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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

1. 165C Blue Avenue City

April 12, 2020

Dear uncle Dean,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I badly needed a
laptop. And you have sent me the coolest laptop in the world. I promise you I will use it for studying and
playing games only. I will also keep my promise of standing first in the final exams. I showed it to my
friends. They all liked it very much.

I am so lucky to have got an uncle like you! When are you visiting us? I miss you so much. Give lots of
love to aunty Clara and my lovely cousin, Angela.

Your beloved nephew,


Who sent the letter?

a. Jamie

b. Uncle Dean

c. Aunty Clara

d. Jamie’s friends

e. Angela

2. 165C Blue Avenue City

April 12, 2020

Dear uncle Dean,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I badly needed a
laptop. And you have sent me the coolest laptop in the world. I promise you I will use it for studying and
playing games only. I will also keep my promise of standing first in the final exams. I showed it to my
friends. They all liked it very much.

I am so lucky to have got an uncle like you! When are you visiting us? I miss you so much. Give lots of
love to aunty Clara and my lovely cousin, Angela.

Your beloved nephew,

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ


What is the letter about?

a. Jamie who misses his uncle and aunty.

b. Jamie who asks for a laptop from uncle Dean.

c. Jamie who uses the laptop for studying and playing games.

d. Jamie’s gratitude for the gift from his uncle.

e. Jamie’s great feeling for buying a new laptop.

3. 165C Blue Avenue City

April 12, 2020

Dear uncle Dean,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I badly needed a
laptop. And you have sent me the coolest laptop in the world. I promise you I will use it for studying and
playing games only. I will also keep my promise of standing first in the final exams. I showed it to my
friends. They all liked it very much.

I am so lucky to have got an uncle like you! When are you visiting us? I miss you so much. Give lots of
love to aunty Clara and my lovely cousin, Angela.

Your beloved nephew,


What did Jamie’s friends think about the laptop?

a. They thought it was a lame one.

b. They admired it.

c. They did not really like it.

d. They compared it.

e. They were amused.

4. 165C Blue Avenue City

April 12, 2020

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Dear uncle Dean,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I badly needed a
laptop. And you have sent me the coolest laptop in the world. I promise you I will use it for studying and
playing games only. I will also keep my promise of standing first in the final exams. I showed it to my
friends. They all liked it very much.

I am so lucky to have got an uncle like you! When are you visiting us? I miss you so much. Give lots of
love to aunty Clara and my lovely cousin, Angela.

Your beloved nephew,


In the text Jamie assures his uncle ...

a. he will keep the laptop well.

b. that he will study hard every day.

c. he will use the laptop for studying only.

d. that he will visit him one day.

e. that he will get the highest marks in exams.

5. 165C Blue Avenue City

April 12, 2020

Dear uncle Dean,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and spirits. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I badly needed a
laptop. And you have sent me the coolest laptop in the world. I promise you I will use it for studying and
playing games only. I will also keep my promise of standing first in the final exams. I showed it to my
friends. They all liked it very much.

I am so lucky to have got an uncle like you! When are you visiting us? I miss you so much. Give lots of
love to aunty Clara and my lovely cousin, Angela.

Your beloved nephew,


“...I will use it for studying and playing games only.”

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

What does the word “it” refer to?

a. Uncle Dean

b. The new laptop

c. Studying

d. Uncle Dean’s health

e. Games

6. Mr. Dennis Effenberg

Aviacom Technology

Domina Street

Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment.
We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that
this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Dominic


What is the purpose of the letter?

a. To sell computers.

b. To complaint for shipment error.

c. To apologize for the error in shipment.

d. To ask for compensation.

e. To demand Mr. Effenberg’s apology.

7. Mr. Dennis Effenberg

Aviacom Technology

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Domina Street
Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment.
We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that
this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Dominic


We know from the letter that Mr. Dominic apologized because …

a. he has to keep his name clean.

b. his reputation was at stake.

c. he doesn't want Mr. Effenberg sue his company.

d. he needs to keep his relationship with Mr. Effenberg alive.

e. he wants to keep the relationship with Aviacom Technology strong.

