Democracy & Progress: Big-5 Elections: DPP Garners Two Seats, Surpassing More Than 50% Support Rate Overall

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Big-5 Elections: DPP
garners two seats,
surpassing more than 50%
support rate overall
The DPP held a Nov. 27th press conference after
the election results of the five-city mayor elec-
tions were announced. The press conference
was hosted by DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen, ac-
companied by Secretary General Wu Nai-ren
and DPP officials.
Below are her comments:
“On behalf of the DPP, I would like to thank
all the participants and our supporters in this
election, as well as thank all the rest of the DPP
party members. The results of this election
were not as we hoped, but we humbly accept
“I would like to congratulate Mayor Chen
Chu, Mayor Lai Ching-teh and all the winning
city councilors, exhorting them to exert all their
efforts in uplifting city governance and bring-
ing a better livelihood for the city residents. I
would also like to express our deepest gratitude
to candidates Su Tseng-chang and Su Chia-
chuan for bravely shouldering responsibility,
achieving better overall DPP voter support and

seats for our city councilors and everyone’s disappointment, but we the KMT. Additionally, the DPP
strengthening our basic power dur- can’t afford to be discouraged. We received a great increase in the
ing this hardest period for the DPP. must see this result as a challenge number of city councilors. This re-
During their election process, they and once again a test for the DPP. sult is an achievement of our col-
showed true democratic style and In this election, the DPP received lective efforts. Therfore, do not be-
values, and it can be said to be a more than 50% of the votes cast. lieve that this is the end and every-
glorious defeat. Adding the results of the last 3-in-1 one should not lose faith. The DPP
“I would also like to appeal to elections, the amount of votes re- will continue to fight on.
our supporters to accept the results ceived throughout the election ar- “The DPP this time remained
in this election. We can understand eas of Taiwan is comparable with rational and pragmatic in develop-
... continued on page 6


Big-5 Elections Taipei: “let’s continue exceeding ourselves”

Nov. 27 Statement by Su Tseng-chang

I would like to thank everyone for their support
Dear fellow city residents, dear friends, the results and for their advice, for giving me that many op-
of this election have been announced, and facing it portunities to learn, and I will continue to exert all
calmly, I respect the choices of our city resident my efforts. At the same time, I would also like to
and at the same time, I congratulate my opponent. I give my blessings to Mayor Hao. I hope that Taipei
would like to especially thank our fellow staff City makes even greater progress and Taiwan be-
members for working arduously day and night. I comes even better. I would also like to make an
would also like to thank the support of all the peo- appeal to all our friends to continue persisting for
ple. However, the results did not meet everyone’s democracy and for Taiwan. We must continue cher-
expectations and did not meet everyone’s inten- ishing the change we believe in, we must progress
tions, and for this I am very sorry. Since the day I and become even more exceeding individuals. We
announced my candidacy, I persisted in having dis- must definitely work harder, especially when I see
cussions with the city residents and not use any so many young people and so many head of house-
abusive, discrediting or negative language in the holds and so much warmth. I will need even more
campaign and going as far as injecting a new type advice and support in the future. I will continue
of campaigning method. Even though the result is using the dialogue method to learn and work harder
not as we expected, I believe that one day, this will together with everyone. I hope that we continue
become a model as well as a value trend, and just exceeding ourselves, and tomorrow we will exceed
only we need to continue persisting. I do not have today. We definitely must continue persisting and
any regrets, and I invite everyone not to feel dis- walking with our efforts towards the future. Here
couraged. As long as our direction was right and today, we expect for a better tomorrow.
our steps continue forward, everyone will gradu-
ally accept the right choices.


