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Release Year: 2006
Slogan: «Tradition Prepared Her. Change Will
Define Her»
Country: | |
Genres : Melodrama | western
Runtime: 103 min.
Director: Stephen Frears
Stars: Helen Mirren, Michael Sheen, James

About the film. Translate into Russian.

Released almost a decade after the event, the film depicts a fictional account of the immediate events following the death of
Diana, Princess of Wales on 31 August 1997.
The main plot focuses on the differing views in how to deal with the death of Diana. The Royal Family, while on their summer
residence at Balmoral Castle, sees her death as a private affair, not to be treated as an official Royal death, in contrast with newly
appointed Prime Minister Tony Blair and Diana's ex-husband Prince Charles, who attempt to reflect the public wish for an official
expression of grief. Matters are further complicated by the media, royal protocol regarding Diana's official status, and wider issues
about republicanism.


I never thought I'd get choked up over a movie about the stuffy upper-crust of the British monarchy, but then along came The
Queen. This film offers an incisive and utterly persuasive glimpse behind the scenes of recent history. The fictionalized script
expands on these historical truths. We see not only the inner corridors of power, but also sense the inner workings of the royal
mind. I thought this movie was going to be really boring, but it was really an intriguing retrospective about the royal family...
Demystifies Diana and shows a woman who has come through the War and the Depression but still finds the strength to grow and
change.It was really well done and worth the time and money.

Exercises and tasks you are to with the vocabulary you can see below.

1. Write a review of yours. That will improve your way of thinking in English.
2. Read the words using transcription and their translation from each part before watching.
3. Try to paraphrase those you find difficult.
4. Read and translate contextual sentences after watching so you could make sure you’ve got all the words properly.
5. Ask your partner questions around each part, using new words and phrases.
6. Remember who said each phrase or word, in what situation.
7. Retell each situation. Especially those that are important for better understanding of the plot.
8. Put as many questions as you can to each part so that your partner could find the answers and vocalize them.
9. Discussion: Please state your ideas about what monarchy really are. Define this word.
10. Description: Describe Elizabeth II – appearance, character, habits, things he goes for
11. Describe Elizabeth II as if you were Phillip / Charles / Cherie Blair / English people
12. Describe Tony Blair as if you were Elizabeth II / Elizabeth the mother / Alastair
13. Would you like to be a prince/princess yourself? Why?
14. What do you think about idea of being conservative or reformative? What of these two ideas is more appropriate for you and what’s
more interesting – why?
15. Split into groups: Your task is to have 2 columns on a sheet of paper you have and write bad points about preserving such institution
as Royal family in one column and good points about it in another one. Make remarks whether the thing you take is possible in a real
life or not. The team that names more such things wins.
16. Express your ideas: about the film, about the idea of it, about the music and script.
17. Name all the plot lines. What lessons have you taken out this film? Discuss them in your group.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 1
№ Word/phrase & Translation Context NB Russian equivalent

Phrasal Verbs Prepositions, grammar constructions
Popular adjectives
Conversational patterns

1 Campaigning Проведение избирательной кампании 1. News reporting

2 To stroll Идти прогулочным шагом; прогуливаться The news’ narrator
3 Polling station Избирательный участок After weeks of campaigning on the road Tony Blair
4 Election day День выборов and his family, finally strolled the few hundred yards
5 Amongst [ə'mʌŋst] Среди to the polling station, this election day morning.
6 The Labour ['leɪbə] Лейбористская партия Amongst the Labour faithful up and down the
7 Enormous Огромный country there is an enormous sense of pride in Mr.
8 Pride Гордость Blair's achievements. And the confidence that he is
9 Achievement Достижение about to become the youngest Prime Minister this
10 Confidence Уверенность century.

1 To vote Голосовать 2. Dialog with the artist

2 Yet Уже; все еще Elizabeth II, Mr. Crawford
3 First in line Первый в очереди - Have you voted yet, Mr. Crawford?
4 I don't mind telling Я не против сказать вам… - Yes, Ma'am. I was there when they opened, first in line, at 7 o'clock. I don't
you… mind telling you it wasn't for Mr. Blair.
5 Danger ['deɪnʤə] Опасность - You’re not a modernizer then?
6 Excitement Волнение, возбуждение - Certainly not. We're in danger of losing too much, that is good about this
7 To envy ['envɪ] Завидовать country, as it is. There is a growing sense of excitement.
8 To tick Отмечать - I envy you, being able to vote. Not the actually ticking of the box, although
9 Although [ɔːl'ðəu] Хотя it would be nice to experience that once. But the sheer joy of being partial.
10 To experience Пережить, испытать - Yes. Of course one forgets that as Sovereign, you're not entitled to vote.
- No.
11 Sheer Чистый, абсолютный
- Still, you won't catch me feeling sorry for you. You might not be allowed to
12 Joy Радость, восторг
vote, Ma'am but it is your government.
13 Partial ['pɑːʃ(ə)l] Быть причастным
- Yes, I suppose that is some consolation.
14 Sovereign Монарх
15 To entitle Давать право
16 To catch Застать; поймать
17 To allow Позволять
18 To suppose Полагать
19 Consolation Утешение

1 To draw Тянуть, раздвигать 3. Morning of election.

2 Curtain Занавеска Elizabeth II, room-maid, the news’ narrator
3 To stay up не ложиться спать Good morning. - Shall I draw the curtains? - Yes - So, did you
4 Landslide убедительная победа партии или кандидата stay up all night? - Yes, Ma'am. - And was it as expected? - Yes,
5 Traffic Уличное движение Ma'am. - Mr. Blair. - By a landslide. Oh, I see. They've stopped
6 Power Власть, сила the traffic, completely. For Tony Blair's first day of power, in
7 Official Официальное лицо London. You got the ceremonial with tourists, the official and
8 Crowd [kraud] Толпа, скопление людей you got a lovely summer's day. Tony Blair waving to the
9 To guess Полагать crowds, people waving to them there. I guess most of them do
10 To line Выстраиваться в очередь; стоять вдоль чего-л. know it's the Prime Minister waiting, lining in the streets there.

1 To be Быть; будущий (о человеке, предмете) 4. Discussing Tony Blair

2 He's a hard one to read Он из тех, кого тяжело предсказать Elizabeth II, Robin
3 On the one hand/on the С одной стороны/с другой стороны - The Prime Minister is on his way, Ma'am. - To be, Robin. The

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 2
other Prime Minister to be. I haven't asked him yet. He's a hard one
4 Background Происхождение to read, isn't he? - Yes. On the one hand his background is
5 Establishment Истеблишмент; влиятельные круги quite establishment - father a conservative, educated at Fettis.
6 To be educated Быть образованным Where he was tutored by the same man as the Prince of Wales.
7 To tutor Обучать - Well, we'll try not to hold that against him. - On the other, his
8 Not to hold that against Не судить его за это (не держать это manifesto promises the most radical modernization and shake
him против него) up of the constitution in years. - Oh, you mean he is going to
9 To promise Обещать try and modernize us? - I wouldn't let it past him, he's married
10 To shake up Встряхнуть; реорганизовать to a woman with known anti-monarchist sympathies, you may
11 I wouldn't let it past him Я бы не стал отрицать подобное remember her curtsy, the first time you met. It could best be
насчет него (я бы не позволил этому described as shallow. - I don't measure the depth of a curtsy,
пройти мимо него) Robin. I leave that to my sister. - The atmosphere at Downing
12 Curtsy ['kɜːtsɪ] Реверанс Street is expected to be very informal. Everyone on first name
terms at the Prime Minister's insistence. - What, as in “call me
13 To describe Описывать
Tony”? - Yes, Ma'am. Oh, I don't like that. Could we send him a
14 Shallow Неглубокий, мелкий
protocol sheet?
15 To measure Измерять
16 Depth Глубина
17 Terms Отношения; обращения
18 Insistence настойчивое требование

1 Funny Забавно 5. Anxiety about meeting the Queen.

2 Rather Довольно-таки Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, chamberlain
3 Often enough Достаточно часто Funny, I'm actually rather nervous. - Why? You've met her often enough
4 Whole Весь, целый before. - I know, but never one to one and never as Prime Minister. - Well,
5 To reach Достигать just remember - you're a man that's just been elected by the whole nation. -
6 Audience room Аудиенц-зал But she's still, you know, The Queen. When we reach the audience room I
7 To knock [nɔk] Постучать will knock. We will not wait to be called, we shall go straight inside. Standing
8 Straight [streɪt] Прямо by the door, we bow from the neck. I will introduce you. The Queen will
9 To bow Поклониться extend her hand, you go to her, bow again, then shake her hand. A couple of
10 Neck Шея other things. It's Ma'am as in ham not mam as in farm. And when you're in
the presence at no point must you show your back. - The presence? - Yes, sir.
11 To introduce Представить (кого-л. кому-л.)
That's what it is called, when you're in Her Majesty's company. Would you
12 To extend Протянуть, вытянуть
like to sit down, Mrs. Blair?
13 To shake her hand Пожать ее руку
14 A couple Пара, парочка
15 Ham [hæm] Ветчина
16 Presence Присутствие; аудиенция

