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Concept 3: Social Interaction

Social Interaction is a process of reciprocal stimulation or response between 2
people. It develops competition, interaction, influences social roles and status and
people for social relationships. Compare social loafing (N.,PAM M.S.,2013). According
to Merril, “Social Interaction is the general process whereby two or more persons are in
a meaningful contact, as a result of which their behavior is modified however slightly.”
While according to Dawson and Gettyes Social Interaction is define as “It is a process
by which men interpenetrate the minds of each other.” (Kdkasi., 2017).

In sociology, Social interaction is dynamic sequence of social actions between
individuals (or groups) who modify their actions and reactions due to the actions by their
interaction partner(s). Social interactions can be differentiated into accident, repeated,
regular, and regulated.

There are two types of social interaction, which are as follow, direct or physical
social interaction and symbolic interaction. Direct or Physical Social Interaction.
Direct interaction is the physical action amongst the individual. Physical interaction
influence the actions of others in different ways. It requires the involvement of two and
more than two individual and physical action or physical contact among them. For
example, pulling, biting, boxing, playing cricket or football, wrestling etc. comes under
the category of physical or direct social interaction. Furthermore, match between two
team and war between two armies, both are physical social interaction. Symbolic
Interaction Such interaction involves symbols and language. The common way of
communication in human society is language. Every society has its language and the
people of that society share that common language to communicate with each other
such process is known as symbolic process. People share their feelings, thoughts and
ideas via language. It is two way or reciprocal process between two and more than two
individuals. (kdkasi., 2017)


People who are chronically lacking in social contacts are more likely to experience
elevated levels of stress and inflammation. These, in turn, can undermine the well-being
of nearly every bodily system, including the brain. Researchers at Duke University
Medical Center also found out that social ties can reduce deaths among people with
serious medical conditions. Absent social interactions, blood flow to vital organs is likely
to be reduced and immune function may be undermined. Even how genes are
expressed can be adversely affected, impairing the body’s ability to turn off
inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, arthritis, Type 2
diabetes and even suicide attempts. “In other words,” Dr. Seppala explained, “social
connectedness generates a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical
well-being.” (Brody., 2017)


Advantage and Disadvantage:

The advantage of social interaction is hearing other people’s opinions and sharing
of knowledge and information. However, the disadvantage is that sometimes
misunderstanding can’t be helped and people start to become toxic of not accepting
other people’s opinion and start degrading people that doesn’t approved yours.

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