Big-5 Elections Taichung: Su Chia-chuan promises to stay

In the evening of the first Greater Taichung elec- the marginalization of the areas in former Tai-
tion, the DPP’s candidate for Greater Taichung Su chung County. I also wish that he may protect the
Chia-chuan made his concession speech after a disadvantaged groups, let the younger generation
loss of a small margin. Su Chia-chuan expressed be able to afford housing and let the older genera-
his gratitude to all the supporters, and he also gave tion receive plenty of protection.”
his congratulations to KMT Mayor Jason Hu. Su also said that since he arrived in Taichung
Su Chia-chuan gave his apologies for not win- six months ago, he was able to visit 625 townships
ning the election, saying that his efforts were not oftentimes more than twice. He said he was grate-
sufficient and that he failed to live up to every- ful to all the residents for their warmth and sup-
one’s expectations. He also said that, nevertheless, port, and for this reason, he said that he will estab-
he promises to continue staying in Greater Tai- lish an office in Taichung City to continue servic-
chung and continue to work hard with all the resi- ing the community. Su explained that he wished to
dents in creating a happy and bright future. continue staying in Greater Taichung so that he
“I do not wish to find faults in this elections could get closer to the residents and work together
loss,” said Su. “This loss was because my efforts with them for the welfare of the area.
were insufficient, but I also wish to send my con- At Su’s concession speech during the evening
gratulations to Mayor Hu. I hope that in the future of the election, he was accompanied by his wife,
Mayor Hu protects the old communities in Greater his campaign staff and managers of his campaign,
Taichung, and not to let it continue decline or let Frank Hsieh and Lin Chia-lung.

... continued on the next page


Big-5 Elections: “Kaohsiung is the real winner”

equality in city resident’s wel-
fare, equality in the insurance
of civil servants and equality in
the progress and development
of cities and townships. I will
continue upholding the princi-
ples of “honesty, diligence and
love for our native land” so
that our residents “love living
in Kaohsiung”, joining hand-
in-hand in reaching a glorious
peak for our city.
I would like to thank our
mighty residents. I would also
like to thank our campaign
team and the entire DPP as
Statement by Mayor-elect Chen Chu of Greater well as the staff in the townships and city districts.
Kaohsiung: Your heart and efforts into this election have given
me profound meaning. I will always remember
Even though there were different opinions in this emotion, and this gives me the force to work
this time’s mayoral election, I believe that repre- harder and move forward in the future.
senting the power of progress and change, I was I will make Greater Kaohsiung even better, and
ultimately victorious. In the past 12 years, we be- Kaohsiung will make Taiwan even greater. The
lieved that the value of Kaohsiung in which we all results of this election is the beginning of our
worked together toward would ultimately move unity. I will keep in mind the standpoints raised by
the people and obtain their confirmation. my opponents, Huang Chao-shun and Yang Chiu-
Thank you, residents of Greater Kaohsiung, for hsing. Also, I will immediately set into practice
making a warm and fair decision. With the home- my campaign promises. Together with our Greater
land’s warmth, I am humbly grateful. With the Kaohsiung residents, the future city government
homeland’s expectations, I will definitely work will together safeguard our garden of livelihood
harder. and beautiful Kaohsiung.
The greatest task that follows is working to- It is regretful though that the DPP wasn’t able
gether for the responsibilities that come with to achieve a breakthrough in the number of exist-
combining city and county. The next task is also to ing seats. However, our voting numbers showed
make Greater Kaohsiung become a competitive remarkable increases. I believe that the entire
and international city. party gave their all so that everyone continued to
I once again promise that in the future, there give the DPP their warmth and care. Once again,
will be no difference between city and county or thank you everyone for continuing to cheer for
division between city and townships. There will Kaohsiung.
only be what I have emphasized to be the com-
mon, glorious development highlighted by the
three words “high, high and equal”. This means,

