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What Women Want


Release Year: 2000
Slogan: «He has the power to hear everything
women are thinking. Finally... a man is
Country: USA
Genres : Comedy | Fantasy | Romance
Runtime: 127 min
Director: Nancy Meyers
Stars: Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt and Marisa

About the film. Translate into Russian

Nick, a somewhat chauvinistic advertising exec hot shot, has his life turned haywire when a fluke accident
enables him to hear what women think. At first all he wants to do is rid himself of this curse, until a wacky
psychologist shows him that this could be used to his advantage! His first target is Darcy McGuire, the very
woman that got the promotion he wanted. But just as his plan is beginning to work, love gets in the way...

"What Women Want" has a unusual plot which also makes us (men) think: what do women really want? The final
conclusion is that they want happiness, just like men.Despite being a predictable movie and nothing extraordinary, at
least it teaches to us (men) some valuable lessons about women. It's a good way to understand and know them
better.The first hour of this movie is great fun, very entertaining and pure comedy. During the first hour we have some
moments to give us good laughs. Mel Gibson has never been this funny before. He plays a hilarious character: Nick
Marshall, a typical "macho men" or a "men's man". The kind of man that other men admire and want to be like him. The
kind of man who doesn't understand a thing about women (although seen as a "God's gift" to women). Nick is proud, rich,
chauvinistic, single and loves to hear Frank Sinatra.After an accident with the hairdryer, he suddenly has the power of
hearing what women think and what they think of him isn't what he expected. He sees this as a curse, but after being
convinced by a psychologist that he could take advantage of this gift, he uses it to manipulate Darcy McGuire. However, in
the second half, the movie fails, becoming predictable and somehow lame, losing all its comical side. Some ridiculous and
silly things happen in the second half. Also, I rather the "old" Nick than the "good" Nick, because the "old" Nick was much
funnier. He becomes the "good guy" in the second half, losing his sense of humor. This movie has some nice songs, such
as "I Won't Dance" (performed by Frank Sinatra), "I've Got You Under My Skin" (performed by Frank Sinatra in a duet with
Bono) and "Bitch" (performed by Meredith Brooks).Mel Gibson is great and charming as Nick Marshall, while Helen Hunt
is okay and pretty in the role of Darcy McGuire.

Exercises and tasks you are to with the vocabulary you can see below.

1. Write a review of yours. That will improve your way of thinking in English.
2. Read the words using transcription and their translation from each part before watching.
3. Try to paraphrase those you find difficult.
4. Read and translate contextual sentences after watching so you could make sure you’ve got all the words properly.
5. Ask your partner questions around each part, using new words and phrases.
6. Remember who said each phrase or word, in what situation.
7. Retell each situation. Especially those that are important for better understanding of the plot.
8. Put as many questions as you can to each part so that your partner could find the answers and vocalize them.
9. Discussion: Please state your ideas about what eternity and curse really are. Define these words.
10. Description: Describe Nick, appearance, character, habits, things she goes for
11. Describe Nick as if you were Nancy/ Gigi/ Alex/colleges
12. Describe Nance as if you were Nick/ Dan/colleges
13. Would you like to have such a friend as Nancy? Why?

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 1
14. What do you think about idea of hearing all woman’s thoughts. What would you do in such situation?
15. Split into groups: Your task is to have 2 columns on a shit of paper you have and write bad points about “understanding other people”
in one column and good points about it in another one. Make remarks whether the thing you take is possible in a real life or not. The
team that names more such things wins.
16. Express your ideas: about the film, about the idea of it, about the music and script.
17. Name all the plot lines. What lessons have you taken out this film? Discuss them in your group.

№ Word/phrase & transcription Translation Context NB Russian equivalent

1.People talk about

знать, иметь представление, поня- [Woman] Do you know the expression ''a man's
1 to know тие man''?
2 expression выражение, оборот речи A man's man is the leader of the pack. The kind of
man other men look up to, admire and emulate.
''a man's man'' настоящий мужчина, всем мужчи- A man's man is the kind of man who... [Chuckles]
3 нам мужчина just doesn't get what women are about.
4 leader of the pack глава банды, вожак стаи Nick, my ex-husband, is the ultimate man's man.
такой тип мужчины, такой мужчи- I probably never should have married him. I don't
the kind of man
5 на think he understood a thing about me.
6 to look up to уважать, брать пример с So, this is Nick Marshall's office. Wanna peek?
Don't worry.
to admire восхищаться, любоваться, востор-
He never gets in before 10:00.
7 гаться He'll send you on more errands than anyone in
подражать, следовать примеру, the entire company... 'cause he can't do anything
to emulate
8 копировать, состязаться for himself.
не понимает кто такие женщины He's the least politically correct guy in the uni-
doesn't get what women are
9 about He's the king of all the T & A ads we do.
10 ex-husband бывший муж You want babes in bikinis?
последний, окончательный, пре- He's your man.
ultimate дельный, максимальный, совер- My dad?
11 шенный How can I best describe him?
He's always been... like an uncle to me.
12 probably возможно, вероятно Uncle Dad.
13 never никогда Although, Nick was a charmer.
14 to marry жениться, выходить замуж Completely irresistible at first, which feeds into
to understand a thing about the whole ''man's man'' thing.
15 smb. понимать кого-либо

to peek бросать взгляд, загляды-

16 вать(украдкой), подсматривать
17 Don't worry! Не волнуйся! Не беспокойтесь!
18 to get in приходить, прибывать, входить
19 before до, раньше, прежде чем

to send smb on errands гонять кого-л. с поручениями, по-

20 сылать с поручениями
21 entire весь, целый, полный
22 cause(because)[bɪ'kɔz] так как, потому что

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 2
23 the least наименее, наименьший
24 politically correct guy политкорректный человек
25 universe вселенная, мир, космос
26 king король
27 babes малышка, красотка, чувиха
28 dad папа, отец

to describe описывать, изображать, характе-

29 ризовать
30 uncle дядя

although [ɔːl'ðəu] хотя, несмотря на то, что, если бы

31 даже,

charmer очаровашка, покоритель сердец,

32 чародей, маг
33 completely вполне, совершенно, полностью
34 irresistible неотразимый, непреодолимый
35 at first вначале, сначала, на первых порах
36 to feed into вводить, входить в

2. About Nick’s mother and You know about Nick's mother, right? Because once
childhood you understand about Nick's mother, you understand
37 actually ['ækʧuəlɪ] фактически, на самом деле Nick. [Woman] Nick was actually born and raised in Las
to be born and raised Nick's mother was a real, honest-to-God Las Vegas
38 родиться и вырасти showgirl.
39 real настоящий, реальный When other boys were outside riding their bikes and
40 honest-to-God истинная, настоящая playing ball, Nick was backstage hanging with the girls.
41 to be outside быть снаружи, на улице He was their mascot, their little pet.
to ride a bike They couldn't get enough of those baby blues.
42 кататься на велостпеде
- Bang! Bang! - [Laughs]
43 to play ball играть с мячом If you ask me, I'd say Nick's mother just about killed it...
44 backstage за кулисами for every woman Nick would ever meet.
зависать с девушками, об- She had a lot of sugardaddies in her life, but only one
hanging with the girls true love-- the boy with the family jewels..
45 щаться с девушка
mascot ['mæskət] Let me see that, kid.
46 талисман
And since Nick didn't have a father, his mom made sure
47 pet любимец, питомец he was always surrounded by strong role models.
couldn't get enough of не могди насладиться, насы- - Come here? - [Screams]
48 титься - Men her boy could look up to.
49 baby blues красивые глазки - Now you're ready? Keep countin', kid. 17,18,19,20
to kill There was nothing normal about the way Nick Marshall
50 убивать
was raised.
51 woman женщина So, what can you expect?
52 to meet встречать You don't have to be Freud to figure out this was one
53 a lot of много, множество cockeyed way to enter the world.
богатый покровитель, любов-
sugar daddy
54 ник
55 life жизнь
настоящая любовь, истинная
true love
56 любовь
57 family jewels ['ʤuːəl] фамильные драгоценности
58 since с, с тех пор, после того, как

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 3
to make sure убедиться, удостовериться,
59 обеспечить,гарантировать
быть окружённым, окружён-
to be surrounded
60 ный,
сильный, крепкий, решитель-
61 ный
62 role model образец для подражания
63 Come here! Подойди(те) сюда!
64 to scream кричать, вопить
65 to be ready быть готовым,

to keep countin' продолжать считать, не оста-

66 навливаться
способ, манера, средство,
the way
67 путь
68 to expect ожидать, ждать, рассчитывать
вычислять, понимать, разга-
to figure out
69 дывать

cockeyed странный, нелепый, абсурд-

70 ный, пьяный
71 to enter входить, заносить

3.Nick’s morning
72 to groan стонать, охать, скрипеть [Groaning]Don't you ever knock?
73 to knock стучать, барабанить - It's almost 10:00. You gotta go to work, and I gotta
vacuum in here. And don't forget
74 work работа, труд - Another one who wears vanilla perfume. Don't you
чистить пылесосом, пылесо- know any women who don't want to smell like candy?
to vacuum[vækjuːm]
75 сить - Toss me my lighter, babe?
76 to forget забывать - Babe? What am I, a little pig? I don't have time to
пахнуть ванильны- make you no onion bagel, so please do not start to
to wear vanilla perfume beg? And for the record, I don't like finding these
77 ми(пряными) духами
things in your sofa. What kind of woman wears under-
78 to smell пахнуть, нюхать
wear like this?
79 like как - Hey, my mother wore underwear like that. Just put
80 candy леденец, конфета, сладость them somewhere, will you, babe?
бросать, кидать, швырять, ме- - Well, ''babe'' is gonna put it in the trash where it be-
to toss
81 тать longs.
82 lighter зажигалка - So, your mother should excuse me. – [Sighs] Did you
ever consider dating a woman who wears real under-
83 pig свинья, поросёнок, поросячий
wear? The kind that covers the entire bottom the way
84 to make делать, готовить, заставлять it's supposed to?
рогалик с луком, бублик с лу- - No. But if I do, should I call?
onion bagel
85 ком - I'm gonna go clean the kitchen. You couldn't toast me
86 to beg просить, умолять a little bagel, could you? Light cream cheese, tomatoes.
87 for the record к сведению Capers if we have any. Please! Come on. I can't think
I don't like finding on an empty stomach.
88 мне не нравится находить
- All right. But only because you didn't call me that pig
89 underwear нижнее бельё name.
90 to put класть, положить - You got it, babe.
91 trash мусор, хлам, отбросы
принадлежать, быть соб-
to belong (to)
92 ственностью
93 where it belongs где ему и место

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 4
94 to sigh вздыхать, тосковать
думать о том, чтобы что-либо
to consider doing smth
95 сделать
96 to date встречаться
97 to cover покрывать, закрывать
98 bottom задница, низ, дно
99 to be supposed to ожидаться, предполагаться
100 to clean чистить , убирать
101 kitchen кухня
102 light cream cheese сливочный сыр
103 capers каперсы
on an empty stom-
104 ach['stʌmək] на пустой желудок

4. Flor and Mr. Marshal Mr. Marshall, how are you doing today?
105 fit as a dancing bear здоров как бык - I'm fit as a dancing bear.
to get a cab - I'll get that cab for you. - [Whistles]
106 поймать такси, ловить такси
- That's some set of pipes you got.
107 to whistle свистеть
- You have an excellent day, sir.
очень громкий голос, голос - And you. At ease.
set of pipes
108 певца
109 have an excellent day! Удачного дня!
110 At ease Вольно!

5. At the coffee shop - [Gasps] - I'm so sorry! I -absolutely did not mean to do
to gasp дышать с трудом, задыхаться,
- Here. Let me get that for you.
111 делать глубокий вдох
- It's okay.
112 did not mean to do that Я не хотел(а) - No, I'm mortified. I can see your hands are full.
113 Let me Позвольте мне! - Thank you.
быть подавленным, обижен- - Sorry. Let me get the door.(открыть дверь) [Grunts]
to be mortified - [Giggles] Thank you.
114 ным
- Thank you.
I can see your hands are full
115 Я вижу у Вас руки заняты
116 door дверь
117 to grunt хрюкать, ворчать, бормотать
118 to giggle хихикать,

6. Nick and Lola Halfcup, grande, nonfat, thick foam, wet cap, no lid.
Halfcup ''Halfcaff,'' grande, nonfat, thick foam, wet cap, no lid.
119 полпорции
- So, when do you find out?
halfcaff 50% кофеина - Today, I think. Unless I didn't get it, and then I will just
120 grande большой never find out. I'm sure I didn't get it. They were looking
121 nonfat нежирный, обезжиренный, for an ''earth mother'' type. I overheard the director say I
was more space cadet. I'm an actress. I can be whatever
122 thick foam с пеной you want.
123 lid крышка - Is that true, can you?
124 to find out узнавать, выяснять - Better be true. Otherwise, I'm stuck playing ditsy coffee
125 Unless I didn't get it Если только не получу это girl the rest of my life.
Thank you. Thanks.
126 to look for искать -Hi, Nick.
мать земля, тип женщины Hi. Lola, my love. When are you gonna let me buy you
''earth mother''
127 имеющей много детей, домо-

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 5
зозяйка, мать, жена) dinner?
type - Nick, I don't know why you don't believe me. I'm not
128 тип, типаж
your type. Trust me on this one. Cappuccino, extra foam.
подслушивать, нечаянно Tall or grande?
to overhear
129 услышать - Grande. Or at least I like to think so.
130 director режиссёр, директор - Next.
131 space cadet космический кадет - You know, rumor has it... I'm getting some really big
news at work today. At least come out with me. Cele-
132 to be stuck застрять
brate. I'll buy you a coffee.
ditsy легкомысленный, взбалмаш- - Memo to you: I work in a coffee shop.
133 ный, рассеянный Hi. What can I get you?
- Hi. I'll take—
the rest of my life всю оставшуюся жизнь, оста-
- Want me to stop asking you out? Sorry. This will just
134 ток жизни
take a sec. Because, Lola, give me the word and I'll stop.
135 love любовь, любить - Yes, I'm gonna give you the word because I'm an actress.
136 to buy smb dinner угостить кого-л ужином Or at least I'm trying to be one. I'm trying to concentrate
137 to believe верить, доверять, полагать on that. So, you know, it would be a good thing, if you
wouldn't mind, to stop asking me out!
138 to trust доверять, верить - Honey, you seem so stressed.
139 tall высокий, большой - I am stressed. I have a lot on my plate.
140 next следующий - So, let's not talk about this now. Why don't I meet you
141 rumor has it ходят слухи here, say, tomorrow? 10:00? 10:30?
- That would be good.
142 to come out выходить (в свет), выясняться - So, that's a date?
143 to celebrate праздновать, отмечать - It's a date.
144 Memo to напоминаю - Thank you.
приглашать кого-л. на свида- - Sir, that was inspiring.
to ask smb out - I know.
145 ние
146 this will just take a sec это займёт минутку
147 give me the word только скажи
по крайней мере, по меньшей
at least
148 мере
149 to try пытаться, стараться
150 to seem казаться
151 stressed напряжённый, нагруженный

to have a lot on one's plate иметь уйму дел, забот, быть

152 занятым по горло
153 date свидание
вдохновительный, вдохнов-
154 ляющий
7. Nick and Morgan
Есть новые сплетни?Что за [Woman] Good morning, Sloane-Curtis. - Good morn-
What's the dirt? ing, Mr. Marshall.
155 гнусности болтают?
- Hi, honey.
156 breakfast завтрак - What's the dirt?
157 winning побеждающий, победа, успех - I was at breakfast this morning—
Of course - Hey, Norm! You winning?
158 конечно
- Of course.
159 to hear слышать - I heard Miller's shopping around, looking for a new
искать, подыскивать, прице- agency.
to shop around
160 ниваться - Miller Lite. I know. I'm all over it.
161 agency агенство - Also, I heard Darcy McGuire left B.B.D. & O.
162 I'm all over it Я в курсе! - Good morning, Angela. -You're kidding. Left or was
163 to leave (left) оставлять, покидать, уходить fired?

