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While balls we’re being passed around and sport competitions were being held at the St.

Mary’s campus, 7 high

school students were on their way to their own competition, but this time, it was in the writing category.

Many talented writers from SMS went to Liceo de Cagayan University to participate and represent St. Mary’s for the
Division Schools Press Conference, from October 21 to 23. On the final and last day of the Press Conference, the Radio
Broadcasting section was being held. This department was alien grounds to the 7 of us, but we entered it with all the
determination and passion within us. With a very talented team, we were very confident. The SMS Radio 94.4 team was
composed of our anchorman, Glenn Desquitado, technical director Kevin Senor, sports news reporter Nicholas “Brick” Ludena,
and field reporters Jerica “Jerix” Baino, Ricarr Chiong, Armin Narciso, and myself, Vida Agudo.

When we were told about this contest, we didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into. It was a
challenge to prepare for but having each other helped the struggle worthwhile. We weren’t too worried at first since all we had
to do was write really short articles and just say them to the microphone, right? But that didn’t mean we wasted our time
doing nonsense, we did our share of research and we familiarized ourselves with all there is to know about radio broadcasting.

On the day of the competition, we were oriented about the contest criteria and a few bits and pieces of advice on
how to go about the Radio Broadcasting. After the orientation, we were designated to our rooms and had to wait for an
agonizing few hours. With no phones, mp3’s, ipods, etc, we were bored.

The tensions from the other teams were palpable, much so that many would think it would affect our disposition as
well. But nope, unaffected we definitely were. While the others were busy studying their notes and practicing their speech
and writing, our team was busy playing P.A.N.T.S. Although with those circumstances, we were not slacking off.

After preparing and getting things arranged, we had a lot of extra time in our hands, and instead of torturing
ourselves and letting the pressure drive us insane, we chose to use the time to relax and stay calm so that our heads will be
easier to use once they come in handy. This chosen path was needless to say, the right choice, because when the tasks and
article cut-outs were handed out, we immediately wrote our articles successfully. But even after writing the news reports, we
had to compile them and write a script for our Broadcast. It was not an easy task, although our ideas were great, we didn’t
know how to arrange them to form a good script. After so many suggestions and discussions, we were finally able to write the
draft of script, so the next challenge was to write the final copy for the judges, not to mention the time limit since we didn’t
have much left. The task unfortunately fell on one of our members, Ate Jerix. We were all cheering for her because we knew
very well how challenging and pressuring it was on her part. By the time she finished, the tension on all our faces still
remained, even after everything and all we had to do was wait for our turn to go “on air”, figuratively speaking of course.

On our way to the waiting area, we dropped by the school chapel and said our individual prayers. After the
agonizing wait, we entered a fully carpeted auditorium wherein our presentation was going to be held. We were hidden from
the audience and judges, since they were on the other side of the red curtains. It was a very chilly and quiet room.

Once we got out, our coaches and supporters were all outside cheering and congratulating us on how great we
were. Even without knowing whether we placed in the contest, we celebrated in the usual way Filipinos do, by eating out!

Victory was handed to us as it was announced during the Students Night that 2010. We landed 1st Place in the
Infomercial Category and 2nd place in the Radio Broadcasting Event (English Category) on our very first try and our Anchorman
Glenn Desquitado and Field Reporter Armin Narciso landed a place in their own category as well, it was definitely a proud
moment for us and the school.

“Thank you for tuning in to SMS Radio 94.4!”


October 21 to 23, 2010 was an exciting day for several Juniors and Seniors of St. Mary’s School who participated in the
Department of Education Region X Division of Cagayan de Oro City’s DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE held in Liceo de
Cagayan University. With the theme: _________________, SMS sent its Radio Broadcasting Team (SMS RADIO 94.4) who
bagged the 1st Place in the Infomercial Category and 2nd Place in the Radio Broadcasting Event (English Category).
The Radio Broadcasting Team had with them Ma'am Paula Frederika Neri as coach. Glenn Dale Desquitado was Anchorman.
Armin Narciso, Jerica Joy Baino, Isabella Davida Agudo and Ricarr Ann Chiong were the News Reporters while Gabriel Nicholas
Ludeña was the Sports News Reporter. Technical Director for the radio broadcast was Kevin Señor.

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