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ADHD: Pathophysiology, Management, and Assessment Scales

Article · July 2018

DOI: 10.18535/jmscr/v6i7.58


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Pramesh Dogra
Indira Gandhi Medical College


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JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||07||Page 341-347||July 2018
Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.379
Index Copernicus Value: 71.58
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450

ADHD: Pathophysiology, Management, and Assessment Scales

Dr Pramesh Dogra1*, Dr Suman Lata2
Medical Officer, Directorate of Health Services, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of
Himachal Pradesh, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla - 171001, India
Email:, Mob No.8010826664
Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Indra Gandhi Medical College, Shimla – 171001, India
Email:, Mob No.9817354360
*Corresponding Author
Dr Pramesh Dogra
Medical Officer, Directorate of Health Services, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of
Himachal Pradesh, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla - 171001, India

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent childhood behavioural disorder
diagnosed in the outpatient setting. Due to the broad impact of ADHD, the disease is likely to have serious
economic implications for children and their families leading to increased costs in healthcare. Functional
and anatomical dysfunction in the brain's frontal cortex and basal ganglia segments of the cortico-basal
ganglia-thalamocortical circuitry have been observed in patients of ADHD. A combination of psycho-
education, Cognitive behavioral therapy, and pharmacotherapy with psychostimulants like Methylphenidate
are used for the management of ADHD symptoms. Various rating scales help in the assessment of severity of
disease, treatment planning, and monitoring the level of improvement.
Keywords: ADHD, assessment scales, Conners' scale, Vanderbilt Scale.

Introduction Although the aetiology of ADHD is mainly genetic,

ADHD is characterized by a decreased sustained there is a growing consensus that the condition
attention and higher levels of impulsivity in a child involves functional and anatomical dysfunction in
or adolescent than expected for someone of that age the brain's frontal cortex and basal ganglia segments
and developmental level1. The worldwide of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical
prevalence of ADHD is 7.2%2. ADHD is likely to circuitry 4.
have considerable economic implications for their The diagnosis of ADHD is established by 5th
families and the government. Research has only edition Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
recently begun to explore these economic costs, Disorders (DSM-5) of the American Psychiatric
suggesting that ADHD leads to increased costs in Association5.

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Psychostimulants like methylphenidate that increase (organophosphates, polychlorinated biphenyls, lead),
dopamine concentration and nonstimulant unfavourable psychosocial conditions (severe early-
medications like atomoxetine which increases childhood deprivation, maternal hostility), and
noradrenaline levels are used in the treatment of dietetic factors13.
ADHD by targeting the central nervous system6. ADHD tends to run in families. First degree
Various studies have established the usefulness of relatives of patients with ADHD have an increased
Conners' Rating Scale, Vanderbilt ADHD Rating risk of developing ADHD14.
Scale and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) rating Structural and functional neuroimaging has studied
scale in ADHD7-11. the deficits of prefrontal cortex in ADHD.
Dopaminergic and noradrenergic dysregulation is
Methodology associated with a loss of inhibitory processes critical
Electronic databases of MEDLINE (PubMed) and for adaptive heart rate neural regulation. It seems
Google Scholar search engines were searched for that the prefrontal cortex dysfunction could
relevant studies and reviews published from 1990 to represent one of the underlying mechanisms of the
2017. The keywords used were “ADHD,” impaired catecholaminergic regulation. The
“Pathophysiology,” “assessment scales,” genetically mediated abnormalities in the
“Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale,” “CGI rating neurotransmission could contribute to the discrete
scale,” and “treatment.” The reference list of dysfunctions in the prefrontal cortex, limbic system,
recently published relevant articles and reviews locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system and other
were also screened. Titles, abstracts, and full texts related brain structures that are also included in the
of peer-reviewed articles about related topics neuro-cardiac complex regulation15.
published in English were included.
Pathophysiology of ADHD ADHD is a behavioural and neurocognitive
Evidence from neuropsychological, condition characterized by developmentally
pharmacological, and brain-imaging studies inappropriate and impairing levels of gross motor
implicates dopamine and norepinephrine overactivity, inattention, and impulsivity5. As with
neurotransmitter systems of frontostriatal circuit in many psychiatric disorders, there is no simple
the pathophysiology of the disorder. Global brain objective test, such as a blood test, that can aid in
volume is reduced by 3–5%, with the gray matter, making the diagnosis. ADHD can be reliably
preferentially affected. More marked volume loss, diagnosed if the diagnostic criteria are carefully
correlated with the severity of the symptom of scrutinized, and differential diagnoses are
ADHD, is seen in the prefrontal areas, the basal excluded16.
ganglia, and the cerebellum. Cortical maturation is The clinical interview in conjunction with
delayed, particularly in the prefrontal areas12. assessment scales are the primary tools for the
The multifactorial aetiology of ADHD corresponds diagnosing ADHD. The most important source of
to the heterogeneous profile of cerebral structural information is from the parents and the school
abnormalities and functional neuropsychological teachers. Patient interview, although unreliable in
and psychopathological disturbances. young children, should also be part of the
Epidemiological studies show an association assessment. Comparing the patient’s functional
between ADHD and various environmental factors. impairment against children of a similar age is
These primarily include pre- and perinatal risk necessary for an ADHD diagnosis1.
factors (maternal stress, smoking or alcohol There are five main diagnostic criteria: (1) an onset
consumption during pregnancy, low birth weight, before age 12 years(2) duration greater than 6
prematurity), environmental toxins months; (3) an 18-item symptom list of which 6 of 9