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 6
164 You're kidding! Ты шутишь! -I don't know. Everyone there is thrilled to get rid of
165 to be fired быть уволенным her.
- Well, so much for edgy female vision.
to be thrilled радоваться, трепетать, быть - So, that girl we met last night at the club, nothing
166 взволнованным happened after you put her in the cab, right? It did?
167 to get rid of smb избавиться от кого-л. Something happened? But she said she had to be in
заострённый, острый, раз- bed early.
edgy - I had her in bed by 11:00. Or was it quarter to?
168 дражительный, нервный
- You - You're like a genius, you know that?
видение, представление, зре-
vision - What can I tell you, buddy?
169 ние
I'm blessed. And today is my lucky day.
170 night [naɪt] ночь Not only is my ex-wife remarrying-- right now, as a
171 to happen случаться, происходить matter of fact-- but Wanamaker called me himself,
172 early ['ɜːlɪ] рано, скоро, преждевременно wanted to see me first thing.
I had her in bed Уложил её в постель - Called twice to confirm.
- Call me when he makes it official. It's not gonna be as
173 a quarter ['kwɔːtə] to без четверти
easy to suck up to ''creative director,'' you know. - -
174 genius ['ʤiːnɪəs] гений, талант Not to worry. I'll make us a lunch rez at the Drake to
175 buddy приятель, дружище celebrate.
176 I'm blessed у меня талант - Don't count your chickens? 1:00?
177 lucky day счастливый день - Pick you up.
- Can I borrow this?
178 ex-wife бывшая жена

remarrying вступать в брак вторично, сно-

179 ва жениться/выходит замуж
180 right now прямо сейчас
181 to call звонить
182 twice дважды
183 to confirm подтверждать
184 to suck up to smb Подлизываться к
185 I'll make us a lunch rez я закажу нам столик
Цыплят по осени считают! Не
Don't count your chickens радуйся раньше времени, не
делай преждевременных вы-
186 водов, не торопись

to pick smb up заходить за кем-то, заезжать

187 за кем-то, забирать кого-то,
занимать, заимствовать,брать
to borrow
188 в займы

8. Nick and girls at the office - Hey, Dina.

189 difference разница, отличие - Hi.
- Do you know the difference between a wife and a
190 between между job?
191 job работа - What is it?
всё ещё, по-прежнему достав- - After ten years, job still sucks. - [Laughing]
Still sucks
192 ляет удовольствие(сосёт) - That's a good one?
193 to laugh [lɑːf] смеяться, хохотать I wouldn't do that if I were you. That's not a good idea,
I wouldn't do that if I were no.
На Вашем месте я бы этого не
you - Mr. Marshall, hi.
194 делал
- I put the storyboards on your desk. Picked up your
195 storyboard раскадровка shoes from Barney's. Got your glasses fixed.
196 desk рабочий стол, парта

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 7
to pick up shoes from Bar- There was no charge. This morning's staff meeting was
197 ney's забирать туфли из ремонта cancelled. And I got your cigarettes. They're next to
your laptop.
198 glasses очки
- This morning's staff meeting was cancelled.
199 get fixed починить, наладить - That's what I was told.
200 no charge бесплатно - Good morning, girls.
201 staff meeting собрание персонала -[Chuckling] Good afternoon, sire.
202 to cancel отменять, анулировать - Hey, anybody know why the staff meeting was can-
203 laptop ноутбук, компьютер - Nobody called us. But Mr. Wanamaker wants to see
204 girl девочка you as soon as you get in, which I told his office was 15
205 to chuckle посмеиваться, смеяться minutes ago.
206 as soon as как можно скорее - I know.
to show up - You couldn't show up on time? You know you're being
207 появляться, приходить
promoted. But you look very sharp, by the way.
208 on time вовремя - Thank you.
209 to promote повышать - Like a creative director.
210 to look sharp отлично выглядеть - Very distinguished.
211 by the way кстати - [Exhales Deeply] You able to handle yourselves on the
44th floor? Be truthful.
distinguished известный, выдающийся, без- - Are you kidding? We were made for the 44th floor.
212 упречный, изысканный Now, get up there already, so we can break out the
213 to exhales deeply глубоко выдыхать bubbly.
быть в состоянии что-либо - Don't wait up.
to be able to do smth - [Both] Don't wait up.
214 сделать, суметь
to handle - He's so adorable.
215 управлять, регулировать
- He says the cutest things.
правдивый, верный, безоши-
216 бочный

to be made for быть созданным для, быть

217 сделанным для
218 already уже
219 break out the bubbly открывать шампусик
дожидаться, не ложиться
to wait up
220 спать
очаровательный, милый, пре-
221 лестный

9. At Wanamaker’s office Boy. Sorry, buddy. I was in the board meeting that
would never end. - Have you been here long?
board meeting заседание совета директоров,
- A couple minutes. That's all.
222 собрание членов правления
- Jess, can I get a cup of decaf and a couple Tylenol?
заканчиваться, подходить к And see if we got any Echinacea. And I need some club
to end
223 концу soda. I got something on my tie. Know what? Just get
224 A couple minutes пару минут me another tie. I saw the mock-ups you did for Johnny
225 decaf кофе без кофеина Walker. They're fantastic.
- That's my job, Dan.
couple Tylenol 2 таблетки таленола (талетка
- So, you know I'm not great at making speeches, espe-
226 от головной боли)
cially when I haven't got you to write them for me. So,
227 Echinacea [ˌɛkɪˈneɪsɪə] Эхинацея I'll do my best. I've been in this racket over years. Let
228 club soda содовая вода me tell you something, it doesn't get any easier. As a
229 tie галстук matter of fact, it gets harder and harder. The '80 s were
230 mock-up модель, эскиз, макет our glory days. They were all about alcohol, tobacco
and cars. I felt like I was on top of my game. And then
231 to make speeches произносить речи
in the '90s, men stopped dominating how dollars were
232 especially особенно

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 8
233 to write писать spent, and we lost our compass.
234 I'll do my best Я постараюсь! Women between 16 and 24 are the fastest-growing
consumer group in the country. Girls who were born in
I've been in this racket over the mid-'80s control our advertising dollars.
235 years Я уже давно в этом бизнесе - Sorry. No Echinacea. Hi, Nick. - Hey.
236 to get easier становиться легче - Red or lavender?
на самом деле, фактически, - Red. No, no, lavender. That's good. Lavender's good.
as a matter of fact While we've been shooting beer commercials... with
237 по существу
the Swedish bikini team, the industry has been trans-
становиться труднее, услож-
to get harder formed. We were the agency in town ten years ago.
238 няться
Now we're struggling to be third. If we don't evolve
239 glory слава, процветание and think beyond our natural ability, we're gonna go
240 They were all about alcohol все думали об алкоголе down.''Think beyond our natural
241 car машина -'' I'm not quite clear what you mean.
242 to be on top of my game быть на высоте, лучше всех - What do you know about Darcy McGuire?
- I heard on the whisper she just left B.B.D. & O. I never
243 to spend(spent) проводить, тратить
met the woman, but I hear she's a real man-eater. She
244 lost(loose) терять won that Cleo last year we should have won for the
245 fastest-growing самая быстро растущая add about-- -- Right. That was her? I forgot about that.
246 consumer group потребительская группа - I wish I had. I hear she is a bitch on wheels.
247 country страна - That's very funny.
- Why? [Stammers]
реклама, рекламная деятель-
advertising - 'Cause I just hired her.
248 ность
- To do what?
249 red красный, рыжий - You know I love you, Nick, but it's a woman's world
lavender бледно-лиловый, сиреневый, out there. Getting into a women's psyche is not exactly
250 лиловый your strong suit. You can get into their pants better
251 to shoot beer commercials снимать рекламу пива than anybody on Earth, but their psyche is a whole
команда со шведками в бики- other ball game.
Swedish bikini team - You hired Darcy McGuire to do what?
252 ни
- She hasn't done it on her own yet, but somebody was
to transform изменяться, меняться, транс- gonna grab her. And she's smart, Nick. She's very
253 формировать smart. - You made her creative director, didn't you?
254 to struggle бороться, сражаться - Sorry. This isn't easy, but I got the board breathing
эволюционировать, разви- down my neck. She's coming in this afternoon. You'll
to evolve meet her.
255 вать(ся)
to think beyond our natural - Come on. Roll with this.
выйти за пределы естествен-
ability - [Coughs] Work with her because she's got what I
256 ных возможностей
need to keep this place afloat.
пойти на дно, затонуть, - She's got what you need, meaning she's a woman.
to go down
257 уменьшиться - You know how we can compete with that?
258 quite clear достаточно ясно, понятно
иметь ввиду, значить, озна-
to mean
259 чать
260 to hear on the whisper ходят слухи, по слухам
людоед, хищница,акула-
261 людоед
262 to win (won) выйгрывать, побеждать
263 last прошлый, последний
264 to add добавлять, прибавлять
265 to wish желать, хотеть
266 a bitch on wheels отъявленная стерва
267 funny весёлый, забавный
268 Why почему

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 9
269 to stammer заикаться, запинаться
270 to hire нанимать, брать на работу
Getting into a women's psy-
271 che проникнуть в женскую душу

strong suit сильная сторона (человека),

272 сильная масть
273 Earth Земля

ball game цент событий, место положе-

274 ния, ситуация
275 to grab захватить, схватить, отнять
276 smart умный,
277 easy лёгкий, простой
278 to breath down one's neck дышать в затылок
279 to come in приходить, заходить
280 Come on! ну давай!

to roll with smth приспосабливаться, выкручи-

281 ваться, справляться
282 to cough [kɔf] кашлять
нуждаться, испытывать по-
to need
283 требность
284 to keep afloat держать(ся) на плаву
285 compete with соревноваться

10 Talking about promotion He's coming. He's coming. He's coming. [Women
286 to scream кричать, вопить, визжать Scream]
fast - Not so fast, girls. Put it on ice. We'll break it out
287 быстро, быстрый
288 Put it on ice Повремените пока с этим
- We're not moving to the 44th floor?
289 to move to переезжать, переходить - Not today

11.At the wedding of the ex-wife - Gigi, one more. Gigi, your ex is here.
290 May I? можно ?позволите? - Honey, you look like...48$ million. - Thank you.
- May I kiss the bride?
291 to kiss целовать - Sure. - Nick. - Nick!
292 bride невеста - Ted. Congratulations, Ted. You're a lucky man.
293 Congratulations! поздравляю! - Well, thanks. I happen to agree. - - So, you're going on
294 lucky man счастливчик a cruise. Two weeks?
295 I happen to agree Я согласен - Well, actually, the cruise is just the last week. Alexan-
dra has an itinerary, and I faxed one... to your office
296 to go on a cruise [kruːz] отправляться в круиз yesterday, to your apartment last week. Ted's office
297 week неделя has one, as does the school.
маршрут, путь, курс, схема, - In case I've fallen off the planet? -You never know.
itinerary [aɪ'tɪn(ə)r(ə)rɪ] [Chuckles]
298 путеводитель
to fax - Here she is. Pretty in pink. So, two whole weeks to-
299 отправлять по факсу
gether? How you gonna handle it?
300 yesterday ['jestədeɪ ] вчера - I'm gonna love it. You can take care of your old man.
квартира, мебелированная Cook for me. Get my slippers.
301 комната - That'll be happening.
302 school [skuːl] школа - Alexandra has a boyfriend now.
303 In case на тот случай если, если - Mom!
304 to fall off the planet Исчезнуть, тспариться – I’m just telling so he won't be surprised.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 10
как знать, кто знает, чем чёрт - You have a boyfriend? You're only 13 years old.
You never know - Am I? I thought I was 15. [Chuckles]
305 не шутит
- We're gonna be fine.
306 Here she is вот она
- Look, I wanna meet Cameron.
307 pretty красотка - Okay if I meet Dad at his place?
308 pink розовый - Is it all right?
309 together вместе - well, I –
310 to take care of smb заботиться о ком-либо - What time? 8:00. 9:00, maybe?
- 7:30.
311 old man старик, предок, отец - Bye, Mom.
312 to cook готовить - Honey.
313 slippers тапочки - I'm gonna miss you.
314 boyfriend парень, приятель - I'm gonna miss you too.
to tell - Ted, have a good time.
315 говорить, рассказывать
- Bye, pumpkin.
316 to be surprised удивиться - Nick.
317 thought (think) думать - Honey.
318 What time? Во сколько? - Later.
319 I'm gonna miss you Я буду скучать по тебе. - 7:30's fine. Thanks for asking. And the name's Dad.
320 too тоже, слишком
Желаю приятно провести
Have a good time!
321 время!
322 pumpkin тыква, тыковка
323 Later! Ну, пока!
324 Thanks for asking Спасибо, что спросил(а)

12. Meet Darcy McGuire - Here you go.

325 Here you go Прошу! Держите! - Thanks.
-Hey, I heard. I can't believe this. -My next headache.
326 headache ['hedeɪk] головная боль - Don't worry. We'll get through it.[Laughing]
327 to get through справиться, выдержать - Everyone, everyone, meet Darcy McGuire.
328 everyone все - Oh, jeez. - My goodness. Everybody showed up.
329 Oh, jeez O Боже! - Darcy, how are you?
Боже мой! Вот те на! Ну и де- - Nice to see you.
My goodness - Pleasant surprise.
330 ла!
- God, what a small world.
331 Nice to see you рад тебя видеть
- Welcome aboard. I'm so glad to meet you.
332 Pleasant ['pleznt] приятный - Hello. I'm Darcy.
333 small маленький - Hi. I'm Nick Marshall.
334 Welcome aboard! Добро пожаловать! - I've heard a lot about you, Nick.
335 to hope надеяться - I've heard a lot about you too.
- Don't worry, can't all be true. [Chuckling] Let's hope
336 standing room only места только для стояния not.
быть взволнованным, воз- - Standing room only. It's a first. I'm very, very excited
to be excited
337 буждённым for you all to meet Darcy McGuire.
338 extraordinary[ɪk'strɔːdnrɪ] необычайный, выдающийся -Darcy's extraordinary reputation... as a leader in the
сфера деятельности, область, field precedes her. At B.B.D. & O., Darcy led a creative
339 поле team... that snagged $500 million in new business wins.
340 to precede [prɪ'siːd] опережать, предшествовать And that was just last year alone. At Sloane-Curtis,
поймать, получить, приди- we've prided ourselves on our strategic thinking.
to snag Now it's time for us to step up and prove ourselves
341 раться
creatively... in the marketplace.
342 to pride oneself гордиться And I'm thrilled that Darcy has consented to move
343 strategic thinking стратегическое мышление across town, join our team and lead us into the 21st
344 it's time пора! century.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 11
to step up расширять, увеличивать, вы-
345 ходить вперёд
346 to prove oneself показать себя
347 marketplace рынок, сфера бизнеса
348 to consent соглашаться, давать согласие
349 to join присоединяться
350 century ['senʧ(ə)rɪ] век, столетие

