harry gets acquaintance with Abou

2 Umbrella Зонт William, Vicar, Abou, Harry
3 To burn Гореть, обгорать Thoughtful of General Wolseley to give us these umbrellas, eh, Vicar? I burn in the
sun. Come on, now, faster! Faster! Watch out!
4 To watch out Остерегаться
- Abou Fatma. My name is Abou Fatma.
5 Scout Разведчик - Vedu.
6 To find out Выяснять - I was a scout for General Hicks. There are many in this camp who serve the Mahdi.
7 Spy Шпион When they find out there's a British spy amongst them watching them, they'll kill
8 Amongst Среди him. It won't be long, Vedu.
9 To watch Смотреть, наблюдать - Why would you warn me?
10 To warn Предостерегать - For money.
To wear - I can't pay you. What's the feather for?
11 Носить (на теле)
- First time I killed a man. Five men. Wait. Ten men. This I will wear soon. I'm a good
(wore, worn)
soldier. I will protect you.
12 To protect Защищать
Who did this?! Who did this?! Who did this?! Who did this?! Keep your eyes to the
13 To hide Прятать(ся) front. Why would a British spy be hiding from his own soldiers? I'm not a spy.

1 The same Тот же самый, одинаковый 24. Jack reads a letter from Ethne
2 Over and over again Снова и снова Willliam, Tom, Jack, Vicar
3 Different Различный, разный Is that the same letter you read over and over again or
do you get a different one each day? He writes them
4 Line Строчка
to himself. Read us a line. Read your own. Don't be so
5 Coy Скрытный, замкнутый coy. You're amongst friends. Come on, Jack, you can
6 Glad Радостный trust us. "I'm so glad I came to hear you speak that day
7 Don't leave us hanging on Не заставляй нас ждать in London." Come on, more than that. Don't leave us
8 To elaborate Придавать законченный вид hanging on, elaborate. "It made me realize how much
9 To realize Осознавать your friendship means to me. "Come back safely and
10 Friendship Дружба soon, my dearest Jack." Ooh! Well, well done, "my
dearest Jack"! Who's the lucky lady? Ethne. I'm going
11 Soon Вскоре
to ask her to marry me. Congratulations, Jack. That's
12 Lucky Удачливый fantastic, Jack. She hasn't said yes. Aah, she will. "I
13 Thing Вещь realize how much I bloody love you." "How much your
14 Cheers за ваше здоровье! будем здоровы! friendship means to me." Same thing. Cheers, Jack.
(тост) Congratulations, Jack.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 9
1 Deserter Дезертир 25. Harry follows the spies
2 Corporal Капрал Harry, Abou, corporal, Vicar
3 Cease fire! Прекратить огонь! - They look like the Mahdi's men.
- I need to find out where he's going.
4 Important Важный
Deserters, sir. Corporal, cease fire! Harry.
5 To follow Следовать - Looks like they've stopped for the night.
6 Troop Отряд, войска - Why is it so important to follow them?
7 Mostly В основном, по - The Mahdi spies will report on our troop movements.
большей части - Not the spies, your friends.
8 Half dead Полумертвый - To help them, if I can.
9 To cross Пересекать - Are you a deserter?
Alone - Something like that. I was sent to fight, and I ran away.
10 Один, в одиночку
- Why?
11 Kind сорт, вид - Why? Well, I just... There are many reasons why. Mostly, I was afraid.
12 Choice Выбор - I found you half dead, crossing the desert alone. You say you are afraid?
13 Terrible Ужасный - It's a different kind of fear. Why are you protecting me?
14 To offend Обижать, оскорблять - God put you in my way. I have no choice.
15 To laugh [lɑːf] Смеяться - God? Hmm. An Englishman and a Christian. You must've done something
16 To get away Уходить terrible to offend him.
Take your time - You laugh like an Englishman.
17 Не торопись, не
- And how does an Englishman laugh?
спешии никуда
Abou, they're leaving! They're getting away. We can't lose them. All right, I'll... I'll
18 To take over Захватить just sit here and wait for you. Take your time. Oh. That is the fortress of Abou Clea.
19 To head Направляться The British reinforcements are stationed there. Why would the spies be going to a
British fort? The fort has been taken over by the Mahdi's army. But this is where
our troops are heading. Abou! Abou, warn my friends.

