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Name : Anisa Nur Fitriani

Class : XI IPS 5
Date : Tueday, 11 August 2020
Work sheets
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai kontek.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)
1. Siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat menggunakan so .... that dan such ... that.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan such ... that dan so ... that dalam kalimat sebab akibat yang
sudah disediakan.
3. Siswa dapat menyusun sebuah dialog menggunkan so ... that dan such ... that sesuai dengan
tema yang diberikan.

Activity 2
Read the cause-effect below. Rewrite the sentence using cause and effect: so ... that or such ... that.
Number one has been done for you.

1. Cause : It was too windy.

Effect : We couldn’t go sailing.

Answer : It was so windy that we couldn’t go sailing

2. Cause : My sister is very shy.

Effect : She hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.

Answer : My sister is so very shy that she hides behind my mother when there are strangers around.

3. Cause : It was a great music.

Effect : I listened to it severals time.

Answer : It was such a great musci that i listened to it severals time.

4. Cause : The sky was bright

Effect : We could see the meteor shower.

Answer : The sky was so bright that we could see the meteor shower.

5. Cause : She is a hard working animator.

Effect : She never gives up improving ger skills and always asks for critiques.

Answer : She is such a hard working animator that she never gives up improving ger skills and always
asks for critiques.
6.  Cause : James has much money
Effect : He could actually buy that Ferrari.

Answer : James has so much money that he could actually buy that ferrari.

7. Cause : Terry speaks English fluently

Effect : I thought he was American.

Answer : Terry speaks english so fluently that i thought he was american.

8. Cause : Jerry had never seen high mountains.

Effect : He thought they were spectacular

Answer : Jerry had never seen such high mountains that he thought they were spectacular.

9. Cause That takes little time and effort

Effect : You might as well do it yourself.

Answer : That takes so little time and effort that you might as well do it yourself.

10. Cause : He is a talented painter.

Effect : He won the prestigious silver medal.

Answer : He is such a talented painter that he won the prestigious silver medal

11. Cause : She has many hats

Effect : She needs two closets to store them all.

Answer : She has so many hats that she needs two closets to store them all.

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