13. Darcy talks about Thank you, Dan.

business And thank you all for that warm welcome.
тёплый приём, тёплое привет- Let me start off by saying the feeling is mutual.
warm welcome
351 ствие I am absolutely thrilled to be here.
352 to start off начинать When I first started in this business, it was my
чувство, ощущение, настрое- dream... to work at Sloane-Curtis.
feeling I even believe I applied for a job here twice.
353 ние
354 mutual ['mjuːtʃǔəl] взаимный, обоюдный - Somebody call personnel. - [Laughter]
dream But it was B.B.D. & O. that offered me a home. And
355 мечта, сон
what I learned there was that any success I had...
to apply for a job падавать заявление о приёме was a direct result of the team of people that I work
356 на работу with.
кадры, персонал, отдел кад- I know that two heads are better than one.
357 ров I know that five heads are better than two.
358 to offer предлагать, представлять And I know that if we put our heads and our hearts
359 to learn учить, обучаться, узнавать into this company, we will deliver, I know that. Now,
360 success успех, удача I love challenges. I love hard work.
I look forward to sitting at this very table tossing
direct прямой, открытый, недву-
ideas around... until what I fear will be the wee
361 смысленный
hours of the morning.
362 result результат, итог I want the work we do to say something about who
two heads are better than we are.
363 one две головы лучше, чем одна - How we think, what we feel.
364 put head and heart вложить ум и душу - I'm sorry. [Coughs]
Excuse me.
успешно справлять, добивать-
to deliver So, as our friends in Hollywood say, ''Let's cut to the
ся желаемого результата, до-
chase.'' How are we gonna turn this company
365 ставлять
366 challenge вызов, трудность, задача When Sears decided to go after women in their ad-
367 hard тяжёлый, суровый, трудный vertising... and said, ''Come see the softer side of
ожидать с нетерпением, Sears,'' their revenues went up 30%.
to look forward to
368 предвкушать Thirty percent.
369 at this very table за этим самым столом That's huge.
370 to toss ideas around обмениваться идеями Female-driven advertising totalled 40$ billion last
371 to fear бояться, опасаться year.
wee hours And Sloane-Curtis' share of that was? Zero.
372 раннее утро
If you want to sell an anti-wrinkle cream... or a Ford
373 to say сказать, говорить
Mustang to a woman - forgive me- but this is the last
Не надо слов!Давайте перей- place you bring your business.
Let's cut to the chase. дём к главному! Перейдём к And we can't afford to not have a piece of a $40 bil-
374 делу! lion pie
изменить, перевернуть, улуч-
to turn smth around
375 шить
376 to decide решать, принимать решение

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 12
377 to go after woman сделать ставку на женщин,
378 revenue ['revənjuː] доход, прибыль
повышаться, подниматься.
went up(go up)
379 Возрастать
380 huge огромный, громадный
Реклама, нацеленная на
Female-driven advertising
381 женщин
382 to total равняться, доходить до
383 billion миллиард
384 share доля, часть, участие
385 anti-wrinkle cream крем против морщин
386 to forgive прощать
387 to bring приносить
388 to afford позволить себе
389 piece of кусок
390 pie пирог

14. Pink box So, I have put together a little kit for everybody.
соединять, собирать, ком- Nobody panic.
put together This is supposed to be fun. Every product in this box
391 плектовать
392 kit набор, комплект is looking for new representation... right now, and
Nobody panic they're all made for women.
393 Без паники!
I'm pretty sure all the women here are familiar with
394 to be fun быть весёлым, забаным these products, so for the men let's just briefly run
395 box коробка through them.
396 new новый - Here you go, Nick.
397 representation представление, изображение - Thank you.
быть довольно-таки уверен- - Each kit contains anti-wrinkle cream, mascara,
to be pretty sure moisturizing lipstick, bath beads, quick-dry nailpo-
398 ным
399 to be familiar with быть знакомым с, lish, an at-home waxing kit, a more wonderful Won-
derbra, - a pregnancy test, hair volumizer,
400 briefly кратко, сжато, коротко - Sorry.
401 to run through пройтись, бегло просмотреть pore cleansing strips, Advil, control-top pantyhose
содержать, вмещать, вклю- and a Visa card. Now I want everybody to come up
to contain with something-- for one product, for two, the
402 чать
403 mascara [mæ'skɑːrə] тушь для ресниц whole box-- whatever moves you.
We'll get together tomorrow, have a little show-and-
moisturizing ['mɔɪsʧ(ə)raɪzi] tell.
404 увлажняющий How's 8:30 for everybody?
405 lipstick помада Great.
406 bath beads соль для ванны See you at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
быстросохнущий лак для ног- - A nightmare.
quick[kwɪk]-dry nailpolish
407 тей Read my lips - night-mare
набор для эпиляции воском
at-home waxing kit
408 на дому

wonderful замечательный, удивитель-

409 ный, изумительный
410 Wonderbra Чудо-бустгалтер
411 pregnancy test тест на беременность
средство для придания объ-
hair volumizer
412 ёма волосам

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 13
413 pore cleansing strips полоски для чистки лица
414 control-top pantyhose утягивающие колготки
415 card Карточка, карта
416 to come up with придумывать
презентация, покажи и раска-
417 жи
418 nightmare ['naɪtmeə] кошмар, ужас, страшный сон
419 Read my lips читай по губам!

15. Watching TV - Miss, miss, miss! That's another 500 bucks. -

420 to miss промахиваться, скучать [Switching Channels]
dangerous ['deɪndʒərəs] - We play our dangerous game. A game of chess...
421 опасный, угрожающий
against our old adversary. ''Adversary''? S
422 game игра
- Surely you mean adversary, old boy?
423 chess шахматы - Vinaigrette for arugula salad.
против, впритык, с, на, в плот- - ...women's political caucus.
424 ную - Tuck the pelvis under.
425 adversary противник, опонент, недруг Lifting. [Impersonating Sean Connery] Buns of steel.
426 old boy старина, старик I'd steal her buns if I could.
винигрет, флакон с нюхатель- - Here it comes. He nailed the dismount!
vinaigrette [ˌvɪnɪ'gret] - Now let's check in on the women's finals.
427 ной солью
[Grumbles] Women's finals.
caucus ['kɔːkəs] закрытое партийное совеща- There's way too much estrogen on television these
428 ние, предвыборный митинг, days.
to tuck поднимать, подворачивать,
429 подгибать
430 pelvis таз
431 Lifting подъём, поднятие,
парадировать, передразни-
to impersonate
432 вать
433 Bun булочка, попка, задница
434 to steal красть, воровать

to nail ударять, пригвоз-

435 дить,приковывать, схватитть,
436 dismount соскок

to check in регестрироваться, сдавать под

437 подписку
438 estrogen ['iːstrəʤ(ə)n] эстроген
16.Singing, dancing, talking about lipstick And as we all know, the perfect antidote for estrogen...
439 perfect великолепный, идеальный [Grunts] is Frank.
I need some Frank.
440 Help me! помоги мне! Help me, buddy. Help me now.
441 is supposed to be fun должно быть весело [Frank Sinatra] [Singing Along]
442 collar воротничок, воротник - Don't panic.
443 to hate ненавидеть This is supposed to be fun.
broad - I can do this. I'm a professional. Lipstick.
444 баба, тёлка, девушка
All right. Lipstick on a guy's collar?
445 to sniff сопеть, фыркать, нюхать Women will hate that. Lipstick on a guy's collar that
446 dark-haired темноволосый won't rub off.(стираться)
447 Tahitian [tɑː'hiːʃ(ə)n] таитянка That's even worse.
448 beauty красавица I gotta think like a broad.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 14
449 to stand стоять All right, I'm a broad.
450 under под I see lipstick... [Sniffs] on a dark-haired Tahitian beau-
ty, standing under a waterfall, wearing nothing but a
451 waterfall водопад thong.
452 nothing but ничего кроме Water cascading down her back.
453 thong ремень, плеть, трусики"танго" I'm a lesbian. [Scoffs]
454 water вода
литься, стекать, ниспадать
to cascade
455 волнами
456 back спина
457 to scoff насмехаться, осмеивать

17 In the bathroom trying everything on I gotta change the music.

458 to change менять, изменять I wonder. I wonder. Alex, thank you. Jackpot! She's
Она сексуальная!Она горячая hot.
She's hot - You go, girl. [Singing Along] - Looks like big dan-
459 штучка!
быть похожим на, выглядеть druff.
to look like Smooth, yeah, smooth. Cool. Wow, mascara.
460 как
Here we go. [Mumbles] [Sighs] Nice, thick lashes.
461 dandruff перхоть
Shit, that stings! What the fu-- Fine.
cool прохладный, клёвый, класс- Well, I need some anesthetic here. [Exhales Deeply]
462 ный, крутой [Gargles] [Burps] Beautiful. [Sighs]
463 to mumble бормотать, мямлить Now... for the piece de resistance, we have- We
464 thick толстый, густой, плотный have the right leg. Yes, excellent.
465 lashes ресницы And the hot, hot wax.
466 Shit! Зараза!Чёрт!Блин! Very hot wax. Here we go. [Gasping]
Jeez! That's hot.
жалить, жечь, кусать,гореть от
to sting Test of manhood. Here we go.
467 боли
We passed.
468 Well! Хорошо! Ну!Так с!
And next... we immediately apply disposable cloth...
469 anesthetic [ˌænɪs'θetɪk] обезбаливающее, анестетик over the waxed... area.
to gargle полоскать горло, издавать Straight ahead. It feels kinda nice.
470 булькающий звук I don't know why women complain about waxing
471 to burp рыгать their legs.
472 piece de resistance главный предмет ''In one smooth motion, yank the strip quickly... in
right [raɪt] the opposite direction of the hair growth.''
473 правый, правильный, право
That would be north. One, two, three.
474 leg нога [Screams] [Gasping] [Scoffing] [Light Clangs] Women
hot горячий, жаркий, пылкий, чув- are insane. Who would do that more than once?
475 ственный I don't know.
476 wax воск Why would anybody even do the other leg?
храбрость, мужественность, That's right, girls. Wax it off and cover it up.
manhood Ally-oop! Wait. Shit!
477 зрелость
сдавать, проходить. Справ- I guess this takes a little finesse. One down, two to
to pass go. [Chuckles]
478 ляться
прямо, непосредственно, не- [Grunting][Clears Throat]Honey, you just lost your-
immediately self five pounds. [Chuckles]
479 медленно, сразу, тот час
All right, where's my Wonderbra? - [Gasps]
применять, наносить, накла-
to apply - Let's see which end is up here
480 дывать
481 disposable cloth Салфетка одноразовая
482 Straight ahead прямо, прямо вперёд
483 It feels kinda nice Приятно!

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 15
жаловаться, выражать недо-
to complain
484 вольство
485 smooth motion плавное движение
дёргать, рвать, снимать, отры-
to yank
486 вать
487 strip полоска, лента
488 quickly быстро
489 opposite противоположный, обратный
490 direction направдение
491 hair growth рост волос
492 north север
493 insane безумный, сумасшедший
494 Who [huː] кто?
495 once [wʌns] один раз, однажды, разок
496 to cover smth up прикрывать, прятать, скрывать
I guess this takes a little fi- Думаю, для этого нужна лов-
497 nesse кость
498 Honey дорогая, милая
499 pound [paund] фунт
500 Let's see Посмотрим
501 end конец

18 Meeting daughter and her boyfriend - Hi! - What are you doing?
- Exfoliating? - You must be,
to exfoliate [eks'fəulɪeɪt] отшелушиваться, отслаивать,
- Cameron, my boyfriend. This is Nick.
503 расслаивать,
- Her father.
504 You must be Ты(Вы) должно быть - That's nice nail polish you got.
исследование, изучение, ана- - I'm just doing a new research thing at work, you
505 лиз know. – Trying to get into the female psyche—
506 female женщина, женский, - Whatever.
507 Whatever какой бы ни, любой, всё, что - I should probably take off.
- No, you don't have to.
508 probably вероятно, наверное
- It's cool. I'll see you later.
509 to take off снимать, уходить, удалять - Bye. - Bye.
должен(следует) сделать что- - I'll call you.
to have to do smth
510 то - Nice meeting you?
511 It's cool Круто!Клёво! - Excuse me. Did you kiss that guy?
512 see you later до свидания, увидимся, пока - Where did you get this?
- Your zipper thing. You're kissing? - You went through
514 Excuse me Простите
my stuff!
515 zipper застёжка-молния - I needed some music. It was just sitting there.
516 to go through my stuff рыться в чьих-либо вещах - What are you, allergic to listening? You never listen
What are you allergic to У тебя что аллергия на «слу- when I talk. If I'm stuck staying here, then my stuff's
517 listening? шание»? gonna be around? I don't want you to just go through
518 to talk разговаривать, говорить everything.
- I don't listen to you?
519 to stay оставаться, пребывать
- You think you listen to me.
520 my stuff's gonna be around мои вещи будут повсюду - You do? What's my boyfriend's name? it's—
521 to want хотеть, желать - Good night.
522 everything всё - Wait, come back. Dustin is his name. Dustin, that's his
523 to wait ждать, ожидать name.
524 to come back вернуться, вспоминаться

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 16
525 to slam захлопывать, хлопать, ударять - Don't slam the-- C-Carson. Carmen. Carmine! Car-
замыкать, закрывать, зажи- mine!
to lock - [DoorLocks] - Carmichael!
526 мать

19 Falling I can't remember a guy's name, they figure you're

помнить, запоминать, вспо- not listening to them. [Sighs]
to remember What do women want? I know it has three syllables.
527 минать
[Hair Dryer Whirs] Cameron. His name is Cameron!
to figure['fɪgə] вычислять, рассчитывать,
[Panting] Jesus.
528 изображать, решать
That's so dangerous. Ninety percent of all accidents
529 syllable ['sɪləbl] слог
happen-- [Sirens Wailing]
530 percent [pə'sent] процент

accident ['æksɪd(ə)nt] несчастный случай, авария,

531 катастрофа

20 Next morning after fall

What the hell has he done Что чёрт возьми он натворил What the hell has he done now? I hope he's not dead.
now? [Groans]
532 на этот раз? - I'm fine. [Groans] I'm fine, I think.
533 he's not dead он не умер - Are you sure? [Shudders]
странный, чудной, потусто- [Groaning] Cleaner pores. Thicker hair. Very weird headache.
weird [wɪəd] Really weird.
534 ронний
- Now I gotta clean up bras and home pregnancy tests? The
535 bra бюстгалтер, лифчик man doesn't pay me enough for the things I have to do. Je-
536 to pay платить, о+C1652плачивать sus, he's wearing panty hose? Now he's a cross-dresser?
537 enough [ɪ'nʌf] достаточно, довольно - I was just experimenting with a few products from work, all
538 cross-dresser трансвестит - Did I say anything?
540 He'd fire my ass if I wasn't Он бы уволил меня, если бы я - God, it's 8:00 already.
here to wake him не пришла разбудить его - One day I’d like to sleep till 8:00. He'd fire my ass if I wasn't
We are in a mood today here to wake him.
541 Мы сегодня не в настроении
- Whew, are we in a mood today.
одинаковый, один и тот же, - Same as every other day. Honey, make me a little bagel
542 такой как with cream cheese. You know I can't think on an empty
543 For your information К твоему(Вашему) сведению stomach.
- For your information, I'm not even hungry.
544 I'm not hungry я не голоден, я не хочу есть - Who said you were?
21 Waiting for a cab - Mr. Marshall.
- Good morning, Flo. Let me get you a cab, sir.
545 ass задница, зад, попка - Sure.
546 to walk идти пешком, прогуливаться - Thank you, Flo.
- [Thinking] You're welcome, my little sweet ass.
- What did you say?
I could use a little fresh air - Me? Nothing.
547 Я подышу свежим воздухом
- You sure?
задница как у инспектора Ша- - You know what? I think I'll walk today.
ass looks like Shaft
548 фта - I could use a little fresh air.
I could ride that puppy - Have a great day, sir... with your fine ass looking like Shaft! I could
549 Я бы с ним развлеклась
just ride that puppy! - [Horn Honking]
- [Man] Watch where you're going.
Watch where you're going - You okay, sir?
550 Смотри куда идёшь! - Fine. I'm fine
22 In the park
551 to turn off выключать, отключать Did I turn the coffee maker off? I walked over, but did I
552 coffee maker кофеварка turn it off?
I can't remember.
553 to walk over to подходить к чему-то, кому-то I saw the light, but did I turn the switch off?
554 saw(to see) видеть -What? What?
555 light [laɪt] свет, свеча, фонарь, лампа, -One kiss doesn't make me a lesbian. - Does it?

