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Cholelithiasis, (calculi or gallstones) usually form in the gallbladder from solid constituents of bile and vary greatly in size,

shape, and
Types of gallstones:
Pigment gallstones- probably form when unconjugated pigments in the bile precipitate to form stones,
Unconjugated bilirubin is a waste product of hemoglobin breakdown that is taken up by the liver
Cholesterol stones- most common form,
In gallstone-prone patients, there is decreased bile acid synthesis and increased cholesterol synthesis in the liver, resulting in
bile supersaturated with cholesterol, which precipitates out of the bile to form stones. The cholesterol-saturated bile predisposes to
the formation of gallstones and acts as an irritant, producing inflammatory changes in the gallbladder
are thought to develop because of an imbalance in the chemical make-up of bile inside the gallbladder. In most cases the
levels of cholesterol in bile become too high and the excess cholesterol forms into stones.

Sign and symptoms

• Biliary colic (abdominal cramping and pain that worsens after a fatty meal)
• Abdominal pain (especially in the right upper and middle upper quadrants; may radiate to the back or right shoulder)
• Abdominal distension
• Nausea and vomiting
• Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)
• Clay-colored stools (due to the lack of bile)
• Leukocytosis
Abdominal ultrasound An ultrasound scan is ➧Pretest Normal Result In cholelithiasis ,
commonly done to clarify Explain the test purpose and • Normal position and ultrasound detects
the diagnosis. procedure. Assure the patient appearance of the liver, gallstones as small as
This is a painless test that no radiation is employed gallbladder, bile 2mm.
which uses sound waves to and that the test is painless. ducts, pancreas, kidneys,
scan the abdomen. An adrenals, and spleen, as
ultrasound scan can Instruct the patient to avoid well as the
usually detect gallstones, oral intake (remain NPO) for a abdominal aorta, inferior
and also minimum of 8 hours before the vena cava, and their
whether the wall of the examination to fully dilate the major tributaries.
gall bladder is thickened gallbladder and to improve the
(as occurs with visualization of all structures. • Sizes of organs:
cholecystitis). Gallbladder: Length,
Explain that a coupling gel will diameter, and wall
be applied to the skin and that thickness within normal
a sensation of warmth or limits
wetness may be felt. Although
the couplant does not stain,
advise the patient to avoid
wearing non washable

Explain to the patient that it is
necessary to regulate the
breathing pattern as instructed.

Provide support and assure the

patient that the test is
proceeding normally.

Instruct the patient that it is

necessary to lie quietly during
test, even though it may be

Remove any residual gel from
the skin.

Normal diet and fluids may be

resumed, unless
contraindicated by
the test results.

Evaluate the outcomes and

counsel the patient
regarding further tests or
possible treatments.
Percutaneous It supports the diagnosis Before Biliary ducts are normal In cholelithiasis ,, PTC
Transhepatic of obstructive jaundice Instruct the patient to fast and in diameter, with no detects gallstones and
Cholangiogram (PTC) and reveals calculi in the restrict fluids for 4 to 8 hr, or evidence of dilation, reveals obstructive
ducts. as ordered, prior to the filling defects, duct jaundice.
procedure. Fasting is ordered narrowing, or
To visualize and assess because an empty stomach extravasation
biliary ducts for causes of provides better visualization Contrast medium fills
obstruction and jaundice, and as a precaution against the ducts and flows
such as stones. aspiration related to possible freely
nausea and vomiting. Gallbladder appears
normal in size and
Inform the patient this shape.
procedure can assist in
assessing the bile ducts of the

Explain that the patient may

feel discomfort when the
needle penetrates the liver,
pressure, or brief discomfort
in the right subscapular area.

Reassure the patient that

medication will be given to
enhance comfort.
The patient will need to
remain still and hold his or her
breath for short periods during
the test.

Tell the patient testing usually

takes between 30 and 60

Instruct the patient to remove

jewelry and other metallic
objects from the area of


Assess vital signs frequently

according to policy.

