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Final Project

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Degree of Bachelor of Islamic Education
in English Department



Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Fax. 7615387 Semarang 50185


Dear Sir,
Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah
State Institute for Islamic Studies
(IAIN Walisongo Semarang)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After correcting it to whatever extent necessary, we state that the final project belongs to
student as bellow:
Name : Siti Sholichatun
Reg Number : 043411040
Department : English
is ready to be submitted to join last examination.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Semarang, December 21, 2010

Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M. Pd. H. Mursid, M. Ag.

NIP. 19780719 200501 1 007 NIP. 19670305 200112 1

Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Fax. 7615387 Semarang 50185


Name : Siti Sholichatun

Student Number : 043411040
Had been ratified by the team of thesis examiner of education Faculty of
Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies Semarang on:
Day : Friday
Date : June 10th 2011
The Team of Examiner
Chairman, Secretary,

Dr. Muslih, M.A. Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M.Pd.

NIP. 15027692 600000 1 000 NIP. 19780719 200501 1 007

Examiner I, Examiner II

Dra. Siti Mariam, S.S., M.Hum. Siti Tarwiyah, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 19650727 199203 2 002 NIP. 19721108 199903 2 001

Academic Advisor I Academic Advisor II

Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M. Pd. H. Mursid, M. Ag.

NIP. 19780719 200501 1 007 NIP. 19670305 200112 1 001


I certify that this final project is definitely my work. I am completely responsible

for the content of this final project. Other writer’s opinion or finding included in
the final project are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, June 9th, 2011

The Writer

Siti Sholichatun


     

Recite in the name of thy Lord Who created everything. (QS. Al Alaq: 1)1

Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, the Quran, (London: Curzon Press, 1985), 3rd Ed, p. 624.


The thesis is dedicated to:

1 My beloved father (Supaidi. Alm), mother (Zulifah), and grandmother
(Sakinah) who always support emotionally and materially with prayer, love,
and patience.
2 My beloved sister and brothers, (Sutikah, Khafidhin, Andi Ribowo, and Zaenal
Arifin) who always support and motivate the writer to finish this thesis.
3 My beloved someone, (Ahmad Furqoni) who is always in my heart. Thank
you for your spirit, love and patience.
4 All my best friends, (Mb’atik, Saekul, Ms Silo, Ms Yeni, Rudy, Farik, De’ Ila
and De’ Maftuh) thank you for unforgetteble friendship.
5 All of friends in “Green House” Mb’ Riya, De’ Aya, De’ Sary, De’ Iztie, De’
Eima, Mb’ Asky, De’ Chusnul, Mb’ Ti2k, De’ Runtea, De’ Iif, De’ Aniz, Mb’
Dewi, De’ Dede and Mb’ Uun.
6 All my friends.


Alhamdulillah, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT for blessing,
health, chance, and inspiration given to the writer during the completion of this
final project with title Content Analysis of Reading Materials in English on Sky
Textbook for Junior High School.
Shalawat and salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from
darkness to the brightness.
The writer realizes that she cannot complete this final project without the
help of others. Many people have helped the writer during the writing this final
project and it would be impossible to mention all of them. The writer wishes,
however, to give the writer sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:
1. Dr. Suja’i, M.Ag. as Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Walisongo Semarang.
2. Siti Tarwiyah, S.S.,M.Hum as the Head of the English Department of
Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang.
3. Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M.Pd as the first advisor and H. Mursid, M.Ag as
the second advisor for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful
corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement
during the consultation.
4. Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge,
guidance, and advices during the years of her study.
5. The writer’s parents who always support emotionally and materially with
prayer, love, and patience.
The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from completeness, so that the
writer expects constructive suggestion and criticism from all side for the
advantages of the thesis.

Finally, the writer expects this thesis be useful, especially for the writer
and generally for the readers.
Semarang, June 9th, 2011

Siti Sholichatun
NIM. 043411040


Siti Sholichatun (Student Number: 043411040). Content Analysis of

Reading Materials in English on Sky Textbook for Junior High School. Thesis.
Semarang: Bachelor Program of English Language Education of Walisongo State
Institute for Islamic Studies, 2011.
Keywords: content analysis, reading materials, textbook.

The background of the study in this research, reading is one of important

language skill that the students have to read English material for their subject,
most of students are interested in reading the English written material such as;
book, novel, article and text. Based on the phenomena that textbook has a great
role in teaching learning, because textbook are important for students to prepare
and fulfill experiences in the good process. So, the English teacher should be able
to decide whether the contents of the textbook are suitable with the current
curriculum or not. In this study, the writer choose content analysis of reading
materials in English on Sky textbook because it is one of the genres that must be
mastered by Ninth Year Students of Junior High School.
The problems of this research can be stated as follow:
1. What kind of genre contained in the reading passages found in English on Sky
textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga?
2. What is the lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th
grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga?
The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the kind of genre contained
in the reading passage found in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior
High School published by Erlangga, (2) to find out the lexical density of reading
text based on English on Sky textbook for 9th grade level of Junior High School.
The research approach used is library research in content analysis. The
data collected from reading texts found in English on Sky textbook. There are 10
reading texts which are categorized into different kinds of text.
The result of the analysis showes that there are three genre which are used
in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by
Erlangga. They are procedure, report, narrative text and these genres fulfilled the
KTSP English syllabus requirement.
The lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade
of Junior High School published by Erlangga is around 50%- 60% (quite lexical
density). It means that the reading texts are quite lexical densities. It means that
the text is not difficult, easy to understand and suitable for students.


PAGE OF TITLE................................................................................................... i
ADVISOR APPROVAL........................................................................................ ii
RATIFICATION... ................................................................................................ iii
A THESIS STATEMENT...................................................................................... iv
MOTTO................................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................................ vii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... x
A. Background of Study ........................................................... 1
B. Reason for Choosing Topic................................................... 4
C. Research Questions............................................................... 4
D. Objectives of the Study......................................................... 4
E. Significance of Study............................................................ 4
F. Method of Research .............................................................. 5


A. Theoretical Review ............................................................... 8
1. Reading .......................................................................... 8
a. Definition of Reading ................................................ 8
b. Reading Material ....................................................... 9
2. Curriculum...................................................................... 10
a. Definition of Curriculum ........................................... 10
b. The 2006 English Curriculum.................................... 11
3. Textbook......................................................................... 12
a. Definition of English Textbook ................................. 12
b. The Functional of Textbook...................................... 13

4. Text ................................................................................ 14
a. Definition of Text...................................................... 14
b. Genre ........................................................................ 14
5. Lexical Density............................................................... 17
a. Content Words .......................................................... 18
b. Grammatical Function Words.................................... 20
B. Previous Research................................................................. 22


A. Research Approach ............................................................... 24
B. Source of Data ...................................................................... 25
C. Data...................................................................................... 25
D. Procedure Data Collection .................................................... 25
E. Procedure of Analyzing Data ................................................ 26


A. Kinds of Text in Reading Material in English on Sky
Textbook for 9th Grade.......................................................... 29
B. Analysis of Lexical Density .................................................. 30


A. Conclusions .......................................................................... 42
B. Suggestions........................................................................... 44



A. Background of Study
In daily life, language is always used by people for communication. As
human being, people tend to live or interact with other people. It proves that in
general, human beings are social creatures who need each other. As social
creatures, the most important thing is that naturally they are motivated to
interact with other people to express their existence, needs, opinions, and to
influence other people. The importance of language includes all of the aspects
of life because experience, feeling, and idea of someone can only be known by
other people by using language. It means that language is used for
English is an important means of communication which is used in
many countries in the world. It plays in important role in the process of
modernization as an international language to be taught in schools.1 The
purpose of teaching English is to develop four language skills; listening,
speaking, reading and writing. These four language skills enable students to
take part in information exchange, to establish interpersonal relationship, and
to obtain knowledge as well as to enjoy the language esthetic of English. The
teacher must develop four language skills that their students own, so that they
can use language to communication and to express their mind, their feeling
and their idea.
There are four skills in English, they are listening, reading, speaking,
and writing. Those skills are important to be mastered without ignoring each
other. For many students, reading is the important of the four skills in second
language. As a skill, reading is clearly one of important language skill that
where students have to read English material for their subject. The student
often thought to be easier to obtain information from written text by reading.

