Common Abbreviation Part 2

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FBOA—foreign body obstructed airway stimulates the corpus luteum to produce

-a partial or complete blockage of the progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.

breathing tubes to the lungs due to a foreign Smaller amounts of hCG are also
body (for example, food, a bead, toy, etc.). The onset produced in the pituitary gland, the liver,
of respiratory distress may be sudden with cough.  and the colon
FBS—fasting blood sugar hct—hematocrit
FBW—fasting blood work HDL—high-density lipoprotein
FF (F. Fl)—force fluids hgb—hemoglobin
FH—family history HOB—head of bed
FHS—fetal heart sounds hr (h)—hour
FHT—fetal heart tone HIV—human immunodeficiency virus
FIFO—first in, first out H&P—history and physical
FSH—follicle-stimulating hormone HR—heart rate
- one of the hormones essential to pubertal hs—hour of sleep, bedtime
development and the function of ht—height
women's ovaries and men's testes. In Hx—history
women, this hormone stimulates the hypo—hypodermic injection
growth of ovarian follicles in the ovary hyst—hysterectomy
before the release of an egg from
one follicle at ovulation. It also increases IBS—irritable bowel syndrome
oestradiol production. - common disorder that affects the large
ft—foot intestine. Signs and symptoms include
FUO—fever of undetermined origin cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas,
Fx—fracture and diarrhea or constipation, or
both. IBS is a chronic condition that you'll
GB—gallbladder need to manage long term.
GI—gastrointestinal I & D—incision and drainage
GU—genitourinary I & O—intake and output
GTT—glucose tolerance test (pancreas test) ICP—intracranial pressure
- One common protocol is the 2- ICU—intensive care unit
hour glucose tolerance test (GTT). For IM—intramuscular
this test, you may have a fasting glucose ing—inguinal
test done, then you drink a 75- inj—injection
gram glucose drink (or 1.75 grams per IPPB—intermittent positive pressure breathing
kilogram of body weight if you are a - a technique used to provide short term
child). Another blood sample is drawn 2 or intermittent mechanical ventilation via
hours after you begin to drink mouthpiece or mask for the purpose of
the glucose drink. augmenting lung expansion and delivering
gtt(s)—drop(s) aerosol medication.
gyn—gynecology irrig—irrigation
- medical practice dealing with the health IS—intercostal space
of the female reproductive system. isol—isolation
IT—inhalation therapy
H & H—hemoglobin and hematocrit IUD—intrauterine device
HCG—human chorionic gonadotrophin - small plastic T-shaped device used for
- Human chorionic gonadotropin is a birth control. It is inserted into the uterus
hormone produced primarily by where it stays to prevent pregnancy
syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the placenta IV—intravenous
during pregnancy. The hormone IVF—in vitro fertilization
- method of assisted reproduction in which MAST—medical antishock trousers
a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are - have been used to increase venous return
combined outside of the body in a to the heart until definitive care could be
laboratory dish. One or given. This, combined with compression
more fertilized eggs (embryos) may be of blood vessels, is believed to cause the
transferred to the woman's uterus, where movement of blood from the lower body
they may implant in the uterine lining and to the brain, heart and lungs.
develop. MCI—mass casualty incident
IVP—intravenous pyelogram meds—medications
- an x-ray exam that uses an injection of MI—myocardial infarction
contrast material to evaluate your MICU—mobile intensive care unit
kidneys, ureters and bladder and help min—minute
diagnose blood in the urine or pain in MN—midnight
your side or lower back. An IVP may MOM—milk of magnesia
provide enough information to allow your - indicated as an antacid for the
doctor to treat you with medication and symptomatic relief of stomach
avoid surgery. discomfort, indigestion, hyperacidity,
heartburn and flatulence; and as a
K+—potassium laxative for constipation. Use a 5 ml spoon
KCl—potassuim chloride or the dosing cup provided. Doses may be
KUB—kidney, ureter, bladder taken with milk or water if desired.
- X-ray may be performed to assess the MRI—magnetic resonance imagery
abdominal area for causes of abdominal MS—morphine sulfate, multiple sclerosis
pain, or to assess the organs and - Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially
structures of the urinary and/or disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central
gastrointestinal (GI) system. A KUB X-ray nervous system). In MS , the immune system attacks
may be the first diagnostic procedure the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers
used to assess the urinary system. and causes communication problems between your
brain and the rest of your body.
L—lumbar MVA—motor vehicle accident
L & D—labor and delivery
lac—laceration NVD—nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
lab—laboratory Na+—sodium
lap—laparotomy NaCl—sodium chloride
lat—lateral N/C—nasal cannula
LD—lethal dose no—complaints
LDH—lactic dehydrogenase neg—negative
- enzyme required during the process of neuro—neurology
turning sugar into energy for your cells. NG—nasogastric
