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The nurse manager generally uses a stepwise method to arrive at decisions that are logical
and that is used to maximize the achievement of the desired objective. Which decision-
making model does this manager use?
a) Political decision-making model c) Rational decision-making model
b) Experimentation process d) Trial-and-error method
2. What leadership style is used to maintain a strong control in the department?
a) Laissez- faire c) Collegial
b) Democratic d) Autocratic
3. What make you think is the most effective leadership style that can be used during
emergency situations?
a) Democratic c) Autocratic
b) Laissez- faire d) Supportive
4. What are the qualities that define a leader who uses laissez- faire?
a) The group in planning and in c) Foster independence in team by
decision making promoting motivation and
b) Passive and puts the creativity.
responsibility of decision-making d) Provide little autonomy and self-
to others. motivation.
5. This is a joint trait of a leader which is defined as his ability to possess honesty,
responsibility and maturity in the working area.
a) Integrity c) Intelligence
b) Personality d) Flexibility
6. You are head nurse in the pediatric department. Your roles in the planning process in the
hospital include the following, except one:
a) Act as link between higher- level production of nursing services
managers and non-managers c) Represent the organization
b) Directly responsible for the actual d) None of Above
7. What is true of a patient classification system (PCS)?
a) It is a method of grouping patients status
according to length or duration of c) It depends on the complexity of
nursing care nursing care requirements of the
b) It is a measuring tool used to patient
describe the progress of patient’s d) All of the above
8. You are asked by your instructor to discuss about Contingency Theory. What should you
are included in your discussion?
a) It is a theory in leadership that views the pattern of leader behavior as
dependent on the interaction of the personality and the needs of the situation.
b) It considers that leaders must followers should act on one another
provide followers the sense of to raise their motivation.
security and approval and d) It states that leadership qualities
discipline to succeed in an output. inspire followers to be motivated
c) It emphasizes that both leaders and by what they do.
9. In planning, conceptualizing the purpose and the aspirations of the organization are
essential. What statement gives a false description of a vision?
a) It uses action words in present tense

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b) It is written to magnify the various exist
activities and it is projected with a d) It reflects what the organization
broad time frame wants to be
c) It reflects why the organization
10. In the hospital, your department is using the functional method of patient care modality.
What is it all about?
a) One nurse is responsible for c) The nurse has the responsibility for
giving bedside care, another one giving nursing care to the client
for administering medications from admission until discharge
and another one for treatments d) A team leader has the task of
and so on coordinating the total care of a
b) It is a one on one constant patient group of patients.
care for a period of time.
11. It is a managerial function that indicates leading the staff in the most applicable method.
a) Planning c) Organizing
b) Directing d) Controlling
12. Which describes an informal leader?
a) Competencies and continuing c) The leader of the team since gave
education the legitimate authority to act as
b) The leader of the team because of one.
years of experience in the d) The administration because of age
department and knowledge in the area of work.
13. Why is effective communication important in managing personnel?
a) It fosters influence and power c) It motivates personnel to do their
b) It promotes independence and jobs well
collaboration d) All of the above
14. Downward communication is outlined below. Which one is correct?
a) The communication is between two from the chief nurse to the head
supervisors nurse
b) The flow of communication is from d) The flow of communication is from
the head nurse to supervisor the staff nurse to the chief nurse
c) The flow of communication is
15. During controlling and evaluating phase, which one of the following is quality
improvement method utilized by institutions.
a) Credentialing and licensing c) Clinical pathways
b) Standards of care d) Benchmarking
16. Which type of conflict management technique is described as cooperating and that one
side gives way to the other?
a) Avoiding c) Competing
b) Accommodating d) Compromising
17. The management theorist who developed the 14 principles of management is:
a) Frederick Taylor c) Mary Follet
b) Max Weber d) Henri Fayol
18. What are the tasks that should not be delegated to a non-professional employee?
a) Doing the vital signs d) Assessment of neurological
b) Turning the client every two hours deficits
c) Grooming and bathing the client