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 17
индикатор - What?
556 to switch off выключать, отключать - Sorry. Two slices of toast, 150 calories, plus a tab and
a half of butter,
557 two slices of toast два кусочка тоста - Estrogen is good for the heart but bad for the breasts.
полторы ложки масла (чуточку - What?
tab and a half of butter
558 и чуть больше) - My kid doesn't need Ritalin.
559 to be good for быть полезным для - Get him to listen to what I say.
560 heart [hɑːt] сердце, сущность - Monsieur, I need to poop.
561 to be bad for быть вредным, вреден [Gasps] Oh, boy! [All Thinking At Once] - [Elevator Bell
562 breast грудка, грудка
563 kid

Get him to listen заставлю его слушать, застав-

564 лю его прислушиваться

565 to poop ходить по большому, какать

567 23 At the office - [Screams] God, he nearly killed me. Too bad he
Не смотри!Не поднимай голо- missed.
Don't look up! - Good morning.
568 ву!
- Good mor-- Don't look up. He'll make me hear anoth-
disgusting отвратительный, противный, er disgusting joke. He's such a schmuck.
569 омерзительный - She thinks I'm a schmuck?
шутка,анекдот, смешной слу- - Lighten up on that aftershave, buddy.
570 чай - What? Like you've got the perfect body? Jeez.
дурень, олух, зануда, дурак, - Hi, Mr. Marshall.
schmuck [ʃmʌk] тупица (с еврейского- - Don't say it. What?
571 отрезанная крайняя плоть) - I was going to tell you the Gillette budget's on your
572 to lighten up on полегче, облегчить desk. And I went out last night and got you that Merlot
лосьон после бритья, одеко- that you wanted. Here's your credit card back.
aftershave - Thank you.
573 лон
- You okay?
574 budget ['bʌʤɪt] бюджет, смета
- Me?
realize осознавать, отдавать себе от- - Do you realize that I have an Ivy League education...
575 чёт, представлять себе and that running your stupid errands has put me into
университетское образование therapy? Why don’t you take me seriously and give me
Ivy League education
576 (Лига Плюща) some real work to do. I remember why. Because I have
быть на побегушках, бегать по a vagina!
to run errands - Anything else I can get for you? Good, you're on time.
577 делам, выполнять поручения
- Morning.
578 stupid глупый, дурацкий, тупой - You look a little different. You know, I think maybe it's
Довело меня до того, что я his hair.
put me into therapy
579 обратилась к психиатру - It looks thicker, doesn't it? - Gimme your coat.
580 take smb seriously воспринимать кого-то всерьёз - You smell good today.
581 to give давать - New cologne?
Потому что у меня есть ваги- - Th-That's it? No other thoughts?
Because I have a vagina - What do you mean?
582 на, я женщина
- You feeling all right, doll? [Mumbling] ''Linens, linings,
непохожий, другой, необыч-
different loans, locks.'' - [Mumbling]
583 ный
584 Gimme=give me дай мне
585 coat пальто, плащ
586 cologne [kəloʊn] одеколон
587 thought [θɔːt] мысль, мнение

doll куколка, приятный, симпатич-

588 ный человек

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 18
''Linens, linings, loans, locks полотно, облицовка, ссуды,
589 замки

24 Nick talks to Morgan - Hello, Nick? Nick? We gotta go. What are you doing? It's 8:30.
- Can't go. Gotta find a doctor. Need a cure. Can't go. - Definitely
590 We gotta go нам пора идти can't go.
591 cure лекарство, лечение, терапия, - You sound like the guy from Shine. - What's wrong with you?
- I don't need a doctor. Maybe I need, like, an exorcist. Under
592 definitely определённо, точно, явно ''E'' for exorcist.
You sound like the guy from Ты говоришь как тот парень из - There are no exorcists in the greater Chicago area. Let's pull it
593 Shine фильма Сияние together and sell some sensitive feminine shit?
- Sorry to interrupt. Here you go. [Panting] By the way, your hair
What's wrong with you? Что случилось с тобой? Что у looks really good today, Mr. Marshall. [Thinking] And it's okay
594 тебя стряслось? you pay me minimum wage... because I use the company phone
to call my boyfriend in Israel... for an hour. - Tell me you heard
exorcist ['eksɔːsɪst ], ['egzɔː-] that.
595 экзорцист - Your hair looks really good. So what?
596 area район, область,регион - The other thing! What she was thinking thing.
- I don't think she thinks too much. She's not exactly a genius.
597 Let's pull it together давай соберёмся - I'll have you know she went to an Ivy League school.
598 to sell продавать, торговать - Doubt that.
- The thing about the boyfriend, calling him in Israel, you heard
599 sensitive чувствительный, нежный that?
600 to interrupt прерывать, перебивать - I didn't hear it 'cause she didn't say it. Pull it together. We're
601 wage зарплата gonna be late for our sorority meeting.
- Morgan, in case I, like, maybe die today-- Can we walk? 'Cause
602 for an hour в течение часа in case you live, I don't wanna be late. Here's what happened,
603 exactly в точности, точно, именно just in case the coroner asks. I got drunk, and I tried on all the
products from the pink box.
604 Doubt that Сомневаюсь. - You did not.
sorority meeting встреча женского клуба, жен- - I put on all the products-- nail polish, panty hose, everything.
605 ского общества - You tried on the panty hose?
-Anyway, I was drying my hair, and I fell over and tripped, fell
606 to die умирать, погибать into the bathtub and electrocuted myself. I blacked out, and
коронер, следователь по when I woke up... I could hear what every woman around me
coroner ['kɔrənə] was... thinking.
607 убийствам
- Talking personal, private stuff. The stuff that nobody is sup-
608 to get drunk напиться posed to hear, I hear that stuff. You know what I'm saying? I can
надевать, пробовать, приме- hear what women think.
to put on - Can you? Good, 'cause that's not a talent guys have these days.
609 рять
- You don't believe me. You want me to prove it?
610 to dry hair сушить волосы -See this attorney coming toward us?
611 to fall(fell) over споткнуться -She thinks you're overpaid and gay.
- What?
to trip спотыкаться, опрокидывать, - I hear what they're all thinking. It's driving me crazy. Even
612 падать, подскользнуться French poodles, I can hear them.
613 bathtub ванна - So we're on the same page, I need you to know you sound
614 electrocuted myself получил разряд тока, You freaked out over losing the job, which I understand.
терять сознание, выключать But if you tell anybody you can hear the thoughts of a French
to black out
615 свет poodle-
personal - What if I jumped out the window? Jumped through the plate
616 личный, индивидуальный
glass. Would they notice? Probably not if I didn't get glass on
617 private stuff личные вещи anybody.
618 nobody никто - That girl with the fruit is funny. Suicidal, but she is funny.
- Nick, what girl with the fruit?
619 to prove доказывать, подтверждать
620 attorney адвокат, защитник, юрист
621 toward [tə'wɔːd] в направлении к, на
622 You are overpaid Тебе слишком много платят
623 driving me crazy сводит меня с ума
624 to be on the same page быть заодно

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 19
to freak out беситься, сходить с ума, пу-
625 ститься во все тяжкие
626 to jump out выпрыгнуть из
627 window окно
зеркальное стекло, листовое
plate glass
628 стекло
629 to notice ['nəutɪs] замечать, обращать внимание
630 fruit фрукты
631 funny весёлый, забавный
632 suicidal склонный к самоубийству

25 Creative meeting Last one to arrive. Wants me to know I'm not his boss. You're a
star. I get the message.
633 Last one to arrive Приходит последним - She thinks I'm late because I want her to know she's not my
634 star звезда boss.
- What is she talking about?
to get the message получать известие, сообще- - Put a lid on it. I'm begging you.
635 ние, понимать - I can't believe I have butterflies in my stomach. Feels like the
636 put a lid on it! Замолчи! first day of school. So let's see how we did. [Thinking] Nobody
wants to go first. Everyone's avoiding me, except Nick Marshall.
637 to beg просить, умолять Unbelievable. The only one with good eye contact. At least he's
have butterflies in my looking at my eyes and not down my blouse.
stomach - Nick, what did you come up with?
638 Волноваться, переживать - Me? What did I come up with? [Chuckles] - He's so wired.
639 to go first быть первым, идти первым Mostly... [Clears Throat]
избегать, уклоняться, сторо- - I thought about the moisturizing lipstick, never having worn
to avoid lipstick myself. I tried to imagine what I'd want from a lipstick, if
640 ниться
I were a woman.
641 except кроме, за исключением - Spare me.
невероятный, неправдободо- - He's trying to be honest.
unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪ'liːvəbl] - You know, to be perfectly honest, I thought of a Tahitian beau-
642 ный ty, bathing under a waterfall. I'm gonna die here with these
643 eye contact зрительный контакт kinds of ideas. But you know, I'm working on it, and it's evolving.
blouse [blauz] Anybody interested in an idea involving the Swedish bikini
644 блузка, кофточка
team? I do know them all personally.
645 wired [waɪə(r)d] нервный, напряжёный - What an idiot.
646 Spare me Увольте меня!Избавьте меня! -Jerk, grow up already.
- What a pig.
647 honest честный, откровенный - You are so foul.
648 evolve - I should have asked for more money. Gina?
- I spent the night trying to figure out how to sell Advil just to
to be interested in быть заинтересованным в, women.
649 интересоваться - You know what? You should sell it to women like me. [Giggles]
Привлекать, содержать, I take it every time I need to fake a headache. Works like a
To involve charm.
650 включать
- I-I got a great one. It just came to me.
651 Jerk болван, тупица, козёл - Do you mind if I interrupt, Dina?
652 to grow up расти, вырасти - Sure, go ahead.
- I hate that you've seen me naked. [Chuckles]
653 foul [faǔl] скверный, отпратительный - All right. So, we're in a bedroom, the lights are out. There's a
654 should have asked for Следовало попросить woman in bed, and she's taking an Advil. Her husband sugges-
tively rubs her back, and we say, ''Advil. ''So mild and gentle, you
just to women только для женщин, только can take it... even when you're faking a headache.'' [Laughter]
655 женщинам Woman turns to her husband and says, ''Not tonight, I need an
656 to take it принимать, брать Advil. ''
- He's back. - [Laughs] What? Come on. That doesn't reach
657 to fake a headache имитировать головную боль women on a personal level?
to works like a charm отлично срабатывать, оказы- - Women do that, don't they?
658 вать магическое действие - I don't.
- Sue Cranston, you've done that, haven't you? Faked a head-
659 Do you mind if I Вы не возражаете, если я….

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 20
660 to go ahead продолжать, идти вперёд ache to—
- Nick, I haven't. Thanks for asking.
661 naked бнажённый, раздетый - Wait, wait, wait. Be honest now. I mean, you've been married
662 husband муж what, ten, twelve years? You've never faked a headache? It
doesn't work like a charm?
663 suggestively призывно, вызывающе - Nick, I haven't. I mean, no, it doesn't? Jeez.
664 rubs her back гладит еёпо спине - [Thinking] What an asshole!
665 mild мягкий, нежный - I guess I'm off base here. What's good is you're looking at Advil
from a woman's point of view. I don't think Advil will go for it,
666 gentle нежный, добрый and I'm pretty sure every woman in America will hate it. Other
667 to turn поворачивать, вертеть than that, I thought it was great. You're on the right track. Hang
in there. Go ahead. Great antenna there, babe. The poodle give
сегодня вечером, сегодня но-
tonight you that one?
668 чью
669 asshole кретин, придурок
670 I'm off base Я ошибся
671 point of view точка зрения, мнение
672 You are on the right track Вы на правильном пути

Hang in Держитесь! Старайтесь!Не

673 сдавайтесь
26 Nick finds his daughter at home with boyfriend

674 migraine['miːgreɪn] мигрень, головная боль - What are you doing home early?
- I have my first migraine.
hideous ['hɪdɪəs] отвратительный, омерзитель- - This is hideous. My boyfriend feeling me up in front of my fa-
675 ный, ужасный ther.
- Don't think anything. The outlook wasn't good for the Mudville
676 to feel up лапать, щупать, тискать Nine. - The score was four to two.
677 in front of перед - Shit. Where's my bra? - Where is it? - God.
перспектива, взгляд, миро- - Look. Everybody just needs to chill out here.
outlook - There'll be no chilling. Just get your stuff... and move on.
678 воззрение
- Come on, man. Relax.
to chill out успакаиваться, не кипетиться, - How old are you?
679 остывать - I just turned 18.
- Well, she’s 15. She was five 10 years ago. You know what I'm
move on! Проходи(те)!Не задерживай- saying, stud? Now get out.
680 ся!Проваливай! - Dad! [Thinking] We're going to the prom. Don't ruin it.
Расслабь- - You're not going with this punk.
Relax! - How did you know about prom?
681 ся!отдохни!Успокойся!
- Look, I don't know. Mom told me, all right? It's not gonna hap-
682 stud жеребец, кобель pen because he's too old for you. I know what boys want, and
683 Get out! Убирайся! he's not getting it from my daughter. Door.
- Your daughter? Suddenly, I'm your daughter. How am I related
684 prom выпускной to this asshole?
разрушать, разваливать, пор- - Another one.
to ruin - I want Mom.
685 тить
- Look, I'm just gonna take off. I'm real sorry about this.
punk панк, неопытный молодой - Save it.
686 человек, бродяга, - That's mine.
687 daughter ['dɔːtə] дочь - Where-- Where are you-- [Sighs] Great day

688 Door дверь

689 suddenly вдруг, внезапно. Неожиданно
быть в родстве с, иметь отно-
to be related to
690 шение к
691 Save it! Хватит,надоело!

27. Lightning strike [Thunderclap] I'm not losing my mind.

Thunderclap ['θʌndəklæp] - I'm already losing my mind.
692 удар грома, грохот
- This will work. It's gotta work.
693 to lose one's mind сходить с ума

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 21
- This has gotta work. Shit. Perfect.
Turn me into me again! - Come on! Do your thing!
694 Сделай меня самим собой! Turn me into me again!

