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Calculating Gravitational Force Formula

What holds us to the ground? Why we don't float around in the air? The answer lies in one word: gravitational force. Newton's law on universal
gravitation explains this force. When the apple fell to the ground from the tree, Newton analyzed that the force that had caused apple's fall had
to be dependent on the mass of the apple. And he further deduced that the force which had caused the apple to fall was also dependent on
mass of the earth. So as per Newton, the force of gravity acting between the earth and the apple was directly proportional to the mass of both
the entities and inversely proportional to the square of distance between the centers of the entities. So gravitational force formula can be
represented as:

Fgav ~ (product of masses of the objects) / (square of the distance between the center of the objects)

Formulating the above equation, we obtain with the magnitude of gravitational force:

Fgav = G x (m1x m2)/d2

G: Gravitational constant
m1: Mass of object 1
m2: Mass of object 2
d: Distance between centers of the masses of objects

(G here is the constant of proportionality and has been calculated to be about 6.673 x 10-11 Newton meter2/Kg2. It is often known as the
universal gravitation constant.)

Let's understand this formula better with an example:

Sample Problem:
A 70 Kg student is traveling in a plane which is flying about 40000 feet above earth's surface. Earth's mass is about 5.98 x 10 24 Kg. So what
would be the gravitational force of attraction?

40000 feet ~ 6.39 x 106 meters.
G = 6.673 x 10-11 Newton meter2/Kg2
So Fgav = G x (m1x m2)/d2
= 6.673 x 10-11 x (5.98 x 1024 x 70) / (6.39 x 106)2
= 684 N

So the amount of gravitational force between the earth and the passenger is 684 Newtons (N). (Force is always measured in Newtons).

The other fundamental forces of nature apart from the force of gravitation are electromagnetic force (force that causes repulsion between like
electric charges), weak forces (the forces responsible for radioactive decay) and strong forces (which are the forces that hold the nuclei of
atoms together).

Calculating Centripetal Force Formula

Have you ever sat on rides that contain swings? I bet, you must have enjoyed them in fairs. But have you ever wondered the feeling you
experience in those rides is caused by what? You feel the spinning in your head, right? Well the answer lies in the term: centripetal force. So
what is centripetal force? This is an unbalanced form of force that allows the object to move in a circular path towards the instantaneous center
of curvature of the path traveled. The word "centripetal" itself originates from the Latin word - centrum (center) and petere (towards). So how
to calculate the formula for force (centripetal force)?

Fcentripetal = (m x v2) / r

m: mass of the object
v: velocity with which the object is moving
r: radius of the path of curvature

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