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DPP wins three seats in January’s
legislative by-election

DPP wins three seats in

January’s legislative by-
- Pg. 1

DPP’s next campaign

- Pg. 3

DPP to China: respect

and release Liu Xiaobo
- Pg. 5

Headquarters of DPP Taoyuan county candidate Kuo Jung-tsung DPP Chair Tsai
highlights policy for
DPP Secretary-General Su Chia- and in the future, we will make Taiwan’s economic
chuan held a press conference to even greater efforts to win the future
express the DPP’s gratitude for people’s trust and support. - Pg. 6
the outcome of the Jan. 9 legisla- “We believe that this is not
tive by-election. Below are his the end but rather the beginning
comments: of the DPP’s commitment to
“Tonight, we must thank our work harder. We don’t have any
voters for giving the DPP three room for complacency, and this
victories and thus bringing an is why Chair Tsai made an spe- “This election result gave the
important balance to the legisla- cial appeal to our party members DPP wins in three areas, with
ture. This result is not the DPP’s to think that this election result three significant meanings. First,
victory but a manifestation of the was an ‘encouragement’ and not the voters, tired of vote-buying,
Taiwanese people’s persistence a ‘victory’. We must not fall un- used their votes to ensure justice
in democratic values for the sake disciplined in this battle, and we in our democratic system. Sec-
of fairness. The DPP will defi- must place our sights on the ho- ond, the DPP achieved one more
nitely exercise greater modesty, rizon. seat in these areas, which

... continued on the next page


DPP wins three seats in January’s legislative by-election

... continued #om the previous page

DPP candidate for

Taitung county,
Lai Kun-cheng
speaking at a panel
with supporters

granted the power of checks and balances, “We must thank all three
showing the voice of Taiwan’s pluralistic soci- candidates for their sacrifices in this time of cri-
ety. Third, the DPP surpassed the key mark of a sis, and, in such a short time and with limited
quarter of the legislature’s seats, thus becoming resources, for completing the task that the party
a stronger opposition. and the people entrusted to them. We also thank
“In Taoyuan, as a result of unity between the the entire party for investing their energy in this
DPP and its supporters, our candidate Kuo election and achieving a show of unity in this
Jung-tsung was able to win a significant victory. battle. Lastly, we must express our deepest
In Taichung county, our candidate Chien Chao- gratitude to the people of Taiwan who through
tung’s election win gave the DPP one more leg- their encouragement stood together with us and
islative seat and the ability to offer more serv- our collective
ices in Taichung county. Most especially in Tai- values in exert-
tung county, our candidate Lai Kun-cheng ing great effort.
scored an historic first as the first DPP candi- Go Taiwan and
date in the district. Winning these elections go democracy!”
means that the DPP is able to offer more com-
plete local services. These three legislators will Caricature of DPP’s
definitely provide the voters even greater assis- candidate for
tance and return their support through their Taichung county,
Chien Chao-tung


7-up: an era of more substantial checks and balances for

Taiwan’s democracy

The DPP’s next battle will be in Hualien, tive Yuan. Her former service as advisor in the
Chiayi, Hsinchu and Taoyuan counties. Taiwan Presidential Office and Mainland Affairs Coun-
will be holding legislative by-elections February cil and current position as vice president of the
27 in these areas, where seats were left empty international organization, Liberal International,
due to some legislators winning the county gov- bring a diversified perspective to Hualien
ernor elections last December. county, which largely depends on its tourism
Suggestions were submitted by the DPP’s industry for sustainable development.
Policy Committee and Chair Tsai Ing-wen then “Even though Hualien county is what we call
nominated four candidates. They include: a very hard constituency challenge for the DPP,
Bikhim Hsiao, director of the DPP’s Depart- I was encouraged to take-on this task after see-
ment of International Affairs, to run for the leg- ing how beautiful Hualien is and the change I
islative seat of Hualien county; former Chiayi could bring to Hualien’s internationalization
county governor Chen Ming-wen for Chiayi with my international experience,” Hsiao said.
county; former legislator Peng Shao-chin for Hsinchu county candidate Peng Shao-chin,
Hsinchu county and former Taoyuan city coun- having served three-terms as legislator, has also
cilor Huang Jen-chu for Taoyuan county. been actively engaged in promoting rights for
These candidates were selected for their the large Hakka minority living in Hsinchu.
clean image and long-term dedication to public Last year, he participated as a candidate in the
service. Bikhim Hsiao has been active in the county governor elections, which gave him a
promotion of Taiwan’s international affairs and chance to raise his image among Hsinchu resi-
served for two terms as legislator in the Legisla- dents.
... continued on the next page

