Micah 6 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's Concordance Online Parallel Bible Study

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12/29/2020 Micah 6 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's

#39;s Concordance O…

Hebrew OT - Transliteration - Holy Name KJV

Michah / Micah 6

1 God's controversy for unkindness, 6 for ignorance, 10 for

injustice, 16 and for idolatry.

‫ִשׁ ְמעוּ־נָא אֵ ת אֲ ֶשׁר־יְ הוָ ה‬ 6:1 shim'û-nä ët 6:1 ¶ Hear 8085 z8798 ye now x4994 x853
‫ִריב‬ ‫קוּם‬ ‫אֹמֵ ר‬ ásher-y'hwäh omër qûm what x834 Yähwè 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬saith; 559 z8802
riyv et-hehäriym Arise, 6965 z8798 contend 7378 z8798 thou before
‫וְ ִת ְשׁמַ עְ נָה‬ ‫אֶ ת־הֶ הָ ִרים‬ w'tish'ma'näh haG'väôt x854 the mountains, 2022 and let the hills 1389
‫הַ גְּ בָ עוֹת קוֹ ֶל‬ qôlekhä hear 8085 z8799 thy voice. 6963

ִ ֶ‫ִשׁ ְמעוּ הָ ִרים א‬ 6:2 Hear 8085 z8798 ye, O mountains, 2022
6:2 shim'û häriym x853
Yähwè's 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬controversy, 7379 and
‫יְ הוָ ה וְ הָ אֵ תָ נִים מ ְֹס ֵדי‬ et-riyv y'hwäh 386
w'häëtäniym moš'dëy ye strong foundations 4146 of the earth: 776
‫אָרץ כִּ י ִריב לַיהוָ ה‬ ֶ äretz Kiy riyv layhwäh for
Yähwè 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬hath a controversy
‫וְ עִ ם־יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬ ‫עִ ם־עַ מּוֹ‬ im-aMô w'im-yis'räël with x5973 his people, 5971 and he will
yit'waKäch plead 3198 z8691 with x5973 Yi$rä´ël .‫שׂראֵ ל‬ָ ִ‫י‬
‫יִ ְתוַ כָּ ח‬ 3478