28. Next morning Good, I'm not dead. [Panting] Please! Please. Tell me I got
To believe rid of it.
695 Верить, поверить
- Please be a woman. Please.
696 city город - For what city, please?
697 do me a favor сделай мне - You couldn't do me a favor... and think of your favorite
698 To think of подумать, загадать color or TV program, could you?
- For what city, please? [Sighs] Flo? Hey, Flo! - Flo?
699 favorite любимый
- I can't believe this. I need a woman
700 color цвет, окраска

29. At the shopping center -Try this one.

701 birthday ['bɜːθdeɪ] день рождения - I love this. This is fantastic. It's my mother's birthday
next week, so I need two gift sets.
702 gift set подарочный набор - You've been a great help. I appreciate it. Do you have
703 You've been a great help Вы мне очень помогли a Kleenex back there so I can wipe that off?
ценить, оценивать, быть при- - I'm sure she'll like it. It's one of our best sellers.
to appreciate [ə'priːʃɪeɪt]
704 знательным, благодарным - Do I get a free gift with this?
Do you have a Kleenex back - Yes, you get a travel bag. Thank you. [Chuckles] Stop
it. You've got the dress. Treat yourself to lipstick.
705 there У Вас есть салфетка
- No, I have enough at home.
706 to wipe that off стереть это - You might as well get one, right? I have too many lip-
707 best лучший sticks. I have piles of them. I don't need it.
708 seller продавец - I'll buy it for you.
- If he doesn't answer in two rings, - I swear to God!
free gift рекламный подарок, беспла-
- Hi, blue eyes. [Women Thinking Simultaneously] [Nick
709 тый подарок
710 travel bag дорожная сумка
711 dress платье
712 Treat yourself to lipstick купи себе помаду!
713 pile куча, груда, стопка
714 to buy покупать, приобретать
715 to answer отвечать, поднимать трубку
716 in two rings через два гудка
717 I swear to God! Клянусь Богом!
718 [ˌsɪm(ə)l'teɪnɪəslɪ одновременно, совместно

30. Visit to a doctor [Buzzing] - Dr.Perkins, you may not remember me. - I'm
вторгаться, врываться, вме- Nick Marshall. I came here about ten years ago with my
to barge in ex-wife, Gigi.
719 шиваться
- [Thinking]Christ, not him.
720 to turn to обратиться, повернуться - Good, you remember me. I'm sorry to barge in like this,
отчаянный, безрассудный, but I don't know who to turn to. I’m desperate. I'm afraid
desperate [ˈdespərit]
721 безнадёжный to go to work. I'm afraid of my door woman. I'm-- I'm
afraid to get a cup of coffee.
722 I'm afraid to Я боюсь
- Mr. Marshall, please slow down. Slow down. Let me
723 door woman привратник, швейцар make sure I completely understand what it is you're say-
724 to slow down затормаживать, замедлять ing.
725 completely полне, всецело, полностью -[Sighs] All right. All right. I hear what women think.
- You know, Mr. Marshall, this kind of imaginary dis-
Нарушение, связанное с во-
imaginary displacement placement scenario...
726 ображением

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 22
727 scenario [sɪ'nɑːrɪəu] сценарий, вариант, план - I'm not imag-- - really isn't my thing. I do, however, have
friend a very good friend over at University Hospital, who spe-
728 друг, приятель
cializes in male menopause and testosterone depletion.
специализироватьс, сосредо- She's fabulous. I think what I'll do is just give her a ring...
to specialize ['speʃəlaɪz]
729 точиться and send you over there. Why did I answer my door? I
менопауза, климактерический was so into buying that lamp on eBay. - How much was it
menopause ['menəpɔːz]
730 период going for?
- How much was what going for? The lamp on eBay.
depletion [dɪ'pliːʃ(ə)n] уменьшение, истоще- - I see. That's good. Very clever. - Dr. Skolnick, please.
731 ние,обеднение – All right, you don't believe me.
потрясающий, мифический, - Try another one. Go on. Pick a number. Give it a whirl.
732 сказочный - Any number. A number between one and - A million.
Why not?
733 give her a ring позвонить ей
- One and a million. All right. 644,998—99--90. Wanna
734 to send отправлять, посылать make a decision here?
735 to answer the door открывать дверь - You can say that again.
- I didn't say anything.
How much was it going for? Сколько она стоила?По чём её
- Doesn't mean I didn't hear it.
736 продовали?
- Let's say-- Let's say I do believe you.- You can hear what
737 clever умный, women think. Even though I'm a grown woman of...
Продолжай(те)!Да ладно те- [Thinking] 51. - 47.
Go on
738 бе! - My lips are sealed.
739 Pick a number Выберите число - Holy crap! Forgive me.
- That's all right.
740 Give it a whirl Попробуйте!рискните - But this is phenomenal. You can hear inside my head.
741 Why not Почему бы нет - Why would you want to get rid of such a brilliant gift?
742 to make a decision принимать решение - Well, for starters, almost every woman I know thinks I'm
743 Let's say Скажем an asshole.
- What I thought when I met you.
My lips are sealed Я буду хранить молчание. Я - Doc, give me a break here. Mr. Marshall, you might find
744 никому не расскажу this a little unorthodox, but would you mind awfully if I
745 Holy crap Чёрт побери!Блин! smoked?
746 inside внутри, внутренний - I understand.
- Thank you. Thank you so much. [Coughs] Let's try to look
747 head голова at the up side of this, shall we? You know, Freud died at
748 brilliant блестящий, выдающийся age 83 still asking one question, ''What do women want?''
749 for starters для начала, во-первых Wouldn't it be strange and wonderful if you were the one
man on Earth... finally able to answer that question?
give me a break не может быть, невозможно Listen to me, Nick. Something extraordinary... and I think
750 поверить miraculous has happened to you.
751 unorthodox необычный, оригинальный My advice is you must learn from this. You know, there
752 awfully ужасно, отвратительно isn't a single woman that I treat... that doesn't wish her
man understood her better.
753 to smoke курить
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus and you
преимущество, позитивная speak Venusian, the world can be yours.
up side
754 сторона I don't know how this happened to you or why, but you
755 question вопрос may just be the luckiest man on Earth.
756 strange странный, необычный Imagine the possibilities.
If you know what women want, you can rule
757 the one единственный
758 finally наконец, в конце концов
чудесный, изумительный, по-
miraculous [mɪ'rækjuləs]
759 разительный
760 advice совет, рекомендация
извлечь из этого пользу,
learn from this
761 научиться
762 there isn't a single woman нет ни одной женщины
763 Venus Венера

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 23
764 to speak говорить, разговаривать
765 world мир, вселенная
766 possibility возможность, вероятность
767 to rule править, управлять

31. At the coffee shop [No Audible Dialogue] [Thinking] Here he comes, looking awfully good
today. And I haven't had sex in four months. Six. Why did I tell him to
768 Here he comes! Вот и он! stop asking me out? I'm an idiot! - Idiot! Idiot! - [Chuckling] Hey, Nick,
how's it going?
I can't take no for an answer - Lola, my love. I can't take no for an answer. - About what?
769 Я не могу слышать ответ "нет" - About what? [Chuckles] About us.
770 to hurt причинять боль, вредить - Just don't hurt me, Nick. I've been hurt too many times.
- I know how hard it is to go out with someone new. I mean, there's
771 To fear of страх чего-то, боязнь чего-то always that fear of, well, getting hurt.
772 let's just take it slow давай не будем спешить - At least that's how I feel inside.
- You do, really? - [Sighs] All the time.
- Me, too, all the time. Let's just take it slow and see how it goes. Slow is
- Slow is really good. - Are you free tonight?

32. Morgan and attorney So, you don't think I'm gay? You're saying you never
блик, цвет, обесцвеченная said that?
highlight ['haɪlaɪt] - I never said that.
773 прядь волос
- Doesn't mean you didn't think it. Is it the hair? The
774 happen to be natural натуральные, от природы
highlights happen to be natural.
Who has he been talking to Кто ему рассказал?С кем он - Morgan, I have a meeting.
775 разговаривал - You don't think I'm overpaid?
когда-либо, когда-нибудь, ни- - You never said that.
776 когда - I don't think I ever said that.[Thinking]
doesn't mean you didn't Не значит, что ты так не дума- - Who has he been talking to?
777 think it ла

33. Nick at the office - Morning.

- Morning. Well, then check your E-mail. I sent it over-
778 to check проверять, контролировать - Hi, Annie. How's the boyfriend in Israel? I want to thank you for
picking up that wine. That's above and beyond. I appreciate it so
That's above and beyond Выше всяких похвал. Превзо- much. Thank you.
779 шло все мои ожидния - Can I get you a cup of coffee or, some water or any kind of bever-
780 beverage ['bevərɪʤ] напиток age?
- No, but thank you. If I'm thirsty, I know where the coffee room is.
испытывать жажду, хотеть - That's right, guys, don't help. Just walk right past me. Why don't
to be thirsty ['θɜːstɪ]
781 пить you step on my hands, you big-
Just walk right past me - Here you go. How you doing?
782 Просто проходите мимо
- Fine. Thank you, Mr. Marshall.
783 to step on наступать на, шагать - You're welcome.
hand - Erin.
784 рука
- Erin. You be careful, all right, Erin? - Sure. Heavy.
Пожалуйста(в ответ на спаси- - What do you know? There is life on this planet
You're welcome
785 бо)
786 Heavy тяжёлый
787 What do you know? Можете себе представить?

34. At Darcy’s office Breakfast Tuesday sounds great. Absolutely. Thanks for the info.
And thanks for the champagne. You too. Set meeting, Nike, wom-
789 Breakfast завтрак en's division.
790 Tuesday ['tjuːzdɪ] вторник -Well, you've been here five minutes. Looks like you've been here a
791 sounds great звучит здорово, Замечательно - I'm compulsive. It's a problem. [Thinking] Why do I always feel like
792 champagne [ˌʃæm'peɪn] шампанское he's checking me out? I wonder what he's got up his sleeve.
- Great photographs.
793 Set meeting встреча.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 24
794 Nike, women's division Nike, тщвары для женщин - No clue they're all Bourke-White.
- They're not all Margaret Bourke-White, are they?
-They are.
compulsive - It's a beautiful collection.
обязательный, принудитель- - Thanks.
795 ный, маниакальный - So how's it going?
I wonder what he's got up Интересно, что он держит в - You know, I was gonna ask you the same thing. It's starting slow. -
I'm evaluating staff, that's hard.
796 his sleeve секрете(про запас, в рукаве) - Right. Well, you know, I don't wanna beat around the bush. What
797 No clue Никакой догадки I'd like to propose-- - He's proposing so soon?
- Sorry. Sorry. [Chuckles]- Excuse me.
evaluating staff оценивать, присматриваться к - You got another one.
798 сотрудникам - [Darcy] Thanks. [Chuckling]
- As I was saying, I know nothing about the products you're going for
799 to beat around the bush ходить вокруг да около personally, but I do believe I can sell anything... once I know what
предлагать, делать предло- the buyer's needs are. And what I'd really like, with your kind indul-
to propose gence of course, is to go after that really big fish. I mean, the one
800 жение
you really wanna land. I'll learn what I need to know, and I'll reel
801 soon скоро, в скором времени them in for us.
снисхождение, потворство, - No, actually, I think I'll reel them in for us.
indulgence - That is, unless you're going after something in particular yourself.
802 потокание, разрешение -It's just that there're several big fish out there at the moment.
803 fish рыба - Well, what's your biggest fish? To your mind, who's your whale?
Nike- women's division?
to land поймать, подцепить, выудить, - You heard they were shopping?
804 выйграть, приземлиться - I got wind of it.
- Amazing. I heard no one knew.
805 to reel in заманивать, привлекать, - You knew.
806 in particular [pə'tɪkjələ] в особенности, в частности - I heard no one else knew.
- It's okay if I know what you know.
По Вашему мнению, как Вы
To your mind - We're on the same team. Besides, - I heard someone say once two
807 думаете heads are better than one—
808 whale [weɪl] кит - You were listening.
- More than you know.
I got wind of it сорока на хвосте принесла, - Here's what I heard. Nike is shopping, quietly. But if they make a
809 слухи ходят change, it's gonna happen fast. Now, you know this is a tough one
for us to get. It would be a tough one for anybody to get, but if we
810 Besides кроме того got it-- - That's all we'd need.
тайно, не привлекая всеобще- - I hear you. So, what do they want exactly?
quietly ['kwaɪətlɪ] - They wanna empower women.
811 го внимания, тихо - What? - I'm sorry.
сделать пересадку, поменять, - That won't work.
to make a change - I'm sorry. - I understand. Go on.
812 изменить - They wanna get in women's heads... and reach them on a very real
813 tough [tʌf] трудный, тяжёлый, жёсткий level. Don't take this wrong, but you got jumpy talking about lipstick.
- I know.
давать власть, полномочия, - Nike is state-of the-art hard-core woman power. You sure you
to empower помогать, оказывать под- wanna go after this one?
- You get 'em here in two weeks, I'll be ready. [Chuckles]
814 держку,
- This guy is kind of exciting
815 Don't take this wrong не поймите неправльно
нервный, беспокойный, сум-
816 бурный
817 state-of the-art Современный, передовой
818 wanna=want to хотеть
819 hard-core сердце, ядро
35. Talking about picture Glad I caught you both.
- You got a minute?
820 board щит, табло, стенд - Sure.
- I want you to look at these boards for U.S. Air before they come by.
821 to come by заходить. Заглядывать - Right.
822 parochial [pə'rəukɪəl] провинциальный, местичковый - It feels like something's missing. I don't like the graphics. Feels a bit
parochial. Maybe it should be in black and white.
823 black and white чёрно-белый - What do you think, Nick?
totally agree - I don't know who you've had, but, I don't know, it seems kind of--
824 абсолютно согласен
What's the word? Parochial to me.
825 to punch it up оживлять, делать интереснее - What do you think, Darcy?
- I totally agree, especially about the graphics. They're parochial. It's so
826 Speak up говорить громко и отчётливо

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 25
Quick [kwik] funny you just said that.
827 быстро
- Why don't you get them to try it in black and white? Might punch it up
828 old-fashioned старомодный a little.
- What? Did you say something?
829 dot com дотком - I just swear I was thinking the exact same thing. [Weak Chuckle]
830 fix решение проблемы - Were you? Black and white could really help. Good idea, Nick.
- Good idea, Nick? Speak up. Quick. - Say something before he leaves.
831 box of new Cubans коробка новых сигар - Dan? Want me to look at the boards? Once they have a stab, give me a
snazzy шикарный, привлекательный, прият- - I will. Thanks, buddy.
832 ный - Dan? In case they find Nick's idea too retro, which they might- -they
may think it's old-fashioned-- I'd be ready with some-- maybe a dot com
kind of thing? Maybe there's something about getting on-line at the
- No, I think we're fine, really. Really, we're good.
- I like Nick's fix on this.
- Great. Hey, you wanna come by later? I got a box of new Cubans, just
came in.
- Great. - Cool.
You smoke cigars?
-You know, your office is looking really snazzy. - I love the red. - Thanks.

36. Nick talks to Alex Mr. Marshall, your daughter's on line one.
- I'm sorry. Would you mind—
833 picture картина, образ - Here you go. He has a daughter? Didn't picture that. How old?
- She's 15. She's staying with me while her mom's away.
834 honeymoon медовый месяц - He's married?
впечатлять, поражать, произ- - Away on her honeymoon.
to impress - Alex, hi.Sure, honey. that's great.
835 водить впечатление - ''Honey''? Who are you trying to impress? Look, I'm gonna go out with
836 to bring приносить, приводить my friends after school. Then can I bring them back to your place, or will
you freak out again?
837 Wait for me Подождите меня! - No problem. Whatever you want.
- What time are you gonna be home?
838 sweetie дорогая, милая, конфетка - Wait for me!
- I don't know. I gotta go.
- 8:00's fine. I love you too. Bye, sweetie.

