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JULY 2010


DPP highlights goals, unveils
campaign theme at National Party
DPP highlights goals,
unveils campaign theme
at National Party
- Pg. 1

National Party Congress

Declaration Full Text
- Pg. 2

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen

National Party Congress
DPP Big-5 candidates take to the stage at the DPP’s National Statement Full Text
Party Congress held on July 18 in Taipei. - Pg. 3

On July 18, the DPP held the spoke of their policy initiatives
first National Party Congress of to improve the conditions of the DPP launches 2nd
2010 to elect the new members cities they are standing as candi- generation Kitty Hawk
of the DPP’s Central Standing dates. mobile platform
and Executive Committees, and Additionally, the Congress - Pg. 4
also to launch the new theme for passed unanimously a DPP dec-
this year’s campaign. laration which pledges to uphold
The main highlight of this the DPP’s values, and to strive to DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen
year’s National Party Congress push Taiwan towards prosperity. speaks at conference on
was the presentation of the The congress’ theme this year China’s rising hegemony
DPP’s platform for the upcoming was “Happiness & Prosperity for
- Pg. 5
Big-5 Elections. the Next Generation”, a motif
Election candidates Tsai Ing- that will be used through to the
wen, Chen Chu, Su Tseng-chang, elections. Representing the next
Su Chia-chuan and Lai Ching- generation, children of DPP sup-
teh all presented their election porters were invited to share the
campaign themes. They also stage with the Big-5 election

JULY 2010

National Party Congress Declaration Full Text

Passed by the DPP’s National Party Congress on (3) Corruption of our fiscal discipline and,
July 18, 2010. (4) Disregard of environmental conservation.
All of these problems will force the next genera-
A responsible party will not only focus on the tion to bear bitter costs. Because of the lack of
present, and will not simply pursue the happiness efficiency and sense of direction in local govern-
of this generation. ance, the people are starting to forget our former
prosperity and losing the happiness they hold so
The current generation of Taiwanese people are dearly. If this situation is not reversed, our cur-
enjoying democracy, economic prosperity, diver- rent generation will be shackled with the negative
sity and an independent national dignity because burdens we have left them.
of the past generations’ sacrifices. Due to their
vision, they left us with riches that achieved to- Because our predecessors worked hard to create
day’s Taiwan. For this reason, we are obliged to these riches, we cannot allow Taiwan to continue
provide the next generation a glorious future. The walking on the wrong path which would lead us
DPP, representing Taiwan’s most grassroots po- to an irreversible situation. For our future genera-
litical party, bears this unavoidable responsibility. tions, this is a crucial moment for us to remove
the obstacles preventing us from a better tomor-
As the KMT Administration deviates from Tai- row and walking bravely towards prosperity.
wanese values, they are not only wasting the his-
torical assets left by our predecessors, but also The meaning of the DPP’s existence is to con-
destroying our next generation’s future. These are tinuously open up a new era while protecting the
the effects the Ma Administration’s China- values of Taiwan. We have learned our lessons
inclined policy: and we are about to meet the victories of each
(1) Erosion of Taiwan’s democracy and human crucial battle. We will continue to move forward
rights, in order to prevent historical regression and we
(2) Loss of our economic independence and cul- will continue to challenge ourselves so that we
tural uniqueness, can look toward the future.
JULY 2010

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen

National Party Congress Statement Full Text
The DPP, as a political party, cannot stop compet- our people should never feel at a loss and start
ing and trying to achieve governing power. This is abandoning their home.
the nature of political parties. We must also not
stop reflecting on the real responsibilities of a po- It is in every person’s natural right to pursue their
litical party. own happiness, and everyone hopes to achieve
prosperity. The reason we participate in politics is
The answer to what these responsibilities are can to create happiness and prosperity for our next
be found by looking at children’s faces. generation. Otherwise, what is the meaning of
what we do?
Just 24 years ago, when the party was founded,
our predecessors sacrificed their lives to pave the This year’s Big-5 Elections are, perhaps for the
way for Taiwan’s democracy. Along the way, Tai- KMT, a battle for power, but for the DPP they are
wan achieved prosperity and started to enjoy a a struggle to fight for the people’s happiness and
rich and diverse culture. Our predecessors also prosperity! Our battle is to let the people enjoy a
strengthened Taiwan as an independent country, better livelihood and a secure environment, a
achieving this generation’s firm belief in Taiwan- complete system of care and plenty of employ-
ese identity. ment opportunities, convenient transportation and
refined education.
We were given these precious assets and now we
have even greater responsibility to constantly We make a pledge to make our brand of green
think about what kind of legacy we wish to leave power forever bright because we know that in
for our next generation. every person’s mind, they have a green dream.
‘Green’ not only represents ‘grassroots’ but it also
The answer is simple, but bears constant repeti- means a new generation of green power that in-
tion: happiness and prosperity. cludes technology, environmental protection, fair-
ness, reform and quality politics!
Happiness means that the moment our children are
born, they are able to receive the best of care, the Putting into practice the green dream is to create
most secure environment in which to grow, a di- happiness and prosperity for our citizens, creating
verse and refined education in order to become an even happier and prosperous country!
independent thinkers, adequate employment op-
portunities to showcase their talents and a com- Dear ladies and gentlemen, this is a responsibility
fortable home environment for raising children that we cannot avoid. We must exhaust all our ef-
and taking care of the elderly. forts complete and achieve this responsibility. On
November 27, we must use our victory to create
Prosperity means that from an early age, they can prosperity and happiness!
recognize their own land, learn how to love and
cherish our ecological environment laden with a
rich, diverse culture so they can take pride in their
native land of Taiwan. Prosperity also means that

