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Published by the First Wednesdays network, with insights
provided in partnership with Hanway Associates and Invest In
Denmark (part of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs).



Introduction 3 Production
Georgia Glick
Michael Prytz
Laurence Busch Hansen Derek Light
Inclusion Criteria 5 Pierre-Yves Gallety Dr Marco Ternelli
Elisabetta Calabritto Marion Zammit

European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 7 Alastair Moore José Antonio de la Puente

Jakob Sons
Insights Dr Verónica Codesido Sampedro
Trends and Insights 17 Lily Temperton
Kailey Jamieson
Boris Baňas
Nethaji Gallage
Dr. Steve Hajioff
Opinion Leaders – What Lies Ahead 36
Charlotte Bowyer
Tom McDonald Dr Saoirse O’Sullivan
Franjo Grotenhermen
Medical Cannabis in Denmark 39 Nick Pateras
Pete Patterson

Invest in Denmark contributed to the production of this report. Hanway Associates takes
responsibility for any errors or omissions to the analysis and content of this report.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 2

What is so special about the European Market projections and financial analysts We are already seeing signs that the Underpinning all this innovation is research.
medical cannabis ecosystem is that it is point to the large population of Europe and sector is being taken more seriously by The Netherlands is home to approximately 30%
talk about how demand will surpass all of Europe’s active cannabis and cannabinoid
uniquely European. regulators and corporates alike.
expectations in the years to come. But how clinical and Germany home to another 15%
It has developed its own regional outlook does a nascent market struggling to find its State-supported cannabis startups and trials, with the UK following closely with 20%
for how it wants to regulate cannabis and footing become the behemoth it is expected the appearance of more mainstream
to be one day? We decided to look under the Whatever your thoughts about the market,
implement access programmes, and in this pharmaceutical companies on the scene are
hood of some of the most exciting companies, the right foundations are being laid for a very
process has developed its own entrepreneurial two indications that this is happening.
markets and trends to find out where the real interesting journey over the coming years.
potential lies. Two European states, Denmark and Greece,
A mix of socialised healthcare, a which have recently embraced the medical
pharmaceutical heritage, and being later to the The promise of foreign investment, job cannabis sector have already attracted Alastair Moore
party than the US and Canada has created a creation and economic growth is alluring, proposed foreign investments of more than CO-FOUNDER, HANWAY ASSOCIATES
strict medical approach to cannabis medicines but the journey towards a sustainable and €610 million according to recent reports. AND FIRST WEDNESDAYS
– one that is (mostly) with the grain of the commercially profitable sector is a long
medical establishment, not against it. one, and Europe is just at the beginning of From Copenhagen to Berlin, life science
this journey. Without companies that tackle start-ups jostle for capital and new specialist
Compare two investor decks from both sides regulators’ concerns around black market cannabis investment funds in Stockholm and
of the Atlantic and you can quickly see the diversion, the lack of patient data, or doctors’ Paris stoke investor interest in the sector.
differences in how we talk about cannabis as a unfamiliarity and cautiousness in prescribing
medicine, how it should be controlled and the a medicine that has typically been consumed UK financial regulators have announced that
regional-specific concerns its proponents need as a combustible, there will be no real long- British-based medical cannabis businesses
to address. term growth in the sector. have a compliant path to the public markets
in London, while Scandinavian stock
The European medical cannabis ecosystem Companies solving these problems already exchanges signal they are open for business.
is maturing quickly as experienced founders exist, and their presence is promising. Patient
and investors move into the sector and shape data apps, medical devices, formulation Competition in crowded markets such as
not only the discourse but also the value chain technologies and plant R&D are propelling the Germany pushes competitors to innovate
around it. It is in this context that we are very sector towards its ambitious goals. The sector with their supply chains, breaking established
excited to bring the first European medical is truly aspirational and full of problem solvers, monopolies; meanwhile, Spain, a world leader
cannabis ecosystem map to our network. giving us great faith in its chances of success. in morphine production, dips its toes in the
arena through traditional pharma routes.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 3

Mapping the

This section has been produced in collaboration with First Wednesdays.