8. Mr. Dennis Effenberg

Aviacom Technology

Domina Street

Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment.
We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that
this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Dominic

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ


How did Mr. Dominic show his regret for the incident?

a. He sent some new catalogues of their new products.

b. He sent 50 computers that were not included in the shipment.

c. He sold another 50 computers immediately.

d. He sent a cheque to Aviacom Technology.

e. He fired the delivery person.

9. Mr. Dennis Effenberg

Aviacom Technology

Domina Street

Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment.
We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that
this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Dominic


What did Joe Dominic promise to Aviacom Technology?

a. The incident will never occur again.

b. He will renew the shipment system.

c. He will expand his business.

d. He will prioritize Aviacom Technology.

e. He offers huge discounts for the next purchase.

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

10. Mr. Dennis Effenberg

Aviacom Technology

Domina Street

Newhome City

Dear Mr. Dennis Effenberg,

In response to your letter of January 15, 2020, we apologize for the loss of 10 computers the shipment.
We are sending the additional 50 computers immediately as compensation for the loss.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that
this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Dominic


“...we regret the inconvenience.” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word is synonymous with ...

a. advantage.

b. benefit

c. disruption.

d. profit.

e. comfort.

11. Dear Keiko,

I miss you still, and my foolish heart is to blame for that. Maybe we were just both naive and
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But to say that it is to lessen our friendship and almost say
it wasn't worth, heaven knows I don't believe that.

I'm still working out believing in God, but they say He does all things for a reason, and I have to believe we
were in His list of reasons. And I'm sick of missing you and yeah, you can call me a naive idealist, but I like
to believe that someday we'll find each other again and learn how to care each other right.

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

We didn't love each other before, but maybe this distance can teach us more than our words ever could.
Maybe distance could show us a lot about loving when the fuzzy feelings have gone, and it is flat out hard
to enjoy some days. I'm hoping and praying that someday we'll drop our pride and armor and say: "I'm
here. I'm staying. And gosh, I'm not perfect, but I want to love you right."

Your friend,


Why did Keicy send the letter to Keiko?

a. To apologize for her mistakes.

b. To ask for help.

c. To make an appointment.

d. To ask Keiko out.

e. To show how she misses her.

12. Dear Keiko,

I miss you still, and my foolish heart is to blame for that. Maybe we were just both naive and
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But to say that it is to lessen our friendship and almost say
it wasn't worth, heaven knows I don't believe that.

I'm still working out believing in God, but they say He does all things for a reason, and I have to believe we
were in His list of reasons. And I'm sick of missing you and yeah, you can call me a naive idealist, but I like
to believe that someday we'll find each other again and learn how to care each other right.

We didn't love each other before, but maybe this distance can teach us more than our words ever could.
Maybe distance could show us a lot about loving when the fuzzy feelings have gone, and it is flat out hard
to enjoy some days. I'm hoping and praying that someday we'll drop our pride and armor and say: "I'm
here. I'm staying. And gosh, I'm not perfect, but I want to love you right."

Your friend,


Based on the text, Keicy thinks that God …

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

a. has been unfair to Keiko and her.

b. has shown her a solution for her problem.

c. has His own plan for Keiko and her.

d. will meet them again one day.

e. will give her a new friend.

13. Dear Keiko,

I miss you still, and my foolish heart is to blame for that. Maybe we were just both naive and
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But to say that it is to lessen our friendship and almost say
it wasn't worth, heaven knows I don't believe that.

I'm still working out believing in God, but they say He does all things for a reason, and I have to believe we
were in His list of reasons. And I'm sick of missing you and yeah, you can call me a naive idealist, but I like
to believe that someday we'll find each other again and learn how to care each other right.

We didn't love each other before, but maybe this distance can teach us more than our words ever could.
Maybe distance could show us a lot about loving when the fuzzy feelings have gone, and it is flat out hard
to enjoy some days. I'm hoping and praying that someday we'll drop our pride and armor and say: "I'm
here. I'm staying. And gosh, I'm not perfect, but I want to love you right."

