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Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you? Man: It's $25.99.
Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day Girl: Humm. I don't have that much money.
(1)______________. Man: Okay. How much money do you have to
Man: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet? (6)_____________?
Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet? Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table].
Man: Huh . . . which one? (7)______________ about ten dollars or so. I've been
helping my mom around the house for the past week to
Girl: The black one.
_(8)_____________ some money. This is all I have.
Man: Oh. It's only $_(2)_____________.
Man: Hmm. How about this tie?
Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a
Girl: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I
_(3)_____________ one?
know I (9)______________ have that much money.
Man: Hmm. How about this brown (4)_____________ one?
Man: Well, let's just say the (10)______________ went on
Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say?
the outside, and it doesn't have a (5)______________ to put
Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.
pictures. How much is it anyway?
1. It’s thanks ______Sarah that I heard about the job.
A. with B. to C. for D. on
2. They may not want to let me stay the night__________ from home.
A. far away B. away C. near D. around
3. Ann: “What do you usually do on Sundays?”- “__________________”.
A. I used to drive to work B. I’d be sleeping all day C. I’m not doing anything D. I usually sleep until noon
4. Mr. John used to be an active person, but now he has to limit his activities ____________problems with his health.
A. because of B. although C. because D. in spite of
5. In spite of_______, he has no intention to give up smoking.
A. his bad cough B. he coughs badly C. it is his bad cough D. his badly cough
6. A calculating machine can do calculations with lightning speed. (SYNONYM)
A. very quickly B. very slowly C. mysterious D. perfectly
7. My father is easy to persuade but my mother is too protective towards me. (ANTONYM)
A. dislike B. deny C. discourage D. ignore
*Find mistakes
8. He managed to eat a big lunch despite he had eaten an enormous breakfast.
9. He never has a day off and when he is at work he always works very hardly.
10. I think I’ll take the money if I were you.
* Cloze-test
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever before, the
(11) ___________ of overweight people is at a new high. As people frantically search for a solution to this problem, they
often try some of the popular fad diets being offered. Many people see fad diets as harmless ways of (12)
______________weight, and they are grateful to have them. Unfortunately, not only don‘t fad diets usually do the trick, they
can actually be dangerous for your health.
Although permanent weight loss is the goal, few are able to achieve it. Experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters return
to their starting weight, or even gain weight. While the reckless use of fad diets can bring (13)______________initial results,
long-term results are very rare.
However, people who are fed up with the difficulties of changing their eating (14) ______________often turn to fad
diets. Rather than being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes. They advise eating only one type of food, or
they prohibit other types of foods entirely. This results in a situation where a person‘s body doesn‘t get all the vitamins and
other things (15)______________it needs to stay healthy.
(Adapted from Active Skills for Reading: Book 3 by Neil J. Anderson)

11. A. range B. amount C. sum D. number
12. A. loosing B. lose C. to lose D. losing
13. A. some B. much C. one D. another
14. A. methods B. habits C. activities D. ways
15. A. where B. why C. who D. that
*Reading comprehension
Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that country. However,
this is not necessarily true. Often, the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little we actually know
about the culture of that country.
Books and talks about other people’s culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences
and exaggerate national character, and sometimes a lot of information they contain is untrue.
In a study recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything that they thought was typical of
Britain and would interest a foreign visitor there. Most mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing,
English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper. Although all of these characters can be found in British culture, they
do not show the real interests of ordinary British people: (they are, in fact, simply stereotype- that is, general character which
people wrongly think are typical). What is surprising is that they were suggested by British people themselves as
representing their culture. If people have such a wrong impression of their own culture, how much false would their
impression of their culture be!
16.If we stay a long time in a foreign country,  ______________ .
A. we will usually realize that we know very little about its culture
B. we will sometimes forget about culture of our own country
C. we can often learn a lot about the culture of the foreign country
D. we can seldom find out anything at all about its culture
17.It is hard to learn about a country’s cultural from books because such books ______________ .
A. concentrate on the dangers of the foreign culture            B. exaggerate national character
C. take no notice of culture different                                   D. contain little information about culture
18.When asked about their own culture, many British people ______________ .
A. gave incorrect answers                                            B. were surprised by the question asked
C. argued they know little about British culture D. said they themselves were not typical of British
19. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that it’s easy to ______________ .
A. give exact information about your own country            B. describe stereotypes of your country
C. know a lot about your own country’s culture                 D. know the culture of other countries
20.Which of the following is true?
A.  It’s easy to assimilate the culture of a foreign country.
B.  Visitors to a country are soon assimilated into it culture.
C.  British people understand their own culture more than other culture.
D.  The culture of a foreign culture cannot be learned by reading books.