First Wednesdays is a network of entrepreneurs and investors in the

European cannabis sector. FW members benefit from news, insights,
matchmaking and business support.
Inclusion Criteria —

→ This list has been compiled primarily from → Vertically integrated companies active
the First Wednesdays member database in multiple segments have been listed in
and publicly available information the segment they are best known for.
alongside targeted interviews with non- → In addition to these general
members. requirements, companies must also
→ The ecosystem features the top 150 adhere to the relevant value-chain
companies which are currently active in the specific requirements set out on page 6.
legal, European medical cannabis market → Dispensing has not been included on the
based on the following criteria. ecosystem map as this role is typically
→ We have only featured companies who undertaken by non-cannabis specific
have headquarters or an important hub community pharmacies. Prescribing and
in Europe, or otherwise have a key role in dispensing in Europe is discussed on
supplying the market. page 18.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 5

Inclusion Criteria — Value Chain Step-Specific
Commercial R&D
→ Provided seeds or genetics → Cultivating in Europe for medical → Hold an EU-GMP certification → Primarily focused on
→ Active R&D into agritech /
to at least one company that purposes with required licenses cannabinoid extraction for
→ Must have ISO/IEC 17025 growing conditions, new
is active in the European and/or awarded a cultivation medical purposes
→ Must have all the relevant product development or
medical cannabis industry tender by a national authority
licences medical efficacy
→ Providing genetics as → Already have seeds in the ground
→ Not a genetics company
a service rather than
→ Contract cultivation for production
an internal breeding Research & Academic Groups
of licensed pharmaceuticals has
not been included → European institution
championing or actively
→ We have not included facilities
researching medical cannabis
under construction


→ Hold the required licenses and → Duplications from value chain → Developer of specialised → Distributing a medical
EU-GMP certification segments permitted equipment, software, or cannabis product that
→ Must have sold branded medical devices for the requires a prescription to at
→ Ongoing manufacturing of
products to patients in medical cannabis market least one European market
medical cannabis products or
APIs / active substances Europe → Hold required authorisations → Hold an EU GDP certificate
→ We have included the and certifications and WDA/WDL
→ Producers of unlicensed
cannabis medicines that company that is listed as → Unlicensed cannabis
manufacture and distribute owing the product (ie. not the companies that manufacture
are listed as a manufacturer company that white-labelled) and distribute are listed as a
if they formulate their own → We have included the parent distributor if they primarily
medical cannabis products company or most relevant distribute other companies’
sub-division products

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 6

06. Formulation & Manufacture


07. Branded Medicines

06 05
01. Genetics & Seeds Banks

07 08. Technology

02. Cultivation

03 04
04. Research 09. Distribution

05. Extraction & Purification

03. Testing

02 01
First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 7
01. Genetics &Seed Banks H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ There are currently a limited number

of European companies producing
specialised seeds and genetics for the
European medical cannabis market.
→ The majority of seeds are supplied by
companies geared towards grey and
recreational markets.
→ The need for reliable genetics and
increasing R&D in this field will drive
development of cultivar catalogues
tailored for medical use.
→ Specifically we expect to see improved
stability become a key focus alongside
bespoke cannabinoid and terpene
→ Until this area of the market is fully
developed, companies are likely to
continue to source from grey market
seed suppliers and licensed operators
in Canada.

If you require support

building your supply chain,
contact us here.


First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 8

02. Cultivation H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ European medical cannabis cultivation

is undertaken by a number of operators
across several countries. While many active
operators are based in Portugal due to
favourable growing conditions and licensing
processes, we expect other South European
markets such as North Macedonia and
Greece to feature more prominently from
2021 onwards.
→ Europe does not have a harmonised
approach towards cultivation licensing. While
each country’s framework remains unique,
several distinct models have emerged
depending on the country’s motivation for
regulating production.
→ Several European countries, such as
Germany and Denmark, have licensed
cultivation to reduce reliance on imports,
ensure suitable supply for domestic patients
and minimise public health insurers’ costs in
the case of Germany.
→ Other jurisdictions have formed medicinal
cannabis frameworks focused on
commercial exports rather than domestic
supply. Exports from Spain and Portugal
indicate a wider European cultivation market
is developing, with viable supply no longer
limited to Bedrocan from the Netherlands.
→ The recent introduction of low-cost GACP
producers into the European market, such as
02 Uruguayan producer Fotmer, indicates the
start of a disruption in the market with the
need to maintain top quality, differentiated
offerings at a competitive price.
First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 9
03. Testing H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ There is currently an undersupply of

