Embedded Control Systems Lecture 4 - Spring 2018: Knut Åkesson

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Embedded Control Systems

Lecture 4 – Spring 2018

Knut Åkesson
Modelling of Physcial Systems

Model knowledge is stored in books and human

minds which computers cannot access

“The change of motion is proportional

to the motive force impressed “
– Newton

Newtons second law of motion: F=m*a

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Equation Based Modelling

• Equations were used in the third millennium B.C.

• Equality sign was introduced by Robert Recorde in 1557

Newton still wrote text (Principia, vol. 1, 1686)

“The change of motion is proportional to the motive force
impressed ”

Programming languages usually do not allow equations!

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Languages for Equation-based Modelling of Physcial Systems

Two widely used tools/languages based on the same ideas

+ Open standard
+ Supported by many different vendors, including open source
+ Many existing libraries
+ A plant model in Modelica can be imported into Simulink
- Matlab is often used for the control design
History: The Modelica design effort was initiated in September 1996 by
Hilding Elmqvist from Lund, Sweden.

+ Easy integration in the Mathworks tool chain
- Closed implementation
What is Modelica

A language for modeling of complex cyber-physical systems

• Robotics
• Automotive
• Aircrafts
• Satellites
• Power plants
• Systems biology

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What is Modelica

A language for modeling of complex cyber-physical systems

Primary designed for simulation, but there are also other

usages of models, e.g. optimization.

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What is Modelica

A language for modeling of complex cyber-physical systems

i.e., Modelica is not a tool
Free, open language
There exist several free and commercial tools,
for example:
• OpenModelica from OSMC
• Dymola from Dassault systems
• Wolfram System Modeler from Wolfram
• SimulationX from ITI
• MapleSim from MapleSoft
• JModelica.org from Modelon
Available at: www.modelica.org • MWORKS from Tongyang Sw & Control
Developed and standardized • IDA Simulation Env, from Equa
by Modelica Association • ESI Group Modeling tool, ESI Group

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Declarative language
Equations and mathematical functions allow acausal modeling,
high level specification, increased correctness
Multi-domain modeling
Combine electrical, mechanical, thermodynamic, hydraulic,
biological, control, event, real-time, etc...
Everything is a class
Strongly typed object-oriented language with a general class
concept, Java & MATLAB-like syntax
Visual component programming
Hierarchical system architecture capabilities
Efficient, non-proprietary
Efficiency comparable to C; advanced equation compilation,
e.g. 300 000 equations, ~150 000 lines on standard PC

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Acasual Modeling

What is acausal modeling/design?

Why does it increase reuse?
The acausality makes Modelica library classes more reusable
than traditional classes containing assignment statements
where the input-output causality is fixed.
Example: a resistor equation:
R*i = v;
can be used in three ways:
i := v/R;
v := R*i;
R := v/i;

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Modelica: Typed Declarative Equation-based Textual Langauge

A textual class-based language

OO primary used for as a structuring concept

Behaviour described declaratively using

• Differential algebraic equations (DAE) (continuous-time)
• Event triggers (discrete-time)

Variable class VanDerPol "Van der Pol oscillator model"

declarations Real x(start = 1) "Descriptive string for x”;
Real y(start = 1) "y coordinate”;
parameter Real lambda = 0.3;
der(x) = y;
der(y) = -x + lambda*(1 - x*x)*y;
end VanDerPol;

Differential equations

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Simscape vs Simulink
Van der Pol Equation in the Simscape Language
Faster Development

Block Diagram (e.g. Simulink, ...) or

Proprietary Code (e.g. Ada, Fortran, C,...)
vs Modelica/Simscape

Definition Modeling of
Subsystems (manual derivation of
Decomposition input/output relations) Implementation Simulation

Block Diagram


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Casual vs Acasual modelling

Modelica/Simscape (acasual): Keeps the Simulink (casual):

Physical model – physical Signal-flow model – hard to
easy to understand understand