1 Congratulations Поздравления 6. The audience.

2 To hope Надеяться Elizabeth II, Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, Robin
3 Blessing Благословение How nice to see you again, Mr. Blair. And congratulations. The children
4 Nuclear Ядерная must be very proud? - I hope so. - You have three, haven't you? - That's
5 To take away Снимать right. - Oh, how lovely. Such a blessing, children. Please, do sit down. -
6 To spend Тратить; проводить (время) Thank you. - Have they shown you how to start a nuclear war, yet? - Ah,
7 Obviously Очевидно no. - Oh, first thing we do. - Apparently. - Then we take away your
8 Front coat Фрак passport, and spend the rest of the time sending you around the world.
9 Top hat Шляпа-цилиндр - You obviously know my job better than I do. - Well, you are my tenth
10 Shy Застенчивая Prime Minister, Mr. Blair. My first, of course, was Winston Churchill, he
sat in your chair in a front coat and top hat. He was kind enough to give
11 Quite [kwaɪt] В самом деле; самый настоящий
a shy young girl like me quite an education. - I can imagine. - With time,
(выражает усиление)
one has hopefully added experience to that education. And a little
12 To imagine Представлять, воображать
wisdom better enabling us to execute our constitutional responsibility.
13 To add Добавлять
To advise, guide, and warn the government of the day. - Advise which I
14 Wisdom Мудрость
look forward to receiving. - Yes, we'll save that for our weekly meetings.
15 To execute Приводить в исполнение
If there's nothing else, I believe we have some business to attend to. -
16 To advise Советовать Of course. Your Majesty, my party has won the election so I come now
17 To warn [wɔːn] Предостерегать to ask your permission to form a govern… - No, Mr. Blair. Mr. Blair, I ask
18 To look forward to Ожидать

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 3
19 To attend Уделять внимание; посещать the question. The duty falls upon me as your Sovereign to invite you to
20 Permission Разрешение become Prime Minister and to form a government in my name. And if
21 Duty Обязанность you agree, the custom is to say yes. - Yes. - Mrs. Blair. Lovely to see you
22 To invite Приглашать again. And congratulations. You must be very proud. – Yes. - And
23 To agree Соглашаться exhausted, I imagine. Where will you be spending the summer? -
24 Custom Обычай France. - Oh, lovely. - You'll be at Balmoral, right? - Yes, I can't wait. It's
25 Exhausted [ɪg'zɔːstɪd] Изнеможенная, обессиленная a wonderful place. You know my great great grandmother Victoria said
26 To breed Порождать, вызывать of it in Balmoral all seems to breed freedom and peace and make one
27 Peace Мир, спокойствие forget the world and its sad turmoils. Oh, excuse me. - Oh, yes of
28 Sad Печальный course. - I'm so sorry, we're going to have to leave it there. - Not too
short, was it? 15 minutes. One doesn't want to be rude. - No, ma’am.
29 Turmoil ['tɜːmɔɪl] шум, суматоха
30 Rude Грубый

1 To fuck off Проваливать, убираться с глаз долой 7. Brief story of Princess Diana.
2 God knows Бог его знает! Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, the news’ narrators
3 Whatever Что бы ни… - Thank you very much for coming, now fuck off! - I know, what
4 Something to do with… Нечто, имеющее отношение к… was all that about? - God knows. Diana. Whatever it is it will be
5 To embroil Ввязываться something to do with Diana.
6 Controversy Конфликт, ссора - Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out
7 To pull out of… Отказываться от… of a meeting with MP's. Princess Diana moved today to patch
8 MP Член парламента (сокр. от Member of up her relations with the former royal nanny. Princess Diana
Parliament) flew to Milan today for the memorial service for the murdered
9 To patch up Уладить (ссору) Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace. Where tonight, another
10 Former Бывшая royal controversy sparkles after finding herself embroiled in her
second controversy this week. - I am not a political figure.
11 Nanny Бабушка
Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean in one of Mr.
12 To fly (flew, flown) Улететь
Mohamed al-Fayed's yachts today with his son. A quarter of a
13 Murdered Убитый
million pounds, for photographs which appear to show the
14 To sparkle искриться, сверкать; полыхать
couple embracing. Once again, her judgment is under scrutiny.
15 To sail out Выплывать под парусом
16 Quarter ['kwɔːtə] Четверть
17 To appear Оказываться; возникать
18 To embrace Обниматься
19 Judgment ['ʤʌʤmənt] суждение; взгляд
20 Scrutiny Пристальное внимание

1 ASAP Как можно скорее (сокр. от As 8. Terrible news.

Soon As Possible) Elizabeth II , Robin, Phillip, Charles, Elizabeth the mother
2 To disturb Беспокоить Robin Janvrin. What? I want everyone in, ASAP. - Ma'am? Ma'am?
3 Keep me updated Держите меня в курсе событий Ma'am, Mr. Janvrin is here to see you. - What? - Good evening, Ma'am.
4 Car accident Автокатастрофа I'm sorry to disturb. But I just had a call from our Embassy in Paris. It's The
5 Apparently Несомненно; вероятно, по всей Princess of Wales. - Why? What's she done now? - I see, em… Who are
видимости we speaking to then? Right, well keep me updated. It's Diana, she's been
6 To recap Резюмировать, подводить итог in a car accident in Paris. - Is it serious? - Apparently, Dodi Fayed is dead.
7 Injury Рана, травма - Let's just recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine. - Yes Nick, what
8 Intensive care unit Отделение реанимации they're saying is that the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a south-
9 Concussion Сотрясение, контузия east Paris hospital. She has a concussion, a broken arm, and… - What was
10 Awful Ужасно she doing in Paris? I thought she was supposed to be in London. - Oh, you
know what she's like. - Charles, isn't this awful? What are you going to do
11 Until Пока; до тех пор, пока…
about the boys? Let them sleep until we know more. Yes, that's sensible. I
12 Sensible Благоразумно
should go to Paris. I told my people to start organizing a jet. - What, a
13 Jet Реактивный самолет
private one? – Yes. - Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they
14 Precisely точно; именно
always attack us for? How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time
15 Sort of Как бы, вроде
of night? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed. Charles… Use the royal
16 Permanent Постоянное flight. They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick
17 Standby Состояние готовности the bucket. No mummy! That's out of the question. This isn't a matter of
18 In case На случай, если… state. - What are you talking about? - Diana is no longer a member of the
19 To kick the bucket Умереть, сыграть в ящик

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 4
20 Matter Вопрос, дело royal family. She's not a HRH. This is a private matter. She's mother to
21 Member Член your grandchildren. - What is happening now? - I don't know. I can't hear,
22 HRH Его (Её) Королевское Высочество everyone's shouting.
(сокр. от His / Her Royal Highness)
23 To shout Кричать

1 Crash Авария 9. Princess Diana is dead.

2 To announce Объявлять, оглашать Elizabeth II , Robin, Charles, Tony Blair, Alastair
- Thanks for coming in. - The Ambassador, from Paris. - Good evening, sir. Yes? I have
3 Speech Речь
just spoken to our Ambassador in Paris, Ma'am. I'm afraid it's not good news. - No!
4 To cancel Отменить
No, no, no. - Diana, Princess of Wales, has died, after a car crash in Paris. The French
5 Massive Массовый government announced her death just before 5 o'clock this morning. What have I got
6 Statement Заявление on this week? You're writing your conference speeches, Prime Minister. Well, let's
7 Pleased Довольный cancel everything else. This is going to be massive. I'd better make a statement in the
8 To come up with Выдумывать что-л. morning. Well, you'll be pleased to know I've already started coming up with ideas.
9 To prefer Предпочитать God, she's only been dead an hour. Well, would you prefer I didn't do my job?
10 Job Работа

1 Brave Храбрый 10. Talk with Charles.

2 Anyway Как бы там ни было, в любом Charles, Elizabeth II, John
случае Try and be very brave. It’s Mommy. She’s dead. They're going go to go back to
3 To sell Продавать sleep. Try, anyway. My private secretary's office have found a travel agency
4 Stopover Промежуточная остановка open in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with an hour stopover in
5 Perhaps Возможно, может быть Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an
6 To consider Полагать, считать extravagance to bring back the mother of the future King of England in one of
7 To bring back Вернуть, привезти обратно
our planes? - Alright, of course. John, I don't want the boys to see the news and
8 Upset Опечаленный, подавленный
get upset. First thing in the morning, I want the radio taken out of the bedroom,
9 To take out Забирать; удалять, вынимать
10 Nursery Детская комната and the television taken out of the nursery. Yes, Ma'am.

1 To come back Возвращаться 11. Talk with Phillip

2 To cut smth. short Сократить что-л. Elizabeth II, Philip
3 That's putting it mildly Это мягко сказано - Well, well, well. - Yes. - Are you alright? Your sister called. From Tuscany.
4 To manage Ухитриться, суметь - Well, I hope you told her to come back, cut her holiday short. - I did. - I
5 Annoying Раздражающая, надоедливая can't imagine she was pleased. - That's putting it mildly. - What did she
6 Alive Живая say? - Something about Diana managing to be even more annoying dead
7 To make sure Удостовериться, постараться than alive. - Just make sure you never let the boys hear you talk like that.
8 To go down Уснуть; снижаться - Of course. - Something to help you go down. - No, I think I'll write my
9 Diary Дневник diary a little longer. - Fine. I'm going to bed.
10 Fine Хорошо

1 Further Дальнейший, последующий 12. Official reaction to Diana’s death.

2 To be due back Возвращаться обратно согласно The news’ narrator, Tony Blair, Alastair
ожиданиям We've heard nothing official from the Palace yet, we still don't know
3 To remain Оставаться when we're gonna get any further statements from inside the
4 Incrimination инкриминирование, обвинение Palace, or of course when the royal family are due back. - That's how
5 Sadness Печаль she will remain, in our minds, our hearts forever. OK? Got it!
6 However Как бы там ни было, тем не менее - Where will you do it? - We'll do it at the church. On the way in.
7 To take such a direct Воздействовать столь прямым - Alright, I'll organise it. - Hang on. I wanna watch this. - This is not
hand образом (Взять такую прямую руку) the time for incriminations, but for sadness. However I would say
8 To seem Казаться that I always believed the press would kill her in the end but not even
9 Case Дело, случай I could imagine they'll take such a direct hand in her death as seems
10 Proprietor Владелец to be the case. It would appear that every proprietor and editor of
every publication that has paid for intrusive and exploitative
11 Editor Издатель

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 5
12 To pay (paid, paid) Платить photographs of her has blood on his hands today. Not the press,
13 Intrusive Навязчивый, назойливый mate. You got the wrong villain. Tony got to go. You’re about to
14 Exploitative Эксплуататорский, эксплуатирующий speak to The Queen? – Yeah. - Ask her if she greased the breaks.
15 Mate Дружище, товарищ Now, now.
16 Villain Преступник, виновник
17 To grease the breaks Смазать тормоза (ироничн.)
18 Now, now Выражение легкого протеста,

1 Сonstituency Избирательный округ 13.Elizabeth and Tony Blair. Phone conversation.