37. Darcy and Nick talking Total shocker. He's like a nice guy.
- Sorry, duty calls.
839 Total shocker Я в шоке..Обалдеть! - Of course. - She's 15?
840 duty calls долг велит - Got a boyfriend that's 18.
- And you hate that, right?
841 to dig приходить в восторг, балдеть - [Groans] Hate it. But she digs him, and he's invited her to the
приглашать, побуждать, про- prom.
to invite
842 сить - That's a big deal, I guess.
big deal - The prom is about the dress.
843 важное событие
- You know that, right?
Я думаю, по-моему, мне ка- - Is it?
I guess
844 жется - Once you got the dress handled, it's all downhill from there.
This feels like a date. Why did I go into all that? He needs to go.
Once you got the dress Как только решите вопрос с - Well, I'm out of here. Do some research downtown, get inside
handled платьем; как только купите women's heads.
845 платье - Well, if you need any help—
конец, спуск, идти как по - I'll be picking your brain.
downhill - You got it.
846 маслу, катиться вниз - I'll take it. God. Candy. She won't last a month
847 downtown центр города
848 to pick smd's brain выуживать у кого-то сведения
849 Candy Кайф! Супер!
Она и месяца не продержить-
She won't last a month
850 ся

38. At Alex’s room I like that one, but it says you can't wear it if you have hips.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 26
hips -That one's cute. -It's low-cut. I can't wear low-cut.
851 бёдра - [Nick Knocking At Door] Alex?
852 low-cut имеющий большой вырез - It's open. What? Say something.Hi. I'm Alex's dad, Nick.
- Deadbeat. - Mr. No-Food-in-the-House. [Girl#1 Thinking] Forgot her
853 deadbeat лодырь, бездельник, паразит birthday. Why is he just standing there?
854 No-Food-in-the-House пустой холодильниек - I-I just wanted to let you know that I was home... and that I got sort of
a date later on tonight, so I'm going out. But I'll be home early. Why
855 sort of отчасти, что-то вроде, как бы don't you guys order a pizza? There's not a scrap of food in the joint. I
856 to order заказывать also wanted to know if maybe you and I could go out on a date soon? I'd
like to take you shopping for a prom dress.
857 scrap of food отстатки еды, крошки - That is so sweet. I wish my dad would do something like that.
- [Girl#2 Thinking] I love him.
858 joint дом - [Alex] I don't get it. First, you throw Cameron out. Now you wanna take
пойдём за покупками, прой- me shopping so I can go to the prom with him?
to take you shopping - I overreacted, and I just wanna make up for it by taking you shopping. I
859 дёмся по магазинам mean, it's a pretty important thing, you know? They say it's all downhill
860 That is so sweet Это так мило after the dress.
- He must be stoned. Fine. I'll get the most expensive dress, shoes,
861 throw smb out выгонять, вышвыривать makeup. He can afford it.
- And what the hell.Let's go crazy. While we're at it, we'll get you new
to overreact слишком остро отреагировать, makeup, shoes, the works.
862 принимать близко к сердцу - What do you say?
- Fine, whatever.
863 important важный, - Whatever meaning ''yes.'' Great. Nice to have met you two. I hope to
864 He must be stoned Он должно быть под кайфом see you again soon.
- Definitely.
865 expensive дорогой - Bye, Mr. Marshall.
866 shoes туфли - Love the apartment.
- Great view. Thank you.
867 makeup косметика
869 Let's go crazy Давай побезумствуем
870 the works всё прочее, что полагается
Классный вид!Великолепный
Great view
871 вид

39. Nick and Lola I gotta tell you, I'm not usually like this on a first date. It's just... you've
been so amazing all night. - You've been so sensitive...
872 come up заходить, подниматься - Well-
- and so understanding and-- - You wanna come up? - I can't believe I
873 to sleep спать asked him up. Am I ready for him to come up? If I sleep with him, he'll
874 slut потаскуха, шлюха, блядь think I'm a slut and never call me again. Or he'll call me all the time
'cause he'll think he can get it whenever. What's the difference? He's so
875 What's the difference Какая разница? incredible! He reminds me of my sister. - So, what do you think?
876 incredible невероятный, потрясающий - Well, I'll only come up if you really want me to. I don't want you to do
anything you're not ready for. - I can wait.
877 reminds me of напоминает мне - He's got a great body. But-- What's with the tongue? I'm gonna need
the Heimlich maneuver. Thank you. Right, they're attached.
878 to squeal визжать, вопить - I'm sorry.
879 tongue [tʌŋ] язык - Now we're talkin'.Lied about the grande. [Groans] Would you mind if
we had the lights on, maybe? - You want the light on?
I'm gonna need the Heim- Мне понадобиться искус- - It might help. If it'll help.
880 lich maneuver ственное дыхание - God, I hope he's better with the light on. He's so all over the place. Just
do it so I can start faking it. Is Britney Spears on Leno tonight? [Panting] -
881 they are attached они приклеплены You okay?
to lie - Well-- I'm just fine. What-- What happened? Shaking-- All right. Now,
882 лгать, говорить неправду let's pull this together, buddy. I mean, this is what we do.
883 to have the lights on включить свет - You okay?
- Just regrouping.
884 maybe может быть. Возмolжно - Lola? - I can do this better.
885 To be over the place Быть банальным - Wanna bet? [Train Passing By] [Moaning] Amazing! Amazing. It was
like... you were more inside of me than anybody ever!
Is Britney Spears on Leno Сегодня коцерт Бритни Спирс - Well, thanks, doll. I tried.
886 tonight? по телевизору - I mean, more inside my head. - Like, you knew what I wanted and how I
wanted it. We connected in a way that was beyond-- beyond-- My heart!
887 to shake трястись, дрожать My heart is beating so hard. [Thinking] Who would've thought? Slow
starter, then turns out to be a genius in bed. Ladies and gentlemen, Nick
888 to regroup перегруппировываться Marshall is a sex god!
889 Wanna bet Может поспорим.

in a way в некотором смысле, в из-

890 вестном смысле

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 27
891 to beat биться, ударять, стучать
892 to turn out оказываться, выясняться
40 Nick talks to girls at the office - [Voices Overlapping] - [Elevator Bell Dings] - Living life.
- Life. Livin' it. - That's good. - [Thinking, Indistinct] I love it.
894 voice голос - [Dan] I know. I know. - Wait a minute.
895 elevator лифт - It's great. [All Laughing] That was a—
One more. Time for one more. You know why guys like doing it
896 mirror ['mɪrə] зеркало in front of the mirror?
897 Objects may appear larger Предметы кажутся больше - Why?
- Objects may appear larger.
beauty shop салон красоты, косметический - That's a good one. Anyway. - That's a good one. I heard that in
898 кабинет the beauty shop this morning.
игнорировать, не обращать - But seriously. Dee?
to ignore - That other thing we were talking about before. Come on. I
899 внимания
mean, he can't just ignore you all night, stay glued to the TV like
900 stay glued оставаться приклеенным к some zombie... and then expect you to turn it on like a lightbulb.
901 lightbulb ['laɪtbʌlb] лампочка - I mean, I wouldn't put up with that. I mean, you're either inter-
to put up with esting or you're not. Ask him to decide.
902 терпеть, мириться
- Can I write that down?
903 interesting интересный - All right. I'm either interesting or I'm not. He'll shit a brick.
904 He'll shit a brick Он испугается!Он удивится! What if he says I'm not?
- He won't say that you're not. Trust me.
905 to trust доверять - I did it. I told Chaim I wasn't moving to Israel.
906 I wasn't moving to я не собираюсь перезжать в - Good. And?
- I said what you said. He can be a writer anywhere. If I'm going
907 writer писатель to be in advertising, I need to be here and not there. [Whistles]
908 Hebrew ['hiːbruː] иврит And then he said?
909 See you next Tuesday До встречи во вторник - I don't know. It was in Hebrew. - But I don't think it was, ''You
got it. See you next Tuesday.''
910 to wait out выждать, переждать - I don't know. I'd wait it out. He'll call you.
911 to chat болтать - I can't. I better call him back.
- Be strong. He will call you. Well, girls, been nice chattin'. I gotta
912 to get back to work возвращаться к работе get back to work.
sandwich ['sænwɪʤ] - Can I make you a sandwich?
913 бутерброд, сендвич - I'm cool. Really. But thank you, anyway. This was fun.

41 Nick and Darcy [Thinking] This is good. More insightful than I would've thought. This
line doesn't feel exactly right.
914 insightful проницательный - If you're thinking that line isn't perfect, I agree. It needs work.
- There's something not exactly right about it, isn't there? I mean, it's not
915 line строка, линия bad. It's insightful, actually.
916 what she wants out of life чего она хочет от жизни - It's just- Well, what do you think this woman's thinking?
- Well, I- Let's see. She's thinking about what she wants out of life.
to accomplish завершать, выполнять, дово- What's she gonna accomplish? How's she gonna do all that? Women,
917 дить до конца you know, they think about that a lot. I mean, surprisingly a lot. They
worry all the time about everything.
time off отгул, отпуск, выходные, сво- - You're so right. How do you know that?
- Well, you know, even I had a mother. [Chuckles] Well
918 бодное время, перерыв - So maybe running gives her time off from all of that. It gives her some-
судить, составлять мнение, thing she can't get anyplace else. Look at her. God. I want to be her. She
to judge looks so free, doesn't she? No one's judging her, no boss to worry about,
919 осуждать
no guys to worry about, no games to figure her way through. I like that.
волноваться, переживать о No games. That's good. That'd be nice in life, wouldn't it? Can I just think
to worry about
920 чём-либо for one second?
- Take your time.
Не надо играть в игры, чтобы
no games to figure her way - No games. How do I get that in? She's running. It's early, it's quiet. Just
понять как дойти до це- the sound of her feet on the asphalt. She likes to run alone. No pressure,
through no stress. This is the one place she can be herself. Look any way she
921 ли,справиться
wants, dress, think any way she wants. No game playing, no rules.
922 Take your time Не торопитесь Games, sports, rules. Games, sports, rules. Playing by the rules. Playing
923 feet мн. от(foot) Ноги, ступни games versus playing-- Playing by the rules. Playing games versus play-
ing-- - Why are you nodding?
924 alone одна, в одиночестве - Because you're onto something.
- Am I? - Aren't you? Well, I was thinking about a play on words. Some-
925 No pressure Никакого давления thing about games versus-- I feel like I was onto something good. - Play-
926 be herself быть самой собой ing games versus playing—
- Sports?
927 rule правило

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 28
versus - Thank you. Do you like any of this? A lot.
928 против, в сравнении с - I like the idea that you can be yourself on the road. I do too. Did I say
929 to nod кивать that out loud? [Stammering] I was just-- 'Cause I was circling around the
exact same thing, -which is great, we're on the same-- Sorry, I'm not
930 to be onto something иметь идею, что-то придумать thinking straight. My glands may be swollen. Maybe they should be
931 a play on words игра слов more swollen.
-You're doing great. Nike. No games. Just sports. - You should write that
932 out loud [laud] вслух, громко down. All right. Did he come up with that, or did I? Boy, can I be-- What?
933 circling around ходить кругами
У меня кажется гланды воспо-
My glands may be swollen
934 лились,Опухли

42 Darcy talks about Nick Well, can I be honest with you?

- Please do.
- Before I came here, I heard you were a tough, chauvinistic prick.
chauvinistic [ˌʃəuvɪ'nɪstɪk] шовинистический - I didn't know you were gonna be that honest.
935 - Sorry. I'm-- Sorry.
936 prick придурок, козёл, мудак - That's all right. That's okay. You must have looked so forward to meet-
ing me. I was dreading it. I had this whole other person built up in my
бояться, страшиться, ужасать- mind.
to dread [dred]
937 ся - Well, since we're sharing, I heard a few things about you too.
- I'm sure. I'm the ''man-eating bitch Darth Vader'' of the ad world.
I had this whole other per- - Verbatim.
Я преставляла себе абсолютно - Really? All right. Well, nice to meet you. That's not who I am at all.
son built up in my mind - Just for the record, I don't think that's who you are. I don't. Thank you.
938 другого человека I appreciate that. See, no games equals embarrassing moment. Don't fall
939 ad world мир рекламы for a guy at work. Don't fall for a guy at work. - Don't fall for a guy at
940 verbatim дословно, слово в слово - Why? Why what? Why won't-- Why don't I just work on these story-
941 to equal ['iːkwəl] ровнять, уравновешивать boards... and then bring them back around to you tomorrow if you're
embarrassing неловкий, затруднительный, - I'm free. Just call me anytime. I'm flirting. What's wrong with me? God!
I just looked at his penis. I hope he didn't see me. Shit! I just looked at it
942 стеснительный again! Stop it! - Are you all right? - Fine. I got something in my eye. All
влюбиться, втрескаться в кого- right. So, great. So tomorrow will be-- That'll be great. I'll see you then. -
to fall for smb Good work by the way. - You too. - You sure you're all right? - I'm fine.
943 то
944 flirting флиртовать, заигрывать
945 I got something in my eye Мне что-то в глаз попало

43 Darcy talks about her - Are you laughing at me? - Good. I didn't think anyone else was still
work - I didn't know anyone was here.
946 to laugh at smb смеяться на кем-то - What time is it? It's after 10:00.
- I didn't realize it was so late. - [Thinking] I feel so alone.
947 What time is it? Который час? - I didn't catch that. Sorry?
948 I didn't catch that Я не расслышал - I didn't realize how late it was. - And I'm glad you're here. I'm stuck. I
feel so alone.
949 You want a hand with this Вам помочь?Нужна помощь? - You want a hand with this? - Thanks. I'm okay. I'm not buying it. What's
What's going on going on?
950 Что происходит - Well, I have an early meeting tomorrow with Dan, and I wanted to
951 to prepare подготовиться make it later so I could be more prepared. But then you slipped in there
and took the only time he had left, which left me with 8:15 tomorrow
952 to slip in вкрасться, проскользнуть morning. It's fine. I'm just not as ready as I wish I was. - Sorry. - You
953 to be ready быть готовым didn't do it on purpose. [Coughs] I just don't want him to be disappoint-
ed. Hey, why don't we go through some of these together?
954 To do it on purpose сделать это намеренно - Really?
955 To disappoint разочаровывать, огорчать - I insist.
- Unless you're too tired.
956 to insist настаивать, - I'm not tired.
-I can see that.
You don't feel quite like Чувствовать себя в своей та- - It's just so far beyond tired at this point. I've basically stopped sleeping
957 yourself релке ever since I took this job. - You have? - It's weird. I, [Thinking] How do I
say this? You don't feel quite like yourself here, do you? I don't. Not yet,
958 I'm mad Я сошёл с ума anyway. Boy. Plus, I'm mad that I'm getting sick. I never, ever get sick. In
959 I'm getting sick Я заболеваю fact, you don't have to sit so close to me if you don't want to. Come
here. I'll brave it. So, where do we kick off? - Control-top panty hose? -
960 In fact на самом деле, фактически

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 29
I’ll brave it Personally, I think they do the trick. You've worn control-top panty
961 Я справлюсь мужественно hose? - Did you put a pair in the box? - Seriously? - You are full of sur-
962 to kick off начинать, поломаться prises. - I mean that as a compliment. I love that. - And how did you look
in them? - Hot. My daughter and her boyfriend walked in, and I got 'em
добиваться цели, добиваться
to do the trick on with- And they said what when they saw you in your panty hose? It
963 своего was the turquoise Wonderbra they noticed. Then, the nail polish.
964 turquoise ['tɜːkwɑːz] бирюзовый

44 Shopping with Alex [Alex] The dress you picked out is totally hideous. - I'm not com-
ing out.
965 to pick out выбирать - It can't be that bad. Come on out.
966 nun монашка, монахиня - I look like a nun-- an ugly nun.
- Why? Because it's gray? Gray is the new black.
967 ugly уродливый, страшный - If he says he likes it, I'll die.
968 gray серый - Next.
969 Gray is the new black Серый сейчас в моде - This, I love.
- Thank you. Next.
970 to take a look at smth взглянуть на что-либо - I think this is the one. I like that- I love that. This is it. Let me
971 boobs Грудь,сиськи take a look. I look older. This is great. God, I need boobs. I'll buy
a padded bra when he's not around. I can't believe this is what
972 padded bra увеличивающий бюстгалтер I'll be wearing the last night I'm a virgin. - Or what I'll be taking
973 virgin ['vɜːʤɪn] девственница off. - [Yells]