Huang Jen-chu Peng Shao-chin Chen Ming-wen Bikhim Hsiao

Taoyuan County Hsinchu County Chiayi County Hualien County


... 7-up: an era of more substantial

checks and balances for Taiwan’s
... continued #om the previous page
Huang Jen-chu, who served as Taoyuan city councilor in
the past, also ran for mayor of Chungli in Taoyuan county PUBLISHED BY:
last year, but lost the election by just a few votes. This
showed that the residents of Taoyuan had a good impression Department of International
of Huang and wanted to continue seeing him serve the Affairs Democratic
community. Progressive Party
Chair Tsai said that all these candidates bring a myriad of
experiences to local elections. She cited as an example Chen 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
Ming-wen, who has served two terms as Chiayi county gov- Road, Taipei, Taiwan
ernor and would be able to bring a cohesive effort in the
DPP’s stronghold in this region. Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
The DPP hopes that along with the recent election re-
sults, the DPP will be able to garner a total of 7 seats by
Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
Feb. 27, and be able to bring better checks and balances in
the Legislative Yuan for the people of Taiwan. Over the last
two years, with the legislature taken over by a KMT major- Email:
ity of over 75%, the DPP has been unable to push for major
reforms important for the people. Website:
The DPP headquarters has announced the campaign slo-
gan of “7-Up: An Era of More Substantial Checks and Bal-
ances for Taiwan’s Democracy” for this upcoming election
Bikhim Hsiao

Huang Chih-ta
Hsieh Huai-hui

Michael J. Fonte

Ping-Ya Hsu


DPP to China: respect and release Liu Xiaobo

Regarding China's recent sentencing of Chinese and human rights into the common language be-
democracy activist Liu Xiaobo, the DPP de- tween both sides. Once again, we solemnly ap-
clares: peal to our government to take a clear stand with
We believe that democracy, freedom and hu- the Chinese side and request Liu's immediate
man rights are universal values upon which the release, taking concrete action to show our sup-
government cannot infringe. We also believe port for China's democratic reform movement
that Liu Xiaobo, in starting the Charter 08 and, at the same time, showing to the world that
Movement, appealed to China to implement Taiwan has consistently taken a firm position
human rights, initiate political reform, and prac- concerning democracy and human rights.
tice constitutional democracy, and as such this
appeal represents his basic right to freedom of
expression. Therefore, we believe that Liu
Xiaobo's arrest and detention by the Chinese
government was improper, and, even more, we
don't think that using the groundless charge of
"incitement to subvert state power" justified the
11-year sentence that Liu received. We make an
appeal to China to respect the fundamental
rights of its citizens and immediately release
We must also emphasize that since Liu's ar-
rest, statements condemning China's actions
have been issued by the United States, the Euro-
pean Union and the United Nations, but our
government has been silent on this issue, turning
a blind eye to China's suppression of human
rights. Furthermore, President Ma Ying-jeo pub-
licly praised China's improvement of human
rights and democracy during this year's June 4th Liu Xiaobo was born Dec. 28, 1955 in
commemoration. This not only made it appear China. He is a human rights activist re-
that Taiwan was conspiring with the Chinese sponsible for writing Charter 08, which
government to suppress democracy activists, but
appeals the Chinese government to imple-
it also sent the wrong message to the world that
Taiwan supports China's clamping down on de- ment democratic principles, but he has since
mocracy, thus causing great damage to Taiwan's been arrested and sentenced to 11 years in
international image. prison for his writings. We believe his ar-
We strongly believe that democracy, freedom rest and sentencing do not correspond to the
and human rights are Taiwan's most important universal rights of #eedom of expression
assets, and these values are ones for which the and respect for human rights, therefore, the
world respects us. We believe that in promoting
DPP demands the Chinese government for
cross strait relations, the Ma administration
should utilize its advantages and support China's the immediate release of Liu Xiaobo.
democratization process, converting democracy

