Edited by Sempron 11 Cripedia Group 1 PR Whole Chapter 1

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City of Tagbilaran

November 2020



It is undeniable that the computer has become an essential tool for every human being's

daily life. The Internet is an absolute necessity for adults and children alike. It is difficult to

believe that anything can be achieved without the Internet particularly from a youth perspective.

Youth nowadays spend so much time on the phone, browsing the Internet for hours. Some have

become too addicted and don't realize they're actually suffering from the Internet Addiction


One of the major effects of spending so much time on a screen that young people are

prone to ignore is personal negligence. When one is too busy with browsing the Internet, they

seem to pay little attention to their quality of life other than the machine they use. Some people

might not take a bath, clean their room, or eat well, because they're too focused on what they're

doing. Because of the long hours spent working with a machine, young people often eat

irregularly, such as missing meals or overeating. This indirectly leads to health issues, such as

malnutrition of the youth's body.

In his work, Griffiths have posited that “It has been alleged that social pathologies are

beginning to surface in cyberspace (i.e., technological addictions). To date, there is very little

empirical evidence that computing activities (i.e., internet use, hacking, programming) are

addictive. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the typical “addict” is a teenager, usually male, with

little or no social life, and little or no self-confidence. This article concentrates on five case

studies of excessive computer usage. It is argued that of the five cases, only two of them

describe “addicted” subjects. Addiction com- ponents criteria were used in the assessment. The

excessive usage in the majority of cases was purely symptomatic and was highlighted how the

subjects used the Internet/computer to counteract other deficiencies. (Griffiths, M. (2000).”

Isolation, avoidance and no family bonding at all is another outcome which happens in a

youth’s life when they get excessively addicted with the Internet. Because of spending too much

time on the computer, youths have a propensity to reduce socializing with others. They tend to

feel that computer is the only form of relationship that they have the time to focus on. They have

a tendency to lose the desire for human contact and communication and in a way they are

breaking away from reality. In the lives of young people who are addicted to computers, it is

their families and friends who suffer the most from this kind of loneliness.

The ultimate impact that computers have on young people who are addicted to them is

academic degradation. Because young people usually spend most of their time on computers

and the Internet, they tend not to concentrate much on their studies at all. This indirectly leads

the teacher and parents to terrible grades in exams and a negative impression. For this reason,

for flunking an exam, the teacher and parents of the youth will scold and punish them in one

way or another. Often they get miserable when their parents restricted them or not allowed to

use the machine in any way.

In addition, computer addiction can only grow as time passes, just as the age of

computers is now. More and more people around the world will suffer a health condition, social

and emotional impact due to computer addiction. These issues should not be left unchecked as

they can cause significant damage to young people who are addicted to the internet and will

have a bad impact on their future. In my view, young people should spend time browsing the

Internet on a computer, just not too much.

In the Philippines there is a belief that when people engage in video games it will make

them dumb. It will be easier to defend gamers if they are doing well in their lives. Specially most

gamers nowadays are teenagers, it can affect their studies. Instead of attending classes, other

students are in the computer shops.

Many gamers in the Philippines are so hooked to gaming that they don't finish college.

Some invest so much on betting games that to support their addictions, they end up selling their

phones and jewels. Instead of going to school or working around the house, there are players

who would rather sit home and play sports.

Some get alone and pull themselves away from other people finally. What is worse is

that some people are using their struggles to justify their bad gaming habits. Some use the good

old excuse that 'nobody knows' or that 'life is boring' that they break up with their significant

partner. Other gamers don’t understand that gaming should have limitations and it should

remain as a hobby.

Students nowadays are stressed because of loaded school works and games are their

way of relieving stress. On the bright side it can help their minds to be more active. Such as

solving problems, some are able to think of solutions because their experience in adventure

games. Gaming should remain as someone’s stress reliever and not someone’s addiction.

The researchers aim to know if students in locals can control themselves from gaming.