Ramelan, Introduction to Linguistics, (Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press, 1992), p. 6.

Reading skill in one language is not necessarily transferred to another
language. The result of teaching reading, however, is still considered to be
unsatisfactory despite how long it has been taught in school and various
techniques of teaching reading used. Most of students face difficulties in
reading English text due to the different English language features from their
first language. Basically, teaching reading is conveying or guiding the students
to gain some important message and get meaning from written text. Most of
students are interested in reading the English written material such as; book,
novel, newspaper, article, text, etc. In the English lesson of Junior High
School the development of reading skills, especially in analyses kinds of text.
Nowadays, the government has arranged the 2006 School-Based
Curriculum named KTSP. It is an operational curriculum which is formed and
practiced by each school Indonesia.2 But actually it does not change the basis
of Competence-Based Curriculum substantially. The aim of English teaching
according to the School-Based Curriculum is that the students of Junior High
School hopefully can achieve that functional level of literacy because they are
preparing to continue their study to the Senior High School. Besides that,
School-Based Curriculum also deals with the four language skills, such as;
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In reading, it refers to the text. It
means that the students are able to understand and producing various shorts
functional and monologue texts, and essay in the form of narrative,
descriptive, recount, procedure, and report.
The materials can be authentic materials, for example from newspaper,
magazine, recipe or textbook. The English teacher should be able to decide
whether the contents of the textbook are suitable with the current curriculum
or not. Textbooks are important for students to prepare and fulfill experiences
in the good process.
According to Dana Ferris and John S. Hedgcock, “textbooks are so
pervasive in educational systems throughout the world. Indeed, textbooks

Wikipedia, “Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan”,
Kurikulum_Tingkat_satuan_pendidikan, retrieved on 6th July 2010.

provide the backbone for the courses many educators teach”.3 It means that the
materials in the textbook should help the teacher in conducting teaching and
learning process, so it is important for the teacher to select and to analyze the
contents of textbook.
There are some categories of a good book. First, the contents of the
textbook should deal with the current curriculum; it might be from the genre
with should be available in the textbook. Besides that, the contents of the
textbook also go with the level of study. In the textbook include lexical
density which is measure the proportion content words in a text. The second
category is a textbook should have an interesting display because it can give
motivation for readers to read the textbook. In addition, the language of the
textbook should correct in context and situation. It means that the language
does not enclose ambiguous, so the reader can understand easily.
Based on those explanations, the writer would like to try to analyze the
reading materials found in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior
High School published by Erlangga. There are several reasons why the writer
chooses the book; First, English on Sky textbook is one of book that suitable
with the current curriculum. Second, English on Sky textbook used for
teaching English to ninth year’s students in Semarang because, it is important
to know whether the reading materials are appropriate with the students’ need.
Third, the writer used this book to know the lexical density of reading text
based on the 9th grade level of Junior High School.

B. Reason for Choosing Topic

The reasons that motivated the writer to choose the topic are as
1. English is a foreign language; it is understandable that most students face
difficulties in understanding a piece of reading text.

Dana Ferris and John S. Hedgcock, Teaching ESL Composition: Purpose, Process, and
Practice, (London, USA: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 2005), 2nd Ed., p. 125.

2. Reading is very important understanding a written text means extracting the
required information from a written text as efficiently as possible.
3. Text is very important in our life because it means transferring message to
the readers or listeners.
4. Lexical density is a measure of the proportion content words in a text.
Content words as opposed to function words are words that carry a high
information load such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverb.

C. Research Question
Problems that are discussed in this study can be stated as follows:
3. What kind of genre contained in the reading passage found in English on
Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga?
4. What is the lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th
grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga?

D. Objective of Study
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To find out the kind of genre contained in the reading passage found in
English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by
2. To find out the lexical density of reading text based on English on Sky
textbook for 9th grade level of Junior High School.

E. Significance of Study
The writer hopes that this research will be useful for:
1. The teacher
a. The teacher can select the textbook which is most suitable in teaching
learning process.
b. The teacher can apply the result of this study as feedback on their
teaching activities; improve their knowledge and experience in choosing
appropriate book, so that the students are better in reading skill.

2. The Students
To improve the students’ knowledge and ability in English reading
materials, so that the students are able to understand the meaning of steps
and rhetorical development in written text becomes better.
3. The writer
It would be useful for the writer because it can improve the writer’s
knowledge about the genres and the lexical density in reading materials.


A. Theoretical Review
1. Reading
a. Definition of Reading
Reading in language learning plays an important role. It is one
of four language skills students have to learn. It is assumed to be the
central means for learning new information and gaining access to
alternative explanations and interpretations. Reading as one of
language skills, has given an important contribution to human life.
Through reading, people can get many useful and new information,
ideas and inspirations which can enrich their knowledge, and they can
know about things happen in the world recently. Reading can help or
train people to wider their mind and point of views in facing and
solving matters happen in their life.
In the teaching of Islam, reading is also one key word to seek
knowledge. As Allah stated in verse al-‘Alaq 1-5:

             

          
Recite in the name of thy Lord Who created everything. He
created man from a clot of blood. Recite, for thy Lord is Most
Beneficent, Who has taught by the pen, taught man that which
he knew not.4

Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, The Quran, (London: Curzon Press, 1985), 3rd Ed, p. 624.

It means that the reading is one activity which is very much
suggested by Islam, so that its followers can seek knowledge wherever
and whenever possible.
Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader
and the text. In the process of trying to understand a written text, the
reader has to perform a number of simultaneous tasks, decode the message
by recognizing the written signs, interpret the message by assigning
meaning to the string of words, and finally, understand what the author’s
intention was. In this process there are three participants: the writer of
text, text, and reader.5 So, reading is one of the linguistic skills that people
should have in order to communicate in English fluently and it is
important to understand information from the text and interpret its
b. Reading Material
As a skill, reading is clearly one of the most important in many
instances around the world. It is the most important foreign language.
According to Harmer, reading is a model of language, reading texts
provide opportunities to study language such as; vocabulary, grammar,
punctuation and the way to construct sentence, paragraph and text.6
From the explanation above, it means that reading is one of
important language that to be mastered by students in the Junior High
School. To enable the students to master reading activity, teacher of
English should provide materials. The teaching materials which are
suggested by curriculum are reading materials which are not only suitable
with the topic which is discussed, but also a good reading for students
from the point of the setting of its message, the plot of the thought,
structure of the text, lexical characteristic and correctness of the language.

Mariane Celce-Murcia and Elite Olshtain, Discourse and Context in Language Teaching,
(United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 119.
Jeremy Harmer. How to teach English (United State: Addison Wesley Longman, 1998), p.

