Researcharticle: Gadang Priyotomo and Yasuyuki Kaneno

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Copyright © 2017 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters

All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Vol. 23, 5759–5761, 2017

Linear Polarization Resistance and Open

Circuit Potential Studies for the Corrosion
Behavior of Ni3(Si,Ti) + 4Al Intermetallic
Compound in NaCl Solutions
Gadang Priyotomo1 ∗ and Yasuyuki Kaneno2
Research Center for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Sciences 15314, Indonesia
Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, 599-8531, Japan

The corrosion behaviour of the intermetallic compound Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al has been investigated using electro-
chemical methods in various chloride concentration up to 1 M at ambient temperature. In addition, open circuit
potential (OCP) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) are portion of electrochemical method. It was found
that the addition of chloride concentration up to the chloride concentration of 1 M does not shift OCP toward
active region (negative direction) and dissolve passive film on the surface of compounds. The corrosion resis-
tance of the compound was decreased slightly with increasing chloride concentration at ambient temperature.
Furthermore, at ambient temperature, theby Ingenta
passive film ofto:
still tends to sustain a stable condition,
even though their corrosion IP:resistances On:
increase Tue,A 17
slightly. Octexperiment
further 2017 16:10:34
must be carried out to clarify the
stability of film for Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al American Scientific Publishers
in more detail.

Keywords: Intermetallic Compound, Open Circuit Potential, Linear Polarization Resistance, Corrosion.

1. INTRODUCTION such as hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid.6 In

Ni3 (Si,Ti) intermetallic compounds with L12 structure have spe- addition, the pitting corrosion resistance of Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al is
cial strength and ductility properties; that is, (1) an increase in lower that of Ni3 (Si,Ti) intermetallic compound in neutral sodium
flow strength with increasing temperature and (2) high ductility chloride.7 Moreover, there are little study on the behaviour of cor-
over a extensive range of operating temperature.1 2 In particu- roded surface of Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al during immersion in corrosive
lar, their strength level were extremely high compared to those solutions and its corrosion behaviour using open circuit potential
of other L12 ordered intermetallic compounds which have been (OCP) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) methods, respec-
made as advanced high temperature materials.3 On the other tively. Furthermore, open circuit potential (OCP) is the electrode
hand, Ni3 (Si,Ti) intermetallic compounds have excellent mechan- potential at which no net current flow through the external circuit
ical properties compared to those of commercial alloys such as of the electrochemical cell.8 The linear polarization resistance
nickel–base alloys, steel and stainless steel. In addition, this com- method is a quick used in material corrosion studies to obtain
pound was shown an excellent oxidation resistance in open air corrosion rate data compared to Tafel method.
at ambient and elevated operational temperatures.4 Furthermore, Therefore, the objective of this work is to indicate cor-
an improvement in the mechanical property of the Ni3 (Si,Ti) roded surface behaviour of Ni3 (Si,Ti) with addition of 4 at%
intermetallic compound was also attempted with macro-alloying Al with various chloride concentrations at ambient temperature
method, i.e., addition of aluminium, which enhanced high- after immersion and to elucidate corrosion behaviour of this
temperature yield strength and improve fracture strain at various intermetallic compounds.
high operational temperatures.5
However, Priyotomo and co-worker had already elucidated that
the Ni3 (Si,Ti) with addition of 4 at% aluminium showed the
2.1. The Specimens
detrimental effect for its corrosion resistance in acid solutions
Ni–11 at.% Si–5.5 at.% Ti–4 at.% Al compound with the addi-
tion of 50 wt. ppm (part per million) of boron was made by

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. applying an arc melting method under an argon gas atmosphere

Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 23, No. 6, 2017 1936-6612/2017/23/5759/003 doi:10.1166/asl.2017.8824 5759
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 5759–5761, 2017