reliable, scalable testing companies
across the region, evident by the limited
number of companies presented on the
→ Inconsistencies in quality standards
can occur, where different methods for
testing can result in confusion regarding
→ Not all testing companies are accredited
to an internationally recognised
standard, such as ISO/IEC 17025.
→ Speeds of analysis can vary across
companies. In some instances delays
have been reported with samples sent
internationally for final testing.
→ There is a clear space in the market for
a reliable, accredited, fast and widely
trusted testing company.


First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 10

04. Research H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ Despite Europe’s leadership in biotech

and agritech fields, companies in these
sectors have been slow to engage
with cannabis, both in terms of clinical
research and process innovation.
→ Regulatory barriers have inhibited
commercial research, with the financial
and time cost of high-THC licence
applications often deterring companies
from this space.
→ Positive progress is underway however,
as growing medical markets shine a light
on research and IP opportunities within
the sector.
→ Growing numbers of cultivators looking
to increase output and optimise revenue
are helping to drive this momentum and
are eager to collaborate and engage
with research companies.
→ Innovation grants and support from
governments can be patchy and
funding support varies across European
countries. At times, cannabis falls
between the cracks of medical and
agro-food funding, and is sometimes
explicitly excluded from funding


First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 11

05. Extraction & Purification H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ Despite a growing number of sites

capable of conducting EU-GMP
standard extraction and purification,
there is a shortage of contract extraction
facilities in Europe with most facilities
being built to meet internal capacity
→ To date, many producers have
established or acquired their own
extraction facilities in a move towards
vertical integration.
→ There is a growing preference for
oils and extracts in Europe due to the
need for precise dosing and targeted
formulations rather than the vaporising
of cannabis flower.
→ In North Macedonia only oils and
extracts are permitted for export,
positioning extraction facilities as an
essential part of the supply chain. Yet
without viable third party facilities in
place, Macedonian cultivators are
resorting to freezing harvests of flower.

If you require support building

05 your supply chain, contact us

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 12

06. Formulation & Manufacturing H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ In contrast to North American markets,

manufacturing and formulation
activities have grown in significance
in Europe due to demand for dosable,
pharmaceutical-style products. This has
resulted in a growing market segment
with a substantial number of companies
focusing on such operations.
→ Developments in manufacturing
techniques further enable targeting of
specific conditions, in line with growing
research into the conditions medical
cannabis can be prescribed for.
→ Europe is expected to drive the
next stage of product development.
Specialised manufacturers are
producing sophisticated product formats
that lend to use in clinical trials, and
will arguably allow medical cannabis
markets to develop in countries that are
skeptical of flower.


First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 13

07. Branded Medicines H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ The past year has seen a surge in the

number of branded cannabis products
available to patients across Europe.
→ This increase has predominantly come
from European innovators challenging
the dominance of Canadian LPs and
Bedrocan, who until 2020 supplied the
vast majority of flower and full spectrum
extracts to the European market.
→ White labelling has increased in
prevalence with local companies
processing and packaging flower
and extracted products originating
from Canada and countries with low
cultivation overheads.
→ As the number of products available
continues to increase, companies
will need to establish novel ways to
differentiate themselves, whether
through clever branding (see Spectrum’s
colour coded products), enhanced
healthcare practitioner education or,
ideally, thorough generation of valid
clinical evidence.
→ Understanding country specific
regulations and healthcare practitioner

07 perceptions is vital to succeed in bringing

a new product to market in Europe. If this
is something you require support with
get in touch.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 14