Reading material refers to any texts or passage that brings
certain message or ideas to be shared to the reader through the process
of reading activity. In preparing the material there are some aspects to
be considered. The writer emphasizes on the level of the readers
interest as well as the objectives of the reading activity.
Based on the School-Based Curriculum, the basic competence
in reading materials is to understand the meaning and the steps of
rhetoric development in the written text (narrative, descriptive,
recount, procedure, report, etc). Reading is usually conceived of as a
solitary activity in which the reader to interact with the text.
2. Curriculum
a. Definition of Curriculum
Curriculum is the most essential of teaching learning process.
A teacher should teach his/her students according to the current
curriculum because it has been designed on the basis of students’
needs. Feez stated that “curriculum is a general statement of goals and
outcomes, learning arrangement, evaluation, and documentation
relating to the management of program within an education
institution”.7 Curriculum is a plan that gives guidance in the teaching-
learning process activities.8
From the definition above, the writer concludes that curriculum
is a plan that is developed to make teaching-learning activities progress
well. It is kind of guidance in the teaching-learning process. The
reformation of curriculum is sometimes done in order to improve or to
develop the quality of education. The curriculum also contains science,
knowledge, and experience worth giving to the students to obtain the
educational objectives.

Feez, Susan, Text-Based Syllabus Design, (Sidney: Macquarie University, 2002), p. 9.
Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Pengembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Praktek, (Bandung:
Remaja Rosdakarya, 1999), p.5.

b. The 2006 English Curriculum
Since the Indonesian government has designed the latest
curriculum, that is the 2006 English Curriculum or School-Based
Curriculum 2006, it is automatically that all school in Indonesia has to
apply it. The 2006 English Curriculum for Junior High School
(SMP/MTs) students to achieve the competencies that help them to be
able to reflect themselves, their culture, and also others’ cultures.
Moreover, it prepares them to be able to communicate their thoughts
and feelings, to participate in the society, even to make informed
decision about personal and social issues and to discover and use their
analytical and imaginative capacities.
In School-Based Curriculum 2006 for English subject of SMP/
MTs, “SMP” graduates should be able to achieve functional level for
communication spoken and written.9 The curriculum is also intended
to develop skills of communication that is the skills of understanding
and / or creating spoken and/ or written texts which are realized in four
language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in order to be
able to communicate fluently and to make discourse in certain level of
The 2006 English Curriculum mentions that English subject
has several objectives which can be stated as follows:10
1) To improve the communicative competence both in spoken and
written form in order to achieve functional level of literacy.
2) To be aware of the meaning and the importance of English as an
international language that becomes and importance device in the
global society.
3) To grow the students’ understanding of the relationship between
language and culture.

DPN, KTSP Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, (Jakarta: BSNP,
2007), p. 277.
Ibid, p. 278.

Basically, the content, the target, and the material of School-Based
Curriculum are developing the skills of understanding and/or creating
spoken and/or written texts which are realized in four language skill:
listening, speaking, writing, and reading. They also produce various short
functional and monologue texts, and essay in form of narrative,
descriptive, recount, report, and procedure, and hortatory exposition texts.
Students of Junior High School year IX according to the School-Based
Curriculum are also suggested to learn three kinds of monologue/ essay
texts; report, procedure and narrative texts.
3. Textbook
a. Definition of English Textbook
A medium is a means to help the teachers when the teaching
and learning activities progress. A teacher usually uses some media to
make him or her easier in explaining the teaching materials. One media
which is ordinarily used is a textbook. The textbook is easy to buy, to
carry, and to study. Even though there are so many kinds of media
rivaling the printed materials of communication, the textbook remains
the major source in school.
Textbook is a book giving instruction in a subject, used
especially in schools, etc. According to Thomson, “the textbook is a
stimulus or instrument for teaching and learning”.11 In another
definition, textbook is a manual of instruction or a standard book in
any branch of study which is produced according to the demands of
educational institutions.12
Based on the definitions above, it is important for teachers to
use a textbook when they teach a particular subject in order to help
them when they conduct teaching and learning activities as well as to
reach educational purposes.

Thomson Heinle, Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers, (Canada:
Kathleen Graves, 2000), p. 175.
Wikipedia, Textbook,, retrieved on 13th July 2010.

b. The Functional of Textbook
A textbook has many functions. According to Thomson, the
textbook has many functions as follows:13
1) Individualization of instruction
A textbook helps students to individualize instruction by
enabling them to proceed at their own rate and to a limited extent,
according to what they are interested in studying.
2) Organization of instruction
A textbook helps students to organize instruction by
providing experiences, suggested activities, recommended reading
and question. Written textbook give unity to classroom interaction
and are graded to introduce new concepts or contents they build
upon what has preceded.
3) Tutorial Contribution
A teacher often uses the textbook to help students learn
how to read better, to study, to weigh evidence, and to solve
4) Improvement of Teaching
Textbook is also regarded as a helpful utility which is used
by teachers to improve their skills in teaching.
From the explanation above, textbook is a kind of visual aid
in teaching learning process. It means that the function of a
textbook is actually as one of the visual aids by teachers, when
they are teach and explain the teaching materials. Besides, it also
helps the students in getting a better understanding of the materials
given by teacher.

Thomson Heinle, op.cit, p. 176.

4. Text
a. Definition of Text
A text is very important in our life. We need texts to
communicate with others. Actually, when we speak or write
something, we have made a text. Text is a means of transferring
message to the readers or listeners.
Text is an arrangement of systematically words in a good
diction, without ignore the rule of coherence and cohesive. Text is any
stretch of language which is held together cohesively through
meaning.14 In addition, Halliday and R. Hasan mention that text is
meant any connected stretch of language that is doing job in some
From the explanation above, any instance of living language
that is playing some parts in context of situation we shall call a text. It
may be either spoken or written. Based on the participant there are
spoken and written texts. Spoken refers to language interaction,
including a conversation orally between two persons or more which
their text has a purpose and the written text refers to language text,
including abstract reflection on causes and effects of distance events.
b. Genre
The term ‘genre’ has been used for many years to refer to
different styles of literary discourse. In recent time, the term has been
adapted to refer to different types of communicative events.
Genre is one of the most important and influential concept in
language education. Genre can be defined as a culturally specific text-
type which results from using language (written or spoken) to (help)
accomplish something.16 Each genre is characterized by distinctive

Feez J and Joyce, H, op.cit, p. 4.
M.A.K Halliday and R. Hasan, Language, Context, and Text: Aspect of Language in a
Social-Semiotic Perspective, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 6.
Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell. Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (North South
waLes: Gerd Stabler, 1995), p 17.

schematic structure, that is, by a distinctive beginning, middle, and end
structure through which the social function of the genre is realized.17 It
can be concluded that there are differences between each genre to
another. There are some genres texts: spoof/ recount, reports,
analytical exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure,
description, hortatory, explanation, discussion, and reviews.
In this study, the writer only discusses the genre that should be
taught to the ninth year of Junior High School students based on
School-Based Curriculum, namely; narrative, procedure, and report.
There are some types of genres commonly used:
1) Procedure Text
The social function of procedure text is to help us do task or
make something. They can be set of instructions or directions. The
generic structure that should be followed when we write a
procedure text are goal (goal states the final purpose of doing the
instructions), materials (materials includes ingredients, utensils,
equipment to do the instructions), steps (a set of instructions to
achieve the final purpose). The lexico-grammatical features of the
procedure text are focus on generalized human agents, the use of
simple present tense and imperative sentence, the use of action
verbs, the use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to
indicate sequence), and the use of adverbial phrases.
2) Narrative text
The purpose of this text is to relate an amusing or unusual
experience in an entertaining way. The social function of narrative
text is to amuse, to entertain, and to deal with problematic events
which lead to a crisis point of some kinds, which in turn find a

Jenny Hammond, English for Social Purposes: A Handbook for Teachers of Adult
Literacy, (Sidney: Australian Print Group, 1991), p. 2.