2 Lucky you А ты счастливчик! Robin, Elizabeth II, Tony Blair, Alastair
3 Study Кабинет Hello? Right, okay. Is The Prince of Wales with the boys? - Yes, Ma'am. -
4 Right away Немедленно, сейчас же And he's going to Paris? – Yes. I'm sorry to disturb, Ma'am. Ma'am, but I
5 Prayer Молитва have the Prime Minister for you, from his constituency. - Lucky you.
6 In particular В особенности, в частности Thank you, Robin. I'll take it in the study. - Good morning, Your Majesty.
7 Intention Намерение - Prime Minister. - May I say right away, how very sorry I am and that
8 Appearance Появление, выступление the thoughts and prayers of my family are with you at this terrible time.
9 To appreciate Ценить, оценивать And with the Princes, in particular. - Thank you. - Is it your intention to
10 To respect Уважать; признавать make some kind of appearance? Or statement? - No, no! Certainly not.
11 Funeral Похороны No member of the royal family will speak publicly about this. This is a
private matter. We would all appreciate it, if it could be respected as
12 Wish Пожелание
such. - I see. I don't suppose anyone has had time to think about the
13 Memorial service Поминальная служба
funeral, yet? - We've spoken with the Spencer family, and it is their
14 To follow Провожать в последний путь;
wish, it is their expressed wish, that this should be a private funeral.
With a memorial service to follow, in a month or so. - Right. - And given
15 Choice Выбор
that Diana was no longer a member of the royal family we have no
16 High profile Большое значение other choice, but to respect their wishes. - I see you don't feel that in
17 To pay tribute Отдать должное view of her high profile popularity it might be an idea to pay tribute to
18 Public Общественность her life and achievements? Or even just to her as a mother? - Well, as I
19 To deny Отклонять, отказывать said, it's her family's wish. - And the public, Ma'am? The British people,
20 To share Разделить you don't think a private funeral might be denying them a chance… - A
21 Grief Горе chance to what? - To share in the grief. - This is a family funeral, Mr.
22 Fairground attraction Ярмарочное представление Blair, not a fairground attraction. I think The Princess has already paid a
23 Exposure появление (на публике), high enough price for exposure to the press, don't you? Now, if there's
непосредственный контакт nothing else, I must get on. The children have to be looked after. - Of
24 To get on Спешить course, well, goodbye, Your Majes… - Her instinct is to do nothing. Say
25 To hate smb's guts смертельно ненавидеть кого-л. nothing, and give her a private funeral. Are you surprised? She hated
26 Mistake Ошибка her guts. Well, I think it's a mistake. They screwed up her life, let's hope
27 To screw up Испортить, причинить вред they don't screw up her death. Where can I find a black tie?
28 Tie Галстук

1 Chaplain Священник, капеллан 14. Phillip’s decision about the princes.

2 Whether Ли (союз, вводит косвенный вопрос) Elizabeth II , Phillip, Elizabeth the mother
3 Change Изменение Oh, the chaplain called. He wanted to know, whether we should make any
4 Mention Упоминание; ссылка changes in the service, any special mention of Diana. - What did you say? -
5 Quite right Совершенно верно Well, I told him not to change a thing. - Quite right. - I think the less attention
6 Attention Внимание one draws to it, the better. For the boys. – Yes. - But I think maybe we should
7 To draw Привлекать; тянуть find some company for them. Some young people. - I'll take them for a long
8 Gun Ружье walk, this afternoon, up Craggie Head. - Yes, but no guns, Phillip. It is Sunday.

1 Wife Жена 15. The Prime Minister’s statement.

2 He's on Он идет! (Выступает по ТВ) The news’ narrator, Tony Blair, Tony Blair’s colleagues
3 Own Собственный And we're going in fact I believe to Sedgefield, the Prime Minister's
4 To touch Касаться, прикасаться, constituency where he is about to make a statement, yes, the Prime
затрагивать Minister coming now, with his wife Cherie. - He's on. Alastair, he's on. Come
5 Throughout the world По всему миру on! - As her own life was often sadly touched by tragedy, she touched the
6 Comfort Утешение; успокоение lives of so many others in Britain, throughout the world with joy and with

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 6
7 To keep faith with Сохранять веру в…; хранить comfort. The people everywhere, not just here in Britain, everywhere they
преданность kept faith with Princess Diana. They liked her, they loved her, they regarded
8 To regard Высоко ценить, почитать, her as one of the people, she was the people's Princess. And that's how she
уважать will stay, how she will remain. In our hearts and in our memories forever. - A
9 To remain Оставаться little over the top, don't you think? - The people of Britain, he said kept
10 Over the top Чрезмерно faith with Princess Diana, they loved her, she was the people's Princess.

1 Royal Королевский штандарт (личный флаг монарха; 16. Prince Charles comes to the body.
Standard вывешивается над Букингемским дворцом, когда монарх Charles, Stephen
находится в Лондоне) - Did we remember the Royal Standard? - Yes, Sir. -
2 Undertaker Сотрудник похоронного бюро And flowers? - Yes, Sir. - Good, 'cause if we leave it
3 Wooden Деревянный to the royal undertakers they'll bring her back in a
4 Crate Ящик wooden crate.

1 Lord Chamberlain Лорд-гофмейстер (высшая 17. A phone call from Lord Airlie.
придворная должность) Tony Blair, Tony Blair’s secretary, Lord Airlie
2 In charge of… Ответственный за… Hello? This is Lord Airlie; may I speak with the Prime Minister, please? - One
3 Job Работа moment, please. Lord Airlie. The Lord Chamberlain in charge of the funeral,
4 Event Событие you're meeting him at the airport. - Lord Airlie. - Good afternoon, Prime
5 Simply Попросту Minister, it's my job to organize all the ceremonial events. There is simply
6 Precedent Прецедент no precedent for the funeral of an ex-HRH. - Perhaps we shall plan for any
7 Contingency Случайность; непредвиденное contingency. - Yes, I propose a meeting at o'clock tomorrow morning at
обстоятельство Buckingham Palace, officials from all three Palaces, representatives from
8 To propose Предлагать the Spencer family, the emergency services - would you send some of your
9 Representative Представитель people? - Absolutely, of course. Precedent!? Where do they find these
10 Emergency service Скорая помощь people?
11 Absolutely Безусловно; совершенно

1 To stand (stood, stood) up Вставать 18. Tony Blair’s conversation with Prince Charles
2 To drive (drove, driven) past Проезжать Charles, Tony Blair
3 To remove Снимать; удалять Prime Minister. - I'm so sorry, Sir. If there's anything
4 Hat Шляпа, головной убор I, or my government, can do… - They stood up, as we
5 Busy Оживленный; занятой drove past, in cafés, in restaurants, removed their
6 You could hear a pin drop Можно было услышать, как муха пролетит hats - this was Paris, one of the busiest cities in the
(Вы могли бы услышать падение булавки) world - and you could hear a pin drop. - I imagine it
7 To prefer Предпочитать will be the same here. The Palace would still prefer
8 To present Представлять, преподносить to see this as a private funeral. What are your
9 Difficulty Трудность feelings on that? - I… I think that will present us with
10 Generation Поколение difficulties. - So do I. My mother, The Queen comes
from a generation not best equipped, she grew up in
11 To equip Давать (знания, образование); снаряжать
the war. I think… what we need… what this country
12 To grow (grew, grown) up Расти
needs is a more modern perspective, if you follow -
13 To need Нуждаться, испытывать потребность
Balmoral is - I think I understand.

1 AIDS СПИД 19. A talk beside the TV.

2 To scour Освобождать, очищать; Elizabeth II , Robin, Phillip, Elizabeth the mother
избавляться An aircraft of the Queen's flight brought The Princess' body home this evening
3 Landmine Противопехотная мина where the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had gathered with members of his
4 Gillie Подручный охотника, загонщик government. A single black hearse crossed the tarmac and a Royal Air Force guard
5 Stag Олень-самец (достигший пяти of honour, moved slowly forward. Has anyone heard from the Spencer's yet? Have
лет) they made up their minds when the funeral will be? Well I don't know. Nobody tells
6 To reckon Подсчитывать me anything. President Clinton was with his wife, when he heard the news last
7 Fourteen-pointer Дичь на 14 баллов night. We liked her very much; we admired her work for children, for people with
8 Estate Поместье AIDS, for the cause of ending the scour of landmines. On our walk today one of the
9 Distraction Отвлечение внимания, gillies said he'd seen a large stag up Craggie Head. He reckoned, fourteen-pointer.
развлечение We haven't had one as big as that on the estate, for years. No, quite. Anyway I

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 7
10 Stalking Выслеживание, преследование thought it might be a good distraction for the boys. What, stalking? You don't think
дичи that's a bit soon, do you? I think anything that gets them outside, is a good idea. She
11 Increasingly В возрастающем количестве, became an increasingly unhappy figure. The couple divorced in August of last year. It
все больше и больше was the love story that brought crowds into the streets they came to see The Queen,
12 Divorce Развод of course, and The Prince but most of all, they came to see Diana. I'm going to bed.
13 Most of all Больше всего

1 To leave (left, left) Оставлять, покидать 20. People about the princess Diana.
2 To hurt Причинять боль; болеть Charles, Stephen, people at the streets
3 To wake up Просыпаться I'll ring the Lord Chamberlain's office. Say we are going to send representatives for
4 Bad dream Кошмар, плохой сон the meeting tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock. Thank you, Stephen. She gave us so
much. Why couldn't we have given her a little something and left her alone? It just
hurts me so much. I've never experienced anything like this. I can't I keep waiting to
wake up, like it's a bad dream.