08. Technology H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ To date, technological innovation within

the European cannabis sector has been
limited outside of a few key areas such
as extraction and product formulations.
→ This is, in part, due to the relatively low
patient numbers that make costly R&D
activities less attractive than in more
mature markets, such as the US and
Israel who also benefit from a rich
health tech ecosystem. In addition,
technological innovation is likely to be
limited by the need to develop products
specifically for the medical market and
the regulations associated with this.
→ Specific areas with strong promise for
innovation in the coming years include:
• Big data analytics to accelerate
the drug development pipeline
• Patient facing apps and
wearables to maximise adherence
and generate real world evidence
• Intelligent agritech solutions
to maximise the efficiency of
European cultivation facilities
→ There is a clear opportunity to excel
in this space as many non-European

08 companies will focus on the local

opportunity for the foreseeable future
and commonly struggle to meet the
stringent European requirements for
medical technologies.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 15

09. Distribution H A N W AY I N S I G H T S

→ Medical cannabis distribution is currently

one of the most competitive segments of
the European market.
→ Medical cannabis is typically distributed
by cannabis-specific or specially
unlicensed medicine distributors.
However, Europe has started to see
traditional pharma companies such as
STADA also begin to enter the sector.
→ Distributors tend to only operate within
one country in Europe, despite the same
products being supplied across multiple
jurisdictions. However, some distributors
are emerging as multi-country operators
and we expect this trend to continue as
sales increase across Europe.
→ Licensed distributors typically supply
licensed pharmacies, which in turn are
able to fulfill patients’ prescriptions.
Distributors are also able to supply other
licensed wholesalers and distributors, as
→ Many licensed producers have acquired

09 national or regional distributors to secure

a vertically integrated supply chain, in
some cases providing exclusive access to
the distributor’s established network.

If you require support building your

supply chain, contact us here.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 16

Trends &
1. Prescribing and Dispensing
2. Isolated Cannabinoids
3. Catalysts for Change
4. Domestic Cultivation
5. Research and Clinical Trials
6. Opinion Leaders

This section has been produced in collaboration with Hanway Associates.

Hanway Associates is a strategic consultancy specialising in cannabis research, new market entry, commercial diligence and
M&A strategy. Hanway Associates provide services to help open and enter markets, build brands and grow clients’ networks,
as well as producing ready-to-buy reports to help companies navigate a complex and rapidly changing industry.
1. Prescribing and Dispensing —
Extemporaneous Preparations
dispensing landscape
In European countries such as Germany Under the new interpretation, pharmacies will In Germany, cannabis supplied to
varies between countries
and Italy, pharmacists play a large role no longer be permitted to ship prescriptions pharmacies must be as a ‘bulk intermediate
in Europe. We have
in preparing formulations. This allows for to patients or produce oil in bulk, and will be product’ rather than a finished product, and
outlined some of the key
the provision of personalised medicines to limited in the product formats they are able compounding is a compulsory step. The
differences including
patients. The focus is therefore less on off- to process. Dr Ternelli explains, DAC/NRF (New German Formulary) states
uptake of magistral
the-shelf cannabis products, and more on the types of cannabis medicines pharmacists
preparations and the
targeting a patient’s specific need. The Italian Although there is no new law can formulate, including oils and capsules
compounding route, as pharmacist Dr Marco Ternelli reports that in prepared using dried flower or dronabinol.
or decree, the Ministry of
well as the importance Italy, Flower may also be prescribed, and weighing
of private and in driving Health has issued an absurd
and re-packaging by pharmacists constitutes
patient demand and interpretation, denying
The most prescribed and the required processing step.
access to medical pharmacies the ability to
preferred forms are oral oils produce cannabis extracts for
cannabis in several
and capsules, followed by non oral use (eg. eye drops,
European countries.
sachets for vaporising. creams, suppositories) and
A recent interpretation issued by the Ministry
shipping directly to patients
of Health in Italy is believed to have a (home delivery) though
negative effect on patients accessing medical courier. An appeal to court
cannabis preparations. is currently being issued by
some pharmacists.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 18

