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CONQUERS – osvaja – to win (love is the gratest force in the universe)

FATE – sudbina -a power that some people believe causes and controls all events, so that you cannot
change or control the way things will happen

WEALTHY – bogat,imućan - having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.

PEACEFULLY – tiho,mirno - in a quiet and calm way

TENSION – napetost - uncountable the feeling of being so nervous or worried that you cannot relax

AMID – usred,među - surrounded by; in the middle of.

CHAOS – kaos - complete disorder and confusion

RAIDS – prepad - a sudden assault or attack

PLUNGE – poniranje,uranjanje - jump or dive quickly and energetically

HONOURED – poštovan - regarded with great respect.

CONVERSION –pretvorba- is the act or process of changing something into a different state or form

CONVENIENCE – udobnost,pogodnost - the fact that something is suitable for your purposes and
causes no difficulty for your schedule or plans

CONVICTION - uvjerenje - is a strong belief or opinion

-osuda - he fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime

COMMANDING – zapovijedanje,zapovijed - having a position of authority or control

DISTRACTION – odvlačenje pažnje - is something that turns your attention away from something you
want to concentrate on

DISOBEY – biti neposlušan - to refuse to do something that you are told to do:

SIZZLING – cvrčanje - to make a hissing sound in or as if in burning or frying

DETOUR – obilazak - is a longer, less direct way to get where you're going

WOVS – zavjet - personal commitment

FOREHEAD – čelo - the flat part of the face

EXILED – protjeran - sent away from your own country, town,

REPRIMAND – ukor - o tell someone officially that they have done something wrong:

HONOURABLE – častan - deserving of respect or high regard

DISCHARGE – otpust, -tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave a place

ESCORTED – u pratnji -t o go with someone or something as a companion

IMPROBABLE – nevjerojatan - not likely to happen or be true

OUTPOST – predstraža - a small military camp or position at some distance from the main army,
used especially as a guard against surprise attack.
REUNITED – ponovno ujediniti – to meet each other again after they have been separated for some

EMBRACED – zagrljeni - To hold someone tightly with both arms to express love

MANOEUVRED – manevrirati - to try to make someone act in a particular way; act in order to achieve
a certain goal

OUTFLANK – zaobići – to maneuver around

DISOBEY – nepoštovanje - not to do what someone with authority tells you to do

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