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Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Kiên Giang Kiểm tra HKI - Năm học 2014-2015
Trường PT Dân Tộc Nội Trú tỉnh Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB
Thời gian: 45 phút
Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10 . . . Mã đề: 154

Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn từ, cụm từ ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
There are tens of thousands of robots doing work all (1) ................... the world. Robot is the name
given to any (2) ...................that can do a certain job automatically. These machines come in any shapes
and (3) ................... . It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines
built for specific purposes. They are (4) ................... by computers. The computers (5) ...................the
robot what to do and how to do it.
Câu 1. A. about B. in C. of D. over
Câu 2. A. person B. car C. machine D.television
Câu 3. A. widths B. heights C. lengths D. sizes
Câu 4. A. controlling B. to control C. control D. controlled
Câu 5. A. tell B. says C. tells D. say
Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn yù ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was
five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the
teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her
education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two
hours' homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and
went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end, she
decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.
Câu 6. At university she studied ................... .
A. very badly B. averagely C. very poorly D. very well.
Câu 7. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
A. passing the exams. B. getting better education. C. leaving her home. D. going overseas.
Câu 8. What profession did she finally decide to choose?
A. advertising B. nursing C. teaching. D. cooking
Câu 9. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
A. They liked it. B. They were poor. C. It was near her house. D. It was expensive.
Câu 10. What was her teachers' problem at the primary school?
A. low salary. B. arge class. C. disobedient pupils. D. strict headmaster.
Câu 11. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He ................... go to school yesterday because he was sick.
A. don't B. didn't C. doesn't D. wasn't
Câu 12. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Nam: Where do you go swimming ? - Lan: .................. .
A. No, I play tennis B. I usually go by motorbike
C. Every day from 5 to 6 D. I always go to the pool
Câu 13. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
You can change the TV channels with this ................... control.
A. special B. remote C. far D. standby
Câu 14. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The coffee ................... by the time I got up this morning.
A. would have already made B. has already been made
C. was already made D. had already been made
Câu 15. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
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A. begin B. contented C. alarm D. peasant
Câu 16. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. primary B. suffer C. subtract D. effort
Câu 17. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
These adults, ............... come to my night class, are very eager to learn.
A. whom B. whose C. which D. who
Câu 18. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tom isn't on the phone,………….makes it difficult to contact him.
A. what B. which C. that D. who
Câu 19. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
If Mary ................... me, I will go to the party.
A. invites B. inviting C. invited D. invite
Câu 20. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Daisy: ……………………………………..? - Tom : I play soccer with my friends.
A. Where do you go B. What do you do after school
C. Do you play soccer D. Where do you work
Câu 21. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
"I'm taking my English test tomorrow."Tom said. - Tom said
…………………………………………. .
A. He is taking his English test the next day B. I was taking his English test tomorrow
C. He was taking his English test the next day D. He was taking the English test tomorrow
Câu 22. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It ................... .
A. rains B. is going to rain C. is raining D. will rain
Câu 23. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tell me your plan, Lan. What ................... this saturday evening ?
A. will you do B. would you do C. are you doing D. were you doing
Câu 24. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Which of the followings only provides information and entertainment orally?
A. radio B. books C. newspapers D. magazines
Câu 25. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Only one of the people whom work in the company is qualified.
Câu 26. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" The film will be interesting" - She thought ................... .
A. the film would be interesting B. the film wouldn't be interesting
C. the film won be interesting D. the film willing be interesting
Câu 27. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Thien Mu ................... is on the left bank of the Huong river, 6 kilometres from Hue.
A. pagoda B. church C. site D. school
Câu 28. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The boss ................... I was working for was very generous about overtime payments.
A. whom B. of whom C. whose D. which
Câu 29. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. how B. down C. know D. now
Câu 30. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He................... in this town since he was born.
A. lives B. is living C. has lived D. lived
Câu 31. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Marry didn't ................... in Vietnam.
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A. lived B. used to live C. use to live D. used to living
Câu 32. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
I could have seen him if I................... to the party last night.
A. to go B. has gone C. had went D. had gone
Câu 33. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We have been writing to each other for eight years.
B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
C. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
D. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
Câu 34. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Trung ................... to a lot of parties when he was a student.
A. to use to go B. used to goes C. used to go D. use to go
Câu 35. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Linda's house is near her school and it ................... her only 5 minutes to go there.
A. has taken B. is taking C. took D. takes
Câu 36. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
We live near a special school for people who can't hear.
A. the blind B. the deaf C. the sick D. the dump
Câu 37. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. great B. beat C. feat D. seat
Câu 38. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" Hoa has written Nam a letter" - Quan told me ................... .
A. Hoa had written Nam a letter B. Hoa has write Nam a letter
C. Hoa has wrote Nam a letter D. Hoa had wrote Nam a letter
Câu 39. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The computer was the most wonderful ................... in the 20th century.
A. invention B. invent C. invented D. inventing
Câu 40. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Mr Tam lived in this town since he was born.

Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Kiên Giang Kiểm tra HKI - Năm học 2014-2015
Trường PT Dân Tộc Nội Trú tỉnh Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB
Thời gian: 45 phút
Mã đề: 188
Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10 . . .

Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn yù ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was
five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the
teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her
education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two
hours' homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and
went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end, she
decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.
Câu 1. At university she studied ................... .
A. very badly B. very well. C. very poorly D. averagely
Câu 2. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
A. passing the exams. B. going overseas. C. getting better education. D. leaving her home.
Câu 3. What was her teachers' problem at the primary school?
A. strict headmaster. B. low salary. C. disobedient pupils. D. arge class.
Câu 4. What profession did she finally decide to choose?
A. cooking B. nursing C. teaching. D. advertising
Câu 5. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
A. It was expensive. B. They liked it. C. It was near her house. D. They were poor.
Câu 6. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He................... in this town since he was born.
A. lives B. has lived C. is living D. lived
Câu 7. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
These adults, ............... come to my night class, are very eager to learn.
A. whom B. whose C. who D. which
Câu 8. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. peasant B. contented C. alarm D. begin
Câu 9. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The computer was the most wonderful ................... in the 20th century.
A. inventing B. invented C. invention D. invent
Câu 10. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
We live near a special school for people who can't hear.
A. the dump B. the blind C. the sick D. the deaf
Câu 11. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It ................... .
A. is raining B. will rain C. rains D. is going to rain
Câu 12. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The boss ................... I was working for was very generous about overtime payments.
A. which B. of whom C. whom D. whose