(1) To find out if do they play games just for stress relieving.(2) Does the age and sex matters in

problematic gaming.(3)

The purpose of this study is to know if the students’ daily lives and school performance

were affected of playing video games. It is also The researchers aims to let them know what are

the possible effects to problematic gaming. This study can also let people be aware of their

actions when it comes to gaming, whether they took it seriously or just for relieving their stress.

This chapter will search for the related theories or theoretical background into

problematic gaming. This chapter will look on the parental absences and other theories that will

be relevant in solving and causes problematic gaming.

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) started in 1980 as the Theory of Reasoned Action

to forecast the intention of a person to participate in a behavior at a given time and place. The

definition was meant to clarify all activities that persons had the potential to develop self-control

over.TPB is based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which states that one's belief

affects attitude which, in turn, influences behavior. However, TPB is similar to the inclusion of

perceived control on certain behaviors (Haagsma et al., 2012). Behavioral intent is the main

component of this model; behavioral motives are affected by the attitude regarding the

probability that the behavior will have the desired result and the subjective estimation of the

costs and benefits of that outcome. The Theory of Planned Behavior is useful to this study

because it will explain how gamers handling themselves on playing video games. It will show if

gamers are well aware of their behavior that may lead to unhealthy effects.

Flow Theory Flow theory has been considered as a comprehensive theory to explain

both sides of the impact from computer game playing because the state of flow refers to what

happens when children are playing computer games that involve enjoyment, challenging,

reacting, active thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Social Learning theory postulated by Albert Bandura, basically says that social

learning considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence

human learning and behavior
Legal Basis




1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012”.

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — The State recognizes the vital role of information and

communications industries such as content production, telecommunications,

broadcasting electronic commerce, and data processing, in the nation’s overall social

and economic development. The State also recognizes the importance of providing an

environment conducive to the development, acceleration, and rational application and

exploitation of information and communications technology (ICT) to attain free, easy, and

intelligible access to exchange and/or delivery of information; and the need to protect and

safeguard the integrity of computer, computer and communications systems, networks, and

databases, and the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and data stored

therein, from all forms of misuse, abuse, and illegal access by making punishable under the law

such conduct or conducts. In this light, the State shall adopt sufficient powers to effectively

prevent and combat such offenses by facilitating their detection, investigation, and prosecution

at both the domestic and international levels, and by providing arrangements for fast and

reliable international cooperation.

Literature Review

The literature review of this proposed study, concerning computer addiction includes variety of

scopes to be discussed to know further details and additional matters addressing computer

addiction. In this part of the study, different definitions of addiction and other types of computer

fixation will be discussed from different perspectives of different authors.

Internet addiction is a rather new research area which has less than ten years of history (Akhter,

2013). Internet addiction has become a global concern to the public and it can be indentified as

a heatlh issue (Kapahi et al, 2013 ). An individual's inability to control the usage of computer is

defined as computer addiction (Chao and Hsiao, 2000, cited at Ahkter, 2013. p. 1794). Internet

overuse or excessive use of computer that may lead to a change in one's daily regular life can

be described as internet addiction (Kapahi et al, 2013). In the internet addiction people become

addicted not to the substance , but to work with computer orto the feeling achieved during

working with the internet (Jonanian and Seifury. 2013) Young Internet users are more at risk af

becoming internet addicts thanolder users (Thatcher and Gooloman , 2005).

A common group for studying computer addiction has been university students. University

students are considered as a high risk group for computer addiction (Young and Rogers, 1998 ,

Nalwa and Anand, 2003). Possible reasons for this are: students have blocks of unstructured

time, universities provide free and unlimited access to the internet,students from the ages of 18

- 22 years are for the first time away from parental control without anyone monitoring, young

students experience new problems of adaptingt to university life and fiding new friends, and

often end up seeking a companionship by using different applications of the computer using

internet, students receive full encouragement from faculty amd administrators in using the

different computer application. Adults are more trained to use the different applications ot
technological inventions and especially the internet . Students desire to escape university

sources of stress resulting from their obligations to pass exams compose essays and complete

their degrees in the prescribed time with a reasonable marks, and finally students feel that

university life is alienated from social activities,and when they finish their studies. The job

market with all its uncertainties is a field where they must participate and succeed in finding

employment (Young , 2004). Despite the positive effects of computer. But still need to put in

mind its negative effects when used excessively. Its negative effects are low academic

performance ,social behavior and bad habits due to its use.(Young 1996, Nalwa and Anand .

