What I Know

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3i’s Module 2

What I Know

ACCURACY 1. The reliability and correctness of information

CURRENCY 2. The state of being commonly known or accepted
AUTHORITY 3. The qualifications of the author to write on the topic
RELEVANCE 4. The degree to which the information is useful or
related to another
SYTHESIS 5. Putting together materials from different sources
into an integrated whole
CREDIBILITY 6. The extent to which a research account is
believable and appropriate
LINKAGE 7. Forming of connections between the prior and the
existing body of knowledge
GAP 8. A topic or area for which missing or insufficient information limits
the ability to reach a conclusion for a question
OBJECTIVITY 9. The fact of being based on facts and not influenced
by personal beliefs or feelings
COVERAGE 10. The extent to which literature meets the needs
and depth of the research topic

What’s In

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What’s New

During my junior high school days I have already chosen the path that I want to take. Becoming a police officer is
the job that I want because I want to experience the life of a soldier and o wanted to become a role model to others. Since
becoming a police officer is my priority when it comes to finding a job, choosing the HUMSS strand is my priority since this
strand contains the overall knowledge that I need when I become a criminology student. But, when the time that I am
going to enroll in that strand, the registrar instructed me to change my strand because the HUMSS strand was already full.
We though that we will be considered as first priority since we are from the same school that was just moving up to senior
high. After that situation the registrar asked me of which course will I be choosing in college and I told them that I will be
taking criminology course. They suggested me to transfer to STEM strand, but I didn’t know that STEM strand doesn’t focus
on the course that I will be taking so I returned to the registrar and asked the registrar to change my strand to GAS strand.
The college student beside me suggested that if I wanted to study in the strand that tackles about criminology course GAS
strand is the next best choice. I was very happy since I can finally go home during that time because I was waiting in the line
for so long for two times in one day. During the first day of school, I was very confused because my name was listed in all of
the strands so I asked my teacher to help me to find which really is the strand I was assigned.

What I Have Learned

1. I think research will not be complete without the review of relevant literature because the review of relevant
literature is the one that provides the foundation of knowledge of the topic by perusing other writing and
studies, the specialist can satisfactory information to harden the hypothetical establishment of the proposed
research. Numerous examination papers zeroing in on comparable themes give fluctuated hypothetical bits of
knowledge and viewpoints, which at that point assist you with accomplishing point and make the research

2. We need to evaluate the sources of information before including It in our literature review to ensure that they
contain data which is significant and relevant especially when the data that you have collected was not checked
or reviewed by a academic professional. Using inaccurate, relevant, or poorly researched sources can affect the
quality of your research.

What I Can Do

(YES or NO) (Explain your answer briefly.)

Is the information Since I already know some of the

accurate? information and I was convinced of what
YES the data it contains

Do the authors have the Because it contains credentials and well

authority to write on this written professional review that addresses
YES the source of the topic
Is the information YES Because the information tends to identify
objective? the factors that is contributing to
psychological impact in the Philippines

Is the information current YES IT IS The information that the topic is

or outdated? CURRENT containing data that is currently happening
or based on the current event in the

Does it provide basic or in- YES Yes it provides basic or in-depth

depth information? information that is enough for readers to
know in order to fully understand the topic

Based on your evaluation, YES Because it may contains relevant idea that
can you recommend this might have not find in other literatures or
hard to solve ideas. I also think that this
literature? literature is relevant for other research


1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B
B. Explain the goals of writing the literature review using the five words that you will choose from
the word cloud below. Answer in three to five sentences. Write your answers on your notebook.

The goal of writing literature review is to acquire a comprehension of the current exploration and
discussions pertinent to a specific theme or region of study, and to introduce that information as a composed
report. You will gain insights on how researchers apply the concepts you are learning in your unit, addressing gaps
through new research, integrating your discussion of the sources into your arguments and compare and contrast
the relevance of each sources on the topic. Presenting a coherent argument in response to question and to
persuade the reader that your position is credible is one of its goals in order to determine what is known on the
topic and how well this knowledge is established.

Additional Activities

Research Title:
Influence of Internet Based Marketing Activities
on Digital Consumer’s Mind
Title of the Literature Gist
(Give the title of your selected (Give the most important information
book, journal, article, magazine, in your selected source that is
newspaper or any published relevant to your topic.)
source of information.)
For example: Social media platforms shape the
“Relationship Marketing: minds of their readers.
bringing quality customer
service and marketing together”
1. Intercultural Communication: Its Globalization has made intercultural communication
Importance to Various Career Fields
and Perspective by Various Authors
2. The Importance of Intercultural Using comprehension lenses to examine related
Communication Training to the challenges across cultures
Global Workforce

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