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Page or Paragraph Paraphrase/Summary of

th Topic/Title of Card Source Number Direct Quote the Direct Quote My Idea Outline Alignment
Many opponents argue
that there are several
reasons why some child I plan to use this
"Budget cuts, ciritcs abuse cases are looked quote/paraphrase in my
charge, have left many over scantly. For paper by using it as my
child welfare agencies example, budget cuts opposition. This will put
understaffed, with have left many agencies another view into my
personal struggling to with few employees paper so I look as if I
handle too many cases" leading to these workers know what I am talking
("Child Abuse. . ." par. struggle to keep up with about and have done my
3/8/2021 8:30:04 Opposing Accountability ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 37). 37). the cases. research. IA1a1
Fay Moore, a
spokesperson for New
York City's
Administration for
Children's Services
union, said that "[f]our- Fay Moore, a
year-old Marchella spokesperson for New
Pierce's death in New York City's
York City in 2010 'was a Administration for
structural failure, a Children's Services
system failure, thanks to union, said that I will use this as an
budget cuts, and other Marchella Perice's death example to go with my
reducitons in the was due to a system opposition on a reason
agency'" (qtd. in "Child failure. (qtd. in "Child as to why the system
3/8/2021 8:41:26 Opposing Example ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 37). Abuse. . ." par. 37). Abuse. . ." par. 37). might have failed. IA1a1
"Some 3 million children
are the subject of
investigations each year,
700,000 of which are
substantiated. There are Each year there are over
about 2,500 child 2,000 deaths of children
fatalities due to abuse or who had been in contact
neglect by a parent or with systems like DCFS
caregiver in the U.S. previously. Futhermore, I will use this as an
anually, and about half over 3 million children example of how many
of those are cases child are subject to abuse and deaths occur even after
welfare agencies were over 600,000 of them DCFS has been
aware of beforehand" are taken into the care of informed and aware of
3/9/2021 23:22:35 Child Abuse Facts (Schaefer). (par. 9). (Schaefer par. 9). other homes. the conditions. IB1
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I believe in no child left
behind. What is the point
of having a system like
"In 2014, the Associated DCFS when it is not
Press reported that at capable of saving
least 786 children--most children before they
of them under the age of passed, which could
4--had died of abuse or Regardless of child have been as easy as
neglect over hte protective services doing your job the right
previous six years, knowing of the unsafe way. I will use this as
dispite child protection conditions these children further evidence
authorities having were in, 786 children supporting the idea that
knowledge that they died who were supposed the system has its faults
Fault in DFS- Missed were in unsafe to be protected by and it needs to be
3/5/2021 8:34:23 Children ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 5). situations" (par. 5). systems like DCFS. changed. IB1a1
"Danieal Kelly. . .who
died in 2006 at age 14
after almost a decade of I will use this story as an
investigations by 14-year-old Danieal example of how long
Philadelphia case Kelly died in 2006 of these cases can go for
workers into her child neglect, even after and how long case
mother's failure to feel or case workers workers do not
bathe her. . ." (Schaefer investigated her home investigate thouroghly
3/9/2021 18:48:01 Child Abuse Story (Schaefer). (par. 6). par. 6). for almost a decade. enough. IB1a1
"The boy. . .had been
smacked as many as 20
times in a row in front of Although there were I will use this story in my
witnesses, beaten with a witnesses to testify the paper to give an
belt, placed under cold awful abuse at hand, 6- example of another
showers, and denied year-old Zymere Perkins "error" or fault in the
food as a punishment" died due to child system that caused a
3/9/2021 18:22:58 Zymere Perkins (Schaefer). (par. 1). (Shaefer par. 1). maltreatment. child to lose his life. IB1a2
Burch said in an
interview with Ludden
that "One in particular
wwas Kyla Joy Hall. . .