1 Short notice Уведомление за короткий срок 21. Alastair’s job.

2 Extraordinarily Чрезвычайно Lord Chamberlain, Alastair, Tony Blair
3 Sensitive Деликатный; не подлежащий оглашению - Right, it's 10 o'clock. Let's get started, shall we? And thank
4 Occasion Обстоятельство, событие you all for coming, at such short notice. I think we all agree
5 Tremendous Огромный, гигантский that this is an extraordinarily sensitive occasion which
6 Challenge Сложная задача, проблема presents us with tremendous challenges. Modestically,
7 Modestically Благопристойно constitutionally, practically, diplomatically and procedurally. -
8 Opposition Противодействие; оппозиция Christ. - After years of opposition I am proud to stand before
9 To set Устанавливать you, as the new Prime Minister of our country… Labor Prime
10 Ambitious Претенциозный, амбициозный Minister. I want to set an ambitious course to modernize this
country, to breathe new life into old institutions. To make
11 To breathe Вдохнуть, дышать
privileges something for the many, not the few. Flippin' heck.
12 Institution Учреждение, ведомство
You think the royals are nutters? You should meet their
13 Flippin' heck Проклятая чертовщина!
flunkies. Two and a half hours of whether she should be
14 Nutter Псих, ненормальный
carried in a hearse or a gun carriage. Anyway, you got raves
15 Flunkey Ливрейный лакей; лизоблюд
in the press. This lot calls you the nation's mourner-in-chief.
16 Gun carriage Лафет, орудийная повозка This lot says you're the only person who's correctly judged,
17 Rave Восторг, восторженный отзыв (в прессе) the mood of the country. Even The Mail is impressed. The
18 Lot Лот people's Princess, mate, you owe me. Gordon for you. Tell
19 Mourner Плакальщик him to hang on. Alastair. So they've come to their senses? Is it
20 In-chief Главный, ведущий going to be a public funeral? Yeah, Saturday. It's a whopper! -
21 To judge Судить The Abbey, the works. - Great. Has anyone told the queen
22 Mood Настроение yet? I don't know. No doubt some flunkey will be dispatched.
23 You owe me Ты мой должник Groveling on all fours.
24 To hang on Оставаться на линии
25 Whopper Громадина; потрясающий экземпляр
26 To dispatch Посылать, отправлять
27 Groveling on all fours Ползая на четвереньках
28 To grovel Пресмыкаться, ползать

1 Wise Мудро 22. Elizabeth the Queen and Elizabeth the mother
2 Soon Скоро, быстро Elizabeth II , Elizabeth the mother
3 Fresh air Свежий воздух Do you think it's wise for the boys to go stalking so soon? Anything that
4 To send out the Давать неверные предпосылки gets them into the fresh air, is a good thing. Maybe they shouldn't take
wrong signal (посылать ложный сигнал) their guns? I mean, if a photographer were to see them, it might send
5 Kill Убийство out the wrong signal? If there is a photographer out there he could be
6 To bury Хоронить the first kill of the day. I see Mr. Fayed was buried last night. At
7 Midnight Полночь
midnight. No cameras, no fuss. Very dignified. Why do they do that?
8 Fuss Суета, суматоха
Why do they bury their bodies so soon after their death? Islamic
9 Dignified Обладающий чувством
собственного достоинства tradition, something to do with the heat. It stops the body
10 Something to do with Имеет какое-то отношение к… decomposing.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 8
11 Heat Жара, тепло
12 Decomposing Разложение

1 Arrangement Приготовление, мероприятие 23. Discussing funeral proposals.

2 To fax over Отсылать факсом Elizabeth II , Elizabeth the mother, Robin
3 To consider Принимать во внимание, рассматривать Yes, come in! - Good morning, Ma'am. Ma'am. - Yes,
Robin, what can we do for you? Ma'am, there was a
4 Agreement Соглашение
meeting at the Palace, this morning. About the funeral
5 Appropriate Подходящий arrangements, yes. The Lord Chamberlain faxed over
6 To suggest Предлагать these plans for you to consider. There is now general
7 To rehearse Репетировать agreement, Ma'am, that a public funeral would be more
8 To put together Собирать, подготавливать appropriate. - I see. And what form will this funeral take?
9 In time Вовремя - At the moment they're suggesting and of course, these
10 To supervise Осуществлять надзор, контролировать are early days basing it on Tay Bridge. - Tay Bridge? -
What? - But Tay Bridge is to go down for my funeral.
11 Indeed Конечно, несомненно
Indeed, Ma'am. But it would be for practical reasons only
12 To be at pains Прилагать много усилий, очень стараться it's the only one which has been rehearsed. The only one
13 To stress акцентировать, подчеркивать that could be put together in time. But I supervised those
14 Spirit Дух, характерная черта plans myself. Indeed. And the Lord Chamberlain was at
15 Instead of Вместо pains to stress that the spirit of the occasion will be quite
16 Various Различный different, for example the suggestion is that instead of
17 Charity Благотворительная организация 400 soldiers, 400 representatives of the Princess' various
Coffin charities march behind the coffin. And instead of foreign
18 Гроб
heads of state and crown heads of Europe the guests
19 Foreign Иностранный would include a sprinkling of actors of stage and screen,
20 To include Включать в себя fashion designers and other celebrities. - Celebrities? -
21 Sprinkling небольшое количество чего-л. Was there anything else? - No, Ma'am. Oh, yes, one other
22 Stage Сцена thing, the police commissioner was keen that you
23 Screen Экран consider the idea of a condolence book. It would give the
24 Celebrity Знаменитость growing crowds something to do, make marshaling them
Police commissioner easier. Oh, yes, yes of course. - Oh, and the flowers. -
25 Комиссар полиции
What flowers? The flowers outside Buckingham Palace. At
26 To be keen Очень хотеть the moment they're blocking the path through the Main
27 Condolence book Книга соболезнований Gate, and will make things difficult for the changing of the
28 Marshaling упорядочение guards. Oh, fine. Just move them away. Actually, the Lord
29 Path Путь, тропа Chamberlain was wondering whether we shouldn't leave
30 Changing of the Смена караула королевских гвардейцев the flowers and send the guards through the North Gate.
guards Oh, yes, yes of course. Yes, that's quite right.
31 To wonder Интересоваться; размышлять

1 Urgent Срочный 24. A bizarre call.

2 Not at all Не за что, вовсе нет Stephen, Tony Blair, Tony Blair’s colleague
3 Similar Сходный, похожий Stephen Lamport on one. - Who? - The Prince of Wales' private
4 Mind Склад ума, разум secretary. - Balmoral. - He says it's urgent. - Good morning. - Good
5 To assure Уверять morning, Prime Minister. The Prince of Wales has asked me to thank
6 To count on Рассчитывать на… you again for your kind words yesterday. - Not at all. - The Prince
7 Support Поддержка feels that you and he are both modern men, of similar mind who
8 Bizarre Странно; причудливый, странный could work well together, at this difficult time. - Ah, well. Please
9 To creep up to Подползать thank His Highness and assure him he can count on my full support.
10 To bang on about Твердить о… At all times. - Was that it? – Yes. Goodbye. Bizarre. - Why is Charles
doing this? - What? Creeping up to me like this. Banging on about
11 To deal with Иметь, уладить дело с…;
позаботиться о… being modern. He did it at the airport, when he asked me to deal
with his mother. Because he knows that if the Queen continues to
12 To get it wrong over Неправильно понять что-л. насчет...
get it wrong over Diana, then the royals become public enemy
13 Enemy Враг
number one. And he's terrified of being shot, apparently. Who,
14 Terrified Испуганный
Charles? His people have already been on to us, to ask for extra
15 To shoot (shot, shot) Стрелять
protection. He probably thinks that if he seems to be on our side
16 Extra Дополнительная

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 9
17 Protection Защита then that would leave The Queen in the firing line. What? So it's
18 In the firing line На линии огня okay for his mother to take the bullet, and not him? What a family!
19 To take the bullet Словить пулю

