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In diploid ortheherheganisms (like humans), the somatic cells possess two copies of the genome,
one inherited from gerhehythe father and one from the mother. Each autosomal gene is therefore
represented by two copies, or alleles, witewfwegfiwegfiwefwe\\




Wegjhwvejfbwekfbwegvw eg


Ewkhfgewigfbweknv eswv

Wefhewfbewmf weh one vajmple, the gene tyujtyjtyiktitoencoding insulin-like growth factor 2
(IGF2/Igf2) is only expressedffbifbjsdvbsjdvbsd from the allele inherited from the father.
Although imprintihshsrhs

vetwtwbng accounts for a small proportion of mammalian genes they play an important role in
embryogenesis pewfwehgiwebgarticularly in the formation of visceral structures and the nervous
system.[13] vhwekujfgwy34wy3efjcdvzcjmsgfcyuaf

Acvhafvcjhas cjahe vukwgiawkawu

Uqvtcu3vcukwcbriwavrb aewvre

The term "imprinting" was first used to describe events in the insect Pseudococcus nipae.[14] In
Pseudococcids (mealybugs) (Hemiptera, Coccoidea) both the male and female develop from a
fertilised egg. In females, all chromorhererhsomes remain euchromatic and functional. In
embryos destined to become mfqfjqhwfkjqwvfjqwvfjqwvfqvwfkavdjAV Cales, one haploid set
of chromosomes becomes heterochromatinised after the sixth cleavage division and remains so in
most tissues; males are thus functionally haploid.[15][16][17]

Imprinted genes in mammals

That imprinting might be a feature of mammalian development was suggested in breeding
experiments in mice carrying reciprocal chromosomal translocations.[18] Nucleus transplantation
experiments in mouse zygotes in the early 1980s confirmed that normal development requires the
efhqvfqjdvqwfjmqvfhqv fmqherherherhefqewfqweg

No naturally occurring cases of parthenogenesis exist in mammals because of imprinted genes.

However, in 2004, experimental manipulation by Japanese researchers of a paternal methylation
imprint controlling the Igf2 gene led to therherherherhetrhhe birth of a mouse (named Kaguya)
with two maternal sets of chromosomes, thougwvhbw vrwkurgwvjrhwcuybvuvrti3ncwivurtwurtv
kwicbowihrbcwiuvr liwcb ikwhv riwhrv liwah it is not a true parthenogenone since cells from
two different female mice were used. The researchers were able to succeed by using one egg
from an immature parent, thus reducing maternal imprinting, and mgwrgwgwgewfqhdj
wvqfjqwvfqkjfvqjwfvbqjwfqwfodifying it to express the gene Igf2, which is normally
only expressed by the paternal copy of the gene.

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