she was left with a brain
bleed and several
fractures. And she After a baby was abused
healed in a medical to the point of her brain
foster home and within bleeding and several I am going to use this
months, she was fractures, she was still story as an example of
returned back to her placed back into the how the system just puts
family. . .months after home of her abusive kids back not thinking of
("Were Hundreds of that, she was killed by father and shortly killed what could actually
3/9/2021 23:51:52 Child Abuse Story Children Lost. . .") (par. 8). her father" (par. 8). after going home. happen. IC1
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th Topic/Title of Card Source Number Direct Quote the Direct Quote My Idea Outline Alignment
"According to Vermont
police, 2-year-old
Dezirae Sheldon was left
in her home even after
suffering two broken
legs under suspicious
Caseworkers said they'd
felt 'an overwhelming
push' to keep the family Dezirae Sheldon, a two-
together, based on their year-old, died after being
general training. Dezirae stuck in the head by her I will use this as an
died in February from step-father even after example on workers not
blunt force trauma to the DCFS was contacted doing their job like they
3/9/2021 16:44:30 Failure Example (Mohr). (par. 61). head. . ." (Mohr par. 61). months earlier. are supposed to. IC1a1
"The 2013 killing of
Gabriel Fernandez sent
sock waves. . .triggering
understandable outrage
over how a child was left
in such a terrible Even thought people
situations when there knew of the suspected
were ample warning abuse, Gabriel I will use this story as an
signs and tangible Fernandez was still example of how the
("The Trials of Gabriel. . evidence of abuse" (par. murdered by his mother system and wokers
3/9/2021 23:43:49 Gabriel Fernandez .") (par. 3). 3). and step-father. failed. IC1a2
"But apparently all his The sytem is easy to I plan to use this as
mother had to do was abuse because all further evidence
tell the city social parents have to do is showing how easy it is
workers that he had simply lie to the workers for people to manipulate
fallen--down the stairs, on why their child has a the system and how
off a scooter, whatever-- bruise, or a broken social workers do not
and they would close the bone, and the case will "dig" enough to find out
3/9/2021 18:17:25 Neglect of Workers (Schaefer). (par. 1). case" (Schaefer par. 1). be closed. the truth. II11a1
". . .10 children died int
he 12 weeks before
Perkins, despite each Many children who die
being the subject of at because of child abuse
least four abuse or have had complaints
maltreatment made to systems like
complaints" (Shaefer DCFS; however, they I will use this along with
3/9/2021 18:20:00 Child Abuse-Faults (Schaefer). (par. 2). par. 2). still lost their lives. the story of Perkins. IIB1
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After a mother pushed
her child over a porch
"DCFS had been ledge, the DCFS was
involved with the mother called to investigate;
two years earlier when however, after the child
she pushed the baby girl was sent back home
over a porch ledge. But with her mother, the I will use this as an
due to an error, DCFS DCFS failed to keep in example of how one
never followed up with contact with the mother "small" error by the
an outside social work to make sure the DCFS caused the death
agency that was situation was getting of an innocent two-year-
supposed to engage the better. The two-year-old old baby girl. I will use
mother in a program baby girl later died due this as further evidence
Example and Fault in caleld intact family to abuse within her on why the system
3/5/2021 8:46:55 System ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 3). services" (par. 3). home. needs to be reformed. IIC1a1
What is the point of a
"'The hotline was unable hotline if calls are not
to take calls as they are What is supposed to be being answered? I will
received, resulting in a child abuse hotline, is use this quote as further
callbacks. . .' That on the verge of evidence showing how
resulted in the number of becoming useless. From the DCFS has its faults
callbacks increading 2015 to 2017 the and although reports like
'substantially,' from amount of callbacks these are showing there
nearly 40 percent in caused by the hotline is major problems within
2015 to 56 percent in increased over 15 the system, there is still
3/5/2021 8:22:02 Fault in the DFS- Hotline (Cherney). (par. 15). 2017" (par. 15). percent. nobody trying to fix it. IIIB1a2
"The system also failed
Ethan Henderson, who
was only 10 weeks old
but already had been
treated for a broken arm.
