CH 1 - Assignment 2

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1. The fact that individuals vary in terms of physical characteristics

and also along psychological dimensions is called _____________.
2. An aggressive man who beats his wife and kids at home behaves
submissively in front of his boss in his office is an example of
____________ perspective.
3. Using systematic testing procedures to evaluate abilities,
behaviours and personal qualities of an individual is termed as
4. Psychological testing is an example of formal/informal assessment.
5. Match the following
Test Purpose
i. Aptitude a. helps in making choices that promote
life satisfaction and performance on jobs.
ii. Interest b. determine the dominant values of a person
iii. Personality c. used to predict what an individual will be
able to do if given proper environment and
iv. Value d. helps to explain an individual’s behaviour
and predict how she/he will behave in future.

6. In _________ method of assessment, a person provides factual

information about him/herself and or opinions, beliefs etc that
he/she holds.
7. Rather than focusing on structure of intelligence or its underlying
dimensions, psychometric approaches emphasise studying
cognitive functions underlying intelligent behaviour.
8. Thurstone’s theory of primary mental abilities represent the
psychometric approach of intelligence. True/False
9. Match the following:

Intelligence Characteristic features

i) Spatial a) use of the whole body or portions of it

flexibly and creatively
ii) Bodily Kinesthetic b) abilities involved in forming, using,
and transforming mental images.
iii) Intrapersonal c) awareness of one’s own feelings,
motives and desires
iv) Interpersonal d) sensitivity to subtle aspects of others’
10.According to Howard Gardener, poets and writers are very strong
in __________component of intelligence.
11.You require componential intelligence when you see a novel word
embedded in a paragraph and have to infer its meaning from the
context. True/ False.
12.Successive processing takes place when you perceive the relations
among various concepts and integrate them into a meaningful
pattern for comprehension. True/False
13.In Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) Test, a design is presented
from which a part has been removed. You are required to choose
one of the six options that best completes the design. This type of
processing is called Simultaneous / Successive Processing.
14.The ____________ battery of tests consists of verbal as well as
non-verbal tasks that measure basic cognitive functions presumed
to be independent of schooling.
15.With respect to the role of environment, studies have reported that
as children grow in age, their intelligence level tends to move
closer to that of their biological /adoptive parents.
16.Retardation was defined by Binet and Simon as being ____ mental
age years below the chronological age.
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
17.A bright child’s MA is ____ than her/his CA; for a dull child, MA
is ____ than the CA. (more, less)
18.The mental age of a 12year-old child with an IQ of 90 would be
19.The normal curve showing the frequency distribution for the IQ
scores is asymmetrical around the central value, called the mean.
20.The average IQ range is
i) 110-119 ii) 90-109 iii) 80-89 iv) 70-79
21.According to AAMD, in order to be judged as mentally retarded,
the three basic features are --a person must be having IQs
________, deficits in adaptive behaviour and that these deficits
must be observed during the developmental period between 0 and
18 years of age.
i) 70-80 ii) below 70 iii) below 55 iv) below 40
22.Giftedness is exceptional general ability shown in superior
performance in a wide variety of areas. True/False
23.Verbal tests require subjects to give verbal responses either orally
or in a written form. True/False
24.Written language is not necessary for answering the items in a
Performance test. True/False
25.Sternberg’s notion of contextual or practical intelligence implies
that intelligence is a product of ________.
26.Among other things, ________ is the knowledge of one’s own self
based on conscience, will and desire.
27.The feeling side of intelligence is also called __________.
28._________ is a preference for a particular activity; _______ is the
potentiality to perform that activity. (Intelligence, Aptitude,
Interest, Creativity)
29.Limits of the creative potential are set by ____________,
environmental factors stimulate the development of creativity.
30.Terman in the 1920s found that persons with high IQ were
necessarily creative. True/False
31.In _____________ tests, the person has to think of the right
solution to the problem and the focus is on assessing abilities such
as memory, logical reasoning, accuracy, perceptual ability, and
clear thinking.
32.Intelligence tests mostly involve ___________ thinking, whereas
creativity tests require __________ thinking.

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