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Diseases Spread by Pigeons

Pigeons are everywhere and known by a lot of people as ‘rats with wings’. Although a harsh term for this pretty bird they are considered vermin
and can transmit some nasty diseases. Pigeon control measures are frequently taken by authorities to try and curb the rapid increase in numbers.
Descended from rock doves the feral pigeon has adapted very well to living alongside humans. The problems for disease occur when density
levels are very high with droppings and feathers accumulating at roosting sites. These noxious piles contain a few known diseases that can
affect humans and are accumulated when bird control methods are not used for either deterrence or total extermination of the pest.

Title: Pigeons
Author: Thangaraj Kumaravel
License Type: CC BY 2.0

How Is It Transferred: Histoplasmosis is a fungal disease that can be caught when spores of Histoplasma capsulatum are inhaled. The spores are
extremely light and move freely in the air. Histoplasmosis fungus thrives in moist areas, which are rich in organic material like bird and bat
droppings. That’s why chicken coops, caves old barns and similar are perfect for the fungus. Its spores can be inhaled while cleaning bird
Title: Histoplasma Capsulatum – the fungus causing Histoplasmosis Image Source:
License: CC0 Public Domain

Symtoms Of Histoplasmosis:

 Fever
 Muscle pain
 Dry cough
 Fatigue
 Headaches
 Chills
 Rash and joint pain in some people
There are a few types of histoplasmosis infections. People suffering from mild forms of histoplasmosis won’t show any symptoms of infection. The
more severe desease varieties symptoms will show from three to seventeen days after exposure. Signs of the illness include flu-like symptoms
with chest pains, fever and fatigue among them. Some however can be more serious. Those with weak immune systems can suffer very high
fever, blood abnormalities, pneumonia and in a few instances this can be fatal.
If there are any sources of diseases spread by pigeons nearby your home, it’s highly recommended to call professional exterminators

How Is It Transferred: Cryptococcosis is also fungal in nature and found at nesting sites with as much as 84% of sites testing positive. Even
old dry droppings at abandoned roosts contain the spores of the fungus, which when inhaled, cause the infection.
Title: Cryptococcosis – Mucicarmine stain
Author: Yale Rosen License Type: CC BY-SA 2.0 Image Source:

Symptoms Of Cryptococcosis :

 Pneumonia-like symptoms
 Shortness of breath
 Coughing
 Fever
 Skin lesions
Like Histoplasmosis, most Cryptococcal infections are mild and many do not show symptoms at all and usually infects people with a compromised
immune system, like HIV-positive people or those with very weak immunity. However, some are quite serious. There are two forms of this disease
that can be contracted. The generalized form begins when inhaled yeast-like cells cause a lung infection. This then spreads to other areas of the
body with the central nervous system usually affected causing meningoencephalitis. Without treatment, it is very often fatal. The second form is
very rare causing blisters or ulcers under the skin that resemble acne.

Psittacosis is an infectious bacterial pathogen also known as Parrot Fever or ornithosis caused by Chlamydophila psittaci. This can be
transmitted to humans when droppings dry out and become airborne.
Image Source:
Title: Chlamydophila psittaci FA stain
Author: CDC/Dr. Vester Lewis
License: CC0 Public Domain

Symptoms Of Psittacosis:

 Bloody sputum (mixture of saliva and mucus spit out when coughing)
 Dry cough
 Fatigue
 Fever
 Chills
 Head and joint aches
 Muscle pain, especially in the head and neck
 Shortness of breath
A very rare but in some cases potent infection with symptoms ranging again from mild flu like illness to full blown pneumonia and even death.
With the possibility of many complications, like the swelling of brain tissue occurring during infection, long term damage can also result.

Toxoplasmosis is usually associated with cat faeces. The parasite that causes this nasty disease (Taxoplasma gondii) however can be found in
just about every warm blooded creature. Again this disease rarely shows in those who are healthy and strong, as their immune systems keep the
parasite from causing an infection. And studies have shown as many as one third of the population carry the parasite. The problems occur
in the people with weak immunity  and especially pregnant women. Mothers-to-be can transmit the infection to the child.
Image Source:
Title: Toxoplasmosa gondii parasite
Author: Ke Hu and John M. Murray
License Type:CC BY 4.0

Symptoms Of Toxoplasmosis :

 Fever
 Muscle pain
 Fatigue
 Swollen lymph glands
 Chest pain
Toxoplasmosis can can develop in three types- latent, acute and cutaneous (affecting the skin). 
1. Latent:2. Acute:3. Cutaneous:

The latent type does not show any visible symptom. When latent form affects the person it causes cysts in the muscle and nervous tissues,
forming lesions or tissue cysts in the retinas, brain and alveolar lining of the lungs.

Other Less Common Diseases Spread by Pigeons

The diseases, listed above are among the most common but you should also be familiar with other viruses and bacteria that pigeons transmit and
might be harmful for your health.
CandidiasisSt. Louis EncephalitisSalmonellosisE.coliEctoparasites

Candidiasis is a fungus infection. It’s widely spread by pigeons and affects the skin, mouth and respiratory system of the infected person. The
intestines and the urogenital tract gets affected as well. Women go through symptoms and treatment harder as they more like to get their genitals
infected by this fungus. Some of the candidiasis’ symptoms are:

 Exhaustion
 Need for sugar
 Breath odour
 White coat on tongue
 Hormonal imbalance
 Joint pain
 Chronic sinus and allergy issues
 Digestive problems (gas and bloating)
 Weak immune system

Other Ways Pigeon Could Get Infected And Transfer Diseases To People:
There are other ways pigeons can transfer disease, via mosquitoes and other parasites. With winters becoming milder mosquitoes are surviving
more and more and rapidly becoming potential killers. By biting a pigeon that is infected with one of the encephalitis viruses, a mosquito
can then transmit this to a human by biting them. Although extremely rare at the moment it is entirely possible that the likes of West Nile
Fever may become a more common occurrence in the near future.
Image source: Geograph; License type:CC BY-SA 2.0

A pigeon problem may just seem a messy inconvenience at the moment, with only a few instances of the disease reported each year. But as our
climate changes and more pathogens are able to survive, it may well be a major concern in the future. With this in mind, authorities are thinking of
new ways to combat the rising pigeon population. In some cities, a reintroduction of falcons is underway. As natural predators, they cull the
population and also encourage dispersal into smaller groups away from human habitation. Another method on trial in Lowestoft has been to
create ideal breeding areas for pigeons away from humans. This has met with success and is being closely monitored by other councils and may
be adopted as well.

Disinfection Service After Pigeon Control

To minimize the risks of disease and contact with harmful pathogens, Panther Pest Control introduced pest disinfection services.

Disinfection comes useful for minor infestation when the traces of the pests are hardly visible but bacteria is still there. Such situations are
controlled with the help of an expert cleaner who comes to your home and swipes off all contaminated surfaces with cleaning agents. In case you
can’t get rid of the troublesome pigeons who constantly come at your property, call us for expert control and proofing. Our customer support
centre is available 24/7.

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