45 Talking about boys - Alex? - I wanna talk to you about something that's pretty important. -
I've never talked to you about
Ржачный, шумный, весёлый, - God. He's actually gonna try to be a dad. This should be hilarious.
hilarious [hɪ'leərɪəs] - I realize I haven't been the perfect dad.
974 смешной
- [Thinking] Understatement of the century. Can you pass the bread?
975 Understatement преуменьшение, занижение - Sure, sure.
pass the bread - But that does not mean I don't have the right... to talk to you about-
976 передай хлеб
about-[Clears Throat]
you may be flirting with the - About?
idea of - All right. You're a young woman now, and you may be flirting with the
977 ты можешь думать о.. idea of-of-- Having sex? Can I get a lemonade, please? Well, you know,
подозрение, предчувствие, boys and girls think very differently about sex. My hunch is girls just
hunch want guys to like 'em and hang out with 'em. Whereas guys-- And not all
978 интуиция
guys, all right? But most guys, they pretty much just wanna have sex.
979 to hang out тусоваться I'm-- What I'm trying to say here is, I don't want you to feel pressured... -
because your boyfriend's older.
I don't want you to feel Не хоч у,чтобы на тебя дави- - Please. Save it. Mom had this talk with me when I was, like 11. You're
980 pressured ли supposed to have sex when you're in love and it's special. And Mom
knows me for real and knows my friends and Cameron, so let's leave the
981 to be in love влюбиться parental talks up to her? – Plus I promised Cameron I'd do it. - Jeez. And
982 parental talks отцовские беседы also, let's not make me part of this Nick makeover... or whatever this
new thing you're into is?
983 to promise обещать - What new thing?
984 part of часть чего-то - What new thing? This ridiculous new guy you're trying to be. Clowning
around with me? Asking if we can make a salad? Watch Friends togeth-
985 makeover создание нового облика er? I mean, it's nuts after years of no relating. I mean, come on. Who are
you to talk about relationships anyway? You never had a real relation-
нелепый, смехотвоный,
ridiculous [rɪ'dɪkjələs] ship with anyone in your entire life. Look, I'm supposed to meet my
986 смешной friends. - So I'm gonna go?
987 to clown around дурачиться - Sure. Thanks for the dress. [Woman Thinking]
- She didn't even finish her lunch.
988 it's nuts это безумие - Johnny-come-lately, giving her advice? -Teenagers.
- I think the talk worked.
989 relationship отношения - She's totally right. - Move on, dude. It's over. [Groans] Please.
990 entire целая, вся
991 Johnny-come-lately выскочка, новичок
992 teenagers подросток
993 dude чувак

46 Watching TV Now you've seen how the cake is assembled.

994 cake торт The next time you admire a wedding cake, you'll be
able to appreciate-
995 to assemble собирать, составлять - It looks so gorgeous.
996 wedding свадебный

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 30
великолепный, вычурный, - [Announcer] Fit, vibrant hair.
gorgeous ['gɔːʤəs] -I hated being overweight. I always wanted to be thin
997 прекрасный, пышный
and pretty... and wear cute little clothes.
998 announcer [ə'naunsə] ведущий, диктор
It built and it built, and my health deteriorated.
999 fit здоровый And I couldn't walk and I couldn't stand... to even
1000 vibrant ['vaɪbrənt] яркий, полный жизни stand up at the park for ten minutes while my kids
быть толстым, слишком много played.
to be overweight
1001 весить I tried sitting on the swings, and the chains cut my hips
1002 thin худой and it hurt. And I couldn't
- I couldn't run and I couldn't move. And I was tired and
1003 clothes одежда
I wanted to be a good mom. [Sobbing]
1004 to build расти, нарастать - What the hell's wrong with me?
1005 health здоровье

to deteriorate [dɪ'tɪərɪəreɪt] ухудшаться, портиться, дегра-

1006 дировать
1007 kid ребёнок
1008 swings качели
1009 chain цепь
1010 to cut резать, врезаться
1011 to sob рыдать , всхлипывать

47 Talking with Darcy on the phone - Hello?

- [Thinking] What am I doing?
1012 Obviously очевидно, явно - Darcy? How did you know it was me? I didn't say anything.
- I just sensed it. Shit. I'm such an idiot. I didn't think he'd be there.
- Excuse me? - I didn't mean to really call you. I had your number here,
I didn't mean to really call and I was thinking of you. Thinking of calling you. Obviously, I did call
you you.
1013 Я не собиралась тебе звонить - That's all right. I, I was thinking about you too.

48 Date with Darcy Well, here's to another great idea.

- What, ''Let's meet for a drink''?
1014 a bit of немного - Exactly what I wanted to say. Sometimes I think you're a bit of a mind
reader. But I don't have to be a mind reader with you.
1015 mind reader телепат - You always say what you think.
1016 curse [kɜːs] проклятие, ругательство - I know. It's a curse.
- What- - Are you kidding? It's a relief-- an enormous relief. Do you know
1017 Are you kidding Ты шутишь? how rare that is to actually say what you think?
1018 relief помощь, облегчение - Do you have any idea how rare it is for someone to actually like that?
Trust me, this has not been a great thing in my life. My ex-husband did-
громадный, огромный, ги- n't love me. Let's just put it that way.
1019 гантский - He didn't love you?
- Did I just say that? God! [Laughs] I meant to say ''it.'' He didn't love it--
1020 rare редкий, редкостный that I spoke my mind. If you wanna know the truth, I'm not sure he did
really love me. - There's a conversation starter. God. A smart person
to speak my mind откровенно высказываться, would just get so very drunk now.
1021 говорить что думаешь - How long were you married?
truth - A little less than a year. I've been divorced about nine months now. We
1022 правда, истина worked together. - You know that, right?
1023 conversation беседа, разговор - I knew that. I heard it. - What was that like?
- It was great in the beginning. But it changed. It became competitive.
1024 starter Начало, толчок к началу Suddenly, the better I did, the worse we did. The price I pay for being
1025 less менее, меньше me. - I know that now. No, truly.
- It's true. Do you wanna know all this about me?
I've been divorced about Я в разводе около 9 месяцев. -Keep going.
- Well, that's why I needed to get out there on my own, as scary as it
nine months Мы развелись около 9 меся- was. I mean, not scary, but, Well, I was kind of scared. - Why? - I don't
1026 цев назад know. I guess I wasn't sure I could do the job. I mean, I thought I could
beginning do it, but I'm finding Sloane-Curtis a tougher place than I thought. I'm
1027 начало sorry. – It isn’t sensitive of me. I know you were up for my job. - I'm sorry
становиться, подобать, под- I'm the one that got it.
To become - I'm-I'm not. I'm not. - I've learned a lot from you.
1028 ходить
- Like what?
1029 competitive конкурирующий, сопернича-

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 31
ющий - Like what? For starters, you really love what you do.
- You really love what you do.
чем лучше у меня получалось, - Not as much as you do. How can you say that? You're so great at it.
the better I did the worse You're so great at it. I think Dan's even wondering why he hired me.
we did тем хуже становились наши Really. I think the bloom is definitely off the rose. You wanna hear some-
1030 отношения thing really great? I just closed escrow on my first apartment ever. Final-
ly, I own my own place.
1031 price цена - What?
1032 Keep going Продолжай(те) - I wish I was a mind reader.
- I was just thinking... how men like me can get so screwed up.
1033 on my own сам по себе, - I don't think there are men like you. If we kissed, would it ruin every-
scary thing?
1034 Страшный, пугающий - Listen to me. I think... you are one of the great women. I really do.
Вы претендовали на мою - I'm sorry.
You were up for my job - But I just meant to say thank you. I'm so sorry
1035 должность
удивляться, изумляться, инте-
to wonder
1036 ресоваться
1037 the bloom is off the rose Роза отцвела, я уже не та
1038 escrow Условное депонирование
1039 to own владеть, обладать
напортачить, всё испор-
to screw up тить,причинять вред, довести
1040 до нервного срыва,

49 Saying good-bye Well, I, guess I'll see you... in, let's see, three and a half hours. Nick, may
I just say... you are an exceptionally great kisser. I mean really, really
exceptionally great. Well, I haven't had this much fun making out since-I've never had
[ɪk'sepʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪ] this much fun making out. Me either.
1041 исключительно - Don't let this get weird at work - We have nothing to be embarrassed
we have nothing to be em- about. We made out. You and I made out. - And if I may, it was—
- Sexy as hell.
1042 barrassed Нам нечего стыдиться. - God. That's just what I was about to say. But I think I said it first, I think.
- You did. - Well, all right, then. I'm a grown woman. Just say it. Do you
Made out want to come back to my place? Say it! Do you want to come-
поцеловались - Good night, Darcy. Good night. Good night.

Sexy as hell Чертовски сексуально. Ужасно

1043 сексуально

50 Nick and Lola What am I doing? Lola. It's okay. Here he comes. - [Lola Muttering, Indis-
tinct]-Lola? I know I haven't heard from you. Lola, how long have you
бормотать, говорть тихо, не- been out here? Just a few... hours. Nick, you said that you wouldn't hurt
to mutter me. And then you slept with me, and then you didn't call me for six days.
1044 внятно
So that, in the world of me, that's torture. I mean, we have this totally
1045 to hear from smb плучать известие от кого-либо unbelievable, life-altering sex, and then you just disappear. I mean, you-
in the world of me you-you stopped drinking coffee!
1046 для меня, в моём мире
- Lola, I'm so sorry.
1047 torture ['tɔːʧə] пытка, агония, муки - It's okay, because I figured out your little secret. - You did? - It's so
obvious. How else would you know the things that you know?
секс, который изменил мою
life-altering sex - It wasn't obvious to anybody else.
1048 жизнь - Nick, come on. You're so sensitive. You're so aware of my feelings.
1049 To disappear исчезать, пропадать You're so tuned in. You talk to me like a woman, you think like a woman.
Nick! Come on! Admit it. You're totally and completely gay.
1050 to be aware of осознавать, знать, понимать - I am?
- You're not? I mean, if you're not, you gotta tell me. Based on the other
1051 to tune in понимать, схватывать night-- Just put me out of my misery. Are you or aren't you? Say you're
1052 Admit it! Признай это gay. Then I'm not nuts. I'm not undesirable. Not rejected by another guy!
Say it! Say you're gay! Admit it!
1053 Based on основанный на - I'm gay. How gay? I'm as gay as it gets. You're gonna make some guy
Вытащи меня из, избавь меня very happy someday.
put me out - From your lips. God, I hate that I'm crying. Well, look it. If things should
1054 от.. ever change in that department-- - You'll be the first to know.
1055 misery страдание, мучение, каторга - You promise? I promise. Come here. Oh, boy.

1056 happy счастливый

1057 From your lips Твоими устами; твои б слова
1058 department отдел, область

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 32
51 Nick, Annie and her boyfriend -It was very nice meeting you, Nick.
-And you. Thanks for pep talk? You two just take care of each
зажигательная речь, other.
pep talk
1059 напутствие - And thanks for the yarmulke.
1060 take care of заботиться о - No problem.
- You wear it well?
1061 yarmulke ['jʌmulkə] ермолка, скуфья, шапочка - Happy trails, kids.
1062 Happy trails счастливого пути - Isn't he great?

52 Nick tries to talk to Darcy - Darcy! I need to talk to you.

- Look at him. I knew it. He is weird about it.
выступить, сделать презента- - This is not about last night. It's about the Nike meeting. And I
To make a pitch
1063 цию honestly believe in my gut... - that you should make the pitch. -
1064 to guilt винить, обвинять God. -I guilted you into this last night. - It would be better if you
did it.
1065 baby ребёнок, дитя - This is your baby. You've gotta do it. I gotta go meet and greet
1066 to greet приветствовать these folks. I'll see you in there.
- It's not my baby.
1067 folks люди - It is

53 About Eren I predict no one will even know I'm gone until the files
to predict start to build. It could be days. And then someone will
1068 предсказывать, предвидеть
finally ask,''Where's the geek in the glasses who carries all
1069 I'm gone Я ушла, меня нет the files?''
1070 It could be days Пройдут дни - Do either of you two know what the story is on this Erin
1071 geek идиот, зубрила girl?
- Miss Lonely Hearts? Who knows?
1072 to carry нести, приносить
- I know. She's been here two years. She tried to be a cop-
1073 Lonely Hearts одинокое сердце ywriter but got turned down. - So she got stuck as a mes-
отклонять, отказыват, отвер- senger.
to turn down
1074 гать - What fool turned her down?
1075 messenger посыльный - You did, sire.
- Well, did I ever meet with her at least?
1076 fool дурак, глупец - I don't think so. As I recall, you told me to ''blow her off.''
1077 to recall вспоминать, припоминать - Well, I wanna meet with her now. The kid's got some-
1078 blow her off отшивать, вышвыривать thing. She's kind of funny

54 Nick talks about women and men This is your lucky day. I just saw the Nike group get off the eleva-
tor. All women. Your specialty. Come on. I'll walk you up.
1079 specialty специализация - I hate what I'm doing to Darcy. I hate it! I'm gonna write her a
1080 letter письмо long letter, confess everything.
- You're doing Darcy? Since when?
1081 to confess сознаваться, признаваться - I said I hate what I'm doing to Darcy. Men are stupider. It's
1082 to screw over Обманывать подло true.
1083 envy завидовать - Will you stop it?
- They are.
1084 Half of половина - ''They''? Are you a woman now?
мошенничать, жульничать, - I wish. A woman wouldn't have screwed over the woman she
to cheat loved. They don't think that way. And another thing. - This thing
1085 обманывать about penis envy. - Not true. They don't envy it. Half of'em don't
1086 to be obsessed with быть одержимым чем-то even like it. You know who has penis envy? We do. That's why
we cheat and screw up and lie, because we're all obsessed with
equipment оборудование, прибор, our own equipment.
1087 устройство - You ready? Thanks

55 Nike presentation [Nick] You don't stand in front of a mirror before a run... and
wonder what the road will think of your outfit. You don't have to
1088 outfit одежда, наряд listen to its jokes and pretend they're funny. It would not be
1089 pretend притворяться,делать вид easier to run if you dressed sexier. The road doesn't notice if

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 33
1090 uncomfortable неудобный you're not wearing lipstick. It does not care how old you are. You
do not feel uncomfortable... because you make more money
1091 to make more money зарабатывать больше денег than the road. And you can call on the road whenever you feel
заходить, приходить, наве- like it, whether it's been a day... or even a couple of hours since
to call on your last date. The only thing the road cares about... is that you
1092 щать
pay it a visit once in a while. Nike. No games. Just sports.
1093 couple of пара - [Woman Thinking]He nailed it.
приходить, навещать, посе- - They hit a home run.
to pay it a visit
1094 щать - [Woman 3# Thinking] Where do we sign?
иногда, изредка, время от
once in a while
1095 времени

to hit a home run сделать результативный ход,

1096 попасть прямо в цель
1097 to sign подписывать
56 Celebrating

[Frank Sinatra On Stereo] [Singing Along] Why are you not the happiest guy in Chicago right now? You just did so great.
I didn't do so great. We did so-- No, actually, you did so great. - You. - You, me. We did great! Will you come with me
someplace? I wanna show you something. - I have something I need to finish. - Please? Please.
57 Visiting Darcy’s flat Here you go.
- Come with me. - All right.
1098 top two floors два верхних этажа -Should I close my eyes or anything?
- So, you see those top two floors right there?
1099 living room гостиная - I do.
1100 to move in вьезжать - All mine.
- Come here. So this is my-- living room.
1101 dining room столовая - It's beautiful.
1102 fireplace камин - What are you thinking? You've got that look you have sometimes.
- I was just wondering when you get to move in.
1103 waiter официант - Well, they said two weeks, so- This is the dining room. - The fireplace
works. Come here.
1104 caviar икра - I can see elegant parties in here. Waiters with caviar, - you in a beauti-
1105 gown платье, наряд ful gown.
- You can see all that?
1106 the only единственный - Maybe you're naked and I'm the only guest, but it'd still be elegant.
1107 guest гость - So this is upstairs. There's a second bedroom or a future office or
whatever. - And this is my boudoir.
1108 bedroom спальня - Your boudoir comes with pretty decent music.
future - It does.
1109 будущий - Where is that coming from? Let's turn up the volume. So, where's your
1110 boudoir [ˈbuːdwɑː] будуар bed going?
- Right... here. So, if you had a bed, we'd be dancing on it. I like it here.
подходящий, хороший, при-
decent - I like it here too.
1111 стойный I mean, I like it here
1112 to turn up прибавить
1113 volume звук, громкость
1114 bed кровать
1115 to dance танцевать, плясать

