Skills Practice Solutions - 10 - Configuring User Input Tasks

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In this exercise, you will add a User Input Task to the Add Vehicle process model to collect
the vehicle details from the process initiator.

Create a new user input task for “Enter Vehicle Information” in the Add Vehicle process
model that adheres to the following guidelines:
1. The task must be completed by the process initiator and they should not have
privileges to reassign it.
2. Create an activity class parameter to save the user’s input to that matches the
VFM_vehicle custom data type.
3. All data collected from the end user on the form should be saved to the process in
order to be accessed later in the flow. The activity class parameter value collected
on the form should be saved into a process variable. (Hint: Make sure to save the
values to each field of the CDT, not at the parent level. For example, save
vehicle.make into the corresponding vehicle.make process variable.)
4. The task should call the form created in the previous exercise
5. When the task completes, as an output of the node, the lastUpdated and
nextServiceDate fields should be defined. The lastUpdated value can use the current
date and time, and the nextServiceDate field should use the expression rule created
already called VFM_CalculateNextServiceDate to determine the correct value.

In the user input task, navigate to the “Assignment” tab. Here you can select the process
initiator inside of the expression editor. This will capture the person who initiates the process.
Once you have assigned the task to the initiator, you can click “Set reassignment privileges for
assignee”. This will bring up another window where you can edit reassignment privileges.


Add activity class parameters on the “Data” tab of the user input task.
You should match each field you are editing inside of the CDT to its corresponding field in the
vehicle CDT.

Navigate to the “Forms” tab and select use an existing form, then open the expression editor
where you can then call your interface rule and map your variables.
Create custom outputs on the outputs tab of your “Data” tab in the user input task.

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