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inattention or 6 of 9 hyperactive/impulsive compulsions that are typically performed in
symptoms have persisted for at least 6 months to the response to those obsessions16.
degree that is maladaptive as well as inconsistent Prognosis
with developmental levels; (4) impairment in two ADHD is associated with psychosocial functional
or more settings( home and school); and (5) impairment and a markedly reduced subjective
symptoms that do not occur exclusively during the health-related quality of life17. Patients with ADHD
course of schizophrenia, psychotic disorder, a are about four times less likely than their peers to
pervasive developmental disorder, or other and are obtain a college degree and attain a lower
not better accounted for by another mental disorder, socioeconomic status on an average. Their
such as depression5. relationships with parents, siblings, peers, and
According to DSM-5 the presence of either 1 or 2 is partners are often conflict-ridden3.
confirmatory of the presence of ADHD: Symptoms of ADHD persist into adolescence or
1. Six or more symptoms of inattention which adult life in approximately 50 % of cases. In the
persist for at least six months to the degree remaining 50 %, they may remit at puberty, or in
that is inconsistent with developmental level. early adulthood. In some cases, the hyperactivity
2. Six (or more) symptoms of Hyperactivity- may disappear, but the decreased attention span and
impulsivity has persisted for at least six impulse-control problems persist. The symptoms of
months to the degree that is inconsistent overactivity are usually the first symptoms to remit,
with developmental level5. and distractibility is the last to go18.
Differential Diagnosis and comorbidities
Anxiety can accompany ADHD either as a Treatment
secondary feature or can manifest in the form of Treatment guidelines now recommend a
over-activity and easy distractibility. A child with combination of multiple, individually adapted
ADHD can become demoralized and, in some cases, treatment components (multimodal treatment). The
may develop depressive symptoms in reaction to foundation of all therapeutic interventions is
persistent frustration with academic difficulties and psycho-education to impart information about the
resulting low self-esteem. Mania and ADHD share disorder to the parents, as well as to the patient in an
many core features, such as excessive verbalization, age-appropriate manner. Cognitive behavioural
motor hyperactivity, and high levels of therapy techniques are also used, in both individual
distractibility. Frequently, conduct disorder and and group settings. Alongside these treatments,
ADHD coexist, and both must be diagnosed. pharmacotherapy is a further essential component of
Learning disorders of various kinds must also be ADHD treatment19.
distinguished from ADHD; a child may be unable to Psychostimulants are the first-line treatments for the
read or do mathematics because of a learning disorder and are more effective at treating ADHD
disorder, rather than because of inattention. ADHD symptoms than behavioural therapy alone.
often coexists with one or more learning disorders, Methylphenidate is one of the most commonly used
including reading disorder, mathematics disorder, medications for ADHD treatment20.
and disorder of written expression1. ADHD and With treatment, the symptoms of ADHD improve
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are common leading to more productive lives for affected
developmental neuropsychiatric disorders children. Methylphenidate acts by inhibiting the
associated with significant distress and dysfunction. reuptake of dopamine and noradrenaline. PET
ADHD is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity studies with Methylphenidate challenge show
and impulsiveness present since childhood, whereas increased competition at postsynaptic D2/3-
OCD is characterized by intrusive obsessions and receptors, thus indirectly revealing presynaptic
dopamine release21.