1 To drive Вести машину 25. Talk with prince Charles.

2 Certainly Конечно Elizabeth II, Charles
3 To regret Сожалеть - Wait, where are they? - They're up at Craggie Head. I'll come with you.
4 To expose Показывать, выставлять напоказ Do you want me to drive? - No, certainly not. - I thought you were going
5 Media СМИ, средства массовой to get a new one of these? - What for? It’s perfectly alright. - I was
информации thinking last night what Diana might have done had it been me that died
6 Dreadful Ужасный in the tunnel in Paris. She would certainly have taken the boys to Paris. I
7 To adore Обожать; поклоняться rather regret not doing that now. - What, and expose them to the media?
8 To forget Забывать That would have been a dreadful thing to do. No, they're much better of
9 Physical Натуральная here. It's private, they're protected. - Whatever else you may have
10 Especially Особенно thought of Diana, she was a wonderful mother. She adored those boys,
and never let them forget it. Always warm and physical, never afraid to
11 To encourage Поощрять; подстрекать
show her feelings. - Especially whenever a photographer was in sight.
12 Weakness Слабость
- She may have encouraged all that, but still that was always the
13 Transgression Проступок, правонарушение
extraordinary thing about her weaknesses, and transgressions only made
14 To hate Ненавидеть
the public love her more. And ours only make them hate us. Why is that?
15 Noise Шум, неприятный звук
Why do they hate us so much? - Not us, dear. - What? Yesterday, when
16 Bang Громкий удар, выстрел we brought the coffin back there was a noise, a bang, I don't mind telling
17 To mind Возражать you I thought it was a gun. I thought someone had taken a shot at me. I
18 To walk back Возвращаться пешком think I'm going to walk back. I don't feel like stalking. - Oh, are you sure? -
19 I don't feel like Что-то мне не хочется… I'll take the dogs. Walkies? Yes. Come on.
20 Walkies Прогулка

1 To decide Решить 26. Conversation with Charles beside the TV.

2 Non-starter Неудачник; бесполезный Man on TV, Diana, Elizabeth II, Phillip
человек - Do you think you'll ever be Queen? - No I don't, no. - Why do you
3 Motherhood Материнство think that? - I like to be a Queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts.
4 That's changing his tune Теперь он запел по-другому But I don't see myself as being Queen of this country. I don't think
5 Natural Естественная many people would want me to be Queen. Actually, when I say many
6 Threat Угроза people, I mean the establishment that I married into. Because they've
7 He's got a point Он прав (у него есть точка) decided that I'm a non-starter. - Charles and I had a talk in the car
8 Partly Отчасти today. He was good enough to share with me his thoughts on
9 To blame Обвинять motherhood. - What did he say? - How wonderful Diana was. - That's
10 To leave Оставлять; покидать changing his tune. - And natural. - They see me as a threat of some
11 Match Партия, брак kind. - Oh, for God’s sake! - Maybe he's got a point. Maybe we are
partly to blame. - Oh, I can't watch this. - No, no wait. Please, no.
12 To sign off Отстраниться
Leave it! We encouraged the match. We signed off on it, both of us.
13 Both of us Мы оба
You were very enthusiastic, remember? - She was a nice girl. Then…
14 To give up Оставить, отказаться; бросить
And I was sure he'd give the other one up or at least make sure his
15 To toe the line подчиняться
wife toed the line. Isn't that what everyone does? - Is it? - Well, there
were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded. - I can't bear
правил (встать на черту)
it anymore. If you're watching, I'll sleep next door. Early start
16 To bear Выносить, терпеть tomorrow. - Any luck with your stag? - No, but close. A couple of
17 Luck Удача hundred yards at one point. One of the boys even got a shot off. We'll
18 Close близко, около; рядом get him tomorrow. See you in the morning. Not to worry. Night-night.
19 To shoot (shot, shot) off Выстрелить в воздух - …Charles continued to love a woman he'd fallen for years before,
20 To fall for Влюбиться Camilla.

1 To agree Соглашаться 27. A problem with the flag over Buckingham palace.
2 Crash barrier Аварийное заграждение Alastair, Tony Blair, people in the streets.
3 To predict Предсказывать The good news is that the Palace has agreed to video screens in the Royal Parks. -
4 Enough Достаточно And the bad news? - Crash barriers. - What about them? – Well, they're now
5 Route Маршрут predicting more than two million people in the center of London. There aren't
6 To tap into Связаться с enough barriers to line the route. So we've gone tapping into the French for theirs.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 10
7 To run Воспроизводить; бежать And there's something else I think you should see. - Can we run that piece again? -
8 Piece Участок, кусок Of course. You're gonna love this. I don't like their behaviour. Very disgraceful. What
9 Behaviour Поведение do you think, madam? I think it's disgusting, that they have not appeared or said a
10 Disgraceful Позорный word relating to all this. - Look, I know all this. - Wait for it. - Not to have a flag up, I
11 Disgusting Отвратительный think it's a disgrace on the whole royal family. - Okay, the Queen's not in residence
12 Relating to Относящийся к today but where the hell is the flag? You see what I'm saying about the
13 Where the hell Где, черт возьми, флаг? establishment? Don't tell me there isn't a flag flying at half-mast over Buckingham
is the flag? Palace. To people she was their king and queen, when them two were together it
14 Half-mast середина флагштока was a fairytale come true. Will someone please save these people from themselves.
15 Fairytale come Сказка, воплощенная в Fine, I'll call Balmoral. Planet Zog. Because as Prime Minister, I really got nothing
true реальность better to do.

1 Firelight Жар, свет от костра 28. The Sovereigns arguing about the flag.
2 Damp Сырой, влажный Elizabeth II , Phillip, Charles, Elizabeth the mother
3 Stew Рагу Come on dogs, come on. - Is the firelights alright? - A bit damp. Well, I brought some
4 Just in case На всякий случай stew, just in case. I think it's lamb. We could always have that cold. No, we'll be alright.
5 Lamb Ягненок Stay. Robin had a call from the Prime Minister, who expressed his concern. About what?
6 To express Выражать About the flag above Buckingham Palace. He thinks it should be flying at half-mast. I
7 Concern Обеспокоенность, hope Robin told him there isn't a flag above Buckingham Palace. There's the Royal
беспокойство Standard, which flies for one reason - only to denote the presence of the monarch.
8 Reason Причина Since you're here, the flag pole is bare, which is as it should be. - Isn't it possible, that
9 To denote Обозначить for some people the Royal Standard is just a flag. And that the flag pole being bare,
10 Flag pole Флагшток sends out the wrong signal. No, that's not the point. The point is it's more than 400
11 Bare Голый, пустой years old. It hasn't been lowered for anyone. Your grandfather didn't get the flag at half
12 To lower Спускать, опускать mast, when he died. If your mother died tomorrow, she wouldn't either. Yes, granny.
13 Granny Бабушка But sometimes, in a situation like this, one has to be flexible. It is just a flag. What about
14 Flexible Гибкий the Union Jack? Was Mr. Blair's next suggestion. - For heaven’s sake! The next thing
15 Union Jack Юнион Джек (государственный he'll be suggesting you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector. Who does he
флаг Великобритании) think he's talking to? You're the Sovereign, the Head of State, you don't get dictated to.
16 To dictate to Диктовать You've conceded the idea of a public funeral, you've opened up the parks, that's
17 To concede Уступать, признавать enough. - Shh, the boys. - You wait. In 48 hours, this will all have calmed down.
18 To calm down Успокоиться

1 Comforting Утешительный 29. Prince Charles and his secretary.

2 To be up against Стоять перед задачей, Charles, Stephen
встретить трудности Where once it seemed comforting for the first time, my parents can see what
3 Eventually В конце концов; со временем it's been like for me all these years being up against her popularity. But
4 Relation Отношение, связь they're still making the mistake of thinking that the Diana they knew from
5 To call in Требовать возврата, living and dealing with her will eventually be the one seen by the public. But
потребовать назад (долг) it won't! The two Dianas, the public's and ours, bear no relation to one
6 Favor Услуга another, at all. I've been thinking the flag of St. George's is at half-mast over
7 Gratitude Благодарность High Grove? - Yes, sir. - Well, make sure we get a picture of that in the
8 Heartfelt искренний, прочувствованный papers, will you? - I'll get on to the tabloids, call in a few favors. What about a
9 …and so on И тому подобное statement of gratitude to the crowds? Something heartfelt from myself and
the boys thanking people for all the flowers and so on. - Right.

1 To stand (stood, stood) up to Выдерживать 30. Tony and Cherie Blair beside the TV
2 Detached Обособленный; изолированный Tony Blair, Cherie Blair
3 Elitist Человек, принадлежащий к элите Di was wonderful, because she stood up to the
4 To get out Выбираться, выходить establishment we have no-one doing that now she said
5 Amongst Среди you're detached, elitist people. We are paying millions
6 Compassionate Сострадательный; полный сочувствия of pounds to be better than us and you gotta get out
7 Tory establishment Стоящие у власти консерваторы (тори - there amongst the people we have a wonderful new
английская консервативная партия) Prime Minister in England, Tony Blair - a
8 To toil С трудом идти, тащиться compassionate young man, who after years of Tory
9 To row Работать вёслами; идти на вёслах establishment toil and row is such a breath of fresh air,
10 Stirring Побуждение, стимул, толчок and I feel he will do something about this in England..

