Hypnosis: 1.traditional Hypnosis Is 2.ericksonian Hypnosis

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There are four main types of hypnosis that are used which varies in terms of use and practice.
1.Traditional hypnosis is the most basic form and widely used because of its ease that is widely
advertised with hypnosis CDs and MP3s, along with hypnosis tapes.

2.Ericksonian hypnosis allow the brain to think creatively and arrive at conclusions that not be
reached by employing the more unilateral form of traditional hypnosis and allow the mind to wrap
around an idea in a organic way . It uses isomorphic and interspersal metaphors.

3.NLP hypnosis is used self-hypnosis to deal with issues such as self-confidence, self-esteem and
overall mental well-being and is also used to quell anxieties and conquer fears and phobias. It hypnosis
is effective because it uses the same thought process as a fear or problem to reverse or get rid of the

4.Self-hypnosis is performed by oneself to achieve a deep state of relaxation by utilizing any one of
the aforementioned types of hypnosis that allows the mind to relax and reach a hypnotic state without
a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Suggestions and commands are then made by yourself

2.Steps to use pendulum in hypnosis

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With Your Pendulum
Hold the pendulum loosely between your thumb and index finger. Make sure your elbow is free floating,
and not resting on a table or locked in place.
Stay relaxed and loose, and start familiarizing yourself with the feel of your pendulum.
Start by swinging your pendulum, making large swings and then smaller swings. Notice how it feels in
your wrist, arm and fingertips when it swings.
Once you become familiar with the weight and the feel, you can then begin practicing using it as a tool
to communicate with the unconscious mind.

Step 2: Clear Your Mind

Start by connecting with your breath by doing some simple breathing exercises (like you normally would
do during self-hypnosis or meditation).

Step 3: Imagine The Pendulum Moving

Using Pendulum for Self Hypnosis
“Tell” the pendulum to start moving backwards and forward.
Keep repeating this command, and then start telling it to swing in different directions, for example,
clockwise, counter-clockwise, or back and forth and side-to-side.
Once it starts to move on your request, you can also start to ask it direct questions that have an obvious
answer; depending on which way the pendulum swings, you’ll know what a “yes” or “no” answer is.
Types of questions you can ask include:
“Is my name… ?”
“Is my age… ?”
“Is my profession… ?”
“Do I live in…?”
Typically the pendulum will swing forward and backward for a “yes” response, and side-to-side for a
“no” – however, your experience may be different.
It’s a good idea to always calibrate your pendulum so you know what a “yes” versus a “no” response
looks like.
The Five Unconscious Answers
The next step is to have different swings for the Five Unconscious Answers. These answers will help you
get further clarity when you ask a question.
The Five Unconscious Answers include:
Please rephrase the question
I don’t want to answer that
I don’t know
It might take some time to get clear responses to each of these, but keep commanding your pendulum
to show you responses until you’re confident with your signaling system.

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