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Number of quadrants in oral cavity

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5

2. Most important function of canine during mastication is

a) Shearing

b) Tearing

c) Biting

d) Chewing

e) grinding

3. Occlusion means

a) Act of clenching

b) Act of closure

c) Act of opening

d) Act of movement

e) Act of chewing

4. Balanced occlusion is used in

a) Complete denture

b) Partial denture

c) Crowns

d) Bridges

e) Veneers

5. Curve of spee is
a) Mediolateral curve

b) Superioinferior curve

c) Lateral curve

d) Antrioposterior curve

e) Medial curve

6. Diestemma is

a) Class II malocclusion

b) Crowding of molars

c) Crowding of anteriors

d) Space between central incisors

e) Space between lateral and central incisor

7. Primate spaces means

a) Spaces between permanent teeth

b) Spaces between primary teeth

c) Spaces due to extraction of teeth

d) Spaces due to malalignment

e) Space between posterior teeth

8. If the distal surface of Deciduous maxillary and mandibular deciduous second

molars are in the same vertical plane; then it is called

a) Distal step

b) Mesial step

c) Flush terminal plane

d) Class I

e) Class II

9. With normal growth, Permanent molars erupt directly into Angle’s Class I
occlusion with

a) Distal step

b) Mesial step

c) Flush terminal plane

d) Curve of spee

e) Curve of Wilson

10. Permanent first molar will erupt in Class II occlusion with

a) Distal step

b) Mesial step

c) Flush terminal plane

d) Curve of spee

e) Curve of Wilson

11. Mixed (transition) dentition starts at the age of

a) 5

b) 6

c) 7

d) 8

e) 9

12. Space available as a result of size different of Deciduous molars and

permanent canine and pre molars is called

a) Flush terminal plane

b) Curve of spee

c) Leeway space

d) Primate space

e) Incisal liability
13. Soft tissue component of tooth is called

a) Enamel

b) Dentine

c) Cementum

d) Pulp

e) Apical foramen

14. Formative function of pulp includes

a) Formation of enamel

b) Formation of dentine

c) Formation of Cementum

d) Formation of alveolar bone

e) Formation of periodontal ligaments

15. Pulp cavity is wider in ____

a) Women

b) Men

c) Children

d) Old

e) Heart patients

16. Trauma _____ of pulp chamber

a) Decrease size

b) Increase size

c) Enlarge pulp

d) Occlude the canals

e) Blocks the canals

17. Dental formula of Permanent dentition for one side of mouth is

a) I 1/1 C 1/1 PM 2/2 M3/3

b) I 2/2 C 2/2 PM 2/2 M3/3

c) I 2/2 C 1/1 PM 2/2 M3/3

d) I 2/2 C 1/1 PM 1/1 M3/3

e) I 2/2 C 1/1 PM 2/2 M2/2

18. First sign of Permanent dentition appears at ___ age

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 7

e) 8

19. In Universal Numbering System upper Left Central incisor(Permanent

Dentition) is denoted by

a) 5

b) 6

c) 7

d) 8

e) 9

20. In Universal Numbering System Lower Right Third Molar (Permanent

Dentition) is denoted by

a) 17

b) 32

c) 16

d) 15
e) 31

21. In Universal Numbering System Lower Right Canine (Temporary

Dentition) is denoted by

a) R

b) N

c) M

d) S

e) T

22. In International Numbering System Lower Right Canine (Permanent

Dentition) is denoted by

a) 13

b) 23

c) 33

d) 43

e) 53

23. Which of the following is a LINE ANGLE of Anterior teeth?

a) Labio-Incisal

b) Mesiobuccal

c) Distobuccal

d) Mesio-occlusal

e) Disto-occlusal

24. Which of the following is a POINT ANGLE of Anterior teeth?

a) Mesiobucco-occlusal

b) Distobucco-occlusal
c) Mesiolinguo-occlusal

d) Mesiolabioincisal

e) Distolinguo-occlusal

25. Which of the following is a POINT ANGLE of Posterior teeth?

a) Mesiolabioincisal

b) Distolabioincisal

c) Mesiolinguoincisal

d) Distolinguoincisal

e) Mesiolinguo-occlusal

26. Length of crown of Maxillary Lateral Incisor is

a. 10.5

b. 9.0

c. 11.0

d. 10.0

e. 7.5

27. Length of crown of Mandibular Canine is

a. 10.5

b. 9.0

c. 11.0

d. 10.0

e. 7.5

28. primary teeth are ____ as compared to permanent teeth

a) Long
b) Wide

c) Shallow

d) Narrow

e) Large

29. Lateral incisor has more ____ incisal angles

a) Curved

b) Convex

c) narrow

d) Rounded

e) Sharp

30. Lateral Incisor is more ___ mesiodistally than the central incisor

a) Shorter

b) Longer

c) Narrow

d) Rounded

e) Curved

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