1 Company, halt! Отряд, стой! 26. Abou tries to warn the British.
2 Filthy ['fɪlθɪ] Грязный Officers, Colonel Hamilton, Vicar, William, Abou, Tom, Jack
3 To capture Захватывать Company, halt! - Company, halt! - Company, halt! God... Mr. Trench!
William! Get away from them! Leave them alone! You filthy... Sir? You
4 To lie Лгать
leave these bloody men alone! Come back here! Go on! Sir. The Egyptians
5 Camel Верблюд have captured an enemy scout. Where did you find this man? I came to
6 Garrison Гарнизон you myself. The Mahdi's men have captured your fort at Abou Clea. This
7 To fall Пасть, упасть man is lying, sir. He's the one who stole the camels... They will attack you
8 Penalty Наказание here! Tell him a British garrison would never fall to the Mahdi savages!
9 To keep Держать, удерживать Ask him if he knows the penalty for being a spy. I'm not a spy. The
10 To bury Хоронить Mahdi's men have left these bodies to keep you here. Tell him I'll bury
him alive if he speaks another word of English! Ask him who sent him
11 Alive Заживо
here and why. He says a British officer sent him, sir. A general, no doubt.
12 Blood Кровь What was his name? Come here, son. I'll show you a British officer. This is
13 To lick up Слизывать a British officer! And this is a British officer's blood. Now lick it up, every
14 Drop Капля bloody drop! Look! Don't be rash! Take him away. Find out why the
15 Rash Безрассудный enemy sent him. Use any means necessary. The Muslims always bury
16 Means Средства their dead, even the enemy dead. These bodies have been left here for a
17 Necessary Необходимый reason! Come on, you! Look, I think you should tell Hamilton. I agree,
Muslims Tom. What for? As a precaution, Tom. This man was trying to mislead us.
18 Мусульмане
I've made my decision. I'm not going to waste the colonel's time by
19 To agree Соглашаться sending some half-naked savage in front of him with a tall tale.
20 Precaution Предосторожность
21 To mislead Вводить в заблуждение
22 To waste Тратить попусту
23 Half-naked Полуголый
24 Tall tale Небылица

1 Thou You (Устар. форма) 27. The strange assault

2 To reigneth Править, царствовать (Устар. форма) Jack, Vicar, Colonel Hamilton, Tom, corporal

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 10
3 Art Are (Устар. форма) What is it, Jack? There's something up. Thou God, who reigneth
4 Salvation Спасение over all the earth who art the Lord of all our salvation give your
5 Ear Ухо ear unto my prayer. Allah! For Thou art greater than the
common man. Everything is as you wish it. Everything is as you
6 Prayer Молитва
will it. If what we're doing is just, then give us the strength to
7 Strength Сила serve you for that which I greatly feared has come upon me
8 To come upon Сталкиваться, встречаться с проблемами and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Form a line.
9 Form a line! Построиться! First company, a section, if you please. One section will fix
10 Fix bayonets Примкнуть штыки bayonets. Fix! Ready! Present! - Fire. - Fire. Fire! Reload! 100
11 Present! Целься! yards! Present! They're not armed, sir. - Fire. - Fire. Fire! What
12 To reload Перезаряжать оружие in God's name are they doing? Present! - Fire. - Fire. Fire! 50
Armed yards! Present! - Fire. - Fire. Fire! Thank you, Mr. Willoughby.
13 Вооруженный
Thank you, Sergeant. Order - up! Soldier - arm! Left turn. Left,
14 Soldier - arm! Оружие - на плечо! right, left!

