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12/29/2020 Micah 2 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's

#39;s Concordance O…

Hebrew OT - Transliteration - Holy Name KJV

Michah / Micah 2

1 Against oppression. 4 A lamentation. 7 A reproof of injustice

and idolatry. 12 A promise of restoring Jacob.

‫הוֹי ח ְֹשׁבֵ י־אָוֶ ן וּפֹ ֲעלֵי ָרע‬ 2:1 ¶ Woe 1945 to them that devise 2803
2:1 hôy chosh'vëy- z8802
iniquity, 205 and work 6466 z8802 evil 7451
‫בְּ אוֹר‬ ‫ל־מ ְשׁכְּ בוֹתָ ם‬
ִ ַ‫ע‬ äwen ûfoálëy rä al-
upon x5921 their beds! 4904 when the morning
mish'K'vôtäm B'ôr 1242
‫הַ בּ ֶֹקר ַיעֲשׂוּהָ כִּ י יֶשׁ־לְ אֵ ל‬ is light, 216 they practise 6213 z8799 it,
haBoqer yaásûhä Kiy
because x3588 it is 3426 in the power 410 of
‫י ָָדם‬ yesh-l'ël yädäm
their hand. 3027

2:2 w'chäm'dû sädôt 2:2 And they covet 2530 z8804 fields, 7704
‫וְ חָ ְמדוּ ָשׂדוֹת וְ גָזָ לוּ וּבָ ִתּים‬ w'gäzälû ûväTiym and take [them] by violence; 1497 z8804 and
houses, 1004 and take [them] away: 5375 z8804
‫וְ נ ָָשׂאוּ וְ עָ ְשׁקוּ גֶּבֶ ר וּבֵ יתוֹ‬ w'näsäû w'äsh'qû Gever
so they oppress 6231 z8804 a man 1397 and his
ûvëytô w'iysh
‫וְ ִאישׁ וְ נַחֲ לָתוֹ פ‬ w'nachálätô f house, 1004 even a man 376 and his heritage.

‫לָכֵ ן כֹּה אָמַ ר יְ הוָ ה ִה ְננִי‬ 2:3 läkhën Koh 2:3 Therefore x3651 thus x3541 saith 559
ämar y'hwäh hin'niy z8804 Yähwè 3068 ;‫ יָהוֶ ה‬Behold, x2009 against
‫ח ֵֹשׁב עַ ל־הַ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ חָ ה הַ זֹּאת‬ choshëv al- x5921 this x2063 family 4940 do I devise 2803
‫ָרעָ ה אֲ ֶשׁר א־תָ ִמישׁוּ‬ haMish'Pächäh haZot z8802 an evil, 7451 from x4480 x8033 which x834
rääh ásher lo-tämiyshû ye shall not x3808 remove 4185 z8686 your
‫ִמ ָשּׁם צַ וְּ ארֹתֵ יכֶ ם וְ א‬ miSHäm tzaû'rotëykhem necks; 6677 neither x3808 shall ye go y3212 z8799
‫תֵ לְ כוּ רוֹמָ ה כִּ י עֵ ת ָרעָ ה‬ w'lo tël'khû rômäh Kiy x1980 haughtily: 7317 for x3588 this x1931 time
‫ִהיא‬ ët rääh hiy 6256
[is] evil. 7451

2:4 ¶ In that x1931 day 3117 shall [one]