*Fill the blanks with the given words
persuade resulted in accuracy manage
miraculous entertainment knowledge
21. Cinema is a medium of_________________ for young people in this town.
22. A teenage boy had a ______________ escape from death last night when he fell into an ice cold-river.
23. Many people began to question the_______________ of his statement.
24. You need to learn how to ________________your time more effectively.
25. An increase in the city’s population has_______________ an increase in housing price.

*Give the correct form of words in brackets
26. He speaks very ______________ but I feel in my bones that he is lying. (persuade)
27. We offer free__________________ support for those buying our software. (technique)
28. The oil spill has caused_________________ damage to the environment. (calculate)
29. Beginners will have two ______________ classes. (introduce)
30. I have only limited____________________ of computers. (know)
*Give the correct forms/ tenses of verbs in brackets
31. I thanked her for everything she_________________ for me. (do)
32. This is the fifth time I _________________the same question by my mother. (ask)
33. I asked her when her house ______________________. (build)
34. The officer ordered his soldiers_______________. (not, shoot)
35. He told me __________________anyone about the matter. (not,tell)

*Rewrite the following sentences with the given words or requirements in brackets
36. Someone stole a valuable painting from the Art Gallery. (Passive)
-> _______________________________________________________________.
37. We will show our paintings to our parents on the day of the exhibition. (Passive)
-> _______________________________________________________________.
38. I’m looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt. (Using Relative clause)
-> The children _______________________________________________________________.
39. The forest provides a home for deer and other wildlife. It lies below my house. (Using relative clause)
-> _______________________________________________________________.
40. He was accused of stealing the money. No one can believe this. (Using relative clause)
-> ________________________________________________________________.
41. My mother works in an office building. It is the highest one in this city. (Using relative clause)
->The office building_______________________________________________________________.
42. “I work eight hours a day except when the children are on holiday,” said Mary. (Reported speech)
-> ________________________________________________________________.
43. “Please don’t smoke in these seats,” the air hostess said to the passengers. (Reported speech)
-> ________________________________________________________________.
44. “Do you remember what you have to do?” said the director. (Reported speech)
-> ________________________________________________________________.
45. “Who do you think will win, John?” George asked. (Reported speech)
-> ________________________________________________________________.
46. ''This man spoke to me on the road," said the woman.
-> ________________________________________________________________.
47. Mike said, "We have bought these book's today.'
-> ________________________________________________________________.
48. Barbara said, "I saw them at my parents' house last year. "
-> ________________________________________________________________.
49. "Please don't make such a mess in your room," his mother said.
-> ________________________________________________________________.
50."Why don't you reply to the President's offer right now?" said Mary to her husband.
-> ________________________________________________________________.

scenic produce miraculous appropriate capable calculated
speed accuracy electronic manage request relax
1. It is possible to predict the outcome with reasonable ______________.
2. The technology can be used to ______________ interactive educational programs.
3. The new tax system would be ______________ on the value of property owned by an individual.
4. Please complete the ______________ parts of this form and return it as soon as possible.
5. The train passes through some incredibly ______________ routes in Switzerland.
6. He was not physically ______________ of climbing out of the window.
7. When I get home from work I like to ______________ with a glass of wine.
8. A teenage boy had a ______________ escape from death last night when he fell into an ice cold-river.
9. The accident was due to excessive ______________.
10. The boss refused our ______________ to leave work early.
pieces term end off occasions formation
besides supposed excursion instead trip sunshine
1. We all ______________ him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss.
2. I have a suit but I only wear it on special ______________.
3. I heard a couple of interesting ______________ of news the other day about the company’s plans for expansion.
4. There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea ______________?
5. The children were out playing in the ______________.
6. ______________ nutrients and light, rice and weeds also competed for water.
7. The change in rules meant they would be unable to take a day ______________ if their children were ill.
8. The ______________ from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train.
9. An agreement on the ______________ of a new government was reached on June 6.
10. In Britain, the spring ______________ starts in January and ends just before Easter.
11. My class is going on an ______________ to Niagara Falls.
12. Everyone wishes the war would come to an ______________ soon.
poverty hardly meet simple need straw
mud shortages manage technology technique better
1. We have developed a new ______________ for detecting errors in the manufacturing process.
2. We didn't go swimming for the ______________ reason that the water was too cold.
3. Some 80% of Haitians live in ______________, and few have proper jobs.
4. The instructions are printed so small I can ______________ read them.
5. How do you ______________ to work in this heat without air conditioning?
6. I don't know about you but I'm in ______________ of a drink.
7. The organization was established to ______________ conditions for the disabled.
8. Add a layer of ______________ to your compost heap before adding more grass clippings.
9. The long hot summer has led to serious water ______________.
10. With computer ______________, even people working on their own can produce professional-looking documents.
11. It’s not easy to make ends ______________ with a big family, but somehow we manage.
12. My trousers got covered in ______________, but luckily I was able to brush them clean.

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