Democracy & Progress: DPP Debates Future Strategy at National Party Congress

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DPP debates future strategy at
National Party Congress

DPP debates future

strategy at National Party
- Pg. 1

Chair Tsai Ing-wen’s

comments on President
Ma Ying-jeou’s Feb. 6
public ECFA report
- Pg. 2

DPP’s latest poll results

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen makes the opening remarks at the DPP’s National - Pg. 4
Party Congress held on January 24.

The DPP held its 13th National Prior to the Congress’ open- DPP comments on U.S.
Party Congress on Jan. 24 to ing, DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen said arms sale to Taiwan
gather together party representa- that its main purpose was to cre-
- Pg. 5
tives nationwide to discuss issues ate a consensus regarding the
concerning the future direction of nominations of candidates for the
the DPP. Among the party issues, end-of-the-year elections. Chair
the media and the public paid Tsai said that the agenda was cer-
closest attention to the issue of tainly very simple, but it was im-
nominations for the 2010 city portant for the DPP to spend ef-
mayors and councilors elections. fort and time to enhance the said that DPP members must not
The theme of the Congress communication process within forget that, when confronting a
was “Unity and Progress - Guard- the party in order to confront and bigger challenge, members must
ing Democracy,” reflecting the debate the different opinions remember not to battle among
DPP’s resolution to keep the within the party. themselves, especially when the
party united in order to maintain During the Congress, Chair DPP is trying to determine the
a progressive DPP and to safe- Tsai said that the DPP must not election candidates.
guard Taiwan’s democracy. remain complacent due to recent
election achievements. She also


DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen’s comments on President Ma

Ying-jeou’s Feb. 9 public ECFA report

“President Ma Ying-jeou’s ECFA report was “First is the issue of public trust in the Presi-
very disappointing. His report contents did not dent. This includes the 633 promises broken by
surpass the already publicized government ma- this administration over this year and half, and
terial, and it appeared as though the President the way that this administration has dealt with
repeated past propaganda. This leaves the peo- foreign negotiations, showing that the admini-
ple’s concerns about ECFA still unresolved. stration has failed to take into account the pub-
“We felt special disappointment in the Presi- lic interest. This can be seen in the cases of the
dent’s lack of seriousness concerning the issue U.S. beef issue and the poisonous melamine
of the industries impacted by ECFA, and his milk powder incident. This public trust issue
failure to mention the government’s future plan also includes issues with China. For example, in
regarding how to resolve this problem. In the the direct flights agreements, Taiwan is still un-
current phase of negotiations on ECFA, the pub- able to obtain extension rights; on judicial
lic is very concerned about legislative oversight agreements, we still do not see major criminals
as well as transparency by the Executive Yuan, extradited to Taiwan; and on food hygiene
and the President did not show a willingness to agreements, we do not see the administration
confront these issues. fighting for the rights of Taiwanese victims.
“If the President believed that presenting a “The President tells us that ECFA does more
half hour report on ECFA is ‘transparent’ good than harm. Even if this is correct, the
enough, then it is my duty to tell the people that President should tell us what the ‘harm’ is. Over
this is not transparency. What we saw was a the past year and a half, many people have told
very shallow way to handle the ECFA problems, us of ECFA’s ‘disadvantages’, so we ask Presi-
and if this report is a reflection of what Presi- dent Ma to tell us what he perceives the ‘disad-
dent Ma understands about ECFA, we have vantages’ to be? How does he plan to deal with
cause to be concerned. However, if the Presi- them? We are concerned that the President does
dent has other items on ECFA that he knows not know what these disadvantages are, how big
more about, then we have to ask the President to of an impact they can cause, and that he seems
give a systematic description of them, including psychologically not ready to cope with them.
the substantive positive and negative level chal- “In foreign negotiation agreements, the
lenges that we face when dealing with ECFA. President has failed to tell us how he plans to
“Since the government has been promoting strengthen his negotiating team. We are utterly
ECFA for a year and a half, it has encountered disappointed in this administration’s negotiating
questions and doubts from various sectors of powers, whether in issues such as communicat-
society. We have not seen President Ma give a ing with the public or making foreign break-
clear, far-sighted or rigorous explanation that throughs. Especially, if the negotiators are
deals with these questions. What is of most con- found to have commercial interests in any eco-
cern is that the President is still unclear about nomic or trade negotiation, they should be im-
what has made people anxious. Therefore, it is mediately removed from the team. However,
my wish to tell the President what worries the President Ma has failed to deal with this conflict
people: of interest problem.