6:3 O my people, 5971 what x4100 have I

‫וּמָ ה‬ ְ‫יתי ל‬ִ ‫עַ ִמּי מֶ ה־עָ ִשׂ‬ 6:3 aMiy meh-
done 6213 z8804 unto thee? and wherein x4100
äsiytiy l'khä ûmäh
‫הֶ לְ אֵ ִתי ֲענֵה בִ י‬ have I wearied 3811 z8689 thee? testify 6030
hel'ëtiykhä ánëh viy z8798
against me.
6:4 For x3588 I brought thee up 5927 z8689
‫כִּ י הֶ עֱלִ ִתי מֵ אֶ ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַריִ ם‬ 6:4 Kiy heélitiykhä out of the land 776 x4480 of Mixrayim
mëeretz mitz'rayim 4714
ַ ‫ ִמ‬and redeemed 6299 z8804 thee
,‫צריִ ם‬
‫יתי‬ ִ ‫וּמבֵּ ית עֲבָ ִדים פְּ ִד‬ ִ ûmiBëyt ávädiym out of the house 1004 x4480 of servants; 5650
‫וָ אֶ ְשׁלַח לְ פָ נֶי אֶ ת־מ ֶֹשׁה‬ P'diytiykhä wäesh'lach
l'fäneykhä et-mosheh
and I sent 7971 z8799 before 6440 thee x853
‫וּמ ְריָם‬
ִ ‫אַהֲ רֹן‬ aháron ûmir'yäm Möšè ֶ ‫´ מ‬Ahárön 175 ,‫ אַהֲ רֹן‬and
Miryäm 4813 .‫ִמריָם‬
6:5 O my people, 5971 remember 2142
now x4994 what x4100 Bäläk 1111 ‫בָּ לָק‬
‫עַ ִמּי זְ כָ ר־נָא מַ ה־יָּעַ ץ בָּ לָק‬ 6:5 aMiy z'khär-nä
king 4428 of Mô´äv 4124 ‫ מוֹאָב‬consulted, 3289
mah-Yäatz Bäläq
‫מֶ ֶל מוֹאָב וּמֶ ה־עָ נָה אֹתוֹ‬ melekh' môäv ûmeh-
and what x4100 Bil`äm 1109 ‫ בִּ לעָ ם‬the
‫בֶּ ן־בְּ עוֹר‬ ‫בִּ לְ עָ ם‬ änäh otô Bil'äm Ben- son 1121 of Bæ`ôr 1160 ‫ בְּ עוֹר‬answered 6030
B'ôr min-haSHi‡iym ad- z8804
him from x4480 Ši++îm 7851 ‫ ִשׁ ִטּים‬unto
‫עַ ד־הַ גִּ לְ גָּל‬ ‫ִמן־הַ ִשּׁ ִטּים‬ haGil'Gäl l'maan Daat x5704
Gilgäl 1537 ;‫ גִּ לגָּל‬that x4616 ye may
‫לְ מַ עַ ן ַדּעַ ת ִצ ְדקוֹת יְ הוָ ה‬ tzid'qôt y'hwäh
know 3045 z8800 the righteousness 6666 of
Yähwè 3068 .‫יָהוֶ ה‬
6:6 ¶ Wherewith x4100 shall I come before
6:6 BaMäh áqaDëm 6923 z8762 Yähwè 3068 ,‫[ יָהוֶ ה‬and] bow y3721
‫בַּ מָּ ה אֲ ַק ֵדּם יְ הוָ ה ִאכַּ ף‬ y'hwäh iKaf lëlohëy z8735
myself x3721 before the high 4791
‫לֵא הֵ י מָ רוֹם הַ אֲ ַק ְדּמֶ נּוּ‬ märôm haáqaD'meNû 430
?‫ אֱ ִהים‬shall I come before
v'ôlôt Baágäliym B'nëy ´Élöhîm
‫בְ עוֹלוֹת בַּ ֲעגָלִ ים בְּ נֵי ָשׁנָה‬ shänäh
6923 z8762
him with burnt offerings, 5930 with
calves of a year 8141 old? 1121

‫יְ הוָ ה בְּ אַלְ פֵ י‬ ‫הֲ יִ ְרצֶ ה‬ 6:7 háyir'tzeh 6:7 Will Yähwè 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬be pleased
y'hwäh B'al'fëy ëyliym 7521 z8799 with thousands 505 of rams, 352 [or]
‫בְּ ִרבְ בוֹת‬ ‫אֵ ילִ ים‬ B'riv'vôt nachálëy- with ten thousands 7233 of rivers 5158 of oil?

12/29/2020 Micah 6 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's Concordance O…

ִ ְ‫ֵי־שׁמֶ ן הַ אֶ ֵתּן בּ‬
ָ ‫נַחֲ ל‬ shämen haeTën B'khôriy 8081 shall I give 5414 z8799 my firstborn 1060
Pish'iy P'riy vi † 'niy [for] my transgression, 6588 the fruit 6529 of
‫פִּ ְשׁעִ י פְּ ִרי בִ ְטנִי חַ טַּ את‬ cha‡at naf'shiy my body 990 [for] the sin 2403 of my soul? 5315
‫נַפְ ִשׁי‬
‫אָדם מַ ה־טּוֹב‬ ָ ְ‫ִהגִּ יד ל‬ 6:8 hiGiyd l'khä 6:8 He hath shewed 5046 z8689 thee, O
ädäm mah- ‡ ôv ûmäh- man, 120 what x4100 [is] good; 2896 and what
‫דּוֹרשׁ ִמ ְמּ כִּ י‬ ֵ ‫וּמָ ה־יְ הוָ ה‬ y'hwäh Dôrësh miM'khä
doth Yähwè
‫ יָהוֶ ה‬require 1875 z8802
‫ִאם־עֲשׂוֹת ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט וְ אַהֲ בַ ת‬ Kiy im-ásôt mish'Pä † of x4480 thee, but x3588 x518 to do 6213 z8800
w'ahávat chešed justly, 4941 and to love y160 x157 mercy, 2617
‫לֶכֶ ת‬ ַ‫וְ הַ ְצנֵע‬ ‫חֶ סֶ ד‬ w'hatz'nëª lekhet im- and to walk y3212 z8800 x1980 humbly 6800 z8687
‫עִ ם־אֱ הֶ י פ‬ éloheykhä f with
thy ´Élöhîm
?‫אֱ ִהים‬

