Nôi Dung On KTTT Lan 1 HK 1 (2017-2018)

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* Trắc nghiệm: 25c – 5đ

- sound, stress, prep, synonym, antonym, vocab, speaking, verb form, adv of time, mistake, cloze test, reading
*Tự luận: 25c – 5đ
- gap filling word form, verb form (Ving, to V, Vo) Verb tense
rewrite (tense, inf/ gerund, time conjunction, wh-question)
Vocab Synonym/ close Antonym/ opposite Meaning
1 Peasant Farmer Nông dân
Satisfied Discontented
2 Contented Hài lòng
happy unhappy
3 Narrow Limited Wide Hẹp
4 Worry Concern Lo lắng
5 Brilliant Tài giỏi
6 Mature Grown-up Trưởng thành, chính chắn
7 Determine Find out Tìm ra, xác định
8 Joy Happiness Sorrow Niềm vui
9 Found Set up/ establish Thành lập
Live on Depend on
1. We seldom set: each other anymore.
A. sometimes B. occasionally C. frequently D. rarely
2. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood.
A. make up B. find out C. take over D. put up
3. He passed his exams with flying colour.
A. successfully B. difficultly C. badly D. easily
4. She harbored her hope of being a teacher.
A. gave up her hope of being a teacher B. built her hope of being, a teacher
C. had her hope of being a teacher D. kept her hope of being, a teacher in her mind
5. She's upstairs getting ready to go out.
A. dressing B. determining C. planning D. preparing
6. She has a small office which is used for private discussions.
A. own B. interested C. important D. personal
7. If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.
A. position B. experience C. training D. environment
8. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.
A. formal talk B. informal talk C. serious talk D. long talk
9. John isn't contented with his present salary.
A. excited about B. satisfied with C. disappointed about D. interested in
10. he has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets on the way to and from school.
A. little B. few C. empty D. minor
11. It's impossible for me to be there before eight.
A. likely B. important C. unreal maybe
12. Such information is easily obtained from the Internet.
A. given away B. thrown away C. lost D. left
13. He's more mature than the other boys in his class.
A. full-grown B. brilliant C. foolish D. childish
14. They were filled with joy when their first child was born.
A. happiness B. sad C. sorrow D. excitement
15. Goddard's brilliant mind understood principles of practical rocket flight.
A. ugly B. dark C. dull D. dirty
WORD FORM UNIT 1+2+3 / E.10

No Noun Verb Adj Adv Meaning

1 Interest Interest ………………….. Quan tâm
……………… Thích thú
2 Nation ………………… …………………….. Quốc gia
…………………. ………………… ……………………... Quốc tịch
3 …………………. Scientific ………………. Khoa hoc
4 Education educational Giáo dục
5 Foundation Found- founded- Thành lập
………………. founded
6 Privacy Private Privately Riêng tư
7 …………………… Determine ………………….. Quyết tâm
8 Ease ………………… Easily Dễ dàng
9 ……………….. Mature Trưởng thành
≠ immature
10 Human Humanitarian Humanely Nhân đạo
Humane Tử tế, nhân văn

1. What _____________ are you? - I’m Japanese.
2. The children were wearing traditional _____________ dress.
3. The island now has an _____________ airport.
4. France was host _____________ for the 1998 World Cup.
5. The leaders of some of the world’s most powerful _____________ attended the meeting.
6. All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or _____________.
7. I was trying to remember what I had learnt about gravity in school _____________.
8. There's a shortage of people competent in math, _____________, and technology.
9. She gave a lecture to 2 000 fellow _____________ in Kyoto.
10. He took a very _____________ approach to management.
11. He is learning how to think _____________.
12. Her first novel showed signs of brilliance.
13. It would _____________ my mind to know that she was happy.
14. This medicine should help _____________ the pain.
15. He didn't make it _____________ for me to leave.
16. I can _____________ finish it tonight.
17. The museum is _____________ accessible by car.
18. The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with _____________ bathrooms.
19. She was scared of revealing her _____________ thoughts and feelings.
20. She complained that the photographs were an invasion of her _____________.
21. I want to be left in _____________.
22. She spoke _____________ with the manager.