LDL—low-density lipoprotein NGT—nasogastric tube
liq—liquid nitro—nitroglycerine
LLQ, LLL—left lower quadrant (abdomen), lobe (lung) - is a vasodilator, a medicine that opens
LMP—last menstrual period blood vessels to improve blood flow. It is
LOC—level of consciousness used to treat angina symptoms, such as
LP—lumbar puncture chest pain or pressure, that happens
lt—left when there is not enough blood flowing
LUQ, LUL—left upper quadrant (abdomen), lobe (lung) to the heart.
NKA—no known allergies
MA—mental age noc (t)—night
NPO—nothing by mouth States. Although not exactly
NS—normal saline recommended fare for bedtime reading,
nsg—nursing the PDR is the most
NSR—normal sinus rhythm commonly used drug reference.
NVS—neurological vital sign PE—physical exam, pulmonary embolism
O—oxygen per—by or through
OB—obstetrics PERL(A)—pupils equal and reactive to light (and
OD—right eye, overdose accommodation)
oint—ointment PET—positron emission tomography
OOB—out of bed PH—past history
OPD—outpatient department pH—hydrogen ion concentration
OR—operating room PID—pelvic inflammatory disease
ord—orderly PKU—phenylketonuria
ORTH—orthopedics - is an inborn error of metabolism that
ortho—correct, right (bones) results in decreased metabolism of the
os—mouth amino acid phenylalanine. Untreated, PKU
OS—left eye can lead to intellectual disability, seizures,
OT—occupational therapy behavioral problems, and mental
OU—both eyes disorders. It may also result in a musty
oz—ounce smell and lighter skin.
pm—between noon and midnight
p—after PNS—peripheral nervous system
P—pulse po—by mouth
P & A—percussion and auscultation post (pos)—posterior postop,
PAC—premature atrial contraction PostOp—–postoperative
palp—palpation pp (p.p.)—postprandial (after eating)
PAR—post-anesthesia room pO2—partial pressure of oxygen
PAT—paroxysmal atrial tachycardia PPD—purified protein derivative (TB test) preop,
- is a type of arrhythmia, or irregular PreOp—before surgery
heartbeat. Paroxysmal means that the prn—as needed, whenever necessary
episode of arrhythmia begins and ends pro time—prothrombin time
abruptly. Atrial means that arrhythmia pt—patient, pint
starts in the upper chambers of the heart PT—physical therapy
(atria). Tachycardia means that the heart PTT—partial prothrombaplastin time
is beating abnormally fast. PVC—premature ventricular contraction
pc—after meals Px—physical exam, prognosis
pCO2—partial pressure of carbon dioxide
- The partial pressure of carbon dioxide q—every
(PCO2) is the measure of carbon dioxide qd—every day
within arterial or venous blood. It often qh—every hour
serves as a marker of sufficient alveolar q2h, q3h, ...—every two hours, every three hours, ...
ventilation within the lungs. Generally, qhs—every night at bedtime
under normal physiologic conditions, the qid—four times a day
value of PCO2 ranges between 35 to qns—quantity not sufficient
45 mmHg qod—every other day
PDR—physician’s desk reference qs—quantity sufficient
-  A thick volume that provides a guide to
prescription drugs available in the United r (R)—rectal
R (resp)—respirations, rectal tachy—–tachycardic
RAIU—radioactive iodine uptake study TAH—total abdominal hysterectomy
RBC—red blood cell/count TB—tuberculosis
reg—regular TCDB—turn, cough, deep breath
Rh—rhesus temp (T)—temperature
RK—radial keratomy TH—thyroid hormone
RL—ringer’s lactate TIA—transient ischemic attack
RLQ, RLL—right lower quadrant (abdomen), lobe tid—three times a day
(lung) RML—right middle lobe (lung) TMJ—temporomandibular joint
RO—reality orientation tol—tolerated
R/O—rule out TPN—total parenteral nutrition
ROM—range of motion TPR—temperature, pulse, respirations
R.R.—recovery room tr—tincture
RUQ, RLL—right upper quadrant, lobe trach—tracheotomy, tracheostomy
rt—right TSH—thyroid-stimulating hormone
RV—residual volume TT—tetanus toxiod
Rx—take (prescription) TUR—transurethral resection
TV—tidal volume
s—without TVH—total vaginal hysterectomy
S & S—signs and symptoms TX—traction
Sats—oxygen/blood saturation level UA—urinalysis
SA—sinoatrial umb—umbilicus
SB—small bowel unc.—unconscious
sc—subcutaneous ung—ointment
SGOT—serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase unk—unknown
- An enzyme that is normally present in liver ur—urine
and heart cells. SGOT is released into blood URC—usual, reasonable, customary
when the liver or heart is damaged. URI—upper respiratory infection
SGPT—serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase US—ultrasonic
SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome UTI—urinary tract infection
SL—sublingual V fib—ventricular fibrillation
SMAC—sequential multiple analysis computer V tach—ventricular tachycardia
SOB—shortness of breath vag—vaginal
spec—specimen VC—vital capacity
sp. gr.—specific gravity VD—venereal disease
SQ, sub q—subcutaneous vit—vitamin
SSE—soap suds enema vo—verbal order
stat—immediately vol—volume
STD—sexually transmitted disease V/S—vital signs
STH—somatotropic hormone
SVD—spontaneous vaginal delivery WA—while awake
SVN—small volume nebulizer WBC—white blood cell/count
SVT—supraventricular tachycardia w/c—wheelchair
Sx—symptoms WNL—within normal limits
T—temperature, thoracic
T & A—tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy y/o—year(s) ol

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