2:4 BaYôm hahû
‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא יִ ָשּׂא ֲעלֵיכֶ ם‬ yiSä álëykhem mäshäl
take up 5375 z8799 a parable 4912 against x5921
you, and lament 5091 z8804 with a doleful 5093
‫מָ ָשׁל וְ נָהָ ה נ ְִהי נ ְִהיָה אָמַ ר‬ w'nähäh n'hiy nih'yäh
lamentation, 5092 [and] say, 559 z8804 We be
ämar shädôd n'shaDunû
‫ְשׁדֻּ נוּ חֵ לֶק עַ ִמּי‬ ַ ‫ָשׁדוֹד נ‬ chëleq aMiy yämiyr
utterly y7703 z8800 spoiled: 7703 z8738 he
hath changed 4171 z8686 the portion 2506 of my
‫י ִָמיר אֵ י י ִָמישׁ לִ י לְ שׁוֹבֵ ב‬ ëykh' yämiysh liy
people: 5971 how x349 hath he removed 4185
l'shôvëv sädëynû
‫ָשׂ ֵדינוּ יְ חַ לֵּק‬ y'chaLëq
[it] from me! turning away y7725 z8788
he hath divided 2505 z8762 our fields. 7704
2:5 läkhën lo- 2:5 Therefore x3651 thou shalt have x1961
‫לָכֵ ן א־יִ ְהיֶה לְ מַ ְשׁלִ י‬ yih'yeh l'khä mash'liykh' none x3808 that shall cast 7993 z8688 a cord 2256
‫גוֹרל בִּ ְקהַ ל יְ הוָ ה‬
ָ ְ‫חֶ בֶ ל בּ‬ chevel B'gôräl Biq'hal by lot 1486 in the congregation 6951 of Yähwè
y'hwäh .‫יָהוֶ ה‬
2:6 Prophesy 5197 z8686 ye not, x408 [say
‫י ִַטּיפוּן‬ ‫אַל־תּ ִטּפוּ‬
ַ 2:6 al-Ta ‡ ifû they to them that] prophesy: 5197 z8686 they
‫א־י ִַטּפוּ לָאֵ לֶּה א יִ סַּ ג‬ ya ‡ iyfûn lo-ya ‡ ifû shall not x3808 prophesy 5197 z8686 to them,
läëLeh lo yiŠag K'liMôt x428 [that] they shall not x3808 take 5253 z8799
‫כְּ לִ מּוֹת‬ shame. 3639

‫הֶ אָמוּר בֵּ ית־ ַי ֲעקֹב הֲ ָקצַ ר‬ 2:7 heämûr Bëyt- 2:7 ¶ O [thou that art] named 559 z8803
yaáqov háqätzar rûªch the house 1004 of Ya`áköv 3290 ,‫עקֹב‬ ֲ ‫ ַי‬is the
‫ִאם־אֵ לֶּה‬ ‫יְ הוָ ה‬ ַ‫רוּח‬ y'hwäh im-ëLeh spirit 7307 of Yähwè 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬straitened?
‫ְדבָ ַרי‬ ‫מַ ֲע ָללָיו הֲ לוֹא‬ maáläläyw hálô d'väray 7114 z8804 [are] these x428 his doings? 4611 do
yëy † iyvû im haYäshär not x3808 my words 1697 do good 3190 z8686 to
‫ֵיטיבוּ עִ ם הַ יּ ָָשׁר הוֹ ֵל‬
ִ ‫י‬ hôlëkh'
12/29/2020 Micah 2 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's Concordance O…
x5973 1980 z8802
him that walketh uprightly?