Câu 13. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
I could have seen him if I ................... to the party last night.
A. had went B. had gone C. to go D. has gone
Câu 14. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
"I'm taking my English test tomorrow."Tom said.
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Tom said …………………………………………. .
A. He is taking his English test the next day B. He was taking the English test tomorrow
C. He was taking his English test the next day D. I was taking his English test tomorrow
Câu 15. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Marry didn't ................... in Vietnam.
A. use to live B. used to live C. lived D. used to living
Câu 16. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Nam: Where do you go swimming ? - Lan: .................. .
A. I always go to the pool B. Every day from 5 to 6 C. I usually go by motorbike D. No, I play tennis
Câu 17. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Mr Tam lived in this town since he was born.
Câu 18. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Linda's house is near her school and it ................... her only 5 minutes to go there.
A. is taking B. takes C. took D. has taken
Câu 19. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
C. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
D. We have been writing to each other for eight years.
Câu 20. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Only one of the people whom work in the company is qualified.
Câu 21. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tom isn't on the phone, ................... makes it difficult to contact him.
A. which B. who C. that D. what
Câu 22. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He ................... go to school yesterday because he was sick.
A. didn't B. don't C. wasn't D. doesn't
Câu 23. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Trung ................... to a lot of parties when he was a student.
A. used to goes B. used to go C. use to go D. to use to go
Câu 24. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. feat B. seat C. great D. beat
Câu 25. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. subtract B. suffer C. effort D. primary
Câu 26. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tell me your plan, Lan. What ................... this saturday evening ?
A. were you doing B. would you do C. will you do D. are you doing
Câu 27. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. how B. now C. down D. know
Câu 28. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" The film will be interesting" - She thought ................... .
A. the film would be interesting B. the film willing be interesting
C. the film won be interesting D. the film wouldn't be interesting
Câu 29. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The coffee ................... by the time I got up this morning.
A. was already made B. had already been made
C. would have already made D. has already been made
Câu 30. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
You can change the TV channels with this ................... control.
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A. special B. remote C. far D. standby
Câu 31. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
If Mary ................... me, I will go to the party.
A. invites B. invite C. invited D. inviting
Câu 32. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Daisy: ……………………………………..? - Tom : I play soccer with my friends.
A. Where do you go B. What do you do after school C. Where do you work D. Do you play soccer
Câu 33. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" Hoa has written Nam a letter" - Quan told me ................... .
A. Hoa has wrote Nam a letter B. Hoa has write Nam a letter
C. Hoa had wrote Nam a letter D. Hoa had written Nam a letter
Câu 34. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Which of the followings only provides information and entertainment orally?
A. newspapers B. radio C. books D. magazines
Câu 35. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Thien Mu ................... is on the left bank of the Huong river, 6 kilometres from Hue.
A. church B. school C. pagoda D. site
Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn từ, cụm từ ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
There are tens of thousands of robots doing work all (36) ................... the world. Robot is the name
given to any (37) ................... that can do a certain job automatically. These machines come in any shapes
and (38) ................... . It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines
built for specific purposes. They are (39) ................... by computers. The computers (40) ................... the
robot what to do and how to do it.
Câu 36. A. in B. of C. about D. over
Câu 37. A. machine B. person C.television D. car
Câu 38. A. lengths B. widths C. sizes D. heights
Câu 39. A. control B. controlled C. to control D. controlling
Câu 40. A. say B. says C. tells D. tell

Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Kiên Giang Kiểm tra HKI - Năm học 2014-2015
Trường PT Dân Tộc Nội Trú tỉnh Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB
Thời gian: 45 phút
Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10 . . . Mã đề: 222

Câu 1. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The computer was the most wonderful ................... in the 20th century.
A. invention B. inventing C. invent D. invented
Câu 2. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
If Mary ................... me, I will go to the party.
A. invited B. invites C. invite D. inviting
Câu 3. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Mr Tam lived in this town since he was born.
Câu 4. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
These adults, ............... come to my night class, are very eager to learn.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
Câu 5. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. begin B. contented C. alarm D. peasant
Câu 6. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. suffer B. primary C. subtract D. effort
Câu 7. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
We live near a special school for people who can't hear.
A. the sick B. the blind C. the dump D. the deaf
Câu 8. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
I could have seen him if I ……………. to the party last night.
A. had went B. has gone C. had gone D. to go
Câu 9. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" Hoa has written Nam a letter" - Quan told me ................... .
A. Hoa has write Nam a letter B. Hoa has wrote Nam a letter
C. Hoa had written Nam a letter D. Hoa had wrote Nam a letter
Câu 10. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Nam: Where do you go swimming ? - Lan: .................. .
A. I always go to the pool B. Every day from 5 to 6 C. No, I play tennis D. I usually go by motorbike
Câu 11. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He ................... go to school yesterday because he was sick.
A. doesn't B. didn't C. don't D. wasn't
Câu 12. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Trung ................... to a lot of parties when he was a student.
A. use to go B. used to goes C. to use to go D. used to go
Câu 13. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Only one of the people whom work in the company is qualified.
Câu 14. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tell me your plan, Lan. What ................... this saturday evening ?
A. are you doing B. will you do C. would you do D. were you doing
Câu 15. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He................... in this town since he was born.
A. lived B. lives C. is living D. has lived
Câu 16. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
"I'm taking my English test tomorrow."Tom said.
Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
Tom said …………………………………………. .
A. He is taking his English test the next day B. I was taking his English test tomorrow
C. He was taking his English test the next day D. He was taking the English test tomorrow
Câu 17. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. great B. beat C. feat D. seat
Câu 18. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Linda's house is near her school and it ................... her only 5 minutes to go there.
A. took B. has taken C. is taking D. takes
Câu 19. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Daisy: ……………………………………..? - Tom : I play soccer with my friends.
A. What do you do after school B. Where do you go
C. Do you play soccer D. Where do you work
Câu 20. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" The film will be interesting" - She thought ................... .
A. the film won be interesting B. the film wouldn't be interesting
C. the film would be interesting D. the film willing be interesting
Câu 21. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Thien Mu ................... is on the left bank of the Huong river, 6 kilometres from Hue.
A. church B. site C. school D. pagoda
Câu 22. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tom isn't on the phone,………….makes it difficult to contact him.
A. what B. that C. which D. who
Câu 23. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Marry didn't ................... in Vietnam.
A. use to live B. lived C. used to living D. used to live
Câu 24. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Which of the followings only provides information and entertainment orally?
A. magazines B. books C. radio D. newspapers
Câu 25. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It ................... .
A. is going to rain B. will rain C. rains D. is raining
Câu 26. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The coffee ................... by the time I got up this morning.
A. would have already made B. had already been made
C. has already been made D. was already made
Câu 27. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
You can change the TV channels with this ................... control.
A. standby B. special C. remote D. far