The generic structure of the narrative consists of:18
a) Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants
b) Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight
c) Complication: a crisis arises
d) Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
e) Re-orientation: optional
Narrative text focuses on specific and individualized
participant. It usually uses material (behavioral and verbal)
processes. It also uses relational processes, mental processes,
temporal conjunction, and temporal circumstance. Relational
processes involve states of being and having. For example:
a) She was an old boy.
b) He has a good job.
There are many verbs which refer to mental processes, they
are thinking, imagining, liking, wanting, seeing, etc. The verbs that
are used in narrative text type are past tense.
3) Report text
Report text is one of text types that taught of Junior High
School. The term ‘report’ is used in everyday language refer to
many different types of factual text, such as news report, science
report, weather report, etc. Report is used to store/or provide
information about class of things accurately rather than a sequence.
As the other text types, report has also the social function,
the generic structure, and also the lexico-grammatical features. The
social function of report text is to describe the way things are, with
reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in
our environment. The generic structures of report text are general
classification and description (parts, qualities, habits or behaviors,
if living; uses, if non-natural). The lexico-grammatical features of

Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, op.cit, p.204.

report text are focus on generic participant, the use of relational
processes and the use of simple present tense.
5. Lexical Density
Lexical density is a measure of the amount of content information in
a text. Lexical density is calculated by dividing the number of content
words in a clause complex by the number of clauses in the complex.19 It
means that the lexical density measures the density of information in any
passage of text, according to how tightly the lexical items (content word)
have been packed into the grammatical structure. This is a measure of how
much information provided in a particular piece of writing. Lexical words
are perhaps more commonly known as content words or information
Nunan stated that “lexical density referred to the number of lexical
content of function words per clause”.20 Lexical density measures of the
proportion of content words in a sentence or text.21 In addition, lexical
density is a term used in discourse (or text) analysis. It is used to measure
the ratio of content words to grammatical words in any given text (spoken
or written).22
Based on the above explanation, lexical density is the number of
content words as a percentage of the total number of words. Content words
as opposed to function words are words that carry a high information load
such as; nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Sentences which are long
and lexically densed are more difficult to understand. Those words are
includes content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs), and
grammatical function words (determiners, pronouns, preposition,
conjunctions, numerals, auxiliary verbs). Texts with a lower density are
more easily understood.

Ibid, p.163.
David Nunan, Introducing Discourse Analysis, (England: Penguin group, 1993), p. 11.
Readability, words and
lexical density, retrieved on 6th July 2010.
Lexical Density, is lexical density, retrieved on 10th July

a. Content Words
Content words are any nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives which
have suitable and significant lexical meaning.
1) Nouns
Nouns are the names of person, thing or place.23 It may be the
names of persons (Joseph, John), the names of places (countries,
cities), the names of things (book, school), the names of
professions (doctor, driver), the names of animals (bird, fox), the
names of abstract nouns (information, discovery), the names of
activities (athletic, running), the names of days and months
(monday, year), the names of subjects (English, sport), and the
names of families (father, aunt).
Based on the meaning, concrete nouns may be devided into
several classes, they are:24
a) A common noun is the name of a class of objects, it may name
a mass of objects or a material.
Example: cat, tree, boy, insect, girl, teacher.
b) A proper noun is an individual name.
Example: George, Billy (a person), Indonesia, Japan (a
country), May, June (a month).
c) A collective noun is name a group of persons, places, or things
gathered together into a unit.
Example: people, audience, number, nation, class.
2) Verbs
Verb is that part of speeech which expresses action, being, or
state of being. Verbs can be classified as to form and as to

Slamet Riyanto, et.all, A Handbook of: English Grammar, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,
2010), 4th Ed., p.7.
Rudi Hariyono, Complete English Grammar, (Surabaya: Gramedia Press, 2002), p.14-15.

a) Based on the form, verbs are divided into two, they are:
(1) A regular verb is one which forms its past indicative and
past participle by addition the suffix –ed, or –d.
Example: want, wanted, wanted, ask, asked, asked.
(2) An irregular verb is one that does not form its past
indicative and past participle by adding –ed, or –d.
Example: become, became, become, buy, bought, bought.25
b) Based on the meaning, verbs are divided into two, they are:
(1) A transitive verbs are verbs that express an action and
require one or more objects.
Example: learn, buy, sell, write, bring.
(2) An intransitive verbs are verbs that express an action and
do not require object(s).
Example: come, study, arrive, run, lie, work.26
3) Adjectives
An adjective are words that are used to explain or modify a
person, place, or thing.27 Example: beautiful, good, expensive,
important, ugly, yellow, interesting.
4) Adverbs
Adverbs are words that are used to describe verbs, adjectives or
Type of adverbs can be divided into six kinds:
a) Adverbs of manner
Example: beautifully, well, fast, hard, quickly.
b) Adverbs of place and direction
Example: away, here, west, there, in Solo.
c) Adverbs of time
Example: ago, from, now, last, once, since, then, today.

Ibid, p.81.
Slamet Riyanto, et.all, op.cit., p.62-63
Ibid, p.44.

d) Adverbs of frequency
Example: always, never, often, sometimes, usually.
e) Adverbs of degree
Example: indeed, of course, rather, in fact, really, too, very.
f) Adverbs of modality
Example: likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably,
b. Grammatical Function Words
Grammatical function words create the relationships between the
concepts in a sentence.29 Grammatical function words might be
determiners, pronouns, preposition, conjunctions, numerals, auxiliary
1) Prepositions
A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words
in a sentence. A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial
or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence.
Example: about, above, across, after, at, behind, beside, by, in
into, inside, among, around, before.
2) Pronouns
Common types of pronouns are as follows:
a) Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns are words that are used to replace a person or
Example: I, you, we, they, he, she, it.
b) Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are words that are used to point out
Example: this, these, that, those.

Ibid, p.50.
Readability, words and
lexical density, retrieved on 6th July 2010.

c) Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are words that are used to ask for
Example: who, what, which, when, where, whose, whom,why,
d) Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns are usually used in adjective clauses.
Example: that, who, whom, whose, which.30
3) Conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that are used to connect words or a group
of words or sentences.31
Example: although, even, once, as, if, until, when, where, during,
since, for, while, because.
4) Auxiliary Verbs
These verbs are called auxiliary verbs because their function is
to help other verbs express different meanings.32
Example: be, do, have, can, may, must, shall, will, could, might,
should, would.
5) Determiners
Example: some, any, many, much, no, few, little, every, all,
several, a lot of.
6) Numerals (numbers)
Numbers can be divided into three that is:
a) Cardinal numbers
Example: zero, one, two.
b) Ordinal numbers
Example: first, second, third.
c) Fraction
Example: a half, a third, a quarter.33

Slamet Riyanto, et.all, op.cit., p.36.
Ibid, p.85.
Ibid, p.213.