‫וְ אֶ ְתמוּל עַ ִמּי לְ אוֹיֵב‬ 2:8 Even of late 865 my people 5971 is
2:8 w'et'mûl aMiy
risen up 6965 z8787 as an enemy: 341 z8802 ye
‫יְ קוֹמֵ ם ִממּוּל ַשׂלְ מָ ה אֶ ֶדר‬ l'ôyëv y'qômëm miMûl
pull off 6584 z8686 the robe 145 with 4136 x4480
sal'mäh eder Taf'shi † ûn
‫ַתּפְ ִשׁטוּן מֵ עֹבְ ִרים בֶּ טַ ח‬ the garment 8008 from them that pass y5674
mëov'riym Be † ach z8802 x4480 x5674
by securely 983 as men averse
‫שׁוּבֵ י ִמלְ חָ מָ ה‬ shûvëy mil'chämäh 7725 z8803
from war. 4421
2:9 n'shëy aMiy 2:9 The women 802 of my people 5971
‫ְשׁי עַ ִמּי ְתּג ְָרשׁוּן ִמבֵּ ית‬ ֵ ‫נ‬ T'gär'shûn miBëyt have ye cast out 1644 z8762 from their pleasant
‫ַתּ ֲענֻגֶיהָ מֵ עַ ל ֹע ָללֶיהָ ִתּ ְקחוּ‬ Taánugeyhä mëal 8588 houses; 1004 x4480 from x4480 x5921 their
oläleyhä Tiq'chû hádäriy children 5768 have ye taken away 3947 z8799
‫הֲ ָד ִרי לְ עוֹלָם‬ l'ôläm my glory 1926 for ever. 5769
2:10 Arise 6965 z8798 ye, and depart; y3212
‫קוּמוּ וּלְ כוּ כִּ י א־זֹאת‬ 2:10 qûmû ûl'khû z8798 x1980
for x3588 this x2063 [is] not x3808
Kiy lo-zot haM'nûchäh
‫הַ ְמּנוּחָ ה בַּ עֲבוּר טָ ְמאָה‬ [your] rest: 4496 because x5668 it is polluted,
Baávûr †äm'äh T'chaBël 2930 z8800
it shall destroy 2254 z8762 [you], even
‫ְתּחַ בֵּ ל וְ חֶ בֶ ל נ ְִמ ָרץ‬ w'chevel nim'rätz
with a sore 4834 z8737 destruction. 2256
2:11 If 3863 a man 376 walking 1980 z8802
2:11 lû-iysh holëkh'
‫ה ֵל רוּחַ וָ ֶשׁ ֶקר‬ ֹ ‫לוּ־אישׁ‬ִ in the spirit 7307 and falsehood 8267 do lie, 3576
rûªch wäsheqer KiZëv z8765
[saying], I will prophesy 5197 z8686 unto
‫כִּ זֵּ ב אַ ִטּף לְ ַליַּיִ ן וְ ל ֵַשּׁכָ ר‬ a ‡ if l'khä laYayin
thee of wine 3196 and of strong drink; 7941 he
w'laSHëkhär w'häyäh
‫וְ הָ יָה מַ ִטּיף הָ עָ ם הַ זֶּ ה‬ ma‡iyf hääm haZeh
shall even be x1961 the prophet 5197 z8688 of
this x2088 people. 5971
2:12 ¶ I will surely y622 z8800 assemble,
622 z8799 3290
‫אָסֹף אֶ אֱ סֹף ַי ֲעקֹב ֻכּ ָלּ‬ 2:12 äšof eéšof O Ya`áköv ֲ ‫ ַי‬all x3605 of
yaáqov KuLäkh' qaBëtz thee; I will surely y6908 z8763 gather 6908 z8762
‫ְשׁאֵ ִרית‬ ‫ַקבֵּ ץ אֲ ַקבֵּ ץ‬ áqaBëtz sh'ëriyt yis'räël the remnant 7611 of Yi$rä´ël 3478 ;‫שׂראֵ ל‬ ָ ִ‫ י‬I
‫יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל יַחַ ד אֲ ִשׂימֶ נּוּ‬ yachad ásiymeNû K'tzon will put 7760 z8799
them together 3162
as the
Bätz'räh K'ëder B'tôkh' sheep 6629
of Boxrà 1223
ָ ָ‫בּ‬ z8677 y1224
‫כְּ צֹאן בָּ ְצ ָרה כְּ עֵ ֶדר בְּ תוֹ‬ haDäv'rô T'hiymenäh the flock 5739 in the midst 8432 of their fold:
ָ ֵ‫הַ ָדּבְ רוֹ ְתּ ִהימֶ נָה מ‬ mëädäm 1699
they shall make great noise 1949 z8686 by
reason of [the multitude of] men. 120 x4480
2:13 The breaker 6555 z8802 is come up
‫עָ לָה הַ פּ ֵֹרץ לִ פְ נֵיהֶ ם פָּ ְרצוּ‬ 2:13 äläh haPorëtz 5927 z8804
before 6440 them: they have broken
lif'nëyhem Pär'tzû 6555 z8804
‫וַ ַיּ ֲעבֹרוּ ַשׁעַ ר וַ יּ ְֵצאוּ בוֹ‬ up, and have passed through 5674
waYaávorû shaar z8799 the gate, 8179 and are gone out 3318 z8799
‫וַ ַיּ ֲעבֹר מַ לְ כָּ ם לִ פְ נֵיהֶ ם‬ waYëtz'û vô waYaávor by it: and their king 4428 shall pass 5674 z8799
mal'Käm lif'nëyhem
‫ֹאשׁם פ‬ ָ ‫וַ יהוָ ה בְּ ר‬ before 6440 them, and Yähwè 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬on
wayhwäh B'roshäm f
the head 7218 of them.


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