CASE - Christian Christmas Eve Celebration at Multireligious Schools

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Name: Mahir Rayhan Forazi ID: 1620466030

Christian Christmas Eve Celebration at Multi-religious Schools - CS EN

 Analysis of the case of a Swiss school where Muslim parents asked for an equal state
between Christmas and the Islamic holy celebrations.

1. Where do you think the fear amongst the Muslim parents originate from?
2. Please walk me down the strategies implemented here. What would you do differently?
3. Please provide some possible resolutions for the conflict based upon the strategies.

Answers No.1:
We are living in a world where there are multireligious society. There is always a fear among
the Muslims that as we are living in a secularized society, there children might be affected by
this. Muslims fear the influence of Christian religion, badly affecting their children. They fear,
that their children could act against Muslim rules, values and standards. Muslims fear to lose
control on their own children. They think that in school if their children live in a Christian based
environment it might hamper their child’s mind.

Answer No.2:
If I had to solve this problem, first I would make sure there are proper laws for every religion in
the country. And if the Muslim parents fear for their children there must be different Islamic
school for the children where they will feel safe and comfortable. Those parents who think they
are okay if their children go to Christian school and it wont hamper their child then they can
keep their children with other religion’s children. And those who think that it will affect their
children they will take their children to Islamic schools. It is basically like Christians going to
church and Muslims going to mosques. Everyone should have their own choice where they
want to be.
There might be another solution for this. School is a place for learning not a place where
religion should be an issue. As there is Christmas holidays then the school should give equal
right to the Muslims and grant to also have Muslim festival holidays as well. And regarding the
songs, there might be a choice for the Muslim children to not attend it.

Answer No.3:
Since the age of enlightenment in a big part of Switzerland church and state are separated by
law. This means, that we are living in a secularized, but nowadays at the same time more and
more multireligious society. On the other hand, our society is shaped by Christian religion since
long as well as by specific cultural elements. Just to accept the demands of the Muslims in the
case above without any limits, this would harm thus a lot of Christians.
A constructive agreement to solve the conflict could contain the following two main decisions:
1. Muslim children (but also other children if requested) can get dispensation of religious
celebrations (and other religious instructions in school) if requested by their parents
2. Other religions besides of Christianism will be integrated into the school teaching, to
promote understanding, and to reduce fears and prejudices.

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