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 11
11 Bunch Группа, компания Do you think this will be the first stirrings of… Of
12 Freeloading Нахлебнический, паразитический what? I don't know. something more interesting.
13 Retarded Заторможенный, отсталый Maybe this time people will finally have seen them for
14 Absurd Нелепый, абсурдный what they actually are. Which is? A bunch of
15 Ludicrous Курьёзный, нелепый freeloading emotionally retarded nutters! - That's just
16 Cocoon Кокон absurd. - Why? They have a ludicrous cocoon of
17 Wealth Богатство privilege and wealth and they don't pay tax. - Yes they
18 Tax Налог do. Not on all their income. The Queen alone costs us,
19 Income Доход what… Million a year? Look. If you wanna have a
20 To cost Стоить; обходиться serious conversation… - I do. - About the constitution.
- We don't have one. - About ways in which we as a
21 Conversation Разговор, беседа
government could phase out hereditary privileges,
22 To phase out Постепенно свертывать, ликвидировать
then fine. If you're gonna leave will you take the
23 Hereditary Наследственный
plates? - But, you know, spare me the whole “off with
24 Plate Тарелка
their heads” thing. - Why? - Because it insults your
25 Spare me the whole… Избавь меня от всего этого…
intelligence. - The Queen cannot be expected to
26 Insult Повреждать, вредить change. - It's unimaginable this country being a
27 Intelligence умственные способности, интеллект republic. Certainly in her lifetime. - Why? Because no-
28 To expect Ожидать one would wear it. No-one wants it. It's just daft. It's
29 Unimaginable Невообразимый not a mother thing, is it? What? Well, if she were alive
30 To wear Принимать; носить now your mother would be exactly the same age. I
31 Daft глупый; неблагоразумный mean you always say how stoical she was - old-
32 It's not a mother thing, is it? Это ведь не связано с матерью, не так ли? fashioned, uncomplained, lived through the war. Oh,
33 Exactly Именно come on, who does that sound like? I'm gonna go do
34 Age Возраст the washing-up.
35 Stoical стоическая, мужественная
36 Uncomplained Безропотная, терпеливая
37 To live through Пережить
38 Washing-up Мытьё посуды

1 Stalking party Охотничий отряд 31. Robin watches through the headlines.
2 Can't help wondering Невозможно не задаться вопросом… Robin, woman
3 Advice Совет That's the stalking party off. Right, I'd better have a look at those
4 Clearly Явно papers. "Show us there's a heart, in the house of Windsor", says
5 To take that personally Не принимать это на свой счет The Sun. "It's proof the royals are not like us", The Mirror. "Time
to change the old guard at Buckingham Palace", Express. "One
can't help wondering who's advice they're taking for it's clearly
the wrong advice". - I'll try not to take that personally.

1 To yearn Жаждать, стремиться 32. Tony Blair’s another speech.

2 To lead Вести Tony Blair, Alastair
3 Huge большой, огромный - People have been yearning for a change in this country. Good. The result is a quiet
revolution now taking place lead by the real modernizers. The British people. Revolution?
4 Majority Большинство Who wrote this? Where does this come from? - Where does it come from? You just won a
huge landslide majority. People wanna see a change. - Why, what did you think it meant?

1 To hurry up Спешить, поспешать 33. Another call from Tony Blair.

2 Widow Вдова Elizabeth II, Phillip, Tony Blair, Robin, secretary
3 Ambassador Посол Hurry up dear, your tea is getting cold. - Is that it? - Yes Ma'am, just the
4 To call back Перезвонить letter of condolence to the widow of the Ambassador to Brasil. - Good,
5 Papers Газеты thank you. Tea! - Mr. Janvrin! The Prime Minister wishes to speak to Her
6 Question Вопрос Majesty. - Ma'am. Apparently the Prime Minister is on the phone, for you.
7 To feel (felt, felt) Чувствовать - Tell him to call back. - No, no. It's alright. I'll take it. Prime Minister. -
8 Response Отклик, реакция Good morning, Your Majesty, sorry to disturb, but I was just wondering
9 Necessary Необходимо whether you'd seen any of today's papers? - We've managed to look at
10 Eager Энергичный, активный one or two. - In which case my next question would be whether you felt
some kind of response, might be necessary? - No I believe a few, over
11 Are doing their best Делают все, на что способны

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 12
12 To sell Продавать eager editors are doing their best to sell newspapers, and it would be a
13 To dance to their tune Плясать под их дудку mistake to dance to their tune. - Under normal circumstances I would
14 Circumstances Обстоятельства agree. But… well, my advice is… I've been taking the temperature among
15 To take the Измерять температуру people on the streets. And… Well, the information I'm getting is that the
temperature mood is quite delicate. - So, what would you suggest, Prime Minister?
16 To pass Проходить, кончаться Some kind of a statement? - No, Ma'am. I believe that the moment for
17 Opportunity Возможность statements has passed. I would suggest flying the flag at half-mast above
18 To drop Бросать Buckingham Palace and coming down to London, at the earliest
19 Grandchildren Внуки opportunity. It would be a great comfort to your people and would help
20 To doubt Сомневаться them with their grief. - Their grief? If you imagine I am going to drop
21 Faith Вера everything, and come down to London, before I attend to my
22 Belief Мнение, убеждение grandchildren who have just lost their mother, then you're mistaken! I
doubt there is anyone, who knows the British people more than I do, Mr.
23 Reject Отвергать, отклонять
Blair, nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgment. And it is
24 To stir up Раздувать (скандал)
my belief they will any moment reject this mood which is being stirred up
25 In favor of В пользу (чего-л)...
by the press. In favor of a period of restrained grief and sober private
26 Restrained Сдержанный, умеренный
mourning. That's the way we do things in this country – quietly, with
27 Sober Трезвый, благоразумный dignity. That's what the rest of the world has always admired us for. - If
28 Dignity Достоинство that's your decision, Ma'am, then of course, the government will support
29 To admire Восхищаться it. Let's keep in touch. Yes. Let's. Bloody fool, and now your tea's gone
30 To support Поддерживать cold.
31 Let's keep in touch Давайте держать связь
32 Bloody fool Проклятый дурак

1 Behavior Поведение 34. Phone conversation between Tony and Robin.

2 To seem Казаться Tony Blair, Robin, woman
3 Unhelpful Неотзывчивый, бесполезный Tony, Robin Janvrin on one. He was listening in. - Robin. - I
4 Perspective Точка зрения, перспектива understand how difficult her behavior must seem to you.
5 To bring (brought, brought) up Воспитывать How unhelpful. But try to see it from her perspective. She's
6 God's will Воля Божья been brought up to believe it's God's will, she is who she is.
7 Abdication Отречение от престола I think we should leave God out of it. It's just not helpful. -
8 Emphasize Подчёркивать, акцентировать She just won't have seen anything like this since the
9 To affect Приносить вред, наносить ущерб abdication, and I cannot emphasize enough what affect that
10 Unexpectedly Неожиданно had on her. Unexpectedly becoming King as good as killed
her father. I'm afraid she's in a state of shock. This public
11 As good as Все равно, что…
reaction has completely thrown her. – Alright, but first we
12 In a state of shock В шоковом состоянии
have to deal with these terrible headlines. I'll see what I can
13 Completely Совершенно
do with the press. - I'm most grateful, Prime Minister. Well I
14 To throw (threw, thrown) Нанести сильный удар, разбить
can't promise anything, it's not me they want to see. Ask
15 Headline Заголовок
Alastair to come and see me. –Yes. Cancel what I'm doing
16 Grateful Благодарный tonight.
17 To promise Обещать

1 Ridge Горный хребет 35. Elizabeth gets in a wreck.

2 To remind Напоминать Elizabeth II, Thomas
3 Fork Развилка; вилка Good morning. - Your Majesty. - Morning, Ma'am. - Thomas, where have they
4 Track Колея, путь gone today? - Up to Abergannie Ridge, Ma'am. - All that way? Remind me,
5 Lad Парень that's right at the fork… - That's right, Ma'am. You follow the track for about a
6 To manage Справляться mile - and then you come to… - The river. - One of the lads will drive you. - No,
7 Stupid Глупо no. I'll manage, thank you. Oh great. Oh! How stupid. Hello, Thomas. - Hello,
8 Foolish Дурацкий Ma'am. - I'm afraid I've done something rather foolish. I've broken the prop
9 Prop shaft Трансмиссия shaft crossing the river. - Are you sure, Ma'am? - Yes, of course I'm sure. It's
10 Front Передняя the front one, not the rear. It was a four-wheel drive. Don't forget, I used to be
a mechanic during the war. - And, are you alright? – Yeah, yeah, I'm perfectly
11 Rear Задняя
alright. - We'll come about straight away. - Oh, would you. Thank you very
12 Four-wheel drive Полный привод
much. I'll wait by the car. You are kind. Bye. Oh, you're a beauty… Shoo! Go on!
13 During В течение
Go on, go on.
14 Perfectly Совершенно, полностью
15 To come about Появляться, возникать

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 13
16 Straight away Сразу, тотчас, немедленно
17 Go on! Ступай!

1 Crew Команда 36. Tony Blair strikes.

2 To deserve Заслуживать Tony Blair, Cherie Blair
3 To allow her Предоставить ей свободу действий - Just been told there are news crews outside waiting for you to come and
hang herself (позволить ей повеситься) speak to the people. – Yes. - What's all that about? - I told The Queen's
4 Either Также, тоже private secretary I'd do what I could, to help with the press. - Why? Don't
5 Besides Кроме того; исключая you think she deserves it? Sitting up there on her 40 000 acres? - Yeah,
6 Ugly Скверное, уродливое but allowing her to hang herself, might not be in our best interest either.
7 To bully Грозить, запугивать Besides, I think there's something ugly, about the way everyone started
to bully her.

