Choosing by Advantages (CBA)

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A process that lists the advantages of

options and helps quickly identify the

Choosing by advantages options with the most advantages. This
(CBA) process avoids the double counting
inherent in listing pros and cons when in
one option is also the con in another.

Teams composed of key participants from all

project stages including design,
construction, installation, commissioning,
Cross functional teams operations, maintenance, decommissioning,
etc. These teams focus on finding solutions
with systems level thinking and are
structured along systems instead of skill sets.

The time it takes to complete one

finished unit of a process. For
Cycle time example, the time it takes to load
a haul, build one course of
brick/block, form a footing, etc.

A process that might be called rapid, full

scale prototyping that focuses on people,
process, and planning. The process uses a
simulated work environment and has actual
Design 3-p star simulate the work to be performed in
the space to learn more about the spaces
required for efficient operation in the
designed work environment.

Trial execution of a process in order to determine the

best means, methods, and sequencing etc. to
perform it. First run studies are done at least a few
times ahead of the scheduled execution of the
First run study process, while there is time to acquire different or
additional prerequisites and resources. They may
also be performed during design as a basis for
evaluating options or designing the portion of the
A process to understand and
document how work or users
Future state mapping
will process through the
completed project.

Buffer created by maintaining

a stock of critical material.
Inventory buffer Lack of these materials poses
a threat to reliable workflow
on site.

Finding methods to assemble

Lean assembly materials in the most efficient
way possible off or on site.

The process that brings all players together early in the

project to provide input in the design and increase value
by using the expertise of architects, engineers,
construction managers, and specialty contractors to
ensure the design takes advantage of the best
Lean design construction and installation procedures that facilitate
facility operation and maintenance. Design decisions are
deferred to the last responsible moment to take
advantage of information discovered or developed
during the design process.

A representation of the development and

delivery of a project from determine that
Lean project delivery system which helps clients better achieve their
business purposes through final use. Positive
(LPDS) iterations are encouraged within each phase.
Production control, work structuring and
learning are continuous functions.
The elimination of waste by
creating efficient methods of
Lean supply chain
procurement of materials and

Improving one part of the

Local optimization
project but not the whole

Also known as the six week

look ahead schedule, results
Make ready plan in what can be done (get to
can by constraint removal
from the should's).

Taking prefabricated components and

building them into a subsection of a larger
space, such as a prison cell with beds
Modularization already attached; bathrooms with plumbing
already hooked up, etc. Process allows for
greater standardization and reduces the
tome spent on the job site.

Represents the work

Operation performed to complete the
transformation of materials.
Assembling components, usually
conducted off site either by the
Prefabrication supplier or the subcontractor, so
that view pieces need to be
installed at the job site.

Focus on making work

happen by removing
Proactive planning
constraints ahead of time as
much as possible.

Represents flow of
material/information in time and
space as it is being transformed.
The construction process can be
broken down into two levels:
process and operation.

Every production process

exhibits some measure of
Process mean variation in its results. The
average of these results is
defined as the process mean.

Reliably, efficiently and

economically allocating
Production planning resources to day to day functions
such that project level milestones
and phases are completed.
An individual or a group of
Production unit individuals performing a
common production task.

The number of similar products produced

and sold by the organization. The product
mix can vary from one of a kind to large
volume organizations. Construction
Product mix companies produce one of a kind products
whereas companies in the automobile
industry, for example, produce a large
volume of similar products.

A technique of lean design, which allows for

evaluation of alternatives by deferring
design decisions to the last responsible
moment. A set of possible options is
Set based design developed for product design and
production design, with the one that best
meets all stakeholder's needs and purposes
chosen at the last responsible moment.

A collaborative design process involving

designers, builders, suppliers, estimators and
the owner co-located in one place to
produce collaboratively a design that
Target value design provides the best value for the owner that
can be constructed within a defined budget.
The team designs to the budget, and then
redesigning to eliminate overruns.

These assignments have met all the

criteria needed to start but the crew
may hold off starting these activities in
Workable backlog case other, critical work can't start as
planned. Completion or non completion
of these activities are not recorded or
counted in calculation of PPC.
The progression of work within a
trade from one trade to another.
Workflow Reliable workflow is very
important in maintaining project
cost and time commitment.

The extent to which one can

depend on the occurrence of the
transfer of material or information
Workflow reliability
from one production unit to
another or within a production

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