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Methylphenidate is a pure blocker of the acquiring parental reports of the fundamental
norepinephrine and dopamine transporters. The presenting problems for children referred to an
amphetamines also block the reuptake of both outpatient psychiatric setting. This scale used to be
catecholamines, but they also release all three the basis for the parental interview about the child's
monoamines, norepinephrine, dopamine, and problems. In its original form, the CPRS contained
serotonin, from presynaptic vesicles. Amphetamines items grouped regarding problems with sleep,
are the most robust agents in increasing synaptic problems with eating, problems with the temper,
dopamine levels since they do so regardless of the problems with keeping friends and difficulties in
endogenous level in the neurons. Blockade of school. Later, an "additional" problems category
noradrenergic reuptake in the prefrontal cortex may was added that included item covering the cardinal
also indirectly increase prefrontal dopamine levels. symptoms of ADHD: hyperactivity, impulsivity,
There is also evidence that the noradrenergic effects and inattention. Since the introduction, the
are mediated by alpha-2a noradrenergic receptors22. psychometric properties of the CPRS have been
Clinical and epidemiological studies had equivocal well studied. Several versions of the CPRS are
results regarding growth retardation in children and currently in use including a 48-item questionnaire
adolescents with ADHD treated with improvised by re-standardization of a subset from
methylphenidate. Some studies report growth the original scale. The CPRS is valuable research
retardation with a catch-up of growth during drug- and clinical tool for obtaining parental reports of
holidays or after ceasing treatment 23,24. childhood behaviour problems. Advantages of the
Bange et al. have reported an increase in Heart Rate CPRS include a corresponding factor structure with
(HR) and Blood pressure (BP) after treatment with the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale-Revised and
Methylphenidate in patients of ADHD. The fact that comprehensive symptom coverage for ADHD and
Methylphenidate was associated with an increase in related disorders28.
HR and BP could be attributed to the adrenergic A 10-item abbreviated questionnaire was
effects. They have however found no increase in constructed from the items with the best factor
Myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden cardiac loadings29. The abridged version of Conners' rating
deaths with methylphenidate25. scale revealed to be useful not only for diagnosis
Methylphenidate causes an increase in HR as well but also as an instrument to evaluate the
as increases in both systolic and diastolic BP, but no effectiveness of the treatment of ADHD with
change in cardiac depolarization and repolarization Methylphenidate30.
duration or homogeneity 26. Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale
ADHD Rating Scales Among many ADHD rating scales, the VADRS,
The usefulness of Conners' rating scale and published in 2002 by the Association for
Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale has been Academic Psychiatry (AAP) and National Institute
established by various studies7-10. The Clinical for Children’s Healthcare Quality, was designed to
Global Impression (CGI) rating is essential for capture standardized ADHD symptom information
providing a global rating of illness severity, from parents and teachers reporting on children’s
improvement and response to treatment11. The behaviours. This rating scale was also intended to
ADHD Rating Scales can be used as a clinician- assist providers in screening Oppositional Defiant
administered and scored tool for assessing the Disorder (ODD) and other common
severity of ADHD symptoms in paediatric patients27. comorbidities 31,32
Conners' rating scale Rating scales are reliable, valid, and efficient in
The initial Conners' Rating Scale (CPRS) was measuring ADHD symptoms in children. They are
developed in 1970 as a comprehensive checklist for helpful in research and clinical work. Rating scales

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