B. Previous Research
In composing this proposal, these are some previous researches related
to this study that can be described as follows:
1. Erma Suryani (2201405626), Faculty of Language and Art, UNNES
Semarang 2008 (The Text Structures of the Reading Text Types Found in
“Contextual Learning: Developing Competencies in English Use”). The
result from this research explained that there were 13 reading texts. As
stated by the Competence-Based Curriculum and School-Based
Curriculum, the choices of text types in the analyzed textbook had fulfilled
the suggestion as narrative, explanation, and discussion texts. The
textbook was relevant to the curriculum because it provided the texts that
were required by curriculum.34 The similarities between her research and
the writer’s were on the reading materials and object of the study (genres).
The differences were on source of data, kinds of text, and data analysis.
2. Nugrahani (2201404114), Faculty of Language and Art, UNNES
Semarang 2008 (The Reading Materials in Look Ahead Textbook for
Tenth Year Students of Senior High School). The aim of English teaching,
based on School-Based Curriculum is that the students of Senior High
School hopefully can reach the informational level of literacy since they
are prepared to continue their study to the university level. As the result of
this analysis, her research found 20 reading material in five genres;
specifically recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, and news item. The
most dominant was narrative, recount and procedure. She concluded the
textbook was relevant to the current curriculum, in this case was School-
Based Curriculum.35 The similarity between her research and the writer’s
was on the object of the study (genres). The differences were on source of
data, type of data and data analysis.

Rudi Hariyono, op.cit., p.45.
Erma Suryani, The Text Structures of the Reading Text Types Found in ”Contextual
Learning: Developing Competencies in English Use”, Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
(Semarang: UNNES, 2008).
Nugrahani, The Reading Materials in Look Ahead Textbook for Tenth Year Students of
Senior High School, Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, (Semarang: UNNES, 2007).

Based on the explanation above, this thesis will be different with
previous research. We have some purposes that it will be helpful in improving
students’ understanding on different types of genre. This thesis is expected to
give a brief overview as main point of consideration for the book writers on
designing their book material. They should consider the lexical density as well
in order to make their book suitable for the language users based on their level
of competence.


In this chapter, the researcher will present in details the methodology of

the research used in this study. It is divided into several sub chapters. They are
research approach, source of data, data, data collection and procedure of analyzing
A. Research Approach
In conducting the research, the writer uses qualitative approach.
Maxwell stated that “the strength as qualitative research derives primarily
from its inductive approach, its focus on specific situation or people, and its
emphasis on words rather the numbers”.36 It means that the data in this study
is analyzed in the form of description and identification or analysis of the
Qualitative research gives priority to analyze data. The data in this
study is analyzed in the form of description and identification or analysis of
the texts. In this research, the writer analyzes the lexical density in reading text
based on the 9th grade of Junior High School.
Considering the purpose of the research and the nature of the problem,
the research is basically library research, where the writer attempts to gather
the data from the library as the data sources. It is suitable as the goals of the
writer’s study. Library research used to gain written sources either had been
published or not published yet, by reading and analyzing as the basis of
composing the research. The writer presents and explains the data without
hypothesis test.
This research focused on content analysis of English on Sky textbook
for 9th grade level of Junior High School published by Erlangga. The content
analyzed including procedure, report, narrative text and lexical density of
reading text.

Maxwell, Joseph Alex. Qualitative Research Design, (London: SAGE Publication, 1996), p. 17.

B. Source of Data
Arikunto stated that the data resource is the subject from which the
data can be found.37 In this study, the source of data is the reading texts found
in English on sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by

C. Data
In conducting this study, the researcher takes some of reading texts
found in the textbook as the data. There are 10 reading texts which are
categorized into different kinds of text. They are procedure, report, and
narrative texts.

D. Procedure Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer used documentation study.
Documentation study may refer to technique of collecting data by gathering
and analyzing documents, while document is any communicable material
(such as text, video, audio, etc) used to explain some attributes of an object,
systems or procedures.38 It means that the qualitative data which is drawn with
words and sentences, clustered following its category to gain conclusion.
In doing this research, the researcher uses three steps as follows:
1. Reading
The first step is reading the textbook English on Sky for 9th grade of
Junior High School which is published by Erlangga.
2. Identification
After the researcher read the reading text in the English textbook,
the next step is identify the genre of every text.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka
Cipta, 2006), 6th Ed., p. 129.
Research Documentation,, retrieved on 29th
September 2010.

3. Classification
The next step of this research is classification. In this case, the
researcher classifies the text based on its genre. The researcher made a
table in doing the classification.
No. Genre Number of page Sum

The first column used for numbering of the data. The second
column for the name of genre that found in English on Sky textbook for 9th
grade of Junior High School. The third column used for the number or the
page of text.
In doing the research, the researcher need some reference that
related to the study. There aimed to help me in analyzing the data. There
were several steps that the writer did in collecting the reference, as
a. Looking for any materials related with the study from internet.
b. Looking for books related to the study from library.
c. Looking for any thesis related to the study from library.

E. Procedure of Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, the writer used text analysis or discourse
analysis as the technique. Discourse analysis is minimally the study of
language in use that extends beyond sentence boundaries.39 It means that
discourse analysis is concerned with the study of the relationship between
language and the context in which it is used.

Mariane Celce-Murcia and Elite Olshtain, Discourse and Context in Language Teaching,
(United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 4.

Here, the data that had been collected and classified are then analyzed.
The analysis includes the lexical density of the reading text. For this research,
lexical density will be measured by:
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical (function) words in a sentence.
2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical
(function) words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
Lexical density =  100
Total Number of Words
4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
As a guide, lexically dense text has a high lexical density of around 60-
70%, quite lexical density measures of around 50-60%, and those which are
not dense have a lower lexical density measures of around 40-50%.


This chapter is going to deal with the finding and analysis of the research.
This is possible to be done after the researcher completing the analysis. In this
regard, the researcher has High School published by Erlangga.
There are five units reading materials which will analyze in this chapter.
All of these reading texts are collected 10 reading texts from “English on Sky
Textbook” for 9th grade of Junior taken from the reading passages, excluding
some sub reading texts in every unit.
The following are the list of reading text titles which will be the data for

Table 1: Main Reading Passages in Each Unit of 9th Grade

No. Title of Reading Text Unit Grade

1. Eight glasses of water a day keep the doctor away 1 IX
2. Snowy Owls, Large Prey Birds 2 IX
3. Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) 2 IX
5. Coconuts 3 IX
6. The Nile River 4 IX
7. The Bengawan Solo 4 IX
8. River and Speed of Flow 4 IX
9. The boy who cried “wolf” 5 IX
10. The Fox and the Crow 5 IX

A. Kind of Text in Reading Material in English on Sky Textbook for 9th
From all above reading texts, the researcher will classify some types of
reading text from every unit as can be seen below:

Table 2: Types of Genre in Each Unit of 9th Grade.

No Title of Reading Text Genre Unit Page Grade

1. Eight glasses of water a day Procedure

1 40 IX
keep the doctor away
2. Snowy Owls, Large Prey Report
2 66-67 IX
3. Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) Report 2 68 IX
4. DURIAN Report 3 96 IX
5. Coconuts Report 3 97 IX
6. The Nile River Report 4 134 IX
7. The Bengawan Solo Report 4 136-137 IX
8. River and Speed of Flow Report 4 139 IX
9. The boy who cried “wolf” Narrative 5 164 IX
10. The Fox and the Crow Narrative 5 165-166 IX

Thus, it can be seen that the number of each reading types is:
Table 3: Total Number of Each Genre

No. Genre Sum

1. Procedure 1
2. Report 7
3. Narrative 2

Based on the above table, it can be seen that there are three text
types found in analyze textbook. The dominant is report text, and then
continued by narrative and procedure texts.
In English on Sky Textbook for 9th grade level of Junior High
School, there are three types of texts; procedure, report and narrative.

B. Analysis of Lexical Density

To analyze the lexical density, this analysis will measure it with
counting the number of content words as a percentage of the total number of
words. The researcher used the technique of marking kinds of content words
and grammatical function words in the sentences. The content words were
marked in bold and grammatical function words were marked in italics.

