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Revision and exams

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

suitable verbs.
If you want to get good results, you have to revise for
your exams.
1 If you me to buy the books, I’ll
remember to bring them tomorrow.
2 If you’re supposed to be working hard, why are you
a break?
3 If you don’t take notes in class, you won’t be able to
study and you might the exam.
4 If you attention in class, you’ll be
able to take notes.
5 If you speaking the language, you’ll
probably pass the oral exam.
Verb collocations
2 Correct the seven mistakes in the text with suitable verbs.
I wasn’t a very good student and I sometimes used to
leave a day at school. I went school when I was sixteen
because I wanted to make a job and do some money. After
a few years of working, I taught to drive and I received a
new car. However, I soon realized that my life wasn’t going
to make better if I didn’t get some qualifications, so I went
back to school! Next year, I hope to be to university at an
age when most of my friends are leaving university and
looking for their first job!
do / make / take
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
suitable nouns.
I try to do my homework on Friday evening.
1 Everybody makes , but not
everybody learns from them.
2 When I got to the stop, the I
usually take had already gone.
3 We can’t study because the neighbours are making a
lot of .
4 Jenny works for a pharmaceutical company and she’s
doing some into new medicines.
5 I need to take a for five minutes
and have something to eat.
6 A good way of making new at
university is by joining a club.

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