1 Form square! Построить квадрат! 28. The battle.

2 To bring over Перенести на другую сторону Colonel Hamilton, Tom, Jack, Vicar, William, officers
3 To line up Построить(ся) Form square! - Form square! Form square! Bring over those
camels! Line them up! Quickly now, take positions! Number
4 To fall in Становиться в строй, строиться
Three Section, fall in! Steady. Steady, boys, steady! Be calm. Nice
5 Steady Спокойный, уравновешенный and calm. Be nice and calm. Battalion, prepare the cavalry, Mr.
6 Calm Спокойный, невозмутимый Willoughby. Battalion, prepare the cavalry. Make way for the
7 To prepare Приготовить(ся) cavalry! Number One Company, prepare for volley. Number One
8 Cavalry Кавалерия Company, two rounds volley fire! Number One Company, two
9 Make way Освободить дорогу rounds volley fire! Steady on the right, Mr. Castleton! Pick your
10 Volley Залп targets! Fire! Fire! Fire! Sir, we're being attacked from behind,
sir! Close in on the right, Castleton! Officers to the front!
11 Volley fire Залповый огонь
Present! Aim! Castleton! Fire! Fire! Keep your horses a target!
12 Pick your targets! Выбрать цель! Hold this line! The British Cavalry, sir! They're retreating! They're
13 Behind Сзади running! All right, men, cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire!
14 To close in Наступать, постепенно окружать Congratulations, sir. Battle's not over yet. Yes! We sod 'em off,
15 Keep your horses a Цельтесь в лошадей! lads! Send out the skirmishers, Mr. Willoughby. Send out the
target skirmishers! Well done, Four Section! Vicar! Come on, Vicar!
16 To retreat Отступать Vicar, come on! - Close the square! - Close the square! Charge!
17 We sod 'em off Мы заставили их отвалить Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God. It's not the British! It's
18 To send out Высылать the Mahdi! Get back! Volley fire, if you please, Mr. Willoughby!
The skirmishers, sir? Hold this square at all costs, Mr.
19 Skirmishers Отряд преследования
Willoughby! Get back to the square! Get back to the square! Get
20 Charge! В атаку! back to the square! Go! Get back to the square! Go! Go! Vicar!
21 To deliver from Освобождать, избавлять sins deliver before me! Volley fire, Mr. Willoughby! Now!
22 Guiltiness Виновность Mr. Willoughby, I gave you a direct order! Castleton! Save me
23 At all costs Любой ценой from my sins! Vicar, get back to the four square! - Go on, Trench!
24 Sin Грех Go on! - Run! Present! Fire! Don't shoot! Come on! Let's go!
25 Direct Прямой Vicar! Close the square! Close the square! Mr. Willoughby... Jack!
What are your orders, sir? Sir! Sound the retreat!
26 Sound the retreat! Трубите отступление!

1 Fool Дурак 29. Harry saves Jack.

2 Ever Когда-либо Harry, Abou, Jack
"My dear Jack..." Oh... I'm a fool. I was a fool to think that I could ever go back home. I
3 To know Знать can't. Your friend needs help. My friend knows how to help himself. I can't see. I can't see. I
(knew, known)
can't see! Don't! Who are you? I have letters. Oh... Who are you? I can't see. I can't see.
4 Letter Письмо Shh.

1 Advice Совет 30. Jack’s return.

2 Yet Все еще Jack, Ethne, General Faversham
3 I should've listened Мне следовало бы прислушаться Hello, Jack. Ethne. How are you? I wanted to ask your advice,

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 11
4 To miss Скучать General. My advice? Jack Durrance has asked me to marry him.
5 To be able Быть способным You don't need my advice. Jack Durrance is a good man. I haven't
6 To ride Ездить верхом answered him yet. I was wondering if you'd heard from Harry. I've
heard nothing and I don't think I shall hear from him again. I
7 Penance Покаяние, искупление
should've listened. I miss him. My son loved Jack Durrance like a
8 Lavender Лаванда brother. I know he'd want you to be happy. A few more weeks and
9 Onion Лук he'll be able to ride without help. Will that be the end of your
10 Lunch обед, ланч penance? Jack. Oh-ho-ho-ho. Not bad. You should see me on a
11 Stables Стойло camel. Lavender and onions. Sunday lunch. Take the horse to the
stables and you can have some.