1. Prescribing and Dispensing —
New Routes to Access
clinic-focused ecosystem.
→ A lack of evidence is often cited by → Private prescribers and specialist clinics
regulatory bodies as a key barrier to wider have been a key driver of industry growth Some of the operators include:
medical cannabis adoption and access. in some countries where physician
→ There are currently several medical cannabis awareness is low or national
cannabis trials taking place or due to start health insurance coverage is limited.
in the near-future in Europe. It is hoped → Specialist clinics have enabled patient
these, alongside the launch of patient access to medical cannabis in countries
registries such as Project Twenty21 and with restrictive prescribing frameworks such
the Sapphire Registry, will contribute to as the UK and Poland. In the UK, specialist
evidence on the effectiveness and safety of clinics have allowed those with conditions
medical cannabis. and symptoms currently not advised to be
→ Combined, specialist clinics, trials and prescribed medical cannabis under NICE
registries are helping to overcome the guidelines such as chronic pain, cancer and
barriers remaining in the European psychiatric conditions, to access medical
medical cannabis industry. cannabis.
→ By contrast in Germany, cannabis-specific
clinics are not permitted under healthcare
regulations. Centres of knowledge for
the treatment of a specific disease are
permitted, however this is not the case for a
specific medication such as cannabis.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 19

2. Isolated Cannabinoids —
Synthetic and Plant Derived
Despite representing a significant percentage of Isolated cannabinoids present a strong
medical cannabis prescriptions in Europe, isolated investment opportunity through the ability
cannabinoids are often an overlooked product to develop IP and patent bespoke, targeted
category compared to flower and whole plant formulations. In line with Europe’s status as a
extracts. However, there has been an increase in pharmaceutical hub, European producers have
European demand for isolated cannabinoids (both been a major driving force behind innovations
synthetic and plant-derived), with dronabinol to synthesize and isolate rare and novel
(isolated THC) playing a central role in Germany, cannabinoids, in addition to those typically
Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. Synthetic required as an active pharmaceutical ingredient
cannabinoids can be more palatable to regulators (API) for magistral preparations.
and have enabled significant medical cannabis
markets to develop in countries such as Austria,
which currently prohibits prescriptions of flower and
full spectrum extracts.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 20

2. Isolated Cannabinoids —

Synthetic Isolate Full-Spectrum

DEFINITION Synthetic cannabinoids are the result of Individual cannabinoids can be purified to Full-spectrum refers to a form of plant-
chemical or biochemical synthesis methods to reach beyond 99.5% purity and can be either derived cannabis containing all naturally
reproduce compounds found in the cannabis crystalline or oil form at room temperature. occurring cannabinoids, terpenes and
plant, or artificial derivatives. This laboratory other compounds. The cannabinoid profile
process produces a pure isolated compound, may vary due to difficulties standardising
once the byproducts of synthesis have been composition.

SOURCE Laboratory Laboratory or plant Plant

NUMBER OF Single Single Multiple


First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 21

2. Isolated Cannabinoids —



Synthesis avoids supply The movement towards synthetic Single compounds are better-suited Unlike whole plant products,
disruptions arising from compounds has already been for use in trials to identify the effects isolated cannabinoids make
failed harvests and difficulties experienced with the likes of aspirin, of specific cannabinoids. Synthetic it possible to utilise minor
transporting the controlled plant caffeine and multivitamins due to cannabinoids are typically easier cannabinoids with high
matter. It enables manufacturers their lower production costs and the to obtain for research purposes therapeutic potential to target
to scale production depending capacity for large-scale production. and are sometimes viewed more specific medical conditions, and
on market demand and While the cost of synthetic favourably from a regulatory to avoid unwanted side effects
changing national requirements cannabinoids is currently high standpoint, driving progress towards caused by the presence of THC
and regulations. relative to plant-based production, the body of evidence needed for patients that express sensitivity.
prices are falling with new market for wider adoption of medical
entrants and increasing R&D. cannabinoids.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 22