Câu 28. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
B. We have been writing to each other for eight years.
C. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
D. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
Câu 29. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. down B. know C. now D. how
Câu 30. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The boss ................... I was working for was very generous about overtime payments.
Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
A. whose B. whom C. which D. of whom
Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn yù ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was
five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the
teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her
education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two
hours' homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and
went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end, she
decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.
Câu 31. At university she studied ................... .
A. very poorly B. very well. C. averagely D. very badly
Câu 32. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
A. going overseas. B. passing the exams. C. getting better education. D. leaving her home.
Câu 33. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
A. It was expensive. B. They liked it. C. It was near her house. D. They were poor.
Câu 34. What was her teachers' problem at the primary school?
A. disobedient pupils. B. low salary. C. strict headmaster. D. arge class.
Câu 35. What profession did she finally decide to choose?
A. cooking B. nursing C. teaching. D. advertising
Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn từ, cụm từ ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
There are tens of thousands of robots doing work all (36) ................... the world. Robot is the name
given to any (37) ................... that can do a certain job automatically. These machines come in any shapes
and (38) ................... . It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines
built for specific purposes. They are (39) ................... by computers. The computers (40) ................... the
robot what to do and how to do it.
Câu 36. A. in B. over C. about D. of
Câu 37. A. machine B. car C.television D. person
Câu 38. A. widths B. sizes C. heights D. lengths
Câu 39. A. control B. controlling C. to control D. controlled
Câu 40. A. says B. tells C. say D. tell

Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Kiên Giang Kiểm tra HKI - Năm học 2014-2015
Trường PT Dân Tộc Nội Trú tỉnh Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB
Thời gian: 45 phút Mã đề: 256
Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10 . . .
Câu 1. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Thien Mu ................... is on the left bank of the Huong river, 6 kilometres from Hue.
A. pagoda B. church C. school D. site
Câu 2. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" Hoa has written Nam a letter" - Quan told me ................... .
A. Hoa has wrote Nam a letter B. Hoa had written Nam a letter
C. Hoa has write Nam a letter D. Hoa had wrote Nam a letter
Câu 3. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
You can change the TV channels with this ................... control.
A. standby B. special C. far D. remote
Câu 4. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
B. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
C. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
D. We have been writing to each other for eight years.
Câu 5. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
These adults, ............... come to my night class, are very eager to learn.
A. whom B. which C. whose D. who
Câu 6. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. subtract B. primary C. effort D. suffer
Câu 7. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It ................... .
A. is raining B. rains C. is going to rain D. will rain
Câu 8. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
We live near a special school for people who can't hear.
A. the dump B. the sick C. the blind D. the deaf
Câu 9. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He................... in this town since he was born.
A. is living B. lived C. lives D. has lived
Câu 10. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The computer was the most wonderful ................... in the 20th century.
A. invent B. inventing C. invented D. invention
Câu 11. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Nam: Where do you go swimming ? - Lan: .................. .
A. I usually go by motorbike B. Every day from 5 to 6
C. I always go to the pool D. No, I play tennis
Câu 12. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Trung ................... to a lot of parties when he was a student.
A. use to go B. used to go C. to use to go D. used to goes