... continued on the next page


...DPP Chair Tsai’s comments on

President Ma’s ECFA report continued #om the previous page

“The public is worried that ricultural products because we “The President has said that
the President is unaware of our felt that if we continued open- Chinese workers will not come
national economic priorities. ing them up, there would be a in and that perhaps our un-
Our country is now encounter- fundamental impact on the in- skilled workers will not be un-
ing the biggest economic crisis dustry. Even though President der immediate pressure at this
in unemployment. The Presi- Ma has promised that liberali- stage. However, the low-
dent has not told us how he zation will not happen in the priced advantage of Chinese
plans to tackle unemployment short-term, we want to know if products entering Taiwan has a
through the benefits of ECFA. President Ma will be able to relationship to the deprivation
It is my responsibility to report uphold this promise in the of employment opportunities
to the public that we foresee a long-term. Will China accept for Taiwanese workers. Has the
more serious unemployment that their agricultural products President not thought about the
situation through the zero-tariff cannot be imported to Taiwan? fact that after ECFA opens up,
item in ECFA. If, as the Presi- If China is willing to accept China’s service industry and
dent has said, by signing that, we wonder how China is white-collar workers will flood
ECFA, Taiwanese products going to explain to the rest of Taiwan’s market and replace
will be zero-tariff exported to the WTO members this special white-collar jobs?
China, the same would apply to concession to Taiwan? “It is because of the great
Chinese products coming into “Even if China can handle number of problems that are
the Taiwanese market. From the WTO problem, will they be still unresolved that the public
the perspective of Taiwan’s willing to give us such a privi- is extremely worried about
industrial sectors, more facto- lege? Will they not ask some- ECFA. In the latest poll re-
ries will be moved to China thing political in return? Any leased by the DPP, 74.1% of
and these factories will return country that has dealt with the population said they favor
their zero-tariffed products to China knows that any eco- the Legislative Yuan setting up
Taiwan, thus causing even nomic and trade transaction a cross strait affairs monitoring
more unemployment. involves some political motive. group because they wish to see
“The President has said that However, President Ma has not the Legislature strengthen its
agricultural products will not mentioned what the political power of supervision. The
be liberalized, even mentioning issues are. He has said that President has said that the
that during the DPP’s admini- there are no politics involved commission’s mechanisms are
stration some agricultural in ECFA, and I wish to tell the adequate, but I would like to
products were already liberal- President that any dealing with report that they are not enough
ized. I need to clarify that for China involves politics. We ask because ECFA contains many
each product that the DPP al- President Ma to tell us that in topics and it requires a special
lowed liberalization, every one his understanding, China is team to conduct an effective
went through careful consid- good enough to give us a one- and comprehensive monitoring
eration of Taiwan’s agricultural sided concession without ask- capability. Using the USTR as
industry. However, the DPP did ing anything in return? an example, the U.S. Congress
not further open import of ag- and the executive branch en-

... continued on the next page


...DPP Chair Tsai’s comments on

President Ma’s ECFA report continued #om the previous page

gage in a co-regulatory process

where the executive branch
does not have dominance in the
agreement process. Therefore,
we are strongly in favor of es-
tablishing a commission to
monitor cross strait affairs, and
we very much hope that the
public supports us in this task.”