2. Isolated Cannabinoids —
Regional Popularity
WHY ARE ISOLATED CANNABINOIDS Several European countries introduced access to Isolated cannabinoids have gained significance
MORE SIGNIFICANT IN THE EUROPEAN synthetic cannabinoid products (e.g. Nabilone and in Europe partly due to widespread adoption of
MARKET THAN AT A GLOBAL LEVEL? Marinol) at an early stage, before implementing a the pharmacy compounding model, particularly in
broader medical cannabis program or pilot. Dronabinol Germany and Italy. Several key European markets
was the first cannabinoid product in Germany that allow pharmacists to prepare patient-specific
could be prescribed by the country’s doctors and magistral preparations in accordance with national
accessed through the traditional medicines system. monographs, offering doctors and patients a
greater choice of formats and strengths. Magistral
European medical cannabis access is largely through
preparations are more easily and consistently
conventional medical and pharmaceutical frameworks.
prepared using active pharmaceutical ingredients
As such there are greater requirements for product
(e.g. isolated THC and CBD) rather than the
standardisation, quality and evidence than North
alternative method of performing in-house extraction
American markets, where conventional pharmaceutical
using plant material.
standards do not apply to medical cannabis. Isolated
cannabinoids are highly standardised and optimised to
ensure consistency in trials, R&D and patient-specific

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 23

2. Isolated Cannabinoids — European players
driving the rise of isolated cannabinoids
→ C3, formerly a sub-division of Bionorica SE, is → Cantourage is a new entrant to the German
the leading manufacturer and distributor of medical cannabis market, founded in 2019 by
dronabinol, founded in 2014 and acquired by Dr. Florian Holzapfel and Patrick Hoffmann,
Canopy Growth in May 2019. who previously sold Pedanios to Aurora.
→ Until recently, C3 held a monopoly in supplying → Cantourage is the first firm to challenge
the German market with dronabinol, used the established C3 in the European market
by pharmacies to produce patient-specific through its imports of dronabinol from
formulations. Competition has increased since exclusive Israeli partner BOL Pharma,
the introduction of Cantourage, and Tilray and has been supplying THC as an API to
also intends to bring dronabinol to the market, German pharmacies since April 2020.
though the supplier is not yet known. → Cantourage aims to increase product variety,
→ The Austrian Agency for Health and Food drive innovation and ensure reliable supply
Safety (AGES) has a contractual partnership of product.
with C3, with C3 performing extraction and
manufacturing dronabinol from cannabis
produced domestically by AGES.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 24

2. Isolated Cannabinoids — European players
driving the rise of isolated cannabinoids

CBD is gaining attention in the We saw an opportunity to harness

pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. It synthetic biology to deliver new health
→ CBDepot is a pioneer can be extracted from the plant or chemically → Octarine is a synthetic care solutions. Many neurological and
in the production of synthesized. Evidence of CBD’s potential biology company psychological conditions are poorly served
health benefits in scientific literature are by current drugs, leaving physicians
cannabinoid ingredients. developing cannabinoid
from studies analysing pharmaceutical-grade and patients desperately seeking
Its Novel Food application CBD, which is different from isolated CBD. and psilocybin derivatives alternatives. Cannabinoids are poised to
for synthetic CBD was the We deal with synthetic CBD to be in line with through microbial offer breakthrough therapies for these
first cannabinoid novel clinical data and ensure the quality needed by fermentation. conditions, but to realise the full potential
food application to be regulatory bodies. → Octarine was awarded of these molecules, issues with their
validated by the European the TWB (Toulouse White production and undesirable properties
Commission, and is Producers getting CBD from the plant must first be solved.
Biotechnology) award in
one of only three CBD must contend with impurities exceeding
levels that are standard in pharmaceutical 2020, granting access to Our platform is focusing on improving
applications under review TWB’s technical platforms
practice. Synthetically produced CBD is well cannabinoids molecules through enzymatic
by the European Food with a high level of scientific
characterised with no minor cannabinoids modifications and developing NCE’s
Safety Authority (EFSA). and other impurities. support. targeting selective therapeutic indications.
CB21 Pharma received EU- Bruce Linton in January
GMP certification in June 2020, the former CEO and
2020 for its manufacturing founder of Canopy Growth,
of Cannabidiol API. to fund R&D and strengthen
existing IP.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 25

