Y17 BTech Term Paper Guidelines

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AY 2019- 20
Term paper has to be taken up by the VI Semester students. It is based on independent
research in one of the areas opted by the student. In a term paper a student should
demonstrate his/her ability in finding out the relevant sources, selection, illustration of logic
and in organizing the information on the topic, gathering the data, processing, analyzing
and summarizing.
Aim of the Term Paper
 Term paper is an integral part of the B.Tech programme and it aims to develop the
students’ abilities of scientific research that foster their creativity and independent
learning skills.
 Term paper should facilitate the development of clear, crisp, deep and genuine
understanding of a specific problem that can be pursued in near future either as a
project or as a basis for future research.
 Term paper should be a consolidated outcome of a student’s perception of a task /
phenomena / innovative concept from the literature survey done on his/her
specialization stream chosen.
 Term paper should create a track for a student’s application and adaptability of the
learned concepts targeted towards an innovative outcome and its realization.
Objectives of the Term Paper
The objectives are to develop the following skills:
 Understanding Research Methodology
 Understanding the Project Development lifecycle
 Survey on various research trends in their field of choice
 In-depth study of a selected topic
 Conducting research on a possible extension of the topic based on literature survey.
 Logical organization of ideas
 Formulation of arguments
 Analysis and synthesis
 Planning and implementation of a research which is experimental in tone
 Data gathering, processing and analyzing
 Deriving conclusions.
 Developing a Proposal
Expected Outcomes:
Altogether it is oriented towards developing the following skills among students:
 In-depth study of a selected topic, which is creative, original, insightful in approach and
which is to be defended strongly throughout the paper / document.
 Research area development and ideation from the literature on the subject supporting
the idea through theoretical and experimental approaches.
 Logical organization of ideas and Formulation of arguments.
 Planning and implementation of research and deriving conclusions.
 Target to propose the idea through development of a theoretical prototype for
implementation in near future.

Term paper Allocation to Student:

The term paper allotment is the choice of the department
 Research Group Head and Project-In-charge in consultation with the HOD will
assign guides/supervisors to the Term Paper Guides have to be allotted to all the
batches according to the area of research.
 A term paper should be allotted based on student choice of their Research interest
of the student. No of students in a batch is confined 2 maximum members.
 Collect the Proposed topics list from Research Group heads.
 Faculty List with specialization and proposed term paper titles list based on
Research Group wise should be shared with the students before allotment of term

Phases of Term Paper

Phase Duration
Research Methodology and project
3 Weeks
Literature Survey 6 Weeks
Drafting a Problem statement 2- 3 Weeks
Motivation to students:
a. Explain in detail about the importance of the term paper and credits allotted for term
paper in their program.
b. Motivate the students in delivering their term paper work successfully.
c. Initiating the term paper work with Literature Review in the area of research by
collecting International, National and local research papers. For example a minimum of
15 research papers.
D.Term paper is based on independent research undertaken on the themes opted by
the student preferably from IEEE/ACM/SPRINGER/ELSEIVER Journal papers.
e. Encourage student to finalize his/her proposed topic with his/her own interest.
f. Student should submit the topic with contents
 Topic
 Introduction
 Objectives (Restricted up to 2 or 3 only)
 Methodology
 Time Schedule
 References.

3. Monitoring:
 Maintain attendance Register.
 Student should maintain a dairy.
 This dairy should be checked once in every Week during term paper hours by
the class faculty.
 Display the term paper academic calendar before the term paper work
(Evaluation pattern and review dates) commences.

4. Attendance:
 As per university policy.

Evaluation Procedure of Term Paper

Internal Marks : 50 Marks
External Marks : 50 Marks
Total Marks : 100 Marks
Assessment Guidelines

 Term Paper Internal Reviews are to be conducted during Term Paper hours.

 Teams will be presenting their work among all the peers and evaluation will be done
by the panel.

 Panel should consist of minimum of 3 Members including Term Paper Faculty.

 ALM’s will be conducted on Research Methodology and Project Management Quiz

and Group Discussion.

 Student should present their proposal in Internal Review through Presentation.


Internal Assessment External

Internal Attendanc Assessmen
Cont.Evaluation ALM
Review e t
Max Marks 50 10 50 5 50
Weightage 15 10 20 5 50
Review Calendar

Review Date
Quiz and GD 20-1-2020 to 25-1-2020
Internal Review 23-3-2020 to 28-3-2020
External Review 4-5-2020 to 9-5-2020

Evaluation Rubrics: The evaluation methodology is to be decided by the Department

Project Committee with modifications related to the department.