DPP Poll: Over 74.1% support legislative oversight in

cross strait affairs

The DPP Public Survey Committee published a However, the survey results also showed that
survey on Feb. 8 showing that 74.1% of the Tai- the public is still pessimistic about the Legisla-
wanese people, regardless of party affiliation, tive Yuan ever getting the chance to monitor
supported the creation of a formal legislative cross strait affairs. Approximately 68.2% of the
commission to monitor cross strait affairs. population said they believed that the Legislative
The commission would supervise the Execu- Yuan cannot effectively monitor the Executive
tive Yuan in matters related to cross strait con- Yuan on cross strait policy while 20.9% believed
sultations, negotiations and exchanges, a meas- they were capable.
ure with which even Legislative Yuan President When the survey respondents were asked to
Wang Jin-Pyng agrees. express their approval regarding accepting Chi-
Approximately 19.4% of the survey respon- nese education degrees, 52.2% said they did not
dents opposed establishing the commission, but approve while 42.4% said they approved, which
there was a majority consensus, regardless of was a record result. If one breaks this result
their support for the pan-blue or pan-green down between pan-blue and pan-green support-
camp. ers, then 80% of the pan-green supporters would
In the past, President Ma promised to allow disapprove of accepting the Chinese education
legislative oversight and transparency in future policy, 51% of the independent voters and 63%
ECFA talks, but there has been no legislative of the pan-blue voters disapprove, a historic
oversight in any of the Chiang-Chen meetings. high.
From this survey result, the DPP would like to Furthermore, 65.2% said they opposed the
question why President Ma Ying-jeou has been policy of accepting Chinese licensed profession-
avoiding the creation of a monitoring commis- als and only 28.8% approved this policy. From
sion on cross strait affairs, and demands that this result, it is clear that regardless of party af-
President Ma make a clear explanation when filiation, the majority of Taiwanese citizens have
discussing ECFA issues with the public. doubts about this policy.


U.S. arms sale to Taiwan helps de-

fend Taiwan against Chinese
A Feb. 2 DPP press statement Taiwan. This is actually DEMOCRACY &
outlined the DPP’s position stamping on one’s own foot”. PROGRESS
concerning the late January Chuang emphasized the Tai-
announcement of U.S. arms wan Relations Act has, since
sales to Taiwan, sales which 1979, authorized US admini-
caused China to raise a protest strations to provide weapons
against both the United States for Taiwan’s defense, and this Department of International
Affairs Democratic
and Taiwan. The press state- measure’s very purpose is to
Progressive Party
ment also gave the DPP’s reac- protect regional peace and se-
tion to recent comments made curity in the Western Pacific
by Chinese officials against region against possible threats. 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
Road, Taipei, Taiwan
the Ma administration. Chuang Suo-han also said
DPP Spokesperson Chuang that China’s reaction shows to
Suo-han said that China’s mili- Ma Ying-jeou that not only Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
tary non-transparency has cre- will his China-inclined policy
ated tremendous pressure on not bring any goodwill reac- Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
Asia’s regional security, and tions from China, but it will
Beijing’s policy of aiming also show that there are con- Email:
more than 1,000 missiles at flicts of interest between Tai-
Taiwan remains unchanged. wan’s national security and
Chuang stated that China’s China’s military expansion. Website:
complaints against the actions For this reason, Chuang said
to protect regional and national that President Ma must fully
security by Taiwan and the recognize the reality of truly
U.S. are deeply unfounded. safeguarding Taiwan’s national DIRECTOR:
DPP Spokesperson Chuang interest. Bikhim Hsiao
said that the U.S. arms sale to
Taiwan does not aim to satisfy
the requests of any particular
person. He made this particu- Huang Chih-ta
lar comment to respond to Hsieh Huai-hui
China’s PLA Navy Rear Admi-
ral Yang Yi, who said, “Ma EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:
Ying-jeou’s domestic support Michael J. Fonte
rate has fallen and this caused
him to use the U.S. arms sale
to Taiwan to show the green
camp that there is a good rela- Ping-Ya Hsu
tionship between the U.S. and


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