Text 1
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
Eight Glasses of Water a Day Keep the Doctor Away

Water is very important for any kinds of living things. Humans can
live more than two weeks without food. However, they can only live for eight to
ten days without water. Water goes around the body through blood. It carries
oxygen and food for cells. It cleans the body by bringing the waste in sweat or
urine. It also keeps the balance of minerals in the body. Most parts of human
body use water to work. Someone cannot move well if there is not enough
water in his or her body.

Sixty five percent of human body is water. To keep that amount of

water in the body, someone must drink an average of eight to ten glasses of
water each day. How much water does a person need every day? It depends
on the volume of urine and sweat. An athlete who does a lot of physical
exercise certainly needs to drink more water than a bank manager who
spends most of his time in the office. Besides drinking, many kinds of food are
also a good source of water. Fruit and vegetable, for instance, is eighty to
ninety five percent of water.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical
function words.
Text 1 had 97 content words and 102 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
Lexical density =  100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100
97  102
lexical density  x 100
lexical density  48.74%
4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 1 had 48.74 % lexical density. It showed
that text 1 had lower lexical density.
Text 2
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
Snowy Owls, Large Prey Birds
Snowy Owls or Nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds. They are
diurnal, which means they are active during the day instead of night.
Snowy owls breed in remote areas or Artic and Sub-Artic regions,
mostly North America.
As their name suggests, snowy owls have dark white feathers
with dark brown markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its
legs and feet. They weigh around 1.6 kg to 2 kg and they stand about
half a meter tall with the wing span of 1.5 meters. They have a round
white head, a black curved beak, yellow large eyes, and strong black
Snowy owls eat small mammals, such as rats or rabbits and
birds, such as geese and ducks. It always swallows its prey whole and
uses the juice in its stomach to digest the flesh.
A snowy owl can swivel its head because its eyes don’t move in
its sockets. A snowy owl can also detect its prey in the dark because it
has excellent hearing.

In terms of personality, snowy owls are generally silent and shy.
Yet, they can be very aggressive if human or other animals approach
their nest.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 2 had 114 content words and 80 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
Lexical density =  100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100
114  80

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  58.76%

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 2 had 58.76 % lexical density. It showed
that text 2 had quite lexical density.

Text 3
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
Kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
The Kangaroo is a common Marsupial from the islands of
Australia and New Guinea. Marsupials are animals with pouch. They
carry their babies in a pouch in the mother’s abdomen.
Kangaroo have two strong legs with two long feet. They have a
muscular long tail, large ears and a small head. They have short arms
with clawed hands. The soft, woolly fur can be blue, grey, red, black,
yellow or brown, depending on the species. Females have a pouch in
which the young live and drink milk.

These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, and roots.
They swallow their food without chewing it. Kangaroos need little
water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their own
water wells.
These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in
captivity. Most kangaroos are nocturnal (active at night). Kangaroos
can hop up to 74 kilometers per hour and go over 9 meters in one hop.
2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical
function words.
Text 3 had 90 content words and 70 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words
lexical density  x 100
90  70

lexical density  x 100

Lexical density = 56.25 %

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 3 had 56.25 % lexical density. It showed
that text 3 had quite lexical density.

Text 4
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
Durian is classified as Durio zibethinus. It is native to
Southeast Asia. Durian is known as ‘King of Fruits’. It is not
only the most expensive fruit but also the most controversial
fruit. It is the only fruit which is banned from airline cabins,
hotels and some public transports.
The durian tree is large and very tall. It can grow up to
25 - 50 meters and it has green elliptic leaves. A durian tree

usually can bear fruit after four or five years. The durian fruit,
which can hang from any branches, matures in about three
months after pollination. The fruit can grow up to 30
centimeters long and 15 centimeters in diameter. The husk is
covered with sharp thorns. The color of the husk ranges from
green to brown. The flesh is pale yellow. It is very soft but not
juicy. When it is ripe, it tastes sweet and smells very strong.

Durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, and

potassium. Durian is also a good source of carbohydrates,
proteins, and fats. Durian is usually eaten fresh. Sometimes it is
also cooked to make ‘dodol’ or jam.
Durian used to be grown from seeds, but now it is
propagated by grafting.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 4 had 60 content words and 96 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words
lexical density  x 100
60  96

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  39.10%

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 4 had 39.10 % lexical density. It showed
that text 4 had lower lexical density.

Text 5
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
Coconut is a common name for the fruit of a tree of the palm
family. It is classified as cocos nucifera. People usually call the tree
coconut palm. Coconut palm trees grow well in tropical countries.
They grow especially on sandy soils.
The trees can grow up to 30 m high. They have a single
cylindrical trunk. At the top of the trunk, there is a crown of leaves. The
leaves are long, about 3 to 4.5 m long.
The fruit grows in clusters. In one cluster there are about 5-20
coconuts. The fruit is oval and about 30 cm long. It has a thick husk
and a hard shell. Inside the shell there is white oily fresh. Inside the
shell there is also a sweet fluid.
Coconut is high in sugar. It also contains a lot of fat, protein,
and vitamin. The young coconut water can be very refreshing drink
which contains a lot of minerals.
Coconut palms are very useful plants. People can use every
single inch of the tree. They dry the coconut meat into copra. After that,
they can get oil from it and use it for daily cooking or make it into soaps
or candles. People also use the trunks to build houses. For the roof,
they dry the leaves. People can also make rope and doormats from the
coconut’s husk.
Coconuts are usually propagated by seeds, but experts have been
trying to clone coconuts or propagate them by tissue culture.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 5 had 126 content words and 116 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words
lexical density  x 100
126  116
lexical density  x 100
lexical density  52.07%

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 5 had 52.07 % lexical density. It showed
that text 5 had quite lexical density.

Text 6
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
The Nile River
The Nile River is the longest river in the world. Its length is
around 4, 180 miles. It flows through Uganda, Sudan and Egypt. It has
two main tributaries. They are the Blue Nile and the White Nile. The
White Nile starts in the Great Lakes region of central Africa. The Blue
Nile begins at Lake T’ana in Ethiopia. These two rivers meet near
Khartoum the capital city of Sudan.

There is another shorter tributary. It’s the Atbarah River, or

also known as the Black Nile. However, this river flows only while there
is rain Ethiopia and dries very fast. The Nile River ends in
Mediterranean Sea.

The Nile River is important for agriculture, food,

transportation and tourism. Farmers grow wheat, sorghum, citrus
fruit, sugarcane and cotton along the Nile River, and they use the river
to water their crops and plantation. People also fish this river. The
river is used to transport goods to different places along its long path.
The ships can travel up using the sail, and down using the flow of the

Tourism is another main advantage of the Nile River. Some

special places to visit are Aswan, Luxor, Giza, Cairo and Khartoum.
People who like adventure will find traveling this river exciting.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 6 had 121 content words and 88 grammatical function words.

3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100
121  88

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  57.89%

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 6 had 57.89 % lexical density. It showed
that text 6 had quite lexical density.

Text 7
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one includes
the grammatical function words in a sentence.
The Bengawan Solo
The Solo River or the Bengawan Solo River is the longest river
in Java Island. Its length is about 540 km. This river has its source at
Mount Lawu, a quite active volcano in Central Java. It flows passing
through the Sewu Mountains, the Kendang Mountains and into the Solo
There are two main tributaries that from this river. They are the
Madiun and the Brantas Rivers. It ends in Java Sea near the city of
Surabaya. The Solo River is not only important for farmers, but also
for paleontologists. Scientists have made a lot of discoveries on the
early human fossil in several places along this river. This fossil is
known as Java Man Skull.
In some places people still use the river for transportation.
Small boats are used to carry goods from one place to another.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 7 had 74 content words and 64 grammatical function words.