6:9 Yähwè's 3068 ‫ יָהוֶ ה‬voice 6963 crieth

‫קוֹל יְ הוָ ה לָעִ יר יִ ְק ָרא‬ 6:9 qôl y'hwäh läiyr 7121 z8799
unto the city, 5892 and [the man of]
yiq'rä w'tûshiYäh yir'eh
‫תוּשׁיָּה יִ ְראֶ ה ְשׁמֶ ִשׁ ְמעוּ‬ִ ְ‫ו‬ sh'mekhä shim'û ma ‡ eh wisdom
shall see 7200 z8799 thy name: 8034
8085 z8798
hear ye the rod, 4294 and who x4310
‫וּמי יְ עָ ָדהּ‬
ִ ‫מַ טֶּ ה‬ ûmiy y'ädäH
hath appointed 3259 z8804 it.

‫עוֹד הַ ִאשׁ בֵּ ית ָר ָשׁע‬ 6:10 ¶ Are there 786 yet x5750 the treasures
6:10 ôd haish Bëyt 214
of wickedness 7562 z8676 y376 in the house
‫א ְֹצרוֹת ֶר ַשׁע וְ אֵ יפַ ת ָרזוֹן‬ räshä otz'rôt resha 1004
of the wicked, 7563 and the scant 7332
w'ëyfat räzôn z'ûmäh
‫זְ עוּמָ ה‬ measure 374 [that is] abominable? 2194 z8803

‫ֶר ַשׁע‬ ‫הַ אֶ זְ כֶּ ה בְּ מֹאזְ נֵי‬ 6:11 haez'Keh 6:11 Shall I count [them] pure 2135 z8799
B'moz'nëy resha with the wicked 7562 balances, 3976 and with
‫וּבְ כִ יס אַבְ נֵי ִמ ְרמָ ה‬ ûv'khiyš av'nëy mir'mäh the bag 3599 of deceitful 4820 weights? 68
6:12 ásher 6:12 For x834 the rich men 6223 thereof are
‫יריהָ מָ לְ אוּ חָ מָ ס‬ ֶ ‫אֲ ֶשׁר ע ֲִשׁ‬ áshiyreyhä mäl'û chämäš full 4390 z8804 of violence, 2555 and the
‫רוּ־שׁ ֶקר‬
ָ ְ‫ִדּבּ‬ ָ‫וְ י ְֹשׁבֶ יה‬ w'yosh'veyhä DiB'rû- inhabitants 3427 z8802 thereof have spoken 1696
shäqer ûl'shônäm z8765 lies, 8267 and their tongue 3956 [is]
‫וּלְ שׁוֹנָם ְר ִמיָּה בְּ פִ יהֶ ם‬ r'miYäh B'fiyhem deceitful 7423 in their mouth. 6310
6:13 Therefore also x1571 will I x589 make
ֶ‫ֵיתי הַ כּוֹת‬
ִ ‫וְ גַם־אֲ נִי הֶ חֱ ל‬ 6:13 w'gam-ániy
[thee] sick 2470 z8689 in smiting 5221 z8687 thee,
hechélëytiy haKôtekhä
ֶ‫הַ ְשׁמֵ ם עַ ל־חַ טֹּאת‬ in making [thee] desolate 8074 z8687 because
hash'mëm al-cha‡otekhä
of x5921 thy sins. 2403
6:14 Thou x859 shalt eat, 398 z8799 but not
‫אַ ָתּה תֹאכַ ל וְ א ִת ְשׂבָּ ע‬ 6:14 aTäh tokhal x3808
be satisfied; 7646 z8799 and thy casting
w'lo tis'Bä
‫וְ י ְֶשׁחֲ בְּ ִק ְרבֶּ וְ תַ סֵּ ג וְ א‬ down 3445 [shall be] in the midst 7130 of thee;
and thou shalt take hold, 5253 z8686 but shalt
‫ְתּפַ לֵּט‬ ‫תַ פְ לִ יט וַ אֲ ֶשׁר‬ B'qir'Bekhä w'taŠëg w'lo
not x3808 deliver; 6403 z8686 and [that] which
taf'liy† waásher T'faLë † x834
‫לַחֶ ֶרב אֶ ֵתּן‬ thou deliverest 6403 z8762 will I give up
lacherev eTën 5414 z8799
to the sword. 2719