Internal Review
Marks (50 Marks)
Assessment Criteria

Proposal for the Project 10

Literature Survey 10

Term Paper Diary 10

Presentation 10

Viva Voce 10
Marks (50
External Assessment Criteria

Literature Survey 10

Proposal for the Project from conclusions of Literature


Term Paper Report with Literature Survey, Analysis and


Presentation of the Student 10

Viva Voce 10

Presentation should consist of

 Title with student name, Regd. No and guide name.
 Introduction which focuses on importance of topic
 Description of study area.
 Objectives.
 Literature Survey :
S.No Author Title Journal Objectives Methodology

 Methodology with flow chart of work and explanation.

 References.
 Proposals
Preparation of Term Paper

Term Paper Batch Students have to prepare the report and submit it as per the
following guidelines.

• A4 size Tape bind

• Laser printout of the thesis should be with following margins
• 1.5” spacing – Left margin (Before binding)
• 1.0” spacing – Right margin
• 1.0” spacing – Top margin
• 1.0” spacing – Bottom margin
• All page numbers should be on bottom right corner
• The entire report should be with Times New Roman font
• Font sizes: Chapter Headings …. 16 font (with Bold)
Side Headings …. 14 font (with Bold)
Side Sub-Headings …. 12 font (with Bold)
Running text …. 12 font (without Bold)
• All Table and Figure captions …. Only at the bottom of the Table /
Figure with 12 font (Bold)
• All References should be sequentially numbered and ordered as per
Alphabetic order of the Author’s name (But not initial)
• All References should be given either in IEEE / ASME / ASCE format
• Chapter numbers (like, Chapter 1), Side Headings Number (1.1), Side sub
Headings Number (1.1.1 ) may be mentioned.
• Paragraph spacing to be 1.5
• Report is to be written in Latex format / PDF format. (Soft copy to be
submitted in both MS word, as well in Latex /PDF format)
• List of Figures, List of Tables, and List of symbols may be included.
• Chapters, viz., Introduction, Literature survey, Contributory chapters,
Conclusion are recommended
• Reference numbers to be included in the Text [ ].
• Chapter captions to be included in every chapter on top left corner of the
• All Mathematical equations and symbols, to be in Italic form
• The Title cover, Certificate, and Contents, to be in the prescribed format.
Term Paper: Final Report
Every student must put together for the final term paper a rough draft and then polish the
thoughts, ideas, and their expression. The final draft should be drafted in the following
Your paper should follow the outline presented here. You can deviate from it, but if you do
so substantially, you should have an extremely good reason.
Title Page
1. Introduction
1.1 Topic: This subsection states your topic, or describes your narrowed subject
1.2 Rationale: Please explain why you wanted to do this research in this
1.3 Additional information: Here, you should add any other related introductory
material. You can add additional subsections if you need to.
2. Statement of Purpose: In this section, please present the questions your paper will
answer, and an overview of the organization of the paper.
3. Basic Description: This section may have a number of subsections. Describe your
topic in some detail. Your report should include references to facts you learned in
your research. Organize your points in clear, distinct sections that describe things
like the technology, hardware requirements, user interfaces, or different software
packages that you investigated.
4. You must also address the most important research questions, You can divide this
section into subsections corresponding to logical categories,
5. Discussion: In this section, apply the insights you learned from the topic of this
paper. Consider the application carefully. Please use your best judgment about
what to include; you won’t be able to include everything, so please do not try.
6. Conclusions: This brief section should summarize what you learned, and in
particular explain what you want the reader to learn from your paper.
7. References: This section begins on a new page and contains all your references:
journal articles, books, Internet resources, interviews, videos, films, and so forth.
The reader should be able to locate all quotations and other references, right down
to the correct page.
8. The distribution of points for your term paper is as follows:
Steps for Writing a Term Paper
Step 1: Select a Subject
Step 2: Narrow the Subject into a Topic
Step 3: State the Objective
Step 4: Make a Preliminary Bibliography
Step 5: Prepare a tentative Working Outline
Step 6: Take Notes
Step 7: Prepare a Final Outline
Step 8: Write a Draft
Step 10: Prepare Final Copy