1 Finally Наконец-то, в конце концов 31. Tom pays a visit.

2 Decoration Украшение Jack, Tom
3 To visit Посещать, навещать - Thank you, Robert, it's quite all right.
- It's me, Jack. Tom.
4 To hound Преследовать
- They finally made you captain, Miss Willoughby. All those decorations.
5 All the way От начала до конца, всё это - You must have a few, yourself. How'd you know I was visiting today?
время - l saw Harry, Jack.
6 To side with Становиться на чью-л сторону - Where?
7 To run out Кончаться, иссякать - In the Sudan. I was following our retreat. We had a terrible time of it. The
8 Supply Припасы enemy hounded us all the way. The desert itself seemed to side with
9 Straggler Отставший them. We ran out of water, medical supplies... even had to leave
To turn on stragglers behind. Finally, our own native scouts turned on us. We lost
10 Обратиться против
more men on that retreat than we did at the battle.

1 Get out! Убирайся! 32. A flashback from Sudan

To whip Tom, Harry
2 Сечь, хлестать
- Get out! Didn't you hear what I said? I said get out or I'll have you whipped you filthy wog!
3 Wog Черномазый; цветной - Like you had my friend whipped?
4 To torture Пытать - Harry?
5 For his pains За его старания, труды - I sent a man to warn you and you had him tortured for his pains.
- I...
6 To cost Стоить - What would it have cost to listen?
7 To take Принять меры - I didn't know it was you.
precautions предосторожности - You should've taken precautions, Tom.
- I didn't know it was you. For God's sake, what are you doing here?

1 To ask for Просить 33. Back to Jack

2 Rumor Слух, молва Jack, Tom
3 To go around Передаваться, - And afterwards?
- He asked me for some money and left.
- To come back?
4 Surviving Выживший - No. No, there was a rumor going around that some of our surviving soldiers
5 Prison Тюрьма had been captured and taken to prison. Harry thought Trench might be one
6 Might Может быть, вероятно of them.
7 To go after Отправиться за… - He went after him?
8 To stop Остановить - I tried to stop him, Jack. I told him they were only rumors that the chances
9 Survival Выживание of survival were virtually none. He wouldn't listen.
Virtually - Did you come here to tell Ethne Harry was dead?
10 Практически, фактически
- I don't know that he's dead, Jack.
11 Hope Надежда - So you've come to give her hope?
12 To keep it to Хранить в секрете, - What would you do in my place?
myself держать при себе - Keep it to myself, Tom, until I was sure.
13 Sure Уверенный

1 Prisoner Заключенный 34. Reckless plan of Harry

2 To abandon Бросать, покидать Harry, Abou
3 Shame Стыд; позор, - What did he say?

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 12
бесчестие - Your friend is dead.
4 No longer Больше не… - I saw Trench taken alive.
5 Responsible Ответственный - Prisoners were taken to Omdurman last month. Your army abandoned them. The
shame is no longer yours. You're responsible to yourself and to God not to them.
6 To hang Повесить
- I am responsible to my friend. I will find him.
7 To die Умереть - You have learned nothing. You've done enough.
8 Walk too proudly Шагаете по Земле - It's never enough, Abou. Look, if the Mahdi's men find out I'm British they'll take me
on the earth слишком гордо to their prison. It's the only way I'll find my friend.
- They will hang you.
- Abou, you must help me get into the prison.
- I will not be responsible for your death.
- How could you be responsible for my death? I will die if it is God's will. Yes?
- You English walk too proudly on the earth. You are a fool, my friend.