. . Maine hotline workers
had received at least 13
calls warning that Ethan
or his siblings were
suffering abuse. . .Still,
the caseworker who Even after a hotline
inspected the family's recieved over ten calls
cramped trailer six days stating that Ethan
before Ethan died. . . Henderson and his I will use Ethan and his
wrote that the baby siblings were in danger family as an example of
appeared 'well cared for of abuse, baby Ethan how workers overlook
and safe in the care of still died due to abuse and do little to no
his parents'" (Mohr par. and neglect from his investigations which
3/9/2021 16:29:34 Example of Fault in DFS (Mohr). (par. 9). 9). parents. leads to worsen cases. IIIB1a2
I am going to use this as
"A policy that promotes an example of how even
keeping families intact Systems like the DCFS though people try to find
plays a major role in the tend to try to keep a way to keep families
number of deaths, families together; together, there is not
because children stay in however, doing that enough control of it
abusive situations" plays a big role in the which leads to more
3/9/2021 16:40:21 System Failure Example (Mohr). (par. 61). (Mohr par. 61). deaths of children. deaths. IIIC1
Page or Paragraph Paraphrase/Summary of
th Topic/Title of Card Source Number Direct Quote the Direct Quote My Idea Outline Alignment
"DCFS had been
involved with the mother
two years earlier when
she pushed the baby girl
over a porch ledge. But Even after DCFS came
due to an error, DCFS in after a mother pushed
never followed up with her daughter over the
an outside social work ledge of a porch, the I am going to use this as
agency that was system still failed at an example of how there
supposed to engage the communicating with the is neglect within the
mother in a program mother, which eventually system even if they
DFS "Small" Error called intact family led to the death of her come in contact with the
3/9/2021 8:17:17 Example ("Fixing DFS. . ."). (par. 3). servces" (par. 3). daughter. family prior. IIIC1a1
"The Tribune's David
Jackson and Gary Marx Although the system
found that from 2012 was made to help
through 2016, 15 Illinios families overcome their
children died of abuse or abusive past, kids are I am going to use this as
neglect while receiving still losing their lives,an example of how
Intact Family Services- care through the while still being in the programs have tried to
3/9/2021 8:30:35 Negative ("Fixing DFS. . ."). (par. 6). program" (par. 6). program. be organized but still fail. IIIC1a2
I am going to point out
In 2016, about one- how there are many
"Though investigators fourth of abuse cases faults in the DFS
are supposed to were not investigated system. This quote
complete their probes until after the deadline directly relates and adds
within 60 days, the audit was past, even though more information and
found 16% of cases in investigators are reasoning into how the
2016 remained open required to complete that system has its faults and
after that deadline" (par. tasks within 60 days of backs up my claim that it
3/5/2021 8:09:33 Fault in the DFS System (Cherney). (par. 3) 3). the case. needs to be reformed.
This quote further shows
an example of how the
DCFS system has its
faults. No family should
be investigated nine
times with nothing
beneficial coming out of
it. This shows that the
case workers that are
"The report also found investigating, pay little to
that, during those three no attention on the
years, 102 children died actual safety of children;
who had been the instead, they do what is
subjects of previous easiest and say the child
investigations of abuse While investigations are is in the right care. I will
or neglect. In one case, done promptly within the use this quote in relation
DCFS had confucted DCFS, many cases are to stories about children
nine investigations viewed swiftly, which led who have lost their lives
Neglect Within the before the child died. . ." to the death of over 100 due to scanty
3/5/2021 8:15:26 System (Cherney). (par. 4). (par. 4). innocent children. invesitgations.
Page or Paragraph Paraphrase/Summary of
th Topic/Title of Card Source Number Direct Quote the Direct Quote My Idea Outline Alignment
While some people may
"According to the U.S. not be aware of the
Government amount of children who
Accountability Office die of child abuse, every
(GAO), about five day at least five children I will use this to show
children die as a result die due to abuse or how relevant child abuse
of abuse every day" neglect within their is and how it is a serious
3/5/2021 8:27:26 Child Abuse Facts ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 3). (par. 3). home. matter.
Many people who
advocate that reports
should be made by all
adults who suspect
abuse may be occuring.
