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Answer # 1

A major insurance company is considering the implementation of project management. The majority
of the projects in the company are two weeks in duration, with very few existing beyond one month.
Can project management work here? Explain.

Project Management is an organized way to deal with accomplishing objectives through a set of defined
tasks. These are not routine procedures because it depends on the type of project. They are uncommon
tasks intended to accomplish a specific objective.

All projects require a sort of organized management, doesn't matter what is the timeline and how much
resources we do have for that project. All projects require the following management.

 Managing integration and scope

 Managing time/schedule
 Managing costs
 Managing human resources and communication
 Managing risk
 Managing procurement

If the insurance company is planning a project, it doesn't make a difference what's the timeline of that
project. The company needs the arrangement to set targets, look out for resources co-ordinations and
sequence the tasks. Project management helps here.

The company can set temporary project managers to discover what are the assets required, the
spending limit and the time period. At that point they can arrange the exercises. Every movement can
be viewed as a smaller than usual venture and discourse can be directed to finish it. This encourages us
to have a reasonable view alongside minor details.

Throughout the project, they can follow where they stand now and what they have achieved. They can
likewise observe the deficits and right the game-plan. Toward the finish of the project, they can learn a
lot of things.

Answer # 2

Do you have an official project management methodology in your organization? If so, discuss one
difficulty with the way it is used. If not, explain how it may help your organization.

My organization is a MEP consultant firm which refers to the parts of structure plan and development.
MEP design is significant for arranging, basic leadership, exact documentation, execution and cost-
estimation, development, and working/keeping up the subsequent offices.

 The methodology is utilized in my association :

 We do projects. We will give you a detailed broken down into project phases, and well-defined
deliverables for each phase.

 We are task-arranged. We will go the additional mile to meet our commitments. We might want
you to consider us your very own mechanical engineering division.

 We utilize a dynamic-group approach. Our talented mechanical engineers will work intelligently
with you to accomplish the expressed objectives. You use (and pay for) just the assets required
at each period of the task.

 We utilize just experienced mechanical engineers. We will never approach the customer to pay
for the "development" or preparing of an unpracticed expert.

 We give our own best in class CAD frameworks.

 We energize and direct incessant surveys. We can without much of a stretch oblige customer
audits anyplace with the utilization of illustrations.

 We ensure and improve your Intellectual Property. We add to our customers' item development
by usefully and innovatively testing the prerequisites given to us.

 We work to build long-term relationships. Our mission is to help our clients create successful
products through excellence in mechanical engineering Take a look at some of our client

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