Res2 sum3 Ind l2

p p -1 1
R2 1/L
1 s

R1=10 R2=100
n n +1

p p sinln sum1 Res1 Cap l1

n +1 1
1/R1 1/C
-1 s
C=0.01 L=0.1

n n


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Multi-Domain Modeling in Modelica

• A DC motor can be thought of as an electrical circuit which

also contains an electromechanical component
model DCMotor
Resistor R(R=100);
Inductor L(L=100);
VsourceDC DC(f=10);
Ground G;
ElectroMechanicalElement EM(k=10,J=10, b=2);
Inertia load;
equation R L
connect(DC.p,R.n); EM
connect(R.p,L.n); DC
connect(L.p, EM.n);
connect(EM.p, DC.n); load
connect(EM.flange,load.flange); G
end DCMotor

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Corresponding DC-Motor Model Equations

The following equations are automatically derived from the Modelica model:

(load component not included)

Automatic transformation to ODE or DAE for simulation:

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Model Translation Process to Hybrid DAE to Code

Graphical Editor Modelica Modelica
Modelica Model Source code
Textual Editor Modelica Model

Frontend Translator
Modeling Flat model Hybrid DAE
Environment Analyzer
Sorted equations
Optimized sorted
Backend Code generator
C Code
C Compiler

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Software Component Model

Interface Acausal coupling


Component Connection Component

Causal coupling

A component class should be defined independently of the

environment, very essential for reusability
A component may internally consist of other components, i.e.
hierarchical modeling
Complex systems usually consist of large numbers of
connected components

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Connectors and Connector Classes in Modelica

Connectors are instances of connector classes

electrical connector

connector class connector Pin

Voltage v; v +
keyword flow flow Current i;
indicates that currents end Pin;
of connected pins i
sum to zero.
Pin pin;
an instance pin
of class Pin
mechanical connector

connector class connector Flange

Position s;
flow Force f; s
end Flange; flange
an instance flange Flange flange;
of class Flange

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The flow prefix

Two kinds of variables in connectors:

• Non-flow variables potential or energy level (Simscape: Across)
• Flow variables represent some kind of flow (Simscape: Though)
• Equality coupling, for non-flow variables
• Sum-to-zero coupling, for flow variables

The value of a flow variable is positive when the current

or the flow is into the component
positive flow direction:
i +

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Energy flows
Domain Potential Flow Carrier
Electrical Voltage Current Charge

Translational Position Force Linear momentum

Rotational Angle Torque
Magnetic Magnetic
Magnetic Magnetic flux
potential flux rate
Hydraulic Pressure Volume flow Volume
Heat Temperature Heat flow Heat
Chemical Particle flow Particles

Pneumatic Pressure Mass flow Air

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Connect equations in Modelica

Connections between connectors are realized as equations in Modelica


The two arguments of a connect-equation must be references to

connectors, either to be declared directly within the same class or be
members of one of the declared variables in that class

+ v v +
pin1 pin2
i i

Pin pin1,pin2;
//A connect equation
//in Modelica: pin1.v = pin2.v;
Corresponds to
pin1.i + pin2.i =0;

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Connect Equations in Modelica

Pin pin1,pin2;
//A connect equation
//in Modelica pin1.v = pin2.v;
Corresponds to
pin1.i + pin2.i =0;

Multiple connections are possible:

connect(pin1,pin2); connect(pin1,pin3); ... connect(pin1,pinN);

Each primitive connection set of nonflow variables is

used to generate equations of the form:

v1 = v2 = v3 = ⋯ = vn

Each primitive connection set of flow variables is used to generate

sum-to-zero equations of the form:
i1 + i2 + i3 + ⋯ + in = 0

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Equation-based modelling facilitate modelling of multi-domain systems.

More complex system benfit more from taking advantage of the better
structuring and increased possiblity for reusability.

Industry is moving away from modelleing everything in Simulink to also

used Modelica and/or Simscape.

Tradeoff between using an open standardized language and using an

integrated tool-chain.

In the project you will use Simscape for modelling the physics and Simulink
to implement the control algorithms.

Next: View Webinar about Physical Modelling with the Simscape Language.
Webinar: Physcial Modeling with the Simscape Language

Simscape Documentation


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