CVE 471 - 1 Introduction

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CVE 471



Assist. Prof. Dr. Bertuğ Akıntuğ

Civil Engineering Program

Middle East Technical University
Northern Cyprus Campus

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„ General
„ Characteristics of Water Resources Projects
„ Water Resources Development
„ Water Resources Development in Turkey
„ The Southern Anatolian Project
„ Other Water Uses in Turkey
„ System Analysis in Water Resources
„ Example

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„ Water resources engineering deals with the conception, planning,

design, construction and operation of water resources systems in
order to control, utilize, and manage water in an efficient manner.
„ Water resources systems:
„ dams,
„ water supply systems,
„ waste water collection systems,
„ treatment plants,
„ flood mitigation systems etc.
„ Water is to be controlled to save lives and to prevent excessive
damage to public and private properties.

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„ In the field of water resources engineering all braches of civil

engineering and other branches are involved. Such as environmental,
economical, sociological, agricultural etc….
„ Hydrologic analysis form the basis for determining the necessary
inputs and forecasts.
„ Preferably Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote
Sensing (RS) are used instead of conventional data collection
„ Prior to the design of any water resources systems
„ How much water (demand) will be needed?
„ How much water with the desired quality (supply) will be available within
economical limits?

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Characteristics of
Water Resources Projects

„ Water resources projects exhibit the following characters:

„ Uniqueness,
„ Uncertainty,
„ Socio-economic aspects,
„ Forecasting,
„ Irreversibility,
„ Economy of scale (the cost per unit capacity of water resources system
decreases as the capacity increases.

Variation of total and marginal costs with

respect to capacity Variation of annual net benefit against
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Water Resources Development

„ With the rapid increase in population and advancement in technology,

demand for water increases steadily.
„ Available fresh water in the world is unevenly distributed in time and
„ Therefore, the development and management of water resources are
very important.
„ Water resources development is closely linked to the concept of river
basin management (development and wise use of water resources
„ River basin management concept emphasizes comprehensive
integration of
„ multi-purpose use of water,
„ economic development, social welfare, and environmental protection,
„ water supply augmentation and demand management,
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Water Resources Development

„ River basin management concept emphasizes comprehensive

integration of (con’t)
„ structural and nonstructural flood damage reduction strategies,
„ human and ecosystem needs for water,
„ water quantity and quality considerations,
„ conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater resources,
„ management of water, land, energy, and biological resources.
„ A new concept called sustainable development has been originated in
order to use and save existing land and water resources wisely such
that the limited quantity of water will be available for a longer period
with the desirable quality.

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Water Resources Development

„ During the development of projects, Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) studies should be performed in the planning
„ Within this context, planners should incorporate ecosystem, health,
social and economic findings in the final choice of project through
multi criteria analysis.
„ In Turkey, the EIA regulation was issued in 1993 with the following
„ to determine and evaluate positive and negative environmental impacts of
proposed public and private activities,
„ to find out the environmentally sound alternatives, and
„ to mitigate adverse impacts from the environment and social points of
„ EIA is required if
„ reservoir surface area > 15 m2 and
„ reservoir volume >100 million m3
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Water Resources Development in Turkey

„ In Turkey, there area considerable variations in climatic conditions.

„ Water supply may be relatively small during summer months when the
demands are normally very high.
„ The periodic droughts cause important problems.
„ Therefore, development of water resources for optimum use is
„ Turkey is divided into 26 drainage basins.

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Water Resources Development in Turkey

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Water Resources Development in Turkey

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The South Eastern Anatolia Project (GAP)

„ GAP is a large scale and multi-sectoral regional development project.

„ It is composed of 13 major projects for irrigation and hydropower
generation in Euphrates (Firat) and Tigris (Dicle) basins and a number
of individual projects.
„ It envisages the construction of 22 dams and 19 hydropower plants.
„ Following the completion of the project,
„ 1.80 million ha of additional land will be irrigated.
„ 27 billion kWh of electricity will be generated annually with an installed
capacity over 7500 MW.
„ Schematic representation of the projects on Euphrates River is show

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The South Eastern Anatolia Project (GAP)

Projects on Euphrates River

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Other Water Use in Turkey

„ Turkey has the 3rd largest hydroelectric energy potential in Europe

and 21st largest in the world.
„ Approximately 65% of the total hydropower potential of Turkey is
present in the Euphrates, Tigris, Eastern Black Sea, and Coruh
„ As of 2005, there are 213 dams in operation.

Yearly variation of completed dams in Turkey

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Other Water Use in Turkey

„ Other elements of water resources development in Turkey may be

outlined as:
„ completion and renewal of water supply and wastewater collection
systems with proper treatment facilities,
„ planning and design of all kinds of drainage facilities,
„ watershed management including erosion control,
„ development of flood mitigation facilities, and
„ searching for navigational facilities, etc.
„ In Turkey, the collection and analysis of hydrologic data to be used in
planning, design, and operation of water resources systems are
carried out by
„ the State of Meteorological Organization (DMI),
„ the State Hydraulics Work (DSI)
„ the Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration
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System Analysis
in Water Resources Development

„ Water resources systems are designed to meet projected future

demand with technical and economical feasibility.
„ Master plan must be prepared.
„ Water resources systems are usually very large national facilities.
„ Therefore, there must be a political incentive and sufficient budget to
initiate a certain project.
„ The overall process of for the evaluation of water resources projects
requires collaborated actions of multi-disciplines.
„ In the evaluation of alternatives and selection of the best scheme,
following studies are to be carried out:
„ reconnaissance studies,
„ feasibility studies, and
„ planning studies

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System Analysis
in Water Resources Development

„ Conventional methods used for the design and analysis are based on
iterative trial and error procedures.
„ In order to minimize the computational efforts, engineering judgment
and experience are required.
„ Optimization eliminates the trial-error process and yields a unique
„ It is based on the building of a mathematical model for the system to
be simulated.
„ Besides, statistical, probabilistic, and stochastic approaches may also
be required in the formation of some models.
„ Optimization techniques are capable of determining
„ the optimum dimensions of a certain structural component of a structure,
„ the overall optimum dimensions of a system or
„ optimum combinations of a number of systems.
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System Analysis
in Water Resources Development

Some models used in water resources engineering

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