The patient should remain bed

rest for 6 hours post

Monitor for bleeding from

puncture site, swelling around
puncture site. Notify the
physician immediately if the
patient has right abdominal or
shoulder pain (indicates
bleeding), fever, dizziness,
drop in blood pressure,
Continue antibiotics as



2. ULTRASONOGRAPHY The procedure is most accurate • Ask patient to lie quietly on Normal Ultrasonography
if the patient fasts overnight so the examination table in the can detect calculi in
that the gallbladder is distended. supine or decubitus position. • Normal size, the gallbladder or a
The use of ultrasound is based position, and dilated common bile
on reflected sound waves. • Cover skin with a layer of configuration of duct. It is reported
Ultrasonography can detect coupling gel, oil, or lotion. gallbladder and bile to detect gallstones
calculi in the gallbladder and ducts. with 95% accuracy
• Ask the patient to regulate
distinguishes obstructive and
breathing as instructed. • No evidence of
non obstructive jaundice.
• Examination time is
approximately 10–30 minutes. • Normal adjacent
liver tissue

• Explain the purpose,

benefits, and procedure of the

• Instruct the patient to remain

NPO at least 8 hours before
the examination to fully dilate
the gallbladder and to improve
anatomic visualization. Some
laboratories prefer that the last
meal before the study should
contain low quantities of fat.

• Assure the patient that there

is no pain involved. However,

patient may feel

uncomfortable lying quietly
for a long period.

• Explain that a liberal coating

of coupling agent must be
applied. A sensation of
warmth or wetness may be

• Explain that the patient will

be instructed to control
breathing patterns while the
images are being taken.


• Patient may resume normal

diet and fluid intake.

• Remove the gel, or instruct

the patient to clean the
remaining gel from the

• Evaluate the outcome and

counsel appropriately about
further treatment or
4. Oral cholangiography Oral cholangiography may be The nurse must ask the patient Oral
performed to detect gallstones about allergies to iodine or cholangiography in
and to assess the ability of the seafood. If no allergy is cholelithiasis detect
gallbladder to fill, concentrate its identified, the patient receives gallstone
contents, contract, and empty. the oral form of the contrast
The patient takes iodine- agent the evening before the x-
containing tablets by mouth. The rays are obtained.
iodine is absorbed from the
intestine into the bloodstream, Instruct patient to take the
removed from the blood by the contrast agent 10 -12 hrs
liver, and excreted by the liver before the x-ray study. To
into the bile. Contrast agents prevent contraction and
include iopanoic acid emptying of the gallbladder,
(Telepaque), iodipamide the patient is permitted
meglumine (Cholografin), and nothing by mouth after the
sodium ipodate (Oragrafin). contrast agent is administered.

5. ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE The examination of the The procedure requires a

CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY hepatobiliary system is carried cooperative patient to permit
out via a side-viewing flexible insertion of the endoscope
fiberoptic endoscope inserted without damage to
into the esophagus to the thegastrointestinal tract
descending duodenum. Multiple structures, including the
position changes are required biliary tree. Before the
during the procedure, beginning procedure, the patient is given
in the left semi-prone position to an explanation of the
pass the endoscope. procedure and his or her role
in it. The patient takes nothing
by mouth or several hours
before the procedure.
Moderate sedation is used with
this procedure, so the sedated
patient must be monitored
closely. Most endoscopists use
a combination of an opioid and
a benzodiazepine. Medications
such as glucagon or
anticholinergics may also be
necessary to eliminate
duodenal peristalsis to make
cannulation easier. The nurse
observes closely for signs of
respiratory and central nervous
system depression,
hypotension, oversedation, and
vomiting (if glucagon is
given). During ERCP, the
nurse monitors intravenous
fluids, administers
medications, and positions the

After the procedure, the nurse

monitors the patient’s
condition, observing vital
signs and monitoring for signs
of perforation or infection. The
nurse also monitors the patient
for side effects

of any medications received

during the procedure and for
return of the gag and cough
reflexes after the use of local