"Supporters of expanded If these people are not
accountablity charge reporting what their I will use this to show
that it is simply wrong for instincts tell them, they how any adult who is not
anyone to ignore should be held reporting the possible
possible child abuse accountable for what abuse of a child should
Accountability in when suspicions arise" happens to those be held accountable for
3/5/2021 8:40:48 Reporting ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 32). (par. 32). children. that.
"Not only would the
average person need
extensive training to spot
cases of real abuse, Opponents argue that I will use this to go along
they contend, but local making bystanders with my opposition on
law enforcement would report any abuse they why there may be faults
probably not be able to suspect is not realistic in the system and that
handle to increased call because of the training workers should not be
volume" ("Child Abuse. . each adult would need blamed with the
3/9/2021 7:54:49 Opposing-reporting laws ("Child Abuse. . ."). (par. 39). ." par. 39). to go through. circumstances at hand.
"A total of 3885
hospitilizations related to
child maltreatment were
identified for an Over 3,000 children I will use this quote to
incidence of 10.87 per were taken to hospitals give evidence showing
10 000 person-years" due to child abuse or how "popular" child
3/9/2021 18:07:06 Child Abuse Statistics (Rebbe). (par. 3). (Rebbe par. 3). neglect. abuse is.
"In 2016, about one out
of every 10 children in The investigations of
the country were child abuse could be
reported as suspected considered extreme
victims of abuse or because with one out of
neglect. After an every ten children
investigation, fewer than reported of suspected I will use this as my
a tenth of those reports abuse, less than a tenth opposition showing that
were substained" (Riley of those reports were the welfare system is
3/9/2021 18:10:19 Opposition (Riley). (par. 2). par. 2). substained. excessive.
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th Topic/Title of Card Source Number Direct Quote the Direct Quote My Idea Outline Alignment
" . . . in an effort to
escape the charge that Racism is showed in
the system is racist, several ways. For
child welfare workers example, some child
may be going out of their welfare workers might
way to find innocent be finding innocent white
whtie families to families to investigate I plan to use this as
investigate and charge" just so the system does opposition as well as a
3/9/2021 18:14:45 Opposition (Riley). (par. 9). (Riley par. 9). not seem racist. fault in the system.
". . .the majority of the I will use this as an
children were young. example of why systems
They were 5 and under. like DCFS need to be
And in 70 percent of the more diligent with their
cases, they were 2 and In many cases, children cases because even
under. And here's what who are abused are though a child may act
we know, is that at that young and cannot speak like they are fine, they
("Were Hundreds of age, they can't ask for up to let someone know cannot speak up to tell
3/9/2021 23:58:05 Child Abuse Facts Children Lost. . .") (par. 17). help. . ." (par. 17). they need help. someone they are not.
"Lacking a fully
developed rational I will use this along with
capacity, children are Children are not able to the age of children on
incapable of protecting make decisions for why they are not able or
their own interests or themselves that are capable of asking or
directing their own lives" beneficial simply telling someone they
3/10/2021 7:26:44 Child Capability (Vischer). (220). (Vischer 220). because of their age. need help.
In most cases, parents
are the ones making
"Except in cases of decisions for their
extreme abuse or children. This is, I am going to use this to
neglect, the law has however, as long as show that most of the
traditionally deferred to there is no extreme stories I tell are extreme,
Who Makes the the parent" (Vischer abuse or neglect but the parents are sitll
3/10/2021 7:29:45 Decicion? (Vischer). (220). 220). occuring. making the decisions.
"It is unfortunate that
one of the greatest
inventions of our I am going to use this to
generation--the internet-- Abuse can also occur on show how today's
is providing a building the internet, something society may view child
(U.S. Department of ground for these heinous that was not thought of abuse and how there are
3/10/2021 7:32:34 Internet Abuse Justice). (211). crimes" (211). when it was invented. different ways of it.
"At the end of calender
year 2005, 590 child
pornography victims had The amount of children
been identified. . .As of identified for chiild
April 27, 2008 that pornography doubled in I will use this to show
(U.S. Department of number had grown to just a span of three that it is a current thing
3/10/2021 7:35:21 Internet Abuse Facts Justice). (214). 1,342. . ." (214). years. happening.

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