Your friend,


What does the writer regret about her relationship with Keiko?

a. They never hung out together.

b. They fought and stopped talking to each other.

c. She didn’t have time to say goodbye.

d. She hurt Keiko’s feeling.

e. They didn’t love each other in the past.

14. Dear Keiko,

I miss you still, and my foolish heart is to blame for that. Maybe we were just both naive and
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But to say that it is to lessen our friendship and almost say
it wasn't worth, heaven knows I don't believe that.

I'm still working out believing in God, but they say He does all things for a reason, and I have to believe we

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

were in His list of reasons. And I'm sick of missing you and yeah, you can call me a naive idealist, but I like
to believe that someday we'll find each other again and learn how to care each other right.

We didn't love each other before, but maybe this distance can teach us more than our words ever could.
Maybe distance could show us a lot about loving when the fuzzy feelings have gone, and it is flat out hard
to enjoy some days. I'm hoping and praying that someday we'll drop our pride and armor and say: "I'm
here. I'm staying. And gosh, I'm not perfect, but I want to love you right."

Your friend,


“...someday we'll find each other...” (Paragraph 2)

What is the antonym for the underlined word?

a. Meet.

b. Discover.

c. Detect.

d. Lose.

e. Spot.

15. Dear Keiko,

I miss you still, and my foolish heart is to blame for that. Maybe we were just both naive and
inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But to say that it is to lessen our friendship and almost say
it wasn't worth, heaven knows I don't believe that.

I'm still working out believing in God, but they say He does all things for a reason, and I have to believe we
were in His list of reasons. And I'm sick of missing you and yeah, you can call me a naive idealist, but I like
to believe that someday we'll find each other again and learn how to care each other right.

We didn't love each other before, but maybe this distance can teach us more than our words ever could.
Maybe distance could show us a lot about loving when the fuzzy feelings have gone, and it is flat out hard
to enjoy some days. I'm hoping and praying that someday we'll drop our pride and armor and say: "I'm
here. I'm staying. And gosh, I'm not perfect, but I want to love you right."

Your friend,


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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

“But to say that it is to lessen our friendship…” (Paragraph 1)

What does the underlined word mean?

a. To increase something.

b. To reduce something.

c. To extend something.

d. To improve something.

e. To express something.

16. Dear Adam,

As you know, my truck has been acting up quite a bit recently. I took it to the mechanic, and he said that it
is in dire need of a tune-up; however, it will cost almost $400 to get all of the work done. He said that if I
had a friend who was knowledgeable about it, it would probably be worth buying the parts myself and
having them help.

So, I'm writing because I know that you are very handy and enjoy tinkering with cars. Would you be willing
to let me borrow your tools and help me get my truck tuned. It would really help me out and save me a
good amount of money.

Your buddy


What does the letter tell us about?

a. Tips to tune-up your truck.

b. An apology after damaging a truck.

c. A request to borrow equipment and repair a truck.

d. An offer to repair a truck.

e. Recommendations from a decent mechanic.

17. Dear Adam,

As you know, my truck has been acting up quite a bit recently. I took it to the mechanic, and he said that it
is in dire need of a tune-up; however, it will cost almost $400 to get all of the work done. He said that if I
had a friend who was knowledgeable about it, it would probably be worth buying the parts myself and
having them help.

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

So, I'm writing because I know that you are very handy and enjoy tinkering with cars. Would you be willing
to let me borrow your tools and help me get my truck tuned. It would really help me out and save me a
good amount of money.

Your buddy


Why did Jacob need Adam’s help?

a. Because Adam owed him.

b. Because Adam lives next to him.

c. Because Adam has the same truck as him.

d. Because Adam is good at fixing up cars.

e. Because Adam has his own workshop.

18. Dear Adam,

As you know, my truck has been acting up quite a bit recently. I took it to the mechanic, and he said that it
is in dire need of a tune-up; however, it will cost almost $400 to get all of the work done. He said that if I
had a friend who was knowledgeable about it, it would probably be worth buying the parts myself and
having them help.