‫אַ ָתּה ִתזְ ַרע וְ א ִת ְקצוֹר‬ 6:15 Thou x859 shalt sow, 2232 z8799 but
6:15 aTäh tiz'ra w'lo
thou shalt not x3808 reap; 7114 z8799 thou x859
‫ִת ְד ֹר ־זַ יִ ת‬ ‫אַ ָתּה‬ tiq'tzôr aTäh tid'rokh'-
shalt tread 1869 z8799 the olives, 2132 but thou
zayit w'lo-täšûkh'
‫ֶשׁמֶ ן וְ ִתירוֹשׁ‬ ‫וְ א־תָ סוּ‬ shalt not x3808 anoint 5480 z8799 thee with oil;
shemen w'tiyrôsh w'lo 8081
and sweet wine, 8492 but shalt not x3808
‫וְ א ִת ְשׁ ֶתּה־יָּיִ ן‬ tish'Teh-Yäyin
drink 8354 z8799 wine. 3196

‫וְ יִ ְשׁ ַתּמֵּ ר חֻ קּוֹת עָ ְמ ִרי וְ כֹל‬ 6:16 w'yish'TaMër 6:16 ¶ For the statutes 2708 of `Omrî
chuQôt äm'riy w'khol ִ ָ‫ ע‬are kept, 8104 z8691 and all x3605 the
‫ית־אַחאָב וַ ֵתּלְ כוּ‬
ְ ֵ‫מַ ע ֲֵשׂה ב‬ maásëh vëyt-ach'äv works 4639 of the house 1004 of ´Aç´äv
‫מעֲצוֹתָ ם לְ מַ עַ ן ִתּ ִתּי‬ ֹ ְ‫בּ‬ waTël'khû B'moátzôtäm 256 ,‫ אַחאָב‬and ye walk y3212 z8799 x1980 in
l'maan TiTiy ot'khä their counsels; 4156 that x4616 I should make

12/29/2020 Micah 6 - Hebrew English Translation Massoretic Text MT Interlinear Holy Name King James Version KJV Strong's Concordance O…

ָ‫לְ ַשׁמָּ ה וְ י ְֹשׁבֶ יה‬ ‫א ְֹת‬ l'shaMäh w'yosh'veyhä 5414 z8800 thee a desolation, 8047 and the
lish'rëqäh w'cher'Pat inhabitants 3427 z8802 thereof an hissing: 8322
‫לִ ְשׁ ֵר ָקה וְ חֶ ְרפַּ ת עַ ִמּי‬ aMiy TiSäû f therefore ye shall bear 5375 z8799 the reproach
‫ִתּ ָשּׂאוּ פ‬ of my people. 5971


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