23. The research centre was set up by a charitable _____________.
24. In 1853 Queen Victoria laid the _____________ stone of the new palace.
25. Her family _____________ the college in 1895.
26. He _____________ the company 20 years ago.
27. He is the _____________ and president of the company.
28. It wasn't that I didn't want to be associated with you, I just wasn't ________________ enough to take on the
29. Stop being so silly and __________, Ben!
30. He hasn't got the _______________ to be a father.
31. Katie had always been ____________, maybe even a little lazy.
32. It is difficult to _____________ the exact cause of the illness.
33. He fought the illness with courage and _____________.
34. I'm _____________ to succeed.
35. The opposition to her plan made her more _____________ than ever.
36. Although he had had little formal _____________, he could read and write well.
37. He’d received an excellent general _____________ in Poland.
38. The campaign is intended to _____________ the public to respect the environment.
39. _____________ achievement in the country is slowly rising.
40. Modern _____________ prefer a different approach to the teaching of reading.
41. She was probably the most highly _________________ prime minister of this century.
42. Do your parents take an _____________ in your friends?
43. The topic _____________ me very much.
44. I'm very _____________ in history.
45. We would be _____________ to hear your views on this subject.
46. It would be _____________ to know what he really believed.
47. I find her ideas really _____________.
48. The prisoner has been released for _________________ reasons
49. These regulations ensure the _________________ treatment of all refugees.
50. I don't support the death penalty, but if people are to be executed, it should be done _________________.
51. These regulations ensure the humane treatment of all refugees.
52. The _________________ body is composed of about 60% water.
53. The United Nations is sending _________________ aid to the areas worst affected by the conflict.
54. The _________________ way of dealing with a suffering animal is to kill it quickly.
55. Dogs can hear much better than ________________.

a. Form:
*Câu hỏi về chủ ngữ: Wh-word + verb +object ?
Ex: Who went to the park yesterday? Mary (went to the park yesterday)
*Câu hỏi về vị ngữ:
Wh-word + auxiliary verb/ be/ do + subject + verb ?
Ex: Whom did you go to see yesterday?
I went to see Mary yesterday .
b. Use:
What cái gì (N), làm gì (V) Whose của ai (my + N/ mine)
What...for để làm gì How bằng phương tiện gì (by +N)
Why tại sao (because) như thế nào (adj)
When khi nào (time) How far bao xa
How long bao lâu
Where ở đâu
How many bao nhiêu (pl.count. N)
Which cái nào (=what) How much bao nhiêu (uncount. N)
Who ai (chủ ngữ) How old hỏi về tuổi tác
Whom ai (tân ngữ) How often có thường hay không

A. Make question using the suggestions.

1. They do their homework at night. (when) 
2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who) 
3. The car is across the street from the house. (where)
4. She felt better after she took a nap. (how )
5. That is an English book. (what )
6. The party lasted all night. (how long )
7. My parents have two cars. (how many )
8. The man with the white hat is my brother. (who )
9. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why)
10. We have an English class every day. (how often)
V. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:
1. My teacher always expected me (do)………………………… well in exams.
2. It isn’t safe for children (play) ………………………… on ladders.
3. I’d like (go) …………………………… somewhere for a change.
4. My classes are in my book bag, but I don’t remember (put)……………………. them their.
5. It’s no use (cry)……………………. over spilt milk.
6. The children (stop, play)……………………….. football when their mother (come)…………..……. back home.
7. I (own) …………… a car right now, so I’m not afraid of (be)……………. late for work.
8. She often (go, jog)…………………..… with her neighbour when she (be) ……….. young.
9. Are you looking forward to (take)……………… a trip to Los Angeles?
10. Although she disliked (go) ……………….. to funerals, she knew she had to be there.
VI. Rewrite the sentences:
1. My lawyer said I shouldn’t say anything to the police. (advised)
My lawyer…………………………………………………………..
2. I have no idea of where my keys are. (know)
3. We stopped driving because we wanted to have a drink. (to)
We stopped…………………………………………………….
4. Why are you going out so late? (for)
5. May I suggest going swimming instead of going for a walk?
6. My friend said that I could use his car.
My friend allowed………………………………………………….
7. You can try to get Jim to help you with your homework, but you won’t succeed.
There’s no point…………………………………………………….
8. I hate to get up in the dark.
I can’t………………………………………………………………..
9. Going out with Nelson Mandela will always be in my memory.
I’ll never……………………………………………………………..
10. Whose is that red beautiful car?

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