58 Darcy is fired [Dan] Believe me, we're as excited as you are. - Dan? I gotta talk to you.
- He'll be there. Bye. I gotta talk to you too. That was Nike. They're gon-
na announce to the trades that we won the account. I gotta hand it to
you. You saved my ass. You saved the company's ass.
1116 trades Ребята из торгового отдела - Actually, Dan, I had very little to do with saving anybody's ass. It's Darcy
1117 To win the account Получить контракт you should be thanking, that's what I want to talk about.
- Darcy? Please. I was there. The girl didn't open her mouth. Look, I'm a
1118 to save спасать, сохранять big enough man to admit when I screw up. I looked at the marketplace
я не имею никакого отноше- and I panicked. Nick, forgive me. I want you to step in here.
I had very little to do - Dan, you did the right thing when you hired her. I mean, she is the best
1119 ния почти creative director I have ever seen, bar none.
1120 to thank благодарить - This isn't about- She's adorable.
- She is. But this isn't about that? - Not like that. Please. Look. I've been
1121 mouth [mauθ] рот, уста doing a lot of listening lately. And I've decided... I need to take a leave of
1122 to step in вмешиваться, принимать уча- absence. I need to get away from here and get some perspective on

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 34
стие things.
- What are you, nuts? What is this? What do you mean? This is the big-
1123 bar none без исключения gest account this company has ever landed. Do you want me to have
nobody running the shop? What are you talking about?
1124 to take a leave of absence пойти в отпуск, взять отгул - Darcy's here.
To get some perspective on - For somebody who listens a lot, you don't hear so well. I had a meeting
with her today. I sat her down. We had a talk.
1125 things Подумать о будущем - Dan! You didn't. Tell me you didn't fire her.
1126 What are you, nuts? Ты что с ума сошёл? - She didn't even put up a fight.
- Hey, she's gone, pal.
1127 account отчёт, доклад, счёт - It's not too late. Look, call her. Tell her you need her back, you made a
управлять магазином, вести mistake. Hire her back. - Hey, calm down. I can't do that.
running the shop - Why? Because I talked to the board and I told them I don't need her
1128 проект anymore.- They offered her a settlement. Besides, Nike says they want
1129 to put up a fight сопротивляться you. You're what they bought.
- I got a delivery- Can I- Would you come out for one second?
1130 not too late не слишком поздно - Let me tell you something. My job is to deliver you. Dan, Nike bought
to make a mistake an idea. It wasn't even mine. Every good idea that they loved yesterday
1131 совершить ошибку, ошибиться came from her.
1132 to calm down успокаиваться - And if you don't get Darcy McGuire back in here, and I mean pronto,
the board is gonna be paying you your settlement. This is all about sav-
1133 settlement расчёт, уплата ing your ass, right? Save it.
1134 to get a delivery Доставить,
быстро, немедленно, без
1135 промедления

59 Who’s Erin? Annie, get a hold of Darcy's address and number as quick as possible.
- Sure.
get a hold of Darcy's ad- - Where's the girl in glasses? Erin? I don't think she's in today.
dress - Did she call in sick?
1136 достань адрес Дарси - I don't think so. Didn't show up. Where does she live?
1137 as quick as possible как можно скорее -Does anyone know where Erin live? -[
Man] Who's Erin?
did she call in sick? она заболела? - And then someone will finally ask, ''Where's the geek in the glasses
1138 who carries all the files?''

60 Nick is looking for Erin - Did you get a hold of Darcy?

Keep trying. And when you get a hold of her, tell her to stay put.
1139 Keep trying продолжай пытаться I'm coming right over. I just have to make a little stop on the
оставаться на месте, никуда way.
to stay put - Do you know where this is?
1140 не уходить
- Down the alley. Just down the alley. Thanks
1141 To make a stop on the way Заскочить куда-то по пути

61 At Erin’s place - Come on, Erin. Be there. Please - Erin? Hello? [Cat Meows] Dear
1142 did not mean to scare you Я не хотел Вас (тебя)напугать - Mr. Marshall! Mr. Marshall?
- Erin. It's me. - [Panting] - I'm sorry. I really did not mean to scare you. I
1143 to be about to do smth собираться что-то сделать just wanted to come and see how you are. How are you?
1144 to swear клясться - Mr. Marshall, if you're here because I didn't show up today, I'm sorry. I
was just about to call. I swear.
Спорим , ты спрашиваешь се- - I'm not here because you didn't show up for work. But I'm here- Well, I
I bet you're wondering
1145 бя bet you're wondering why I am here?
- As a matter of fact, I was just thinking that. I was thinking, ''Why is Mr.
1146 reason причина, довод, мотив Marshall here in my bedroom?''
1147 to discuss обсуждать, рассматривать - You were... thinking that just now? In my head. I must have water in
my ears or something. But you're, you know, not thinking anything now,
высказывать самые невероят- are you?
to spitball ные предположения, предла- - I'm thinking a million things. Really? Because, you know, usually I can, I
can. You are thinking something right this minute?
1148 гать варианты - Mr. Marshall, I am thinking that you are crazier than I am. I think-- I
заполнять пустоту, занять ме- think I lost-- It's gone. I'm back. - I'm back.
to fill the void - Mr. Marshall? I'm sorry. Is there something I can maybe do for you?
1149 сто Erin, Actually, I came here to see if I could do something for you. - For
1150 popped into my head пришло мне на ум me? - See, the truth is-- The truth-- Erin, the truth is, I'm glad I got here
before you did anything to hurt yourself. What makes you think that I
1151 unavailable отсутствующий, недоступный would, do something to hurt myself? I just sensed it.
1152 to be out of town в отъезде, не в городе - Really? You could sense that? Well, that's not- That's not good. But the
real reason I'm here is because- Well, here's the thing. The real reason
1153 plainly ясно, отчётливо I'm here is because-- As you know we have the Nike account, and we

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 35
to sense чувствовать, ощущать have a job opening in our team. And Darcy McGuire and I, we were just
discussing-- really spitballing on who could be great enough to fill that
void. Suddenly, your name popped into my head, and I remembered...
that you once applied for a job as a copywriter. I thought I'd come down
here and see if you were still interested. Didn't you try and meet with
me a while back? I tried, but you were unavailable, and then out of
town-- Well, now I'm available. And as you can plainly see I'm in town,
so I'm here to take that meeting... if you're available. I'm available. I'm
1154 unbelievably available

62 Nick calls Darcy Hi, this is Darcy McGuire. I'm not home right now, so please leave a
message. - I'll get back as soon as I can.
1155 I'm on my cell буду ждать звонка - Darcy? Hi, Darcy, it's Nick. I'm standing right outside your place here. I
sure wish I could find you, get a hold of you. Are you all right? I hope so.
1156 Triple five три пятёрки Anyway, call me when you get this. I'm on my cell. Triple five. I really
need to talk to you. Just making sure you're not there. You're not, right?
I didn't think so. All right, so call me, please.

63 Gigi calls - Darcy?

- [Gigi] It's me. Gigi? Is everything all right?
1157 three times три раза, трижды - Are you back in town already?
1158 pay phone телефон-автомат, таксофон - Not until tomorrow. Alex called me three times from a pay
phone really upset. Then we got disconnected. What's the mat-
1159 upset расстроенный, огорчённый ter? Isn't she at the prom?
1160 Then we got disconnected Затем нас разъединили - [Sighs] The prom.

64 Nick looks for Alex - Excuse me. Do you know where Alex Marshall is? Lit-
1161 tenth grader десятиклассник(ца) tle tenth grader? Brown hair? About this high?
- I saw her in the ladies' room. She's been there for,
1162 Brown hair каштановые волосы like, an hour.
женский туалет, жеская убор-
ladies' room
1163 ная
1164 like an hour около часа

65 Nick talks to Alex Alex, are you in here? Alex, it's me. [Scoffs]
- What are you doing here? Honey, I just- You know, I can't be-
чувствовать себя отвратитель- lieve that I screwed up. I wasn't there when you left for the
to feel awful
1165 но prom.
1166 I look like crap Я выгляжу поршиво, ужасно - Well, that's not why I'm in here, so you can just go?
- Boy, I feel awful. Are you okay? I mean, I-- Come on out. Let
1167 took my hair out Я распустила волосы me see how you look, at least. - Come on.
1168 what have you got to lose что тебе терять? - I look like crap! I already took my hair out and everything. So,
Try me you know, what happened? Well, if I told you, you'd just freak
1169 испытай меня; а ты проверь
out, so-
снимать, арендовать, брать на - What have you got to lose? Try me.
to rent
1170 прокат - Cameron and his friends, they had this big plan. They rented
1171 hotelroom номер в гостинице this hotelroom and It was like a suite. Basically, I promised him
that I was gonna-- I can't believe I'm gonna say this to you.I
1172 It was like a suite номер люкс promised him that I was gonna... sleep with him after the prom.
1173 dance floor танцпол And like an hour ago, we were on the dance floor and I said, ''I'm
sorry, Cameron. You know, I'm just not ready.
1174 limo лимузин - Good. Good girl.
1175 the tux смокинг - Dad, come on!
1176 to cost стоить - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go on.
- Then he goes, ''Well, the limo, the room and the tux, it all cost
1177 To cut smb off бросить кого-либо me 400 bucks. '' And I said, ''I'm sorry. I'm just not--'' And he cuts
1178 sophomore второкурсник me off and he says, ''I never should've asked a stupid sopho-
more to the prom. What a waste.'' Then two seconds later, he
1179 What a waste какая пустая трата сил! goes and meets up with his old girlfriend... and starts making out
1180 disgusting отвратительный, ужасный with her. I mean, this disgusting slut with a tongue ring. And
tongue ring then they were laughing and-- I just can't go out there ever.
1181 пирсинг в языке
- Honey, I'm so proud of you.
1182 to be proud of smb гордиться кем-либо

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 36
- Dad! - What are you doing? - I'm sorry. I'm-I'm sorry. But I am.
You stood up for yourself Ты сумела постоять за себя,
And believe it or not, I know what it's like to be a woman. I
1183 ты выстояла mean, it's not as easy as it looks. You stood up for yourself. You
во всеоружии; готовый к лю- know how ahead of the game you are? Anyway, a guy that
Be ahead of the game бой неожиданности, трудно- treats you like that and talks to you like that, - he's not-- - Worth
сти my time. I know. - It's true. He's not. - He's a game player, I hate
that. You are so much smarter than me. And look at you. That
1184 to treat обращаться, относиться clown made out with a girl with a tongue ring over you? Honey...
1185 Worth my time стоит моего времени you look beautiful. Thanks. Take me home, Dad.
66 Thinking about Darcy What am I doing? She's not in the refrigerator. I wonder if it's too late to
go over there. It's not too late. It's never too late to do the right thing.
That's what I'll do. I'll go over there and I'll do the right thing
refrigerator [rɪ'frɪʤ(ə)reɪtə]
1186 холодильник

67 Nick tells the truth to Dar- It's me. I'm glad I found you. Can I come up? Darcy? I need to-
cy - You need to what? It's 1:00 in the morning.
- I need to talk to you. Thanks. So, you sleep here now?
1187 give it a try Попробовать, испытать - I thought I might as well give it a try before I have to sell the
1188 ought to следует, должен place.
- Sell it? You're not selling the place. Can't afford to keep it. I
returning some of your don't have a job.
1189 phone calls отвечать на некоторые звонки - You know, you ought to try returning some of your phone
Ты хохмач, умора! Шутки шу- calls.
You're a riot - You got your job back. - Do I? - You're a riot. You know that?
1190 тишь)
- It's true. Dan told me so himself.
1191 to blame винить, обвинять - Why would he tell you that? I didn't do the job he hired me to
1192 chair стул do. Even I don't blame him for firing me. Look, I'm, You can
come on in. I don't have any chairs, but if you wanna-
Саботировать, проводить
Sabotage ['sæbətɑːʒ] - What if I told you that... you did everything that you were hired
1193 подрывную деятельность to do-- everything-- but that someone was sabotaging you? Pick-
1194 swipe your ideas Красть, тащить идеи ing your brain, swiping your ideas and-- Well, you-- you never
even knew what hit you.
1195 dope Идиот, придурок
- How is that possible?
1196 to earn зарабатывать - Trust me, it's possible. Well, who would do such an awful
Насколько я знал (мне это thing? I would. I was a dope with a corner office. And when you
As far as I was concerned came with the job I was supposed to have, I mean, it didn't mat-
1197 нужно было)
ter to me that... you were better at it than me or you earned it
1198 took advantage of Воспользовался случаем more than I did. As far as I was concerned, it was mine, and I
1199 To take the wrong road ошибиться was gonna get it back. So I took advantage of you in the worst
possible way. Have you ever done that? Taken the wrong road
1200 To dig копать and-- Of course you haven't. You wouldn't do that. That's just--
1201 hole Дыра, отверстие Somebody like me does that. And, The problem with that was
To find out that while I was digging the hole under you... I found out all
1202 Выяснять, оказываться
about you. And the more I found out... the more you dazzled
1203 To dazzle Поражать, изумлять me. I mean, shook my world, changed my life, dazzled me. And
1204 shook my world Перевернула мой мир guys like that ex-husband of yours, he made you feel that... the
price you pay just for being you... is that you don't get to have
1205 winner победитель love. Isn't that what you were trying to say the other night? That
1206 To rescue Спасать, освобождать you weren't complete? That you weren't really a winner? Every-
thing about you-- how smart you are, how good you are-- every-
1207 angle Угол, точка зрения thing just makes me want you even more. Boy. So it looks like
1208 to deserve заслуживать I'm here at 1:00 in the morning... being all heroic trying to res-
1210 let позволять. Разрешать cue you, but the truth is... I'm the one that needs to be rescued
here. I sure wish I could read your mind.
1211 stand in your way Стоять на твоём пути - Well, I was thinking that, if everything you're saying is true, if I
Информация. Новое сообще- really have my job back... then I think you're fired. Well, I never--
news flash I never really thought about it from that angle. Well, not that I
1212 ние, экстренное сообщение
don't deserve it. I-do-do-- I'm stuttering. Now I feel kind of, em-
1213 knight рыцарь barrassed that I told you I needed to be rescued. But that's-
that's fine. That's it? I don't want that to be it. I don't want that
to be it at all. Then don't let a little thing like me firing you stand
in your way. I didn't know what to react to first. Hey, news flash.
shining armor
I took the wrong road. What kind of knight in shining armor
would I be... if the man I love needs rescuing... and I just let him
1214 сияющие доспехи walk out my door? My hero.

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Составители: Счастливая Надежда 38

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