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MAY 2010


DPP nominates Big-5 candidates

DPP nominates Big-5

- Pg. 1

Tsai Ing-wen re-elected

as party chair
- Pg. 2

DPP Big-5 candidates (from left to right): Lai Ching-te for Greater Taiwanese public take to
Tainan, Chen Chu for Greater Kaohsiung, Tsai Ing-wen for Sinbei the streets against ECFA
City, Su Tseng-chang for Taipei City and Su Chia-chuan for
- Pg. 3
Greater Taichung.

On May 25, the DPP Central Ex- will run for the Greater Taichung
ecutive Committee approved the combined district. Su Chia-chuan DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen:
list of candidates for the Novem- will offer both local and central “Taiwan’s Economic
ber Big-5 city elections. government experience, having
Policy under
The DPP then organized a served as former Pintung County
promotion ceremony, presenting Governor, Minister of Agricul-
the nominated candidates and ture and Interior Minister. - Pg. 4
displaying the DPP’s unity reso- In southern Taiwan, Chen
lution to battle against the KMT Chu is the nominee for Greater
in these elections. Kaohsiung while current DPP
DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen will Legislator Lai Ching-te will run
be the party’s candidate for the as the Greater Tainan candidate.
new Sinbei City district while Chen Chu is currently serving as
former Premier Su Tseng-chang Kaohsiung City mayor, and has
will run for mayor of Taipei City. already achieved wide popularity
In Central Taiwan, DPP Sec- and support from the Kaohsiung
retary General Su Chia-chuan public.
... continued on the next page

MAY 2010

DPP nominates Big-5 candidates ... continued "om the previous page

At the promotion ceremony, the DPP inaugurated mately 13.7 million people. This election will be
the election theme: “Power and Renewed Unity an important one for Taiwan as it will determine
for the Five Cities”. The candidates delivered the future welfare and growth of these cities. The
their platforms for this election, with each of DPP has provided long-term service from north-
them highlighting the DPP’s experience in local ern Taiwan to the south, and it will continue dis-
government as most of these candidates have playing a show of unity to win the people’s sup-
wide experience in serving the public. The Big-5 port in these districts.
cities have a combined population of approxi-

Tsai Ing-wen re-elected as party chair

Current DPP Chair Tsai Ing- cluding the DPP’s international of Taiwan,” Chair Tsai said at
wen was re-elected as party branches. the press conference. “During
chair through direct voting by Soon after the election re- this process, I was able to gain a
DPP party members. The elec- sults were reported, Chair Tsai deeper sense of the importance
tion was held at DPP branches announced her decision to run of vision to propel a nation or a
nationwide on May 23. as candidate for the race of region to future successes.”
The turnout rate for this mayor in the new administrative “With a population of 3.8
election was 58%. Besides Tsai district of Sinbei City. Follow- million, the new district of Sin-
Ing-wen, there was also Former ing her confirmation of party bei City is a microcosm of Tai-
Taipei County Governor You members to continue the party wan. It combines rural, indus-
Ching who also ran for the party chair position, she held a press trial, commercial and agricul-
chair position. conference the next day, high- tural services in need of preser-
Chair Tsai Ing-wen garnered lighting her desire to put “ideas vation and care, and this is the
90.29% of the votes while You into action”. perfect place to set into practice
Ching polled 9.71%. “My focus as DPP chair has the DPP’s values. This opportu-
Along with the party chair been on promoting the Ten Year nity is the biggest reason for my
election, the DPP also organized Policy Manifesto over the past decision to participate in this
the election of chairs for each six months, hoping to promote election,” she said.
branch across the country, in- the reform and transformation

MAY 2010

Taiwanese public take to the streets against ECFA

The DPP has joined forces with eight civic erendum. Through the public taking to the streets
groups in Taiwan to push for a referendum on and through holding signature drives to reach the
ECFA, holding sit-ins and a major rally on May referendum threshold, the DPP and civic groups
20 to show the public’s concern over the gov- also organized a series of sit-ins and rallies to
ernment’s drive to sign an ECFA and calling for push for the ECFA referendum during the month
more government transparency in the ECFA of May.
process. Frank Hsieh, former premier of Taiwan and
President Ma Ying-jeou has said that it is im- former DPP chair, initiated a sit-in in front of the
perative for Taiwan to sign ECFA, but has not legislature, which lasted for several days. The sit-
explained to the public the reasons why such an in ended with a rally on May 20 where thousands
agreement is beneficial for Taiwan. Research of people from all aspects of society participated.
conducted by the DPP and think tanks have Additionally, the ECFA referendum drive also
shown that signing an ECFA with China will involved an online campaign for people who
cause major damage to Taiwan’s manufacturing weren’t able to physically participate in the sit-
companies and the labor market, including bring- ins and rallies. Online participants were able to
ing great political and social impact on Taiwan- leave their opinions through online forums as
ese society. well as discuss their views at online chats. The
The DPP believes in allowing the Taiwanese website was created for this
public to decide whether they need ECFA. How- campaign to post articles and videos of the ECFA
ever, the KMT-majority in the legislature has referendum campaign.
blocked all attempts by the DPP to push for a ref-

MAY 2010

Taiwan’s Economic Policy Under Globalization

cial costs, including for example, damages to the
labor market and the growing gap between the
urban and rural areas. This made us comprehend
that statistical values do not mean an improve-
ment in the standard of living. Meanwhile, the
social costs caused by the past generation’s eco-
nomic development are in fact bringing great
burdens to our current generation, already creat-
ing an occurrence of a “new generational injus-
tice”. Under this new trend, it is necessary for
Taiwan to re-evaluate the past strategy.