6. PERCUTANEOUS TRANSHEPATIC This procedure can be carried Although the complication rate
CHOLANGIOGRAPHY out even in the presence of liver after this procedure is low, the
dysfunction and jaundice. It is nurse must closely observe the
useful for distinguishing patient for symptoms of
jaundice caused by liver disease bleeding, peritonitis, and
from that caused by biliary septicemia. The nurse should
obstruction, for investigating the immediately report pain and
gastrointestinal symptoms of a indicators of these
patient whose gallbladder has complications.
been removed, for locating
stones within the bile ducts, and Antibiotic agents are often
for diagnosing cancer involving prescribed to minimize the risk
the biliary system. of sepsis and septic shock.

Drug Study



Generic Name: Bile ducts can become -Severe right-sided Gastrointestinal -Hypersensitive to ● Assess patient carefully for suitability of
Ursodeoxycholic acid blocked and cause cirrhosis upper abdominal disorders: abdominal ursodiol, the formulation, ursodiol therapy. Alternative therapy should
in one or more parts of the pain during the discomfort, abdominal or with other bile acid be reviewed before using ursodiol.
Brand Name: liver. Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment of pain, constipation, agents hypersensitivity. ● Give drug in two to three divided doses.
Urosodiol is a naturally occurring bile primary biliary diarrhea, dyspepsia, ● Do not administer drug with aluminum-
acid which is taken as either cirrhosis. nausea, vomiting. -Ursodiol is based antacids. If such drugs are needed,
Dosage&Frequency&Rou contraindicated in patients
a tablet or liquid to try and General disorders and administer 2–3 hr after ursodiol.
te: with complete biliary
prevent liver disease in administration site ● Schedule patients for periodic oral
people with cystic fibrosis. conditions: malaise, cholecystograms or ultrasonograms to
● Solubilization of -Skin rash. peripheral edema, obstruction. evaluate drug effectiveness at 6-mo intervals
gallstones: 8–10 pyrexia. Hepatobiliary until resolution, then every 3 mo to monitor
mg/kg/day PO given in disorders: jaundice (or stone formation. Stones recur within 5 yr in
two to three divided aggravation of more than 50% of patients. If gallstones
doses. preexisting jaundice). appear to have dissolved, continue treatment
● Resolution of the for 3 mo and perform follow-up ultrasound.
gallstones requires ● Monitor LFTs periodically. Carefully assess
months of therapy; patient if any change in liver function occurs.
condition needs to be
monitored with
ultrasound at 6-mo and 1-
yr intervals.
●Treatment of biliary
cirrhosis: 13–15
mg/kg/day PO
administered in two to
four divided doses with
food; readjust dosage
based on patient response

● Prevention of
gallstones: 300 mg PO
bid or 8–10 mg/kg/day
PO in two to three
divided doses.

Route: ORAL

Drug Classification:Bile
Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing
Action Responsibilities
Generic Name: Analgesic, Inhibits used for the short- -patients with active -headache - yellowing of the - Monitor vital signs
Ketorolac anti- prostaglandin term treatment of peptic ulcer disease -dizziness skin or eyes - Inform the patient
inflammatory. synthesis, reduces moderate to -patients with recent -drowsiness - excessive tiredness about the possible
Trade Name: prostaglandin levels severe pain gastrointestinal -diarrhea - unusual bleeding side effect of the
Toradol in aqueous humor. bleeding or -constipation or bruising drug
Therapeutic Effect: perforation - lack of energy - Advise patient to
Reduces intensity -patients with a - nausea report any
of pain stimulus, history of peptic - loss of appetite discomfort
reduces intraocular ulcer disease or - flu-like symptoms - Assess for
inflammation gastrointestinal - pale skin therapeutic
bleeding - fast heartbeat response: relief of
-pediatric patients pain, stiffness,
swelling; increased
joint mobility;
reduced joint
improved grip

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