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Ramadan Chronicles: Convert Ramadan

Experiences: Diego Guadalupe

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Is being an American Muslim a big part of your identity?

Yes, but I think more so is being a Latino-American Muslim.

What was your first Ramadan experience like?

Honestly, I cannot recall too much the first Ramadan but I know that the “no food or drink” part
took a little while to get used to. At the same time, my brother and I were so hyped about being
Muslim that we helped each other get through it.

As time went on the struggles of food/drink became easier as others became more apparent – i.e.
not getting angry, doing more good, being more patient, etc. This was also because at first, when
learning about Ramadan, the food and drink part is the first thing we were taught/learned.

What advice would you give to a convert who is

experiencing Ramadan for the first time?
This advice is for myself first and foremost, to this day, but to take things slow. Not to jump into
everything all at once because it becomes overwhelming and hard to keep up with. I would
advise, to take ONE thing that they can do consistently and do that act/actions throughout the
month, something that can carry over after Ramadan as well.

What would you wish Muslims who are not converts knew
about your Ramadan experience?
I do not think I have anything special that I wish for them to know.

In your opinion, what should non-Muslims know about

Ramadan or Islam in general?
The fact that Islam is a guide and has answers for EVERY aspect of our daily lives. Putting all
the negativity and people aside, Islam is pure and the truth.

As a Latino-Muslim I found it very appealing that Islam has great teachings about family, being
good to parents, etc. and that is how we were raised. Having that connection made the transition
easy. So if we, as human beings, can just look at Islam for what it is we can see the benefits and
the beauty of it.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?

I am a Latino-Muslim, converted at the age of 18, still working on myself and something that
will never stop. I own my own construction company and jiu-jitsu academy and love working
with kids, the community and am focused on anti-bully work.

I am a human being, make mistakes and being Muslim takes work – the beauty of it and what
makes it easy is that we were given a complete GUIDE and ROADMAP in the Quran and
teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Becoming Muslim is the BEST decision I ever made for
myself. From being confused and lost and not knowing what kind of relationship I needed to
have with my Creator, to having clarity and being sure that Islam is the truth.
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