DPP Policy Paper

Taiwan and Globalization: An Island Nation Perspective

by Chair Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen is to ask whether our society is truly ready for
one. Has Taiwan been able to figure out where it
As a major political party in a Taiwan which stands in this world? This is not simply a ques-
faces today’s globalization challenges, the DPP tion of the world image China has imposed on
has a responsibility to offer our perspective on Taiwan. Taiwan can not deal with the temporary
Taiwan’s path forward, especially regarding eco- nature of the relationship with China and forget
nomic development. how to face today’s globalization challenges. As
I will take the case of the United Kingdom as a small island nation, Taiwan has no other choice
an example because, like the UK, Taiwan is an but to take an “outward-looking approach”.
island nation greatly influenced by large conti- Taiwan must move in the direction of external
nental countries, influence which touches all as- expansion by conducting exchanges with other
pects - such as our daily livelihood, environment, countries. We must let people from the outside
culture, education, trade, etc. When I mention interact with Taiwanese people and let them
large continental countries, I refer to the U.S. know our way of thinking as well as our vision.
and China. Taiwan’s culture is greatly influenced Not only must Taiwan take an outward look-
by these two countries. When we are facing to- ing approach, but we must also take an interna-
day’s globalization challenges, taking the ap- tional approach. Besides absorbing viewpoints
proach of large continental countries might not from China and the U.S., we must also find ways
be suitable models for Taiwan. Thus, Taiwan to produce a balanced viewpoint. In order to find
should evaluate its situation, as does the United a way to remove these existing restrictions, we
Kingdom, from the economic perspective of an must first adjust our entire attitude. Only if our
island nation as it faces today’s globalization people remove these restrictions, will political
challenges. parties then definitely follow. If you say that po-
litical parties must shoulder the responsibility for
“An Outward-Looking Approach” leading the people, this is true, but if the people
Many people warn us not to get caught up in a aren’t ready, no matter how big the political
pan-green or pan-blue division, and some people party, it will be unable to lead the people to re-
have asked me why Taiwanese people take an move these obstacles. Therefore, the future of
inward, rather than outward, looking approach. Taiwan lies on the hands of the people.
They ask me why Taiwanese people only see
their problems and their internal contradictions. Supply Exceeding Demand in Ten Years
Reflecting on the past, isn’t this something that What are the economic challenges that the
we learned thanks to American influence? Even future will bring? We have taken a look at the
though Taiwan is not as big as China or the U.S., future of Taiwan from the economic perspective,
the Taiwanese people have learned to absorb an and we present these findings today so that peo-
inward-looking culture from these two countries, ple can evaluate what a better direction for Tai-
leading to our whirlpool of domestic politics to- wan might be. In the past, globalization and trade
day. liberalization allowed for Taiwan’s rapid eco-
Many people have also asked me why the nomic growth. However, this time has past. Now
DPP has not issued a China policy. My response the problem of globalization is that supply is far