Our second challenge: Does economic com-

Statement by DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen petitiveness stem from reducing capital or
Taiwan Unavoidable from technological innovation?
Challenges Conference Series
May 8, 2010 While no one would object to industrial upgrad-
ing, our society continues to hold on to the tradi-
Today’s conference, fourth in the series on our tional economic model, which is to keep labor
Ten Year Policy Manifesto, refers to the devel- wages and benefits low, engaging foreign labor
opment of a national economic policy, and it and paying the minimum wage as well as reduc-
probably is the most important one. Economic, ing taxes and tariffs as a panacea. This not only
industrial and employment issues all affect the delayed the growth process, but it also didn’t
lives of people, and they also influence the con- create stability and better quality of life for the
fidence of our community. The economic suc- people. Taiwan is already a mature economic
cesses of Taiwan in the past few decades brought country with an innovation-oriented economy. If
strength to state power and it also brought better the government continues to use the past genera-
living standards, but today, we are facing tion’s development strategy, encouraging com-
changes caused by both internal and external panies to save instead of investing in research
factors. All these challenges and choices are re- and innovation, our competitiveness will be lost
lated to policy adjustments and political values. very quickly.

Our first challenge: Is economic growth our Our third challenge: Is the core of our eco-
only development objective? nomic development focused on GDP growth
or in enhancing employment?
In the former times of low-income and highly-
priced goods, economy and production were ef- In the past, due to Taiwan’s growth model rely-
fective elements that influenced the standard of ing on foreign exports, vast employment oppor-
living. However, an economic-oriented devel- tunities were created. This was enough to sup-
opment strategy produced a great number of so- port the living of 90% of Taiwanese families

... continued on the next page

MAY 2010

... continued "om the previous page

Taiwan’s Economic Policy Under Globalization

while the government only needed to support to the financial crisis one year ago. The DPP had
approximately 10%. Under the current globaliza- repeatedly urged the Ma Administration not to
tion trend, companies and capital have rapidly simply throw government resources around
flowed outside. Even though globalization has blindly but to create meaningful work opportuni-
brought greater wealth for these enterprises, the ties that confronts the real needs of the commu-
wealth distribution has only trickled-down to nity. For example, the social welfare system
one-third of the population. Of the remaining (which could have created at least 100,000 job
two-thirds, one-half stayed level in terms of their opportunities) and environmental conservation
economic status and one-half can be labeled as (tens of thousands of jobs, especially a combined
the losers of globalization. This two-thirds of the mission to preserve and protect the aboriginal
population is not capable of meeting the chal- population in the mountain areas). However, it is
lenges of globalization, their real income has regrettable that the Ma Administration did not
stopped growing, and they may have even lost listen, and as a result, we have recently seen the
their jobs due to recession, resulting today in the lack of manpower in our social worker system,
rapid expansion of the wealth distribution gap. with no personnel prepared to prevent suicide
incidents among disadvantaged groups. We have
The days of government supporting industries so also seen nature taking a counter-attack to claim
they can support labor are now over because to- precious lives simply because we did not have
day enterprises are free to move capital outside the proper manpower to do the job.
of Taiwan and create employment opportunities
for other countries. The remaining population is These traditional, non-manufacturing sectors,
now the responsibility of the government. There- because they have often being overlooked in
fore, either the government has endless resources economic significance, have even been catego-
and is capable of generously providing for the rized as the tasks of government departments,
welfare of the remaining population or the real receiving a large amount of resources as a result
task of the government now is to create new em- of the government’s planning in budget and per-
ployment opportunities, rather than continuing to sonnel. For this reason, we see not only poor
invest its resources in the globalization winners. quality, but also an extreme lack of public serv-
ices. If we were to redefine these needs in the
Speaking of the government’s job to create em- economic sense and transform these traditional
ployment opportunities, it makes us think back sectors, but not entirely privatize them, they will

... continued on the next page

MAY 2010

Taiwan’s Economic Policy Under DEMOCRACY &

Globalization PROGRESS
... continued "om the previous page

Department of International
release an infinite amount of power, providing tens of Affairs Democratic
thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of real and Progressive Party
substantial jobs. These job opportunities are not lim-
ited to non-technical or lowly-skilled, white collar or 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
blue collar workers, but they also involve the profes- Road, Taipei, Taiwan
sional and higher technical work force.
Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
As the government sets out to create job opportunities,
it must invest in developing a comprehensive service
delivery system. Even though this is a time-consuming Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
and laborious process, it is an unavoidable responsibil-
ity of the government. The current KMT government Email:
has kept emphasizing short-term political results, and
it has refused to focus on long-term benefits. If they Website:
only speak of ECFA without mentioning industrial re-
structuring, job opportunities and the wealth gap; and
if they only speak about long-term insurance without
mentioning long-term construction plans, this gov-
ernment is simply wasting our time and our national DIRECTOR:
budget, as well as allowing our country to lose its Bikhim Hsiao
foundation and vitality.
Huang Chih-ta
Hsieh Huai-hui

Michael J. Fonte

Ping-Ya Hsu


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