2003).On the basis of the existing literature it was hypotized that computer addiction can have

negative impact on academic performance of the University students.

Studies indicate that the use of computers and the internet differs between men and women.

Weiser (2000) conducted a study on gender differences in internet use patterns and internet

application preferences.The study concluded that their were numerous gender differences in

preferences for specific computer applications. The same results were confirmed by the study

of Morahan-Martin and Schumancher (2000). Further Ahkter (2013) revealed that male

students have high internet addiction than females. However ,Usman et al.. (2014) showed that

there were no gender differences in computer addiction. Papasterqiou and Solomanidou (2005)

mentioned that boys have more opportunities to access computer and use internet for

intertainment and web page creation than girls do. With no other differenced in their activities.

The presence of a computer with internet access in a person's environment is necessary for the

person to develop computer addiction. The students come to the university from home, boarding

place and hotels. There might be differences in computer addiction in terms of place where they

stay. Students who come from home regularly monitored by their parents, however students

who stay at boarding places and especially hostel are not supervised by adults (Frangos, et al..

Related Studies

The related study about computer addiction, according to Daria J. Kuss & Mark D

Griffiths (2012),The study indentify neuroimaging techniques to shed light upon the emerging

mental health problem of Internet and gaming addiction from a neuroscientific perspective.The

article that made by John P. Charlton,Ian DW Danforth (2010) considers validatory evidence for

the previously made distinction between (pathological) computing-related addictions and (non-

pathological) high engagement in computing activities, and an associated distinction between

core and peripheral criteria for diagnosing computing-related addictions.

According to Duggan 2015, Digital game playing is a ubiquitous pastime among youths

and adults. Technological advances and the rapid increase in Internet access over the past two

decades have allowed the digital game industry to greatly expand its appeal, attracting the

attention and interest of many young people. 

According to Aarseth et al. 2017, The most recent revision of the International

Classification of Diseases (ICD11; World Health Organization [WHO] 2019), which published

during 2018, identifies a Gaming Disorder (GD; or problematic gaming) as a mental health

condition. Several scholars have voiced disagreements with this classification, arguing that it

risks over-pathologizing healthy gaming.

According to Pontes et al. 2015, These frameworks treat gaming behavior as something

that is inherently addictive, with addiction-based symptoms and related impairments similar to

those of substance abuse, including loss of control, cravings, limited activity focus, and life

conflicts (Kuss and Griffiths 2012)

According to Granic et al.2014; Hofferth and Moon 2012, A growing body of literature

suggests that problematic gaming can be linked to detrimental effects on health, although these
findings are somewhat controversial. A handful of studies have shown that a moderate level of

digital gaming can enhance healthy behaviors

According to Parkes et al. 2013, large follow-up studies have demonstrated that even

very excessive game playing over extended periods does not always have harmful effects on


According to Peters and Malesky 2008, It has also been suggested that fundamental

unregulated involving problematic gaming can be related to neuroticism among gamers.

According to Mentzoni et al. 2011 and Lam 2014, Problematic gaming may thus

undermine mental, social, and physical health. It has been linked to reduced life satisfaction,

increases in perceived anxiety, and symptoms of depression as well as sleep problems.

According to e.g., Lemmens et al. 2011; Walter et al. 2010, With respect to their health-

related outcomes, both similarities and differences between problematic gaming and substance

use disorders (i.e., excessive drinking, smoking, or use of other drugs) have been reported.

Studies have suggested that adolescents and young adults with problematic gaming symptoms

or substance use behaviors exhibit common psychosocial features including loneliness, low

self-esteem, and low social competence.