... continued on the next page


...An Island Nation Perspective

continued #om the previous page

greater than demand. Due to China has 1.3 billion people, it government has, as its largest
the financial turmoil caused by should be a humongous mar- responsibility, giving people
the credit crunch, large con- ket. American economists have job opportunities. If there are
sumer countries such as the pointed out that the biggest less jobs for the people, there
U.S. have lowered their de- problem in China is that its will be a larger gap between
mand. The problems of eco- people do not spend enough rich and poor and more societal
nomic maturity and the phe- because consumers need confi- problems will arise, causing
nomenon of an aging and de- dence, and there isn’t enough the public to lose its confi-
clining birthrate have caused of it in China. Chinese people dence. Therefore, the govern-
overall world economic de- do not have enough confidence ment must have defensive
mand to drop. Nevertheless, in the market because they measures to prevent foreign
many emerging countries are have no security blanket, and goods from attacking the bal-
actively preparing to join the the Chinese people are saving ance in our market structure
market. These countries, in- their money for retirement or and from creating great unem-
cluding China, India and many to sustain their children’s edu- ployment.
developing countries, have also cation.
become suppliers in the mar- (2) Establish an industrial ad-
ket, driven by their labor sup- Three issues the government justment mechanism
ply. China, for example, has should pay attention to be- The government must assist
still 200 million people pre- fore signing ECFA: people looking for jobs by cre-
pared to enter the agricultural Many people have asked me ating more job opportunities,
workforce. We do not see that how come the DPP opposes which is also the biggest chal-
demand can be expanded in the ECFA? I must make it clear lenge in today’s world econ-
short-term. Taiwan is now fac- that after taking over as DPP omy. Just creating a new indus-
ing the biggest challenge, chair, I have not become a pro- try takes a considerable amount
which is that of countries are tectionist and I fully support of time, but it doesn’t take long
exporting less and less, but also free trade. Why, then, do we to get rid of one because the
more countries are suppliers. have objections about ECFA? outside world has plenty of
Everyone believes that We believe that there are three competitors willing to take
China is the place to look for issues that the government their place. The government
markets. The first demand that must take care of before sign- should not just pursue one
American leaders and other ing ECFA. item, that of increasing eco-
high officials ask from China is nomic growth, so that some
that China open up its market. (1) Establish defense mecha- corporations become richer at
The most problematic question nisms the expense of people losing
is, where is the market in After signing ECFA, if more jobs. President Ma has
China? Does China have a cheaper goods enter Taiwan said that it is imperative to sign
market at all? Who can take and our domestic workforce is ECFA now, but we ask if the
hold of the China market? Eve- threatened, what will the gov- government has already cre-
ryone thinks that because ernment’s response be? The ated new industries and pro-

... continued on the next page


... An Island Nation Perspective

continued #om the previous page

vided more job opportunities sion must maintain a good afraid to stand with Taiwan
for the people? strategic sense of balance. because they’re afraid of
China, but at the same time,
(3) Strike a global strategic when we’re fearing China, we
balance Expanding Taiwan’s Econ- also consistently share some
We absolutely do not be- omy includes Establishing a common interests. We must
lieve that we should place all Political and Military Net- find our common interests
our eggs in one basket. If work and establish a network of
one does choose to do so, one Many people believe that mutual benefit.
must ensure that the basket is globalization has to do only
a solid one. Most think that with economics, but we must Engaging the People and
China’s economic future will not minimize the importance Shaping Policy Together
not reach maturity even in the of political and military secu- Present-day Taiwan is a
next ten years. This is be- rity. If Taiwan wishes to play rich society with well-
cause even though the world an important economic role in rounded and educated people.
has opened up its markets to Asia, it must ensure its politi- I have always believed in the
China, there are also more cal and military security. In people of Taiwan and their
countries entering the compe- the current situation where ability to think for them-
tition and the international China is a big country and selves. As the DPP is starting
market is gradually shrinking. Taiwan a small one, it is im- to recover, we hope that we
China is not forced to develop portant for Taiwan to main- can begin engaging the peo-
its domestic economy and to tain an invincible position. In ple’s opinion and share each
make structural adjustments. both political and military other’s viewpoints on how to
In general, relying on foreign affairs, we must engage the tackle these globalization
markets to achieve economic cooperation of democratic challenges. If we do so, we
growth is relatively simple, countries to collectively en- can formulate a policy solu-
but only through the restruc- sure this region’s stability. tion together. We have always
turing of the domestic econ- Therefore, Taiwan is not believed that it is not one per-
omy is possible to achieve alone when dealing with Asia, son or one party who can lead
this goal, and this is an even nor it is alone facing China, Taiwan, but rather, the entire
more difficult challenge for but it is inside this network in nation and its people who can
China. Over the next decade, Asia where we all must ad- shape policy together.
China will have to face very dress these problems.
harsh economic restructuring, Therefore, we must reflect
which will pose a great socie- on not only how to deal with
tal change and create much China, but also on how to es-
uncertainty. Why must Tai- tablish a symbiotic relation-
wan put all its eggs in one ship of mutual benefit with
uncertain place? We believe the rest of Asia. Some of our
that Taiwan’s overseas expan- neighboring countries are


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