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Ministry of Migration & Asylum

The Minister

Athens, 5 April 2021

Ref. (conf): 122

To: Mr Margaritis Schinas

Vice President, European Commission

Ms Ylva Johansson
Commissioner for Home Affairs, European Commission

Cc: Mr Fabrice Leggeri

Executive Director, FRONTEX

Subject: Report of recent Turkish activity at the sea borders

Dear Margaritis, Dear Ylva,

I would like to draw your attention to events that took place last Friday in the
Aegean Sea. The Hellenic Coastguard reported multiple incidents, in which
Turkish Coastguard and Navy were involved in accompanying flimsy migrant
boats to the border of Europe.

It is a well-documented fact that these migrants departed Turkish shores and,

given that they were accompanied and closely monitored by Turkish naval
assets, they were neither fleeing persecution, nor were they in distress.

In this respect, through a recorded video statement, we immediately called on

Turkish authorities to stand down and stop this unwarranted provocation,
accompany those migrants safely back to Turkish shores and live up to their
commitments under the 2016 EU-Turkey Joint Statement.1 Moreover, last
Friday the Hellenic Coastguard issued a press release presenting clear evidence
of the Turkish support to these failed attempts of illegal crossings.2

1The statement can be found in the following link:



Τel: +30 2132128410
196-198 Thivon Av., Agios Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Greece
There can no longer be any doubt that the Turkish authorities keep supporting
migrant crossings, with the blatant purpose of creating media propaganda
opportunities, exercising pressure on the EU external borders, as well as
provoking an escalation with Greece.

The situation is compounded by the fact that, as you are well aware, the
repeated calls of the EU, including your very own, that Turkey should abide by
its obligations under the said Joint Statement and accept the returns from the
Greek islands, continue to fall on Ankara’s deaf ears. Turkey has yet to accept
the return of the 1,450 migrants, as recently requested by Greece, in
accordance with the Statement.

As you know, Greece, supported by FRONTEX, is actively protecting the EU

external borders, as it legally is obliged to do. As we have in the past, we will
continue not to tolerate any attempt of illegal crossings orchestrated by Turkey.

When migrants attempt to come to Europe with the evident complicity and
active support and assistance of the official Turkish authorities, the question is
raised whether those cases fall under the provisions of the Geneva Convention,
in particular Articles 31-33.

Against this backdrop, our firm belief is that the EU should react in a
coordinated way and swiftly condemn acts of this nature that are targeting not
a specific Member-State but the Union and all Member-States as a whole.

We remain at your disposal for any additional information or clarifications.

Sincerely yours,

Notis Mitarachi

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