So, I'm writing because I know that you are very handy and enjoy tinkering with cars. Would you be willing
to let me borrow your tools and help me get my truck tuned. It would really help me out and save me a
good amount of money.

Your buddy


What did the mechanic suggest Jacob to do?

a. Get the parts from different places.

b. Buy the parts and have some friends help with the truck.

c. Pay $400 to get all of the work done.

d. The truck needed a tune-up.

e. Leave the truck at the workshop.

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Kode Soal

PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

19. Dear Adam,

As you know, my truck has been acting up quite a bit recently. I took it to the mechanic, and he said that it
is in dire need of a tune-up; however, it will cost almost $400 to get all of the work done. He said that if I
had a friend who was knowledgeable about it, it would probably be worth buying the parts myself and
having them help.

So, I'm writing because I know that you are very handy and enjoy tinkering with cars. Would you be willing
to let me borrow your tools and help me get my truck tuned. It would really help me out and save me a
good amount of money.

Your buddy


“...if I had a friend who was knowledgeable about it…”

The underlined word can be best replaced by ….

a. experienced

b. slow

c. inexperienced

d. unintelligent

e. unskilled

20. Dear Adam,

As you know, my truck has been acting up quite a bit recently. I took it to the mechanic, and he said that it
is in dire need of a tune-up; however, it will cost almost $400 to get all of the work done. He said that if I
had a friend who was knowledgeable about it, it would probably be worth buying the parts myself and
having them help.

So, I'm writing because I know that you are very handy and enjoy tinkering with cars. Would you be willing
to let me borrow your tools and help me get my truck tuned. It would really help me out and save me a
good amount of money.

Your buddy


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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

“ will cost almost $400…”

What does the word “it” refer to?

a. Mechanic

b. Tune-up

c. Truck

d. The cost

e. The work

21. Jaco: Kimberly is a piano prodigy.

Peter: Don’t forget the teacher. She … by Lang Lang, the world’s best pianist.

Choose the correct answer!

a. is teach

b. is taught

c. is teached

d. was teaching

e. was teach

22. Pam: How long … the game ....?

Niel: It took three hours before Simon finally gave up.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers!

a. is, held

b. was, hold

c. was, held

d. have, been held

e. will be, held

23. Leon: Where are you from?

Eren: … in Texas, but I grew up in Oklahoma.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue!

a. I was born

b. I was raised

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Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

c. I was brought

d. I have been called

e. I am being interviewed

24. History teacher: Anyone can answer where …

Kimmy: It was in Europe, sir.

History teacher: That is correct, Kimmy.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue!

a. was Soekarno born?

b. does photosynthesis take place?

c. do the fastest land mammals live?

d. was World War 2 mostly fought?

e. was the first Indonesian flag raised?

25. Hilda: Yeahh!

Steve: Is it pay day?

Tyler: Yep! I ... tomorrow. They also give me a bonus!

Choose the correct answer!

a. am going to work

b. was invited

c. will be celebrated

d. will be substituted

e. will be paid

26. “Janice will sell the car tonight.”

Rewrite the sentence in passive voice!

a. The car will be sell by Janice tonight.

b. The car will be sold by Janice tonight.

c. The car has been sold by Janice tonight.

d. The car will been sold by Janice tonight.

e. The car was sold by Janice tonight.

27. “Will Anthony improve the machine?”

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Rewrite the sentence in passive voice!

a. Will be the machine improved by Anthony?

b. Will the machine improved by Anthony?

c. Will the machine is improved by Anthony?

d. Is the machine improved by Anthony?

e. Will the machine be improved by Anthony?

28. "We know that peripheral neurons powerfully regulate organ function, blood vessels, and immunity, but
less is known about how they regulate stem cells," Chiu said.

"With this study, we now know that neurons can control stem cells and their function, and can explain
how they interact at the cellular and molecular level to link stress with hair graying."