... continued on the next page


Big-5 Elections Tainan: 3 major goals achieved

After the DPP’s election win in Greater Tainan, cil. He also said that he looked forward to see the
DPP Mayor-elect Lai Ching-teh appeared at his party caucus work together in the nomination of
campaign headquarters to thank all the supporters the city council’s speaker and deputy speaker. Lai
for placing trust in his capacity. Lai announced also said he welcomed the independent councilors
that this victory in Greater Tainan for himself and to join the DPP’s city council caucus, and he also
the party was an achievement of the major goals said that he hoped to play a role in welcoming
set out for the election. them to join the party if they chose to do so.
Lai said that the three goals were successfully Executive Director Lin Jung-Shian delivered a
accomplished, which were: (1) win Greater report on the result of this election. Among 57
Tainan, rebuild Taiwan’s number one city, (2) in- seats, the DPP achieved 27 seats, holding 47.37%.
crease voter percentage in the Big-5 Elections, The KMT garnered 13 seats and independents 17
achieve big win for Taiwan, (3) majority party in seats. Of the 34 candidates that ran for the DPP,
city council, support the mayor for Greater the success rate was 79.41%. Comparing this elec-
Tainan’s reconstruction. tion result with previous elections of the past five
Besides winning the mayoral seat in Tainan, the years, the DPP in Tainan County achieved 27.11%
DPP also performed superbly in the number of and Tainan City 35.78%. Lin also reported that a
city councilor seats, capturing 27 seats and be- total of 13 districts in Greater Tainan supported
coming the majority party in the city council. the DPP’s nominated candidates.
DPP Mayor-elect Lai called together a press
conference with all the winning councilors, an-
nouncing that he will continue to speak with the
remaining independent councilors in order to form
a coalition to improve the quality of the city coun- ... continued on the next page

NOVEMBER 2010 conference ... continued "om the "ont page

ing public policy for the livelihood of the peo- will continue to lead the DPP, firmly marching
ple and the disadvantaged. This showed a dif- forward. Thank you!”
ferent image of the party and political culture
in Taiwan. For this reason, we feel extremely at
ease. We definitely believe that this is a right
choice, and we will continue to persist in our
ideals until the DPP gains sufficient trust from
the public.
“In the past two years, the DPP and its party
members have walked through a tumultuous
period of growth and setbacks. I know that in
the near future, we will face an even tougher
battle, but with the same faith and courage, I

Chair Tsai Ing-wen highlights DPP’s future after Big-5


Remarks by DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen on Nov. confidence that the DPP has captured the inter-
30 with members of the foreign media: ests and support of new sectors of the public.
We also noticed a high level of passion in the
In this election, contrary to our expectations sense we haven’t seen in years, and we hope
and pre-election poll analysis, we did not win this positive image will sustain as we move
more mayoral seats as we had hoped. We se- ahead.
cured the two southern cities with slight victo- We ran an election campaign with a focus
ries, but we were not able to expand our gov- on public policy and successfully led the public
erning presence to the northern cities. In total discourse, which compelled the KMT to fol-
vote count, however, we broke the record, and low. For example, we introduced the discus-
surpassed the KMT for the first time in the ur- sion on public social housing, government ini-
ban areas, winning nearly 50% of the votes tiated urban renewal, and improving the deliv-
against KMT’s 44%. We also made tremen- ery system for social benefits. These are ideas
dous gain in the percentage of local city coun- consistent with the DPP’s ideology of social
cils, where the number of DPP seats is also un- justice, equal opportunity and assisting the dis-
precedented. And the chart is there. We are advantaged sector of society. Our ideas re-
grateful to all the Taiwanese people who have ceived more positive feedback and we will
restored trust in the DPP and supported us this continue to develop this policy, policies, as we
time. present our 10 year policy outlook.
In various events of ours, we have noticed I think since our defeat in 2008, the DPP has
that there were a lot more of young people and been in the process of recovering. And we
women, who have traditionally kept a distance have indeed managed to restore much confi-
from the DPP rallies. Their presence gives us dence in the
... continued on the next page