The stages listed below will help you produce a good term paper:
1) Be curious, choose a limited subject, ask a question; identify or originate/define a
problem. It is important that this question be a ‘testable’ question – one in which data
is taken and used to find the answer. A testable question can further be identified as
one in which one or more variables can be identified and tested to see the impact of
that variable on the original set of conditions. The question should not merely be an
‘information’ question where the answer is available through literature research.
2) Review published materials related to your problem or question.
3) Evaluate possible solutions and find out why you think it will happen (hypothesis).
4) Experimental design (procedure). In designing the experiment, it is critical that only
one variable – a condition that may affect the results of the experiment – is changed
at a time. This makes the experiment a ‘controlled’ experiment.
5) Challenge and test your hypothesis through your procedure of experimentation (data
collection) and analysis of your data. Use graphs to help see patterns in the data.
6) Draw conclusions based on empirical evidence from the experiment.
7) Prepare your report and exhibit.
8) Review and discuss the findings with peer group/ guide/Mentor
9) New question(s) may arise from your discussions. This sets the stage for doing a
major B.Tech project as new questions are raised from others and the process
repeats itself. The hypothesis often changes during the course of the experiment.
Supporting or not supporting your hypothesis is secondary to what is learned
and discovered during the term paper.
The specimen copy of the Title cover is as follows

<Title of the Thesis in Times New Roman, Font size: 18>

A Term Paper /(Minor/Major)Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Department of <Name of the Discipline>
< List of the Students >
(Roll No……….)

under the supervision of

< Names and Designations of the
Supervisor and Co-Supervisor>


Department of <Name of the Discipline>

K L University, Green Fields,
Vaddeswaram- 522502, Guntur(Dist), Andhra Pradesh, India.
<Month, Year>
General Outline of the first few pages

 First two pages are blank pages

 Third Page

The (Term Paper/Project) Report entitled “ <Title of the Thesis> “is a record of
bonafide work of <List of Students>, submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of B.Tech in
< Name of the Discipline> in K L University. The results embodied in this report have not
been copied from any other departments/University/Institute..

<Signature of the Students with Address>

 Fourth Page


This is to certify that the (Term Paper/Project) Report entitled “ <Title of the Report >
” is being submitted by <List of Students >submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of
B.Tech in < Name of the Discipline> to K L University is a record of bonafide work carried
out under efficient guidance and supervision.
The results embodied in this report have not been copied from any other

Signature of the Co-Supervisor Signature of the

Name and Designation Name and Designation
 Fifth Page

Acknowledgements may be included in the sixth page

 Sixth Page

The Sixth page may contain an abstract of the report. The students may emphasize
their contributions here. The reader/reviewer should be able to understand the gist
of the work in the abstract itself, without having to go into the main body of the text.
In short, the abstract should be stand alone and self explanatory of the entire work.
 Seventh Page

In these pages the students must provide a table of contents, viz., List of tables,
List of figures, List of symbols (Notations), Chapter wise contents, References etc.
with starting Page Nos. of each item.
All the above pages (from Third page to seventh page) should be numbered only in
Roman numerals, of lower case and the rest of the report should have English
numeral numbers.
 Number of Pages

In number of pages in the thesis not to exceed 150

 Arrangement of Chapters
The following is the suggested format for arranging the Thesis matter into various
chapters. However this arrangement can be changed to suit the particular
Research work.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Theoretical Analysis
4. Experimental Investigations
5. Experimental Results
6. Discussion of Results
7. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
(Original Contribution to be highlighted)
8. Reference/bibliography
9. Appendices (if any)

 The Arrangement of a paragraph in a Chapter

Each topic Title in a chapter should be properly numbered for example: 2.1, 2.2
etc., (Bold and Upper case) where, the first digit represents the Chapter number,
and second digit, the topic Title number.
Sub-topic titles, if any, may be indicated as 1.1.1,1.1.2, etc.( Bold and title case) i.e
the first digit representing the chapter, the second representing the topic title and
the third representing the sub-topic title.
 Photographs and Tables:

The photographs and tables presented in a chapter may be serially numbered as

Fig: 1.1, 1.2 etc., along with suitable CAPTION where the first digit represents the
chapter, the second digit represents figure number.
The photograph may be represented as: plate 1.1, 1.2 etc., the first representing
chapter and the second representing the photograph number.
 Graphs:

The graph should clearly indicate the points which are used for drawing the curve
or curves along with error bars. The axes ( X ,Y and Z) should have CAPTIONS.
 Bibliography or References:

All references should be arranged in IEEE/ASME/ASCE format.

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