The findings can help illuminate the broader effects of stress on various organs and tissues. This
understanding will pave the way for new studies that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of

From the text we know that the way for new studies…

a. can be paved by the findings that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

b. will have been paved by the findings that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

c. has been paved by the findings that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

d. will be paved by the findings that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

e. is paved by the findings that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

29. “Constant fear may issue a sense that something or somebody is watching.”

We can also say that constant fear can make us feel that ….

a. we were watching

b. we being watched

c. we are being watched

d. we are watching somebody

e. we have been watched

30. Police officer: Were you in your apartment at 11.00 last night?
Odelia: I wasn’t because ...

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Choose the correct answer!

a. the room is being cleaned.

b. the room was being cleaned.

c. the room is cleaned.

d. the room was cleaned.

e. the room will be cleaned.

31. Hendra: ….

Hendri: Yes it was. Jimmy was recording it.

Complete the dialogue with the correct answer!

a. Was the show being recorded when you were here?

b. Was the show recording when you were here?

c. Was being the show recorded when you were here?

d. Was the recording being show when you were here?

e. Was the show be recorded when you were here?

32. trees - The - be - will - trimmed - when - being - arrive - you.

Arrange the words into a good sentence!

a. The trees will being be trimmed when you arrive.

b. The trees will be being trimmed when you arrive.

c. The trees will trimmed be being when you arrive.

d. The trees will be trimmed when you being arrive.

e. The trees will be trimmed being when you arrive.

33. “Gian has eaten five hamburgers so far.”

Write the sentence above in passive voice!

a. Five hamburgers have been eaten by Gian so far.

b. Five hamburgers have eaten by Gian so far.

c. Five hamburgers have been ate by Gian so far.

d. Gian has been eaten five hamburgers so far.

e. Gian has been eaten by five hamburgers so far.

34. “They have not sent the parcel.”

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Write the sentence above in passive voice!

a. The parcel have not been sent by them.

b. The parcel has not sent by them.

c. The parcel has not been sent.

d. The parcel has been sent.

e. The parcel hasn’t been send.

35. The shop ... since Sunday because the owner is on vacation.

a. has been close

b. have been close

c. has been closed

d. have been closing

e. has close

36. Gina: I heard the house where you live in used to be a cemetery.

Ferrel: I know. The cemetery … long before they built the house.

a. was been moved

b. is moved

c. has been moved

d. were moved

e. had been moved

37. Many people have come to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he
told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter. After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke
and only a few of them smiled. When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore.
The wise man smiled and said:

“You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?”

From the text we know that …

a. many people have been visited by the wise man.

b. the wise man have been visited by a lot of people.

c. the wise will be visited by a lot of people.

d. many people was visited by the wise man.

e. the wise man has been visited by a lot of people.

38. A: … before you left?

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

B: Sure. I gave them the tuna from the fridge.

Complete the dialogue with the correct answer!

a. The cats been fed

b. The cats be feed

c. Have the cats been feed

d. Had the cats been fed

e. Had the cats being fed

39. A: How about the packages? They must arrive before Christmas.

B: We handled them well. ….

Complete the dialogue with the correct answer!

a. It has been cleaned

b. They have been posted

c. It has been cooked

d. The tasks have been submitted

e. The bills have been paid

40. We didn’t have to think about homework yesterday because it ….

a. had done

b. has been done

c. had been done

d. been doing

e. be done

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PTS Genap 2 Bahasa Inggris Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

Kelas 11 IPA 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-62HTEFZ

Petunjuk pengerjaan :

1. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf (A/B/C/D/E) pada lembar jawaban.
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melihat hasil dan pembahasan dari soal yang telah kamu kerjakan.

1. A B C D E 16. A B C D E 31. A B C D E

2. A B C D E 17. A B C D E 32. A B C D E

3. A B C D E 18. A B C D E 33. A B C D E

4. A B C D E 19. A B C D E 34. A B C D E

5. A B C D E 20. A B C D E 35. A B C D E

6. A B C D E 21. A B C D E 36. A B C D E

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13. A B C D E 28. A B C D E

14. A B C D E 29. A B C D E

15. A B C D E 30. A B C D E

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