...DPP international press briefing

... continued "om the previous page

party, especially through our by-election victo- particular, how we deal with China. How we
ries, the rural 3-in-1 elections last December face the challenges of a rising China that has an
and both the gains last weekend. We must con- overwhelming economic, political and security
solidate these gains and continue to strive for impact on Taiwan, will be an important task of
more support from our people as we face the the party in the coming years. There are a
next electoral challenges of the legislative and number of things that we will be doing. First,
presidential elections of 2012. our doors continue to be open to dialogue as
Throughout my leadership of the DPP, we long as the Chinese do not set political precon-
have put tremendous efforts into rebuilding our ditions. Over the past five months we have
party’s credibility by presenting practical pol- already welcomed substantial number of Chi-
icy or discourse in hopes of surpassing the tra- nese visitors to our headquarters, and we will
ditional blue-green divide and confrontational continue to welcome those who are genuinely
politics. We believe this is a correct path of interested to understanding. We have also in-
which we will continue to strive. And in the vited Chinese democracy activists and liberal-
coming months, we will continue to present minded analysts to observe our election cam-
our policy guidelines and ten year outlook for paigns to help them gain a deeper understand-
the future. We must further articulate to the ing of our views and Taiwanese sentiments.
Taiwanese people where we see the challenges We have an ongoing project of consolidating
for our country in the next ten years, and how views in the party to formulate the China and
we expect to cope with these internal and ex- national security chapters in the ten year policy
ternal challenges. We have already presented guideline to be presented sometime next
chapters for public discussion on ethnic rela- spring.
tions, agriculture, gender issues and education. We will establish a think tank research cen-
And we will continue to present our views in ter in the party to strengthen our analytical and
other important issue areas that will affect our quality capacity to deal with cross strait devel-
country’s future. opments as well as foreign development. Al-
We must continue to consolidate the ternatively, we recognize the need to establish
strength of our party in both public image and a peaceful and stable framework for interacting
trust on the one hand, and the other grassroots with China. In fact, there is a large sector of
organizational base on the other. At the same our society that is not comfortable with the
time, we have been very successful in rebuild- pace in the current government’s pro-China
ing the party’s financial structure by small in- inclinations. We must present ourselves to be a
dividual donations so that we can sustain the trustworthy alternative that is capable of pre-
party’s health, financial health, on the long-run, serving Taiwan’s dignity, security and prosper-
without relying on business donations. ity.
The unprecedented number of city council- I have reiterated many times that in con-
ors elected this time is an important inroads in ducting external politics, we must bear in mind
grassroots politics that will provide a founda- that the need to maintain balance, transparency,
tion for future national elections. and respect for the democratic due process
Now, cross strait policies. I know that in- here.
ternational community is very interested in
how we proceed with our foreign policy and in

DPP statement concerning election DEMOCRACY &

shooting incident PROGRESS
Most of us in the DPP are disappointed in the outcome in part PUBLISHED BY:
due to the unexpected turn of events prior to the election,
which overturned poll predictions and previous analyses. Department of International
Affairs Democratic
There was the unfortunate shooting incident, which dominated Progressive Party
the media throughout the voting date with KMT-exaggerated
interpretations and politicization. 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
Road, Taipei, Taiwan
The facts and motivation of the shooting were not present in
full in the immediate aftermath, leaving much room for politi- Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
cization and manipulation in the media.

We do not want to see this incident evolving into a source of Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
confrontation in our society, and we have expressed our con-
dolences to the victims of the shooting. Email:

However, at the same time our supporters demand a thorough Website:

and transparent investigation, and therefore DPP Chair Tsai-
Ing-wen has instructed the DPP’s party caucus in the legisla-
ture to act in accordance with the democratic and legal proc-
ess, to oversee the government in pushing for a complete in-
vestigation and disclosure of the truth as soon as possible. DIRECTOR:
Bikhim Hsiao
But more importantly, the shooting illustrates that there re-
main vulnerabilities in Taiwan’s democracy. More work re- DEPUTY DIRECTORS:
mains to be done to strengthen public confidence in our de- Hsieh Huai-hui
mocracy so as not to allow incidents of violence and fear af- Tsai Meng-chun
fect election outcomes in the future.

Michael J. Fonte

Ping-Ya Hsu


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