JULY 2010

DPP launches 2nd generation Kitty Hawk mobile platform

The DPP launched its newest innovation meant was able to incorporate state-of-the-art technol-
to achieve maximum efficiency and lower costs ogy and create this innovative mobile platform.
while campaigning.
The Kitty Hawk II incorporates the latest
technology of LED display television and sound
systems. It is made of 3.5 tons of steel and it
comes with a stage that can installed on any flat
surface across the country.
Carrying the theme “Happiness & Prosperity
for our Next Generation”, the Kitty Hawk II will
travel all across Taiwan, helping DPP candidates
present their platform in areas difficult to reach.
The launch of the Kitty Hawk II would not
have been possible without the contribution of
our supporters. In March of this year, the DPP
auctioned off the bicycles used by the DPP dur-
ing last year’s election campaign. With the
money collected from this auction and with addi-
tional contributions from supporters, the DPP

JULY 2010

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen speaks at conference on

China’s rising hegemony

DPP Chair
Tsai Ing-wen
was invited to
deliver the
opening re-
marks at the
Conference on
a Rising Chi-
nese Hegem-
ony & Chal-
lenges to the
Region” or-
ganized by the
Taiwan Brain
Trust in Taipei
on July 19.
The confer-
ence was also
held in collaboration with the Project 2049 Insti- ports and bases in Burma, and protection of
tute from Washington, D.C. North Korea as a buffer state, among others.
DPP Chair Tsai expressed her delight in de- “If we add China’s political intentions toward
livering the opening remarks at the conference to Taiwan, the regional picture gets more alarm-
an international audience, saying that an analysis ing,” she said. “Controlling Taiwan would allow
and discussion of the issue of the rise of China China to project power beyond the First Island
was vitally necessary. Chain. If Taiwan starts political talks with China,
“China’s rise is a complex phenomenon that the future of Taiwan’s role in any regional strat-
folds together its economic growth, military egy becomes uncertain.”
modernization and power projection with the Having summarized her views on the current
political influence these elements bring,” Tsai scenario of China’s strategic ambitions in the
said. “If the rise continues, we question whether region, Chair Tsai then turned toward the future
it means that there is a Chinese hegemony in outlook of this issue. She said that as a result of
Asia, or even a wider Chinese hegemonic role.” globalization, the region has seen closer eco-
In her speech, Chair Tsai highlighted the main nomic interdependence. She emphasized that
strategic ambitions of the Chinese government Taiwan’s response towards China must be
towards the Asian region, including tightened united.
control over Xinjiang and Tibet, deepened rela- Chair Tsai also presented the DPP’s stand-
tions with Central Asian nations, building of point concerning China on its rising hegemonic
role in the region. She said that the DPP will
... continued on the next page

JULY 2010

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen speaks at DEMOCRACY &

conference on PROGRESS
China’s rising hegemony
... continued "om the previous page

continue upholding its values of supporting democracy, hu- Department of International

Affairs Democratic
man rights and freedom. She also said that the KMT’s China- Progressive Party
inclined policy and pushing for ECFA through the Legislative
Yuan without regard to the legislative process was drawing
criticism from the outside. 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
Road, Taipei, Taiwan
“I trust you all have witnessed the development of debate
on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, or
ECFA, in Taiwanese society over the past few months. It is all Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
too obvious that the Ma Administration is attempting to shove
such an economic pact through the Legislative Yuan without Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
regard for legislative oversight and democratic procedures.
Recent remarks by senior officials in the US State Department Email:
that cross-Strait negotiations and agreements need to be con-
sistent with Taiwan’s democracy, yet I’m sure you would
agree that the recent actions by the Ma Administration are out
of line with these policy statements.”
In this regard, Chair Tsai said that the best solution was not
for Taiwan to focus on a China-included policy, but rather,
Taiwan should unite with its international friends to reach DIRECTOR:
China. Bikhim Hsiao
Speaking further on this issue, Chair Tsai then discussed
the role that Asian nations must play, and she also expressed
an optimistic view concerning the current US policy towards
Asia. Hsieh Huai-hui
“We are encouraged by the Obama Administration in- Tsai Meng-chun
creased attention to Asia, whether evidenced in President
Obama’s serious set of bilateral meetings with Asian leaders at EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:
the G-20, Secretary Clinton’s planned participation in the Michael J. Fonte
Asian Regional Forum meeting, the repositioning of US
forces, shifting of operational control of forces in South Korea
back by several years, or Secretary Gates strong rejection of
Ping-Ya Hsu
Chinese exclusive claims to the South China Sea and support
for US arms sales to Taiwan.”
In her closing comments of the speech, Chair Tsai empha-
sized the attention that the world must give to China in its ris-
ing hegemonic role.
“We need to be vigilant, and together encourage China to
rise as a ‘responsible stakeholder’ for the sake of its own peo-
ple, those of the region and the whole word,” she concluded.


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