1 To pass on Передавать, перекладывать 37. Evening of the Royal couple.

2 Slamming Хлопающий Elizabeth II, Phillip, people in the streets
3 To take it out on the stag Выместить зло на олене - The first thing you obviously think about, is the rest of your
4 To behave Вести себя family. And I think, she wanted me to pass on to the people here,
5 On her own Сама по себе crowding around her… - How are the boys? - Not so good, tonight.
6 Empty Пустой A lot of slamming doors. I think they saw the papers. - Oh no… - I'll
7 To pull out Рвать, вырывать; вытаскивать take them out early again, tomorrow morning. Let them take it out
8 Mad Сумасшедший on the stag. - What do you think of the way the royal family have
9 To keep it that way Оставить все как есть behaved? - They've made a serious mistake. - Pardon? - They've
10 Chorus line Кордебалет made a serious mistake. - Why, what do you mean? - Well, they
should have came. The family should have come down to
11 Soap star Звезда мыльных опер
Buckingham Palace on Sunday afternoon, all of them. That girl has
12 To sign in Подписать
been left on her own. She's on her own up there and the place is
13 Major Главный, основной
empty. - Oh please. Sleeping in the streets and pulling out their
14 To remind Напоминать; быть похожим
hair for someone they never knew. And they think we're mad.
15 Fort Форт
Have you seen the latest funeral guest list? – No. - I suggest you
16 Hordes Орды keep it that way. A chorus line of soap stars and homosexuals.
17 Zulus Зулусы Apparently, Elton John is going to be singing. That would be a first
18 Vital Жизненно необходимо for Westminster Abbey. Condolence books are now being signed in
19 To hold firm Хранить твердость our embassies in every major city in the world. And in London
20 Stick to your guns Держись за оружие alone, the number has reached 40… It reminds me of one of those
21 To come to their senses Прийти в чувство films. A few of us in a fort, hordes of Zulus outside. So it's vital you
22 Have to Должны hold firm. Stick to your guns. You wait. They will come to their
23 To move over Подвинуться senses soon. They have to. Come on! Move over, cabbage!
24 Cabbage Милая, солнышко (по аналогии
с фр. mon chou); капуста

1 To camp out ночевать в палатках, на 38. Morning news.

открытом воздухе The news’ narrator, Alastair, Tony Blair
2 Cortege Кортеж; шествие Good morning, it's 6 o'clock on Thursday the 4th of September. I'm Penny Smith… -
3 Subject Повод, причина And I'm Matthew Lorenzo. As the first people start camping out on the route of
4 To care Беспокоиться, Princess Diana’s funeral cortege, questions are being asked about why the Queen
интересоваться hasn't addressed her subjects at this time of national grief. This is what the
5 Grumpy Сварливая, сердитая newspapers are saying this morning. The Sun: Where is our Queen? Where is her
6 Inside Внутри flag? - The Express, “show us you care” - picture of a grumpy Queen. The Mail, “let
7 Flip side Разворот (газеты) the flag fly at half-mast” and inside – “the Queen should be here to show her
8 To pick up on Ухватиться, "клюнуть" respect”. But the flip side is “Blair more popular now than Churchill”. - Did any of
them pick up on our statement of support? - Well, just the one statement of
support doesn't sell papers. – Right.

1 To insist Настаивать 39. One more call from Tony Blair.

2 To come through Появляться Robin, Elizabeth II, Tony Blair
3 Critical Критическая Ma'am. Ma'am. The Prime Minister for you, Ma'am. I'm afraid he's rather
4 Poll Опрос, социологическое insisting. - I'll take it in the kitchen. Good morning, I'm so sorry to disturb you. I'm
исследование just expecting a phone call to come through here. Out! Oh, there it is. Thank you.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 14
5 To damage Дискредитировать, Good morning, Prime Minister. - Good morning, Ma'am. You've seen today's
наносить ущерб headlines? - Yes, I have. - Then I'm sure you'll agree - the situation has become
6 One in four Каждый четвертый quite critical. Ma'am? A poll that's to be published in tomorrow's papers suggests
7 To abolish Ликвидировать, that 70 percent of people believe that your actions have damaged the Monarchy.
упразднить And that, one in four, are now in favor of abolishing the Monarchy all together. As
8 To believe думать, полагать; верить your Prime Minister, I believe it is my constitutional responsibility to advise the
9 Responsibility Ответственность following…
10 The following Следующее

1 Swift Быстрый 40. Elisabeth seeks advice from mother.

2 Prosecution Проведение; обвинение Elizabeth II, Elizabeth the mother
3 To avert Предотвращать; отводить Is Queen Elizabeth up yet? Mummy? One: fly the flag at half-mast above
4 Disaster Катастрофа Buckingham Palace and all other royal residences. Two: leave Balmoral and fly
5 Shift Смена, сдвиг down to London at the earliest opportunity. Three: pay respects, in person, at
6 Values Ценности Diana's coffin and four: make a statement via live television to my people and the
7 To hand over Передавать власть, world. Swift prosecution of these matters might - he felt just might - avert
полномочия disaster. - You will have to talk to the Lord Chamberlain about all this. – Well, I
8 Ridiculous Нелепый, смешной have, and to Robert Fellows, and it seems they both agree with Mr. Blair. - Oh, I
9 Vow Клятва, обет see. - Something's happened. There’s been a change, some shift in values. When
10 To declare Объявлять you no longer understand your people, mummy, maybe it is time to hand it over
to the next generation? - Oh, don't be ridiculous. Remember the vow you took? - I
11 To devote Посвящать
declare that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your
12 Asset Актив, ресурс
service. - Your whole life. That is a commitment to God as well as your people. -
13 Strength Сила
But what if my actions are damaging the Crown? - Damaging it!? You're the
14 To reassert Заново подтверждать,
greatest asset this institution has, one of the greatest it has ever had. The problem
повторно заверять
will come when you leave. But you mustn't think about that now. Certainly, not
15 Authority Власть, сила
today. - Oh, mummy. - You must show your strength, reassert your authority. You
16 Unbroken Непрерывный sit on the most powerful throne in Europe. Head of an unbroken line that goes
17 Predecessor Предшественник back more than a thousand years. Do you think any of your predecessors would
18 Hysteric Истерик (больной истерией) have dropped everything and gone up to London because a bunch of hysterics
19 Candle Свечка carrying candles, needed help with their grief? As for that silly Mr. Blair, with his
20 Grin Ухмылка Cheshire Cat grin…

1 Madness Безумие 41. Elizabeth makes a decision.

2 Decision Решение The gillie, Phillip, Charles
Mr. Janvrin on the phone for you, Sir. - Yes? What? I can't hear! That's madness, the whole thing!
Bloody madness! - I've just been told you've decided to follow the Prime Minister's advice. I just want
to say, I admire… I think it's the right decision. Let's hope we haven't left it too late.

1 To fly down Вылететь 42. First actions.

2 To pay respects Выражать соболезнование The news’ narrator, Tony Blair, Cherie Blair
3 Via Посредством, через These are historic shots of the Windsors. Clearly, The Queen has had a change
4 Live television Прямая телетрансляция of heart, she's clearly responding to the need to feel that the royal family is
5 Shot Снимок somehow engaged. These are flowers that have been brought to the gates of
6 To respond Реагировать, отзываться Balmoral, so that she can actually see some token, of what's been expressed
7 Engaged Заинтересована down here in London. - Fish Fingers. Do you want any? - I'll be right there.
8 Token Признак, символ Thank God for that! - “From CNN International, this is World news, with Raissa
9 Fish Fingers Рыбные палочки Vasiljeva from CNN center”. - Britain's Queen Elisabeth will deliver a televised
10 To deliver Произносить (речь) , address Friday the royal family has been accused of not showing enough
выступать remorse over Princess Diana's death…
11 To accuse Обвинять, упрекать
12 Remorse Раскаяние; сожаление

1 To wander over Забрести 43. Elisabeth comes to see the stag.

2 Neighboring Соседнее Elizabeth II, Phillip, porter
3 Guest Гость Where are the boys? Have they already left? - Yes, they left for London after
4 Policy Расчет; политика breakfast, with Charles. - It's not right, you know. - No, but further discussion is

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 15
5 Stuff Материалы; вещи no longer helpful, either. - Oh, well. I suppose it does give the gillies time to find
6 Important Важный another stag for the boys. Now their has been shot. - What? - Haven't you
7 To give a miss Пропустить; опустить heard? He wandered over to one of the neighboring estates where one of the
8 His Lordship Его Светлость commercial guests got him. – Oh, really? Which estate? - Here's your box.
9 Beauty Красота; красавец There's some policy and stuff in here that's important. Have you seen the
10 Imperial Имперский олень papers? - No, I thought I'd give them a miss today. Of course I've seen the
11 Wounded Ранен papers! - Not bad, eh? Your Majesty have come down to London. Who says that?
12 To line up Выравнивать; располагать Tony Blair. Mr. Father of the nation. - Ma'am? Good morning, Ma'am. - Good
по одной оси morning. - Is it his Lordship, you've come to see? - No, please don't disturb him.
13 Perfect Идеально I've come on another matter. I hope you don't mind? - There he is. A beauty,
14 And still И все же isn't he? An imperial, Ma'am. Fourteen-pointer. - He was wounded? – Yes. We
15 Investment banker Инвестиционный банкир got our guest in very close, had him lined up perfect. And still… An investment
banker, Ma'am, from London. I'm afraid the stalkers had to follow him for miles,
16 Stalker Ловчий, охотник
to finish him off. - Let's hope he didn't suffer too much. Please pass my
17 To finish off Убить, добить
congratulations, to your guest. - I will, Ma'am, God bless you, Ma'am. - Thank
18 To suffer Страдать
19 To pass Передавать
20 God bless you Храни (благослови) вас Бог