in a high vacuum electric furnace. It was homogenized at 1323 K of the compounds with the immersion time commonly gives
for 48 hours under argon atmosphere and then cooled in the high valuable information on their corrosion phenomena at which
vacuum furnace with cooling rate of 283 K/min. there is no current. In addition, this potential may vary with time
because changes in the nature of the surface of the working elec-
2.2. Electrochemical Test trode occur such as oxidation, formation of the passive layer or
The specimens were polished with silicon carbide paper to 1000 immunity.9
grit and then were rinsed with distilled water. The test solutions During the first period of immersion, all EOC displacements
were neutral sodium chloride solutions with various sodium chlo- towards positive potentials were showed in Figure 1 until a final
ride concentrations (0.0001 M to 1 M), which were prepared with period. These initial increase of OCP values indicate to be cor-
the distilled water and high grade chemical reagent. Furthermore, responded to the formation and thickening of the oxide film
all prepared specimens and solutions were applied to following on the metallic surface, improving these corrosion protection
two types of experiments: resistances.10 Moreover, it is clear from Figure 1 (curve f) that
the potential shifts rapidly goes down from −3993 mV (the time
of 22 secs) to −422,5 mV (the time of 116 secs) even though
2.2.1. Open-Circuit Potential (OCP)
at the early moments of immersion, OCP increases toward the
Open-circuit potential, Ecorr changes were measured against a positive direction. It means that the decrease of OCP exhibits the
standard saturated calomel electrode (SCE) placed in the same dissolution of an immersion formed oxide layer.11 Afterwards, in
cell. This type of electrochemical experiment was carried out in a the range of the time of 116 secs–359 secs, the rapid increase of
round bottom cell of 400 ml capacity using a potentiostat instru- OCP also indicates the oxide passive recovery on the surface of
ment (Gamry Instrument), interfaced to a personal computer. The Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al. Therefore, it implies that the addition of chlo-
potential changes were monitored using a saturated calomel elec- ride concentration up to 1 M does not shift OCP toward active
trode (SCE) as a reference electrode in accordance with ASTM region (negative direction) and dissolve oxide film, respectively.
G3-89. The surface of the working electrode was covered with However, the indication of oxide film growth is revealed due to
hardened resin to expose an effective area of 0.6 cm2 . A platinum increases the OCP for all various chloride concentrations.
wire served as the counter electrode. Furthermore, this experi-
ment was conducted within the period of 1800 seconds.
3.2. Polarization Resistance and Corrosion Property
Figure 2 shows linear polarization results in various chloride
2.2.2. Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) concentrations at ambient temperature. Linear polarization resis-
For determining polarization resistance (Rp), the working elec- tance (LPR) are conducted to measure the polarization resistance,
trode containing specimen are polarized,Delivered bythe
typically on Ingenta
order to:aGadang
quantity Priyotomo
corresponded to the corrosion rate. The current is
of ± 10 mV, relative to its open circuitIP:
potential (OCP) at On:
a rateTue, measured
17 Oct 2017 16:10:34
as a function of potential in the vicinity of corrosion
of 0.1 mV/s. Polarization resistance was determined by American
the slope Scientific Publishers
potential.12 Furthermore the polarization resistance is the slope
of the potential versus current line. The polarization resistance of the curves at the corrosion potential as shown in Figure 2.
can then be used to find the corrosion rate of the material using On the other hand, Table I shows parameters obtained from LPR
the Stern-Geary equation. measurement. The parameters are corrosion rates, polarization
resistances (Rp), corrosion potentials (Ecorr  and corrosion cur-
rent densities. Moreover, the magnitude of corrosion rates for
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the compounds tends to increase slightly with increasing chloride
3.1. OCP in Various Concentration of Chloride concentration up to 1 M. The magnitude of polarization resis-
Figure 1 shows open circuit potential as a function of immersion tances decrease slightly with increasing chloride concentrations,
time for Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al intermetallic compound at various chlo- whereas that of corrosion rates increases slightly with increasing
ride concentration at ambient temperature. The variation of OCP

Fig. 1. Open circuit potential [mV vs. (SCE)] over time for Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al Fig. 2. Linear polarization results (potential vs. current density plots) in var-
electrode at various chloride concentration at ambient temperature; (a) 0 M, ious chloride concentration at ambient temperature; (a) 0 M, (b) 0,0001 M,
(b) 0,0001 M, (c) 0,001 M, (d) 0,01 M, (e) 0,1 M, (f) 1 M. (c) 0,001 M, (d) 0,01 M, (e) 0,1 M, (f) 1 M.

Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 5759–5761, 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Table I. Parameters obtained from LPR measurements. 1. The addition of chloride concentration up to the chloride con-
Concentration of Corrosion Icorr
centration of 1 M does not shift OCP toward active region (neg-
NaCl (Molar) rate (mpy) Rp (kOhm) Ecorr (mV) (uA/cm2 ) ative direction) and dissolve passive film, respectively.
0 005111 3882 −379 006711 2. It was found that the corrosion resistance of the compound
0.0001 00786 2524 −305 01032 was decreased slightly with increasing chloride concentration at
0.001 00803 2471 −367 01054 ambient temperature.
0.01 008756 2266 −387 0115
3. A further experiment may be conducted to clarify the stability
0.1 009286 2137 −359 01219
1 01202 1651 −355 01578 of film for Ni3 (Si,Ti) + 4Al in more detail.

those. In addition, from LPR method, it was found that the cor- Acknowledgments: This research was supported by
rosion resistance of the compound was decreased slightly with Research Center for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Insti-
increasing chloride concentration. However, the magnitudes of all tute of Sciences. We thank our colleagues from Osaka Prefecture
their corrosion rates up to 1 M NaCl solution are lower because University who provided raw intermetallic compound and exper-
of less than corrosion rate of 1 mpy.
tise that greatly assisted the research.
As described in the previous sections, the addition of chlo-
ride concentration up to 1 M does not indicate to influence
significantly the dissolution of oxide film on the surface of References and Notes
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4. CONCLUSION Delivered by Ingenta to: Gadang Priyotomo
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IP: On: Tue, 17(2015). Oct 2017 16:10:34
Linear polarization resistance and open circuit potential
Copyright: stud- Scientific Publishers
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Received: 12 December 2016. Accepted: 19 December 2016.


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