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In this exercise, you will create a report to display information about the different vehicles in
the fleet.

Use the Report Builder in the Interface Designer to create grids and charts for a report
dashboard, then call those interfaces in a report to display to the end user. The report
should adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Create a constant that points to the VFM Record you created in the previous skills
2. Create an interface named VFM_VehicleGrid. Using the Report Builder, create a grid
that shows the Make, Model, Category, and License Plate Number of all the vehicles in
the database. The column headers should be readable for the end user.
3. Create another interface named VFM_VehicleTypePieChart. Using the Report Builder,
create a pie chart that shows the total number of cars in the fleet by their category.
a. Show the data labels on the pie chart to display the total number of cars next to
each piece of the pie
b. Add a label to the pie chart
c. Make sure the pie chart displays the pieces of pie in order from largest to
4. Create a single interface that display the grid and pie chart that you created.
5. Create a report in your application
a. Ensure it has a label and description
b. Set the appropriate security. Give VFM All Users rights to view the report data,
and VFM Admin to control the configuration and security about the report

Create an interface and select the Report Builder template. This will prompt you to enter
the constant to the Data Store Entity. Once the constant is inserted, you should see a
screen like the one below. Choose the fields and give them user friendly labels as shown
When creating a pie chart, you will need to “Group the records by common field” and select
which field to count by and which field to group by. The field you group by will be the chart
labels and the field you count by will be the chart series. Select Pie Chart as your visual.


Once you have created both the grid and pie chart, you can call these interfaces inside of a
single interface for display purposes.
Once you’ve completed the visuals and combined them into a single interface, you can
create the report. When creating a report, it will ask you to specify an interface to display.
Call your VFM_VehicleReport interface. Once the report is created, remember to set
appropriate security on the Report object.

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