3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  53.62%

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 7 had 53.62 % lexical density. It showed
that text 7 had quite lexical density.

Text 8
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one
includes the grammatical function words in a sentence.
River and Speed of Flow
The greater the speed of flow, the greater the amount of
energy is produced. Like the volume of flow, the speed of flow is
usually affected by a combination of factors.

These factors include the gradient of the river, texture of

the river bed and banks, depth of the channel and the wetted
perimeter. The wetted perimeter is the part of the river channel
that is in contact with the river water.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 8 had 37 content words and 40 grammatical function words.

3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100
37  40

lexical density  x 100

lexical density  48.05 %

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 8 had 48.05 % lexical density. It showed
that text 8 had lower lexical density.
Text 9
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one
includes the grammatical function words in a sentence.
The boy who cried “wolf”
A shepherd boy was looking after his sheep on a hill. He felt
bored being alone on a hill. Then, he thought of a way to make
some fun.

While the villagers were busy working, they heard a boy

shouting, “Help! Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep!”. “That
sounds from the shepherd boy. He is in trouble. Let’s go and help
him,” said the villagers and rushed toward the hill. They were very
surprised when they did not see any wolves on the hill. “Where’s the
wolf?” they asked.

The boy fell back and started laughing. The villagers

realized that the boy had played a trick. They were angry and went
back to work.
The next day, the villagers heard the shepherd boy shouting
for help again. They rushed towards the hill, and again the boy
laughed at them.
On the third day, a wolf really came and attacked the sheep.

“Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep!” shouted the boy
at the top of his voice. But nobody bothered him this time. The
villagers thought that the boy was trying to fool them again. The
boy watched sadly as the wolf killed all his sheep.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 9 had 105 content words and 98 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words

lexical density  x 100
105  98

lexical density  x 100

Lexical density = 51.72 %

4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 9 had 51.72 % lexical density. It showed
that text 9 had quite lexical density.
Text 10
1. Identifying which one includes the content words and which one
includes the grammatical function words in a sentence.
The Fox and the Crow
One bright, sunny morning, an ugly black crow perched on
the branch of a tree. She had just stolen a tasty piece of cheese and
was about to enjoy it.
Just then a dark brown fox passed by. He was very hungry.
Then he saw the food in the crow’s beak. His mouth watered, so he
thought of a clever plan to get the cheese.
The fox looked up at the crow, he said, “I have always
admired your beauty, with your soft, shiny feathers and nice beak.
If your voice is as fine as your looks, you could be Queen of the

The crow wanted to be the queen. So, to prove that she could
sing, she opened her beak and made a loud “Caw!” Of course, when
she opened her beak, the piece of cheese fell to the ground.

The fox happily snatched up the cheese and laughed. He

said,” My dear crow, your voice is fine but your opinion is not. You
shouldn’t believe everything you hear! Thanks for the cheese!”.

2. Counting the number of content words and the number of grammatical

function words.
Text 10 had 90 content words and 87 grammatical function words.
3. Counting the portion of lexical density by employing the following
Number of Content Words
lexical density  x 100
Total Number of Words
lexical density  x 100
90  87
lexical density  x 100
Lexical density = 50.85 %
4. Analyzing the data to know the lexical density of the reading text based on
the 9th grade level of Junior High School.
Based on the result above, text 10 had 50.85 % lexical density. It showed
that text 10 had quite lexical density.


A. Conclusion
The findings reported in the four chapter discussed previously have
given us a description about the result of this research. Here, the researcher
will draw some concluding remarks based on the statements of the problem of
this research. They are:
5. The writer found that the English on Sky textbook contained three genres.
They are procedure, report and narrative. The dominant text on this book is
report text. The writer found seven report texts. Furthermore, the writer
found only one procedure text in this book.
6. In addition, the writer analyzed the lexical densities. After analyzing, the
writer concluded as below:
Title of Reading LD
No Genre Unit Page CW GFW
Text (%)
Eight glasses of Proce-
water a day dure
1 1 40 97 102 48.74
keep the doctor
Snowy Owls, Report
2 Large Prey 2 66-67 114 80 58.76
Kangaroo Report
3 (Macropus 2 68 97 70 56.25
4 DURIAN Report 3 96 60 96 39.10
5 Coconuts Report 3 97 126 116 52.07
6 The Nile River Report 4 134 121 88 57.89
7 The Bengawan Report 4 136- 74 64 53.62

Solo 137
River and Speed Report
8 4 139 37 40 48.05
of Flow
The boy who Narrati-
9 5 164 105 98 51.72
cried “wolf” ve
The Fox and the Narrati- 165-
10 5 90 87 50.85
Crow ve 166

CW= Content Words

GFW= Grammatical Function Words
LD= Lexical Density
Qualification of Lexical Density
No Title of the Reading Text High Quit Lower
(60%-70%) (50%-60%) (40%-50%)
Eight glasses of water a
1 √
day keep the doctor away
Snowy Owls, Large Prey
2 √
Kangaroo (Macropus
3 √
5 Coconuts √
6 The Nile River √
7 The Bengawan Solo √
8 River and Speed of Flow √
9 The boy who cried “wolf” √
10 The Fox and the Crow √

From ten of the reading texts, there are three lower lexical densities
(easily to be understood), seven quite lexical densities. However, there is no
the high one (difficult to be understood), most of them have quite lexical
densities. It means that the texts are not quite difficult to be understood.

B. Recommendations
After drawing the conclusion, then the writer present some
recommendations as follows:
1. Since the writer just analyzed the lexical density in reading text, it gave
little explanation about genre and lexical density. So, this study can be
used as comparison for another study which is related to the lexical
2. For the authors, they can use this study to present the textbook with
balance composition between content words and grammatical function
words of lexical density in order the students can understanding about the
reading text.
3. For the English teachers, they can apply the result of this study as
feedback on their teaching activities; improve their knowledge and
experience in choosing appropriate book, so that the students are better in
reading skill.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this final project is far from being
perfect. Because of limiting condition, constructive critics and advice are
really accepted for the perfection of the final project. Hopefully, this final
project will be useful for all of us. Amen.


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Name : Siti Sholichatun

Place and date of birth: Kudus, July 29, 1987

Original Address : Undaan Lor Rt: 2/III, Kec. Undaan,

Kab. Kudus

Mobile Number : 085641163404

Education : 1. SDN 4 Undaan Lor

2. SMPN 2 Undaan Wates

3. MA Nahdlatul Muslimin Undaan Kidul

4. IAIN Walisongo Semarang

Semarang, June 9th, 2011

Siti Sholichatun


Eight Glasses of Water a Day Keep the Doctor Away

Water is very important for any kinds of living things. Humans can live
more than two weeks without food. However, they can only live for eight to ten
days without water. Water goes around the body through blood. It carries oxygen
and food for cells. It cleans the body by bringing the waste in sweat or urine. It
also keeps the balance of minerals in the body. Most parts of human body use
water to work. Someone cannot move well if there is not enough water in his or
her body.
Sixty five percent of human body is water. To keep that amount of water
in the body, someone must drink an average of eight to ten glasses of water each
day. How much water does a person need every day? It depends on the volume of
urine and sweat. An athlete who does a lot of physical exercise certainly needs to
drink more water than a bank manager who spends most of his time in the office.
Besides drinking, many kinds of food are also a good source of water. Fruit and
vegetable, for instance, is eighty to ninety five percent of water.

