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Share Application Form Page 1

Applications are accepted from anyone, including on behalf of another person, or a minor. Whilst there is no limit to the
amount of shares any one person may hold, CPO’s articles of association state that any named individual may only vote
with 100 “A” shares or 400 “B” shares or a combination thereof to a nominal value of £10,000. All applications must be
accompanied by a COPY of photo ID, and include proof of address. All shares issued after January 2018 are classified as
“B” Shares with a nominal value of £25.00.

SECTION A: Purchase Options

Please indicate which option you wish to purchase. You will receive one certificate per named application.
All certificates are A4 size.

Electronic, £31 Unframed A4 Certificate £31 + £8 p&p

Framed A4 Certificate £37 + £8 p&p Framed A4 Certificate and signed £82 + £8 p&p

Pitch Presentation A4 Certificate £210

If signed please indicate the name of the first team squad player preferred:

We always try to get your first choice, but in the event of not being able to do
so, please indicate a second choice.

SECTION B: Shareholder Details


First Name Surname



Postcode Email

Number of shares applied for as per Section A on page 1 Amount enclosed as per Section C on page 2

As the applicant and not the Shareholder I agree to CPO contacting me with regard to the processing of this application and using the data
provided solely for this purpose. If you are happy to be contacted by email please provide an address in the box below. The personal data
provided for the nominated Shareholder will only be used by CPO for supplying documents and email contact with updates. Data will be held
until such time as the shareholder transfers the share or requests no further contact. No personal data will be shared with third parties. CPO’s
GDPR Policy can be found here:

By ticking this box I agree that I have read and consent to the statement above

Applicant email address:

@pitchowners Chelsea Pitch Owners chelseapitchowners

Share Application Form Page 2

SECTION C: Payment Details

Direct Transfer: Account Details:

When making payment please include the
name of the shareholder and email confirmation to Sort Code 30 99 64 Account Number 07293713

Credit or Debit Card: PLEASE NOTE BY POST ONLY. Emailed applications with card details will be returned.
No American Express

Card Number

Expiry Date M M Y Y Security Number (CVC)

Total Payable: Payor’s Information (If different from Shareholder):

Share Cost (£31/37/82/210) £ Name

P&P (£8.00 UK / £22.00 Overseas) £

Total £

By ticking this box I consent to Postcode

paying CPO the amount stated above

SECTION D: Delivery Options

Please indicate the delivery address of the certificate:

Shareholder Address as indicated in Section B on page 1 Donor Address as indicated in Section C on page 2
Please note that postage outside the UK is charged at £22.00 and is via tracked delivery where possible.

SECTION E: Replacement Certificates

Replacement Certificates are available at £20 (Unframed) £25 (Framed) or £55 Share Number
(Signed and Framed). Please fill in details of payment and delivery options above.


It would be helpful to us to know how you got to hear of us. Please indicate from the following choices:

Website Social Media Event Word of Mouth Other


Please email this form to or submit by post to:

Chelsea Pitch Owners plc, Irene House, Five Arches Business Park, Maidstone Road, Sidcup, Kent. DA14 5AE

@pitchowners Chelsea Pitch Owners chelseapitchowners

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