3. Catalysts for Change —
Gradual Acceptance
The past decade has seen the emergence of medical by limited insurance coverage. Robust reimbursement NUMBER OF MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENTS
cannabis programmes across the globe, with a policies and favourable prescribing criteria solidified IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC, 2018 - JULY 2020
growing number of European nations expanding Germany’s position as Europe’s largest medical market,
their conventional medical frameworks to provide and the number of patients in the Czech Republic has
access. European reform has progressed through risen significantly since public health insurance coverage
different legal frameworks to those established in in was mandated early this year. 1000
North America, where ballot initiatives and political
We expect to see increased acceptance and adoption of
manifestos provided the catalyst for reform. Patient
medical cannabis programmes as the clinical evidence 750
advocacy groups have played a substantial role in
base continues to develop, allowing prosperous
shifting public opinion in favour of medical cannabis
domestic industries to develop and the number of 500
through high-profile cases, and political barriers to
eligible conditions and patients receiving treatment to
reform are steadily being dismantled.
increase throughout Europe. 250
Several countries (e.g. France & Denmark) have opted
to introduce medical cannabis through time-limited Many patients are now able to access 0
‘pilots’ rather than permanent regulatory frameworks, cannabis medicines legally, and
2018 January 2018 December 2019 December
with their success partly reliant on the budget and advocacy groups have been instrumental 2019 January 2020 January
in engineering this change. There is
resources allocated to the scheme. However, cost Introduction of public health insurance coverage
still work to be done and we believe that
remains a hurdle for patients in Europe.
cross-jurisdiction communication and Source: SAKL

The Netherlands was the first European nation to collaboration will continue to improve
introduce access to medical cannabis, yet patient the lives of patients.
adoption rates and market growth have been hindered PAUL NORTH, DIRECTOR OF VOLTEFACE

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 26

3. Catalysts for Change –
Key Moments UK
June 16, 2010
February 9, 2016
Sativex is first Macedonian Parliament
ADVOCACY GROUP Health Committee
licensed by
MHRA for treating approves the legalisation of
Espoirs (Im) medical cannabis, effective
spasticity in
patients with MS June 2016
Families 4
Volteface July 9, 2008 October 15, 2015 November 7, 2017
Cannamedica Parliament approves Legalises medical 2 year medical
cannabis cultivation cannabis for specific cannabis pilot project
Cannabis and use for scientific purposes, limited to approved for a limited
Danmark and medical purposes 0.75 grams of THC per number of patients
SWITZERLAND patient per month GERMANY
Mothers for July 1, 2011 March 10, 2017
Narcotics Act is Amendment to the
Hanf revised to allow Narcotics Drugs
Federal Office of Act enables wider
Public Health to issue medical cannabis
exceptional licenses prescriptions
for medical cannabis without requiring
permission from
January 1, 2001 January 23, 2013 REPUBLIC June 22, June 30, 2017
Legalised medical Legalised medical April 1, 2013 2017 Legalised medical
cannabis and established cannabis for Legalised Legalised cannabis for
the Bureau Medicinale prescription through medical medical prescription
Cannabis, responsible for Ministerial Decree cannabis for cannabis for
overseeing production prescription prescription
following a
landslide vote in
the lower house
of parliament

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 27

3. Catalysts for Change –
Key Moments
June 28, 2018 June 26, 2019
Legalised medical Minister for Health signs
January 1, 2020
cannabis for legislation enabling the Law mandates public
prescription by any GP Medical Cannabis Access health insurance to
MALTA Programme as a 5 year reimburse 90% of the
March 23, 2018 pilot project prescription price
Legalised medical up to 30 grams per
cannabis for month, significantly
prescription through expanding patient
an amendment access
to the Drug
July 18, 2018 February 15, 2019 September 23, 2019
Legalised Legalised cultivation Epidyolex receives EMA
DENMARK medical cannabis and medical use of approval for the treatment
January 1, 2018 for prescription cannabis through of seizures in childhood-
Four year medical amendments to the onset epilepsy
cannabis pilot Drugs and Psychotropic
project commences Substances law

October 11, 2018 October 11, 2018 October 25, 2019
Regulatory Parliament approves a law National Assembly
amendment enables allowing for medical use of of France authorises
the prescription of cannabis, with an effective plans for a two-year
medicinal cannabis date of 1 May 2019 medical cannabis trial,
due to commence in