Câu 13. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The boss ................... I was working for was very generous about overtime payments.
A. which B. whom C. whose D. of whom
Câu 14. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tell me your plan, Lan. What ................... this saturday evening ?
Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
A. will you do B. would you do C. were you doing D. are you doing
Câu 15. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
The coffee ................... by the time I got up this morning.
A. would have already made B. had already been made
C. was already made D. has already been made
Câu 16. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
If Mary ................... me, I will go to the party.
A. inviting B. invited C. invites D. invite
Câu 17. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Only one of the people whom work in the company is qualified.
Câu 18. Choïn caâu thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
" The film will be interesting" - She thought ................... .
A. the film would be interesting B. the film won be interesting
C. the film wouldn't be interesting D. the film willing be interesting
Câu 19. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
I could have seen him if I ................... to the party last night.
A. had gone B. to go C. had went D. has gone
Câu 20. Choïn caâu coù nghóa töông ñöông ( A, B, C, D) trong caâu sau:
"I'm taking my English test tomorrow."Tom said.
Tom said …………………………………………. .
A. He was taking the English test tomorrow B. I was taking his English test tomorrow
C. He was taking his English test the next day D. He is taking his English test the next day
Câu 21. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Which of the followings only provides information and entertainment orally?
A. radio B. books C. newspapers D. magazines
Câu 22. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
He ................... go to school yesterday because he was sick.
A. wasn't B. don't C. didn't D. doesn't
Câu 23. Choïn töø coù daáu nhaán khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laò:
A. alarm B. peasant C. contented D. begin
Câu 24. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Daisy: ……………………………………..? - Tom : I play soccer with my friends.
A. Where do you go B. Do you play soccer C. What do you do after school D. Where do you work
Câu 25. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Linda's house is near her school and it ................... her only 5 minutes to go there.
A. took B. has taken C. takes D. is taking
Câu 26. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Marry didn't ................... in Vietnam.
A. used to live B. lived C. use to live D. used to living
Câu 27. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. beat B. feat C. seat D. great
Câu 28. Choïn töø, cuïm töø sai öùng vôùi (A, B, C hoặc D) trong caâu sau:
Mr Tam lived in this town since he was born.
Câu 29. Choïn töø vaø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi caùc töø coøn laïi:
A. how B. now C. know D. down
Câu 30. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø thích hôïp ( A, B, C, D) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caâu sau:
Tom isn't on the phone,………….makes it difficult to contact him.
A. which B. that C. what D. who
Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188
Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn từ, cụm từ ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
There are tens of thousands of robots doing work all (31) ................... the world. Robot is the name
given to any (32) ................... that can do a certain job automatically. These machines come in any shapes
and (33) ................... . It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines
built for specific purposes. They are (34) ................... by computers. The computers (35) ................... the
robot what to do and how to do it.
Câu 31. A. over B. of C. in D. about
Câu 32. A. car B. machine C. person D.television
Câu 33. A. sizes B. widths C. heights D. lengths
Câu 34. A. control B. controlled C. to control D. controlling
Câu 35. A. tell B. say C. says D. tells

Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên vaø choïn yù ( A, B, C hoaëc D) thích hôïp nhaát cho caùc caâu sau :
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was
five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the
teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her
education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two
hours' homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and
went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end, she
decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.
Câu 36. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
A. It was near her house. B. They liked it. C. It was expensive. D. They were poor.
Câu 37. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
A. leaving her home. B. going overseas. C. passing the exams. D. getting better education.
Câu 38. What was her teachers' problem at the primary school?
A. disobedient pupils. B. arge class. C. strict headmaster. D. low salary.
Câu 39. At university she studied ................... .
A. averagely B. very well. C. very badly D. very poorly
Câu 40. What profession did she finally decide to choose?
A. cooking B. advertising C. teaching. D. nursing

Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188

Học sinh chú ý : - Giữ cho phiếu phẳng, không bôi bẩn, làm rách.
- Phải ghi đầy đủ các mục theo hướng dẫn
- Dùng bút chì đen tô kín các ô tròn trong mục Số báo danh, Mã đề trước khi làm bài.
Phần trả lời : Số thứ tự các câu trả lời dưới đây ứng với số thứ tự câu trắc nghiệm trong đề. Đối với mỗi câu
trắc nghiệm, học sinh chọn và tô kín một ô tròn tương ứng với phương án trả lời đúng.

01. ; / = ~ 11. ; / = ~ 21. ; / = ~ 31. ; / = ~

02. ; / = ~ 12. ; / = ~ 22. ; / = ~ 32. ; / = ~

03. ; / = ~ 13. ; / = ~ 23. ; / = ~ 33. ; / = ~

04. ; / = ~ 14. ; / = ~ 24. ; / = ~ 34. ; / = ~

05. ; / = ~ 15. ; / = ~ 25. ; / = ~ 35. ; / = ~

06. ; / = ~ 16. ; / = ~ 26. ; / = ~ 36. ; / = ~

07. ; / = ~ 17. ; / = ~ 27. ; / = ~ 37. ; / = ~

08. ; / = ~ 18. ; / = ~ 28. ; / = ~ 38. ; / = ~

09. ; / = ~ 19. ; / = ~ 29. ; / = ~ 39. ; / = ~

10. ; / = ~ 20. ; / = ~ 30. ; / = ~ 40. ; / = ~

Trang 2/3 - Mã đề: 188

Đáp án mã đề: 154

01. D; 02. C; 03. D; 04. D; 05. A; 06. D; 07. B; 08. C; 09. B; 10. B; 11. B; 12. D; 13. B; 14. D; 15. D;
16. C; 17. D; 18. B; 19. A; 20. B; 21. C; 22. B; 23. C; 24. A; 25. B; 26. A; 27. A; 28. A; 29. C; 30. C;
31. C; 32. D; 33. A; 34. C; 35. D; 36. B; 37. A; 38. A; 39. A; 40. @;

Đáp án mã đề: 188

01. B; 02. C; 03. D; 04. C; 05. D; 06. B; 07. C; 08. A; 09. C; 10. D; 11. D; 12. C; 13. B; 14. C; 15. A;
16. A; 17. @; 18. B; 19. D; 20. B; 21. A; 22. A; 23. B; 24. C; 25. A; 26. D; 27. D; 28. A; 29. B; 30. B;
31. A; 32. B; 33. D; 34. B; 35. C; 36. D; 37. A; 38. C; 39. B; 40. D;

Đáp án mã đề: 222

01. A; 02. B; 03. @; 04. A; 05. D; 06. C; 07. D; 08. C; 09. C; 10. A; 11. B; 12. D; 13. B; 14. A; 15. D;
16. C; 17. A; 18. D; 19. A; 20. C; 21. D; 22. C; 23. A; 24. C; 25. A; 26. B; 27. C; 28. B; 29. B; 30. B;
31. B; 32. C; 33. D; 34. D; 35. C; 36. B; 37. A; 38. B; 39. D; 40. D;

Đáp án mã đề: 256

01. A; 02. B; 03. D; 04. D; 05. D; 06. A; 07. C; 08. D; 09. D; 10. D; 11. C; 12. B; 13. B; 14. D; 15. B;
16. C; 17. B; 18. A; 19. A; 20. C; 21. A; 22. C; 23. B; 24. C; 25. C; 26. C; 27. D; 28. @; 29. C; 30. A;
31. A; 32. B; 33. A; 34. B; 35. A; 36. D; 37. D; 38. B; 39. B; 40. C;

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