1 Draft Набросок, черновик 44. Tony Blair advocates for Elisabeth.

2 To land Приземлиться Elizabeth II, Robin, Tony Blair, Alastair
3 Extremely Чрезвычайно, в высшей степени - Ma'am? - Yes, Robin? - I've done a draft of your television
4 Unusual Необычно address. - Thank you. Was there anything else? No, Ma'am.
5 Almost Почти Landing in 20 minutes. - I've got The Queen's speech. Shall I give
6 Unprecedented Беспрецедентно Tony a copy? - No, let me have a look at it first. - He's next door. -
7 Perhaps Возможно The Queen is getting out of the car and is going to talk to people.
8 Let's get the frost off… Давай вычистим холод… It's extremely unusual, this is almost unprecedented. I think
9 Suggestion Предложение perhaps the last time the Queen was among her people outside
10 Human being Человеческое существо the Palace was the day the war in Europe ended. - They sent a
11 At least По крайней мере copy of The Queen's speech. Well, let's get the frost off it first. I've
phoned them with a couple of suggestions to make it sound like it
12 Old bat Старая карга
came from a human being. - Yeah, alright, Alastair. - Well, at least
13 When you get it wrong, Если ты ошибаешься, то по
the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin. - When you get
you really get it wrong полной программе
it wrong, you really get it wrong. That woman has given her whole
14 To watch Смотреть, наблюдать
life in service to her people. 50 years doing the job she never
15 To execute Осуществлять, исполнять
wanted, a job she watched kill her father. She's executed it with
16 Honor Честь honor, dignity, and as far as I could tell without a single blemish,
17 As far as I could tell Насколько я могу судить and now we're all baying for her blood. All because she's struggling
18 Blemish Изъян, пятно на репутации to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything
19 To bay Кидаться с лаем, лаять she offered back in her face, and who for the last few years
20 To struggle Отбиваться, бороться seemed committed to destroying everything she holds most dear.
21 To throw (threw, thrown) Бросать, швырять
22 To commit Совершать
23 To destroy Разрушать
24 She holds most dear ...что наиболее дорого для нее

1 To place Возложить, поместить 45. The Queen’s tribute

2 Addition Дополнение Elizabeth II, child, Robin, Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, TV employee
3 From my heart От всего сердца Hello. Would you like me to place those for you? - No. - Oh. - These
4 To confirm Подтвердить are for you. - For me? Thank you. Thank you very much. - There's
5 Live Вживую been a last minute addition from Downing Street. They're suggesting
6 Quiet Тихо adding, “And as a grandmother” here. - Right. So what I say to you
7 Tribute Дань памяти now, as your Queen, and as a grandmother, I say from my heart. - You
8 Dreadful Страшный, ужасный think you can say it? - Do I have a choice? - We're ready for you, Your
9 Throughout Britain По всей Британии Majesty. Just to confirm, this is going out live. - Fine. - And you'll be at
10 Overwhelming Чрезвычайный, непомерный the front of the 6 o'clock news on all the channels. Yes. - Okay, nice
11 Expression Выражение and quiet. - Ten seconds, everyone! We cross now, live, to
Buckingham Palace for the Queen's tribute to Princess Diana. - Since
12 To cope Справляться

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 16
13 Initial Первоначальный last Sundays' dreadful news we have seen throughout Britain and
14 To succeed Сменяться, следовать around the world an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's
15 Mixture Смесь death. We have all been trying, in our different ways, to cope. It is not
16 Disbelief Неверие easy to express a sense of loss since the initial shock, is often
17 Incomprehension Непонимание succeeded by a mixture of other feelings: disbelief, incomprehension,
18 Anger Гнев, злость, ярость anger, and concern for those who remain. We have all felt those
19 To remain Оставаться emotions in these last few days, so what I say to you now, as your
20 To survive Выжить Queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart. - Heart. What
21 You've gone weak at У тебя коленки подгибаются (ты heart? She doesn't mean a word of this. - That's not the point. What
the knees ослабел в коленях) she's doing is extraordinary. That's how to survive. - Listen to you. A
22 To go gaga Поглупеть; впасть в слабоумие week ago you were the great modernizer making speeches about the
23 To draw (drew, drawn) Извлечь уроки из… people's Princess. Now you've gone weak at the knees. You know... I
don't know why I'm so surprised. At the end of the day, all Labor
lessons from
Prime Ministers go gaga for the Queen. - What? - I, for one, believe
24 Moving Трогательный, волнующий
that there are lessons to be drawn from her life and from the
25 Determination Намерение
extraordinary, and moving, reaction to her death. I share in your
26 To cherish Лелеять, хранить
determination, to cherish her memory. I hope that tomorrow we can
27 Loss Потеря
all, wherever we are join in expressing our grief, at Diana's loss and
28 Gratitude Благодарность gratitude for her all too short life. May those who died, rest in peace
29 Short Короткий and may we, each and everyone of us thank God, for someone who
30 Rest in peace Покойся с миром made many, many people, happy.

1 Incredible Невероятный 46. The day of Diana’s burial.

2 Essence Квинтэссенция, суть Man on TV, mourner
3 Compassion Сострадание, участие Diana's coffin, now on the move the short distance from St. James'
4 Duty Долг, обязанность Palace to her home at Kensington Palace, for the final night before her
5 To transcend Превосходить, переступать пределы burial tomorrow. It's incredible, less than a week, who could have
6 Nobility Благородство imagined such scenes? - Diana was the very essence of compassion, of
7 Classless Бесклассовый duty, of style, of beauty. A very British girl who transcended nationality.
8 To prove Доказать Someone with a natural nobility who was classless, and who proved in
9 To generate Формировать the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate a
10 Particular brand Особый, индивидуальный сорт particular brand of magic. I would like to end by thanking God for the
small mercies he's shown us at this dreadful time for taking Diana at her
11 Mercy Милость
most beautiful and radiant. And when she had joy in her private life.
12 Radiant Сияющая
Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman I'm so proud to be able
13 Unique Уникальная
to call my sister. The unique, the complex, the extraordinary and
14 Complex Сложная
irreplaceable Diana, who's beauty, both internal and external, will never
15 Irreplaceable Незаменимая
be extinguished from our minds.
16 Internal Внутренний
17 External Внешний
18 To extinguish Угаснуть; погасить

1 Debt Долг 47. The second audience.

2 Savior Спаситель Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, Elizabeth II
3 To refer Ссылаться, иметь в виду - So, off to see your girlfriend? - Now, now. - You know, I hope she shows you some respect
4 Disagreement Разногласие this time. It's quite a debt of gratitude, she owes you. Mr. Savior of the Monarchy. - I doubt
5 To go (went, gone) Быть принятым, she'll see it that way. Robin, good to see you. - Prime Minister. - Tony, please. - The Prime
Minister. - Your Majesty. - Do sit down. - Thank you. It's good to see you again. After what's
down одобренным
been quite a summer. I'm referring to your visit to India and Pakistan. Where your
6 Commonwealth Содружество comments on ending historic disagreements went down very well. On the commonwealth
7 Tough Жёсткий, твёрдый heads of government meeting I spoke to the Prime Minister of Malawi and he was saying
8 Stand Позиция, точка зрения how much he appreciated your tough stands on Nigeria I meant to tell you at the time, but
9 To clamor Требовать you were being monopolized, rather I imagine those occasions must be quite difficult. 24
10 Apologies Извинения heads of government, each clamoring for a private audience. Also we didn’t have another
11 To manhandle Грубо обращаться chance to speak, since that week. And I wanted to offer my apologies. - Whatever for? - In
case you felt manhandled, or managed, in any way. - No, not at all. I don't think I shall ever
12 Managed Управляемый
understand, what happened this summer. - Well, the circumstances were exceptional,
13 Exceptional Исключительная Ma'am, and in the end you showed great personal strength, courage and humility. - You're
14 Courage Отвага confusing humility for humiliation. -That's not true. - You didn't read the cards on the
15 Humility Скромность, смирение flowers outside the Palace that Friday. - I actually think history will show it was a good week

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 17
16 To confuse Путать for you. - And an even better one for you, Mr. Blair. - But there are 52 weeks in the year,
17 Humiliation Унижение Ma'am and two and a half thousand in the time since you've been Queen. And when people
18 To assess Оценивать come to assess your legacy they won't remember those few days. - Oh, really? You don't
think what affection people once had for this institution has been diminished? – No, not at
19 Legacy Наследие all. You're more respected now, than ever. I gather some of your closest advisers were less
20 Affection Расположение fulsome in their support. - One or two, but as a leader, I could never have added my voice
21 To diminish Уменьшаться, ослабевать to that chorus. - Because you saw those headlines, and you thought one day that might
22 Adviser Советник happen to me. And it will, Mr. Blair. Quite suddenly, and without warning.
23 Fulsome Льстивый
24 Suddenly Внезапно
25 Warning Предостережение

1 The clocks go back Часы переводятся назад 48. Going out for a walk.
2 Dark Темно Tony Blair, Elizabeth II
3 Walker Ходок, пеший путешественник So, shall we get on with the business in hand? Oh, look I do love this time of
4 Success Успех day. Shall we walk, while there is still light? You know the clocks go back
5 As a matter of fact Фактически, на самом деле next week, it will be dark before five. I do hope you're a walker? - I am.
6 To sit around Рассиживаться без дела Good, I always think these meetings have a far greater chance of success if
7 Endlessly Бесконечно the Prime Minister is a walker. As a matter of fact, that's how I think best on
8 Sorts everything out Решает все проблемы my feet. I've never been one for sitting around endlessly, a good walk and
fresh air sorts everything out. One in four, you said, wanted to get rid of me.
9 To get rid of… Избавиться от…
- For about half an hour. But then you came down to London, and all that
10 Glamour шарм, привлекательность; гламур
went away. - I've never been hated like that before. - Then, that must have
11 Tears Слезы
been difficult. – Yes, very. Nowadays people want glamour and tears, the
12 Performance Представление grand performance. I'm not very good at that, I never have been. I prefer to
13 To prefer Предпочитать keep my feelings to myself. And foolishly I believed that was what people
14 To wear one's heart не скрывать своих чувств wanted from their Queen - not to make a fuss, nor wear one's heart on
on one's sleeve one's sleeve - duty first, self second. That's how I was brought up, that's all
15 Duty first, self second Сначала долг, лишь затем - свои I've ever known. - You were so young when you became Queen. - Yes. Yes, a
интересы girl. But I can see that the world has changed and one must modernize. -
16 To get ahead of Забегать вперед Well, perhaps that's where I can help. - Don't get ahead of yourself, Prime
onerself Minister, and remember I am the one supposed to be advising you.

Составители: Счастливая Надежда 18

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