Professors Journey

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~~~Professors journey~~~

Working, working, working to invent something..

There was a Professor who wanted to make a
travelling machine to travel to the future and
discover new creatures. He tried day and night to
make it and he worked. "Yay, I can't believe that I
finally made it!" He said. The Clever Professor ran to
his secret lab and went in the Travelling machine,
but he was nerves because, it was his first time
exploring the future.

Boom, bum, bam! There were lots of noises coming

from the travelling machine! It landed on the future,
the Professor was surprised. He went step by step
out of the travel machine and found himself in a
mechanical world. In the future, there was lots of
flying cars and robots and more! The Professor
found a new friend, her name was Radica. She
explained everything in the future to the Professor
and they explored together, but everything didn't go

A huge rare Alien began to destroy the city! Run!”

Radica screamed. The Professor asked,"What's going
on?" Radica mumbled, "Every year, a rare Alien
comes and destroy the city." He began to be in panic
but he tried to be strong and build something to kill
the anxious alien. Thinking, thinking, thinking to
build something... ''Aaha, I have a great idea!'' He
The Professor began and tried to build the
invention.. He took minutes and minutes to make his

"Finally, I'm done!” He shouted. The Professor took

his meadow then threw it in the rare Alien. Bam,
bam, bam! Strange sounds started to come from the
meadow. Pew! The Alien exploded by that beneficial
bomb! Radica and the citizen were shocked. "How
on Earth did the meadow kill that rare Alien?!"She
cried. The entire citizens were blissful and shocked
at the same time from the prudent Professor. The
Professor took a picture of the rare Alien to add it to
his 'new creature discovery' after he leaves the
future. He good-bye the citizen and Radica then he
travelled back to the present.

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