According to Rikkers et al. 2016; Strittmatter et al. 2015, People with problematic gaming

behavior were also more likely to exhibit hyperactivity and to display certain psychosocial

characteristics including a disposition towards neuroticism. (Rikkers et al. 2016; Strittmatter et

al. 2015)

According to e.g., van Rooij et al. 2014 and e.g., Männikkö et al. 2017, Although most

studies on problematic gaming characteristics have focused on youths, health-behavior related

implications have also been indicated for adults.

According to Carson et al. 2016; Przybylski 2014, Even if certain emotional and

behavioral problems are commonly associated with problematic gaming behavior, it is unclear

whether problematic gaming precedes or follows these problems. Together, these findings

support the view of an underlying vulnerability to both these problematic behaviors, but more

research is needed to determine whether there are any specific psychoactive substance use

habits that are particularly likely to co-occur with problematic gaming. While the harmful

influences of problematic gaming may be less noticeable or disturbing than substance use

disorders, excessive involvement in gaming (as a type of sedentary and screen behavior) may

interfere with meaningful daily life activities. More specifically, time spent on gaming habits can

cause neglect of activities (as described by the “displacement theory” of Huston et al. 1999) that

are considered more beneficial for individuals’ health and functioning, such as physical and

social activities.

According to Mihara and Higuchi, 2017, Video gaming is known to have some benefits

such as improving focus, multitasking, and working memory, but it may also come with costs

when it is used heavily. By spending a predominant part of the day gaming, excessive video

gamers are at risk of showing lower educational and career attainment, problems with peers,

and lower social skills

According to Skoric et al., 2009, Parents and professionals may be worried about their

excessively playing children being “addicted.” However, problematic and potentially addictive

video game use goes beyond the extent of playing (in hours per week.

According to Festl et al., 2013, Future studies may also answer the question whether the

link between video gaming and psychological functioning is moderated by sex, age, the reasons

for playing, or the preferred game genre. In addition, it is important not to forget that the present
results are based on a self-selected sample in which potentially problematic video gamers were



Theoretical Background
Legal Basis
- Theory of Planned Behavior
- [ Republic Act No. 10175 ] AN ACT

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of their sex and age?

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

2. What is the level of effects on problematic gaming on student?

2.1 Health
2.2 School
3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the level of
4. What are the recommendations based on the results of the study?

Self –reported Effects Of Problematic Gaming On Grade 11 Students

Recommendation to the Problem


Statement of the Problem

Computer is a very useful for people nowadays. Due to the new normal, people often

work from home and with the use of computer we can do it easily especially to students that are

now adjusting to the new normal. Even before the pandemic computer is already a hit to

children and teenagers. Some of students commit cutting classes just to go to the internet cafes

playing games and also those students who have computers at home tend to play games and

copy other student’s answer rather than answer their own modules. It will be a serious problem

if the students will continue this act. For now, students are staying at home doing studying self-

paced but when face-to-face classes will start, cutting classes might occur again. This has

serious negative effects not only academic aspect but also in health.

This study brings finding the effects of problematic computer gaming to the Grade 11 students’

mental health and physical health of University of Bohol – Senior High School. It is specifically

aimed to answer the questions that follow:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of their sex and age?

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

2. What is the level of effects on problematic gaming on student?

2.1 Health

2.2 School

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the level of


4. What are the recommendations based on the results of the study?

Statement of Null Hypothesis

The analysis here indicates that students initiate computer sessions powered by

exclusive content, a means of diversion, or simply by interactive friendships that create a feeling

of camaraderie, including juvenile delinquent ones. It would appear like a game that has one

student addicted, then multiplies the addictive rate from one to a hundred after learning that his

or her peers still do the same.

The respondents cannot argue that computer games are played in class hours or

beyond bedtime, the practice most performed with their gang mates or barkada. It is constant

reprimand of parents to top the ratings in the effects. The students have experienced poorer

grades and dropped out of school. Therefore, truancy has seriously impaired the school

success or academic work of the respondent due to gang activity, namely, playing computer

games in class hours or after bed time.

In regards to this problem the school and staff will know how many students are into

their computers/laptops. The students will also know the effects of the computer addiction to

their health and so that they can control themselves. The researchers will be able to

recommend the things that need to be applied and to work out.



