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Honors BCaP Spring 2021 E-mail assignment

E-mail Assignment: Compose a Bad News e-mail message given the following scenario:

Scenario: Nia Houston, a hardworking branch assistant manager at Regional One Credit Union, has sent
a request asking the company to create a tuition-reimbursement program for employees taking
university classes toward a graduate degree. Although some credit unions have such programs, Regional
One CEO Raven Jackson is not convinced that companies see any direct benefit from these programs as
employees improve their educational credentials and their skills but may then choose to leave the
company for another position elsewhere. As a non-profit organization committed to its customers, and
with over 500 employees in a competitive regional market, Regional One’s leadership team believes the
expense of such a program is out of the question. Such programs entail administrative costs for
applications, monitoring, and record keeping. When employees were hard to retain, companies had to
offer employment perks, but with the current soft economy, such inducements are unnecessary.

As director of Human Resources, send an individual email to Nia Houston. The answer is a definite no,
but you want to “soften the blow” and retain the loyalty of this conscientious employee.

All messages should contain the following:

 Subject line
 Opening salutation/ Greeting
 Buffer
 Rationale
 Bad News
 Explain impacts
 Focus on the future / compromise if applicable
 Show goodwill
 Closing salutation and signature block

Submit in two channels*:

 Upload as Word doc to ICON site (for plagiarism screening)

 Email to me at the following: (the email synced to my phone)

Guide to Managerial Communication (GMC) chapter elements to review for this e-mail: chapter 2 pp 50-
51 on digital strategies and chapter 3 on message structuring components.

Messages should be uploaded to ICON AND emailed to by 11:59 p.m. on

Friday, March 5.

Collaboration is not acceptable for this assignment.

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