1 To lose (lost, lost) Терять 35. Harry finds William Trench

2 Space Пространство Harry, William
3 Hundred Сотня Trench! Ibrahim! Trench! Don't lose our space! Come on,
4 Relative Родственник son. You mustn't fall. You mustn't fall. All right. Trench.
5 Scraps Клочки, объедки Harry? Harry, if you didn't come with the army, then who
6 To bribe Подкупить sent you? You did. All this way for a feather. I brought some
7 Entire Весь, целый money. How much? A hundred. Hundred? What's going on?
8 To wipe out Стирать с лица Земли Who are those women? They're all relatives of the men in
9 On the other hand С другой стороны here. They bring them scraps of food. Let's see if we can get
10 Infinitely Безгранично, беспредельно you something to eat. What can we do with this money?
11 Corruptible Коррумпированный, подкупный Well, there's no chance of bribing Idris. His entire family was
Either… or… wiped out by one of our artillery attacks. Now, Hassan, on
12 Или…, или…
To escape
the other hand, is infinitely corruptible. For dirhams, he'll
13 Сбежать
either help us escape or he'll stab us in the back and keep
14 Stab us in the back Вонзить нож в спину
the money. I'll see if I can talk to him. The first thing I do
15 To stab Зарезать ножом
when I get back is book a table at Wilton's a private room.
16 To book a table Заказать столик
No bloody crowds. Two pints of stout, please, guvner! Ha!
17 Private Частный, личный Not long now, Harry! Not long now! Trench. Please, Trench,
18 Crowd Толпа get up. Trench, come on.
19 Pint Пинта (мера объема, ~ 1л)
20 Stout Стаут, темное крепкое пиво
21 Guvner Папаша, дяденька
22 To get up Вставать

1 Money's no good for me Деньги не хорошо для меня 36. A gift from Abou
(Деньги для меня бесполезны) Abou, Harry, William
2 Guard Стража, охрана I have some money. Money's no good for me. I can't bribe
Anymore the guards anymore. I have nothing left to lose, nothing left
3 Больше
to live for but still, I'm frightened. Fear always remains. Pray
4 To remain Оставаться for me, Abou. Take as long as you like. I don't walk too
5 Take as long as you like Столько, сколько пожелаешь proudly now. Stop. Have some food. You're looking better.
6 Gift Подарок, дар You may not feel it, but you look it. When I get better, will I
7 Poison Яд look as bad as you? We'll get you through this, Trench. I
8 Pain Боль don't want to get through this, Harry. I don't think I can
9 That'll make a change Это все меняет take it anymore. I had a visitor today. He brought us a gift.
Careful The poison will take a few hours to work. You won't feel
10 Осторожно
any pain. That'll make a change. Careful. I didn't mean to be
11 To be a pig about it Вести себя по-свински a pig about it. How about we give them one last night of
12 How about Как насчет того, чтобы hell? I'll drink to that!
13 One last night of hell Последняя адская ночь

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 13
1 Leg Нога 37. Successful escape.
2 To wear off Заканчивать действие (о лекарстве) Harry, William, Abou
Oh, Trench. I can't feel anything in my legs. The poison
3 It was supposed to kill me Оно предполагалось убить меня has paralyzed your body. It'll wear off soon. I thought
(Предполагалось, что это убьет меня) it was supposed to kill me. Only for a while. You mean,
4 For a while На некоторое время you knew? I couldn't be short-changed. That's the last
5 Short-changed Обсчитывать, недодавать сдачу time I let you buy the drink. How many bullets? One.
6 Bullet Пуля Better make it count. No. I can't carry him. You can.
Save my friend. Save my friend. Look after your friend.
7 Better make it count Лучше заставить ее засчитать очко What will you do now? Whatever God has chosen for
(Надо бы попасть) me.

1 To change Менять(ся) 38. Ethne takes back the last feather

2 May I have it back? Можно я поимею это назад? Harry, Ethne
(Можно я заберу его?) - Do I look that bad?
- Everyone said how much you'd changed. I didn't believe them. May I
3 I'd still like it back Я все же хотела бы забрать
have it back?
его - That isn't why I came.
4 Almost Почти - I'd still like it back.
5 To let go Отдавать, отпускать - I'm almost sorry to let it go. It's brought me a lot of luck over these
6 Luck Удача past few months.
7 Pass Проходить - Have you heard our news?
8 To set up Подготавливать, - Yes. How is Jack?
планировать - I think he's happy.
- Good. He deserves to be. So do you.
9 To chat Болтать
- It will pass. You will meet someone soon. Then you and her and Jack
10 Politely Вежливо and I…
- Yes…
- ...will set up tea and chat politely as if nothing ever happened with us
- That won't happen, Ethne.
- It has to happen. It has to because I love you, Harry. I love you and I
can't... I'm sorry.