The research design is quantitative. This research will be having a survey by providing

questionnaires which will be answered by those selected students by the researchers. The

questionnaires are given through Google Documents.


This study will be conducted at University of Bohol - Senior High School, located at Dr.

Cecilio Putong St., Cogon, Tagbilaran City Bohol. The University High School Department was

founded in June 1947.


The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 students. The respondents will be both

male and female. A sample of 120 students will be chosen from the whole population of Grade

11 Students.


The researchers used a survey questionnaire which consist of two parts. First is the

respondent’s profile and is followed by the survey questionnaire proper. The questionnaire is

answered base on how often the respondents do the situational questions. Since school

activities are done at home, researchers will give the questionnaires

Scale Description Interpretation

3.25-4.00 Always Very Risky Driving Behavior
2.50-3.24 Often Risky Driving Behavior
1.75-2.49 Sometimes Less Risky Driving Behavior
1.00-1.74 Never Not Risky Driving Behavior

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will use questionnaires to collect data from the respondent with respect

to their usage of computer to ensure a proper procedure in conducting the study. The

researchers will find out through this that many students can’t control themselves when it comes

to using computer and playing games online. The researchers will pass a written formal letter to

ask for permission to the Principal Mrs. Sofila L. Gantalao counter signed by the Practical

Research Teacher.

The questionnaires will be distributed by the researchers. Each researcher will distribute

20 questionnaires to Grade 11 students in their baranggay.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers shall obey the protocol in conducting a study, the research

methodology and questionnaire will be checked by the University of Bohol – Research Ethics

Committee to avoid harm in conducting the study. The researchers should also secure the

consent of the respondents through consent forms.

Statistical Treatment

Objectives Statement of the Variable Data Processing

Problem Procedure
This study What is the profile of the Profile of the Frequency
aims to know respondents in terms of: respondents Percentage

the effects of Sex; Age?

What is the level of Level of effects of Weighted Mean and
problematic gaming on problematic gaming Standard deviation
Gaming on students?
Grade 11 Is there a significant Relationship between Chi-square

Students relationship between the respondent’s profile

respondents’ profile or and problematic
demographic and their gaming
level of effects?


The study aims to know if Grade 11 students are having effects of problematic

gaming. It also aims to know if the profile of the respondents mattered on the level of

problematic gaming. This focuses on Grade 11 students who are into video games and online

games. The age bracket for subjects are 16 – 18.

Significance of the Study

The findings that this study will reveal may benefit certain groups and the benefits they may able

to acquire are as follows:


This study is significant to parents because it gives them knowledge about the effects of

computer addiction/gaming to their children. This will encourage the parents to look out for their

children in their daily usage of computer. This will also give the parents an idea of their child's

social life that is caused by computer addiction. This can help them realize the importance of

supporting and guiding their children about the proper usage of computer. As an inspiration of

the students, they are to support them for their success in the future.

Local Government

The Local Government will be able to implement events and activities that can help

change computer addicts and help them improve their self-esteem and fix their social life. They

will also be gaining insights as to what measures are appropriate to help the students. The

results of this study will be serving as a good source of accurate and useful information.


Through this study, Psychologists will be able to do their work with our generation to

help computer addicts with their social and academic problems. The findings of this study will

provide information on how to deliver this generations problem which will allow the experts to

understand the problem carefully.

They are the direct recipient of this study to give awareness about computer addiction

that may affect learning of the student. This study carried out in order to analyze the effects of

computer addiction among the students of University of Bohol to prevent them from academic



The teachers are one factor that can help the students in lecturing them about the

correct way of utilizing a computer to avoid misused leading to computer addiction.

Operational Definition

Problematic Gaming - Many terms have been proposed to describe the excessive and

detrimental use of video games, which in severe cases has compulsive or addictive

characteristics similar to those seen in substance addiction.

Hobby - is an activity that you do in your spare time for fun

Psychoactive - also called psychotropic, is a term that is applied to chemical substances that

change a person's mental state by affecting the way the brain and nervous system work. 

Psychosocial - relating to the interrelation of social factors and individual thought and behavior

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