Snowy Owls, Large Prey Birds

Snowy Owls or Nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds. They are diurnal,
which means they are active during the day instead of night. Snowy owls breed in
remote areas or Artic and Sub-Artic regions, mostly North America.
As their name suggests, snowy owls have dark white feathers with dark
brown markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its legs and feet. They
weigh around 1.6 kg to 2 kg and they stand about half a meter tall with the wing
span of 1.5 meters. They have a round white head, a black curved beak, yellow
large eyes, and strong black claws.

Snowy owls eat small mammals, such as rats or rabbits and birds, such as
geese and ducks. It always swallows its prey whole and uses the juice in its
stomach to digest the flesh.
A snowy owl can swivel its head because its eyes don’t move in its
sockets. A snowy owl can also detect its prey in the dark because it has excellent
In terms of personality, snowy owls are generally silent and shy. Yet, they
can be very aggressive if human or other animals approach their nest.

Kangaroo (Macropus rufus)

The Kangaroo is a common Marsupial from the islands of Australia and
New Guinea. Marsupials are animals with pouch. They carry their babies in a
pouch in the mother’s abdomen.
Kangaroo have two strong legs with two long feet. They have a muscular
long tail, large ears and a small head. They have short arms with clawed hands.
The soft, woolly fur can be blue, grey, red, black, yellow or brown, depending on
the species. Females have a pouch in which the young live and drink milk.
These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, and roots. They swallow
their food without chewing it. Kangaroos need little water; they can go for months
without drinking, and they dig their own water wells.
These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in captivity.
Most kangaroos are nocturnal (active at night). Kangaroos can hop up to 74
kilometers per hour and go over 9 meters in one hop.

Durian is classified as Durio zibethinus. It is native to Southeast Asia.
Durian is known as ‘King of Fruits’. It is not only the most expensive fruit but
also the most controversial fruit. It is the only fruit which is banned from airline
cabins, hotels and some public transports.
The durian tree is large and very tall. It can grow up to 25 - 50 meters and
it has green elliptic leaves. A durian tree usually can bear fruit after four or five

years. The durian fruit, which can hang from any branches, matures in about three
months after pollination. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters long and 15
centimeters in diameter. The husk is covered with sharp thorns. The color of the
husk ranges from green to brown. The flesh is pale yellow. It is very soft but not
juicy. When it is ripe, it tastes sweet and smells very strong.
Durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, and potassium. Durian is also a
good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Durian is usually eaten fresh.
Sometimes it is also cooked to make ‘dodol’ or jam.
Durian used to be grown from seeds, but now it is propagated by grafting.

Coconut is a common name for the fruit of a tree of the palm family. It is
classified as cocos nucifera. People usually call the tree coconut palm. Coconut
palm trees grow well in tropical countries. They grow especially on sandy soils.
The trees can grow up to 30 m high. They have a single cylindrical trunk.
At the top of the trunk, there is a crown of leaves. The leaves are long, about 3 to
4.5 m long.
The fruit grows in clusters. In one cluster there are about 5-20 coconuts.
The fruit is oval and about 30 cm long. It has a thick husk and a hard shell. Inside
the shell there is white oily fresh. Inside the shell there is also a sweet fluid.
Coconut is high in sugar. It also contains a lot of fat, protein, and vitamin.
The young coconut water can be very refreshing drink which contains a lot of
Coconut palms are very useful plants. People can use every single inch of
the tree. They dry the coconut meat into copra. After that, they can get oil from it
and use it for daily cooking or make it into soaps or candles. People also use the
trunks to build houses. For the roof, they dry the leaves. People can also make
rope and doormats from the coconut’s husk.
Coconuts are usually propagated by seeds, but experts have been trying to
clone coconuts or propagate them by tissue culture.

The Nile River
The Nile River is the longest river in the world. Its length is around 4, 180
miles. It flows through Uganda, Sudan and Egypt. It has two main tributaries.
They are the Blue Nile and the White Nile. The White Nile starts in the Great
Lakes region of central Africa. The Blue Nile begins at Lake T’ana in Ethiopia.
These two rivers meet near Khartoum the capital city of Sudan.
There is another shorter tributary. It’s the Atbarah River, or also known as
the Black Nile. However, this river flows only while there is rain Ethiopia and
dries very fast. The Nile River ends in Mediterranean Sea.
The Nile River is important for agriculture, food, transportation and
tourism. Farmers grow wheat, sorghum, citrus fruit, sugarcane and cotton along
the Nile River, and they use the river to water their crops and plantation. People
also fish this river. The river is used to transport goods to different places along its
long path. The ships can travel up using the sail, and down using the flow of the
Tourism is another main advantage of the Nile River. Some special places
to visit are Aswan, Luxor, Giza, Cairo and Khartoum. People who like adventure
will find traveling this river exciting.

The Bengawan Solo

The Solo River or the Bengawan Solo River is the longest river in Java
Island. Its length is about 540 km. This river has its source at Mount Lawu, a quite
active volcano in Central Java. It flows passing through the Sewu Mountains, the
Kendang Mountains and into the Solo valley.
There are two main tributaries that from this river. They are the Madiun
and the Brantas Rivers. It ends in Java Sea near the city of Surabaya. The Solo
River is not only important for farmers, but also for paleontologists. Scientists
have made a lot of discoveries on the early human fossil in several places along
this river. This fossil is known as Java Man Skull.

In some places people still use the river for transportation. Small boats are
used to carry goods from one place to another.
(Source: Bengawan_Solo_River)

River and Speed of Flow

The greater the speed of flow, the greater the amount of energy is
produced. Like the volume of flow, the speed of flow is usually affected by a
combination of factors.
These factors include the gradient of the river, texture of the river bed and
banks, depth of the channel and the wetted perimeter. The wetted perimeter is the
part of the river channel that is in contact with the river water.

The boy who cried “wolf”

A shepherd boy was looking after his sheep on a hill. He felt bored being
alone on a hill. Then, he thought of a way to make some fun.
While the villagers were busy working, they heard a boy shouting, “Help!
Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep!”
“That sounds from the shepherd boy. He is in trouble. Let’s go and help
him,” said the villagers and rushed toward the hill. They were very surprised when
they did not see any wolves on the hill. “Where’s the wolf?” they asked.
They boy fell back and started laughing. The villagers realized that the boy
had played a trick. They were angry and went back to work.
The next day, the villagers heard the shepherd boy shouting for help again.
They rushed towards the hill, and again the boy laughed at them. On the third day,
a wolf really came and attacked the sheep.
“Help! Help! A wolf is attacking my sheep!” shouted the boy at the top of
his voice. But nobody bothered him this time. The villagers thought that the boy
was trying to fool them again. The boy watched sadly as the wolf killed all his
(Source: The Boy Who Cried Wolf and other stories, Words and Wisdom Sdn.

The Fox and the Crow
One bright, sunny morning, an ugly black crow perched on the branch of a
tree. She had just stolen a tasty piece of cheese and was about to enjoy it.
Just then a dark brown fox passed by. He was very hungry. Then he saw
the food in the crow’s beak. His mouth watered, so he thought of a clever plan to
get the cheese.
The fox looked up at the crow, he said, “I have always admired your
beauty, with your soft, shiny feathers and nice beak. If your voice is as fine as
your looks, you could be Queen of the Birds!”
The crow wanted to be the queen. So, to prove that she could sing, she
opened her beak and made a loud “Caw!” Of course, when she opened her beak,
the piece of cheese fell to the ground.
The fox happily snatched up the cheese and laughed. He said,” My dear
crow, your voice is fine but your opinion is not. You shouldn’t believe everything
you hear! Thanks for the cheese!”
(Taken from The Fox and The Crow in The Grasshopper and The Ants and other
Stories, Kohwai and Young, 2003)


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