1 Carriage Экипаж, карета 39. Meeting Jack.

2 Outside Снаружи Jack, Harry
3 To give a ride Прокатить, подвезти - Was that Ethne's carriage outside?
- She is giving me a ride to the station.
4 To come out Выходить
- Why didn't she come out?
5 To stand by Оставаться в стороне - I think she wanted to give us a minute or two alone.
6 To owe Быть должным - Do we need a minute or two alone, Harry?
7 Judgment Решение, суждение - I came to thank you, Jack.
8 To left behind Оставлять позади - For what?
9 Indeed Безусловно - For standing by me.
10 To lead Вести - If you're talking about the feathers I wasn't there.
(led, led) - Willoughby told me you were.
11 Cavalry charge Кавалерийская атака - You don't owe me anything, Harry. The wedding isn't for another month. Ethne is
free to make up her own mind. She's made up her mind. You should trust her
12 In public Публично, на
публику - To Castleton and all the others we left behind.
13 You wiped the Ты вытер мною пол - Indeed.
floor with me (уложил на обе - You remember the first time we led a cavalry charge in public?
лопатки) - Yes, I do, Jack. You wiped the floor with me. I believe most of my horses ended up
14 Most Большая часть in the bandstand.
15 To end up Доходить, кончать - Yes, I did, and yes, they did. Ethne was there watching.
- Yes, I remember.
16 Bandstand Эстрада для оркестра - You should. You're the only one she danced with. I've never been so jealous. I
17 Jealous Ревнивый wanted to prove to her that I was the better soldier.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 14
18 To prove Доказывать - Well, you always were the better soldier, Jack.
19 To look for Искать - Yes, of course, but... She was the first person I looked for in the crowd and she
was staring at you. Everyone else was applauding me, and she was staring at you.
20 To stare Глазеть, смотреть не Nothing's changed. She's beautiful, isn't she?
отрываясь - Yes, she is.
21 To applaud Аплодировать

1 Journey Путешествовать 40. Harry’s reconciliation with father. Jack’s speech

2 Foreign land Чужие, дальние страны Jack, General Faversham, Harry
3 Comfort Утешение You may be lost, but you are not forgotten. For those
who have journeyed far to fight in foreign lands know
4 Close at hand Рядом, на расстоянии вытянутой руки
that the soldier's greatest comfort is to have his
5 In the heat of battle В пылу битвы friends close at hand. Welcome home, Harry. Thank
6 To cease Исчезать; прекращать you, sir. In the heat of battle it ceases to be an idea for
7 Rather Скорее, вернее; лучше, предпочтительнее which we fight or a flag. Rather we fight for the man
8 To scatter Рассеивать(ся), разрушать(ся) on our left and we fight for the man on our right, and
9 To fall away Исчезать, ослабевать when armies have scattered and when the empires fall
10 Memory Память away, all that remains is the memory of those precious
moments we spent side by side.
11 Side by side Рядом, бок о бок

1 I did you a great wrong Я сделала тебе большую 41. Reconciliation with Ethne.
несправедливость (Я Jack, Ethne
поступила с тобой очень - Forgive me. I did you a great wrong.
несправедливо) - There is nothing to forgive.
- Yes, there is. I should've stood by you, Harry. I should've
2 I used to be so sure Я привыкла быть такой
understood. I used to be so sure about everything.
уверенной (Я была так во всем - We both were, Ethne.
уверена) - And now?
3 Both Оба - And now... Well, now I have no choice, Ethne. God put you in my
4 Choice Выбор way.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 15

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