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19. You are requested by your instructor to differentiate a leader and a manager. Which one is
a) A leader is focused on purpose but c) A leader has a short-term view
a manager is focused on structures while a manager views work in
and processes. long term duration
b) A leader makes the right thing and d) A leader relies on trust while a
a manager does each task the right manager relies on control
20. Supervision and delegation fall to what phase of the management process
a) Organizing c) Controlling
b) Directing d) Planning
21. What type of conflict refers to when there are two or more opposing incompatible
demands that arise and priority differences affect the resolution of the conflict?
a) Interpersonal conflict c) Intrapersonal conflict
b) Organizational conflict d) None of Above
22. What is no longer a characteristic of an organizational chart?
a) It shows the division of work staff
b) It shows the workload of each d) It delineates the groupings
personnel according to type of work
c) It reflects the type of work of each
23. What kind of staffing is considered the most common pattern and the oldest type?
a) Cyclical staffing c) Decentralized staffing
b) Full time equivalent staffing d) Conventional staffing
24. A lecture format is most appropriate when the:
a) Educational material is complex c) Objective is to achieve long-term
and detailed retention of knowledge.
b) Learning involves attitudes and d) Primary purpose of education is
feelings. the delivery of information.
25. A learning objective that is based on the cognitive domain includes asking participants to:
a) Demonstrate drawing blood from a c) Identify two risk factors for
central line catheter heart disease
b) Explain how they feel about caring d) Remove a colostomy pouch
for patients with terminal illness correctly.
25. Six months after an educational activity on documentation, a nursing professional
development specialist performs an audit of patient charts. Which type of evaluation does
the audit reflect
a) Content c) Outcome
b) Impact d) Process
26. The nursing professional development specialist facilitates selection by using the
decision-making technique of:
a) Brainstorming c) Convergent thinking
b) Consensus d) Groupthink.
27. Which is an accurate statement about certification in nursing professional development?
a) Certification guarantees that c) Certification measures the
standards of care will be met nurse's knowledge of the
b) Certification is a means of specialty
licensure and public protection d) Certification measures the nurse's

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level of education
28. Which role is typically the most challenging for preceptors?
a) Educator c) Role model
b) Evaluator d) Socializer
29. A process within the nursing professional development specialist practice model is:
a) Patient safety c) The learning environment
b) Staff orientation d) The quality of care
30. As a new nursing professional development practitioner, the mastery of which skill is
a) Communicating effectively c) Managing resources
b) Coordinating programs d) Serving as facilitator
31. Which of the following factors will influence the types of structures groups create?
a) Member characteristics and c) The interplay between important
preferences value
b) The nature of the group's task d) All of the above
32. Group tension comes in two types. They are:
a) Internal and external c) Primary and secondary
b) Interpersonal and intrapersonal d) Group and environmental
33. What can be done to reduce a group's primary tension?
a) Establish clear lines of c) Take the time for members to get
communication among members acquainted
b) Establish clear roles among d) None of the above
34. When the group has reached socio-emotional maturity, which types of behaviors will
a) Interpersonal behaviors c) Task behaviors
b) Intrapersonal behaviors d) Relational behaviors
35. What are the stages of Group Building?
a) Closed and Open c) Belief
b) Trust d) All of the Above
36. Which of these isn't a Behavior Style?
a) Promoter c) Actors
b) Directors d) Thinkers
37. The following are characteristics of supporters except
a) Nurturing c) Callous
b) Sensitive d) Caring
38. In order to have an effective group, one must have
a) Supporters and Directors c) Thinkers
b) Promoters d) All of the above
39. Which one of the following is not aim of Nursing Practice?
a) Promote Health c) Disease Process
b) Prevent Illness d) Restore Health
40. There are ________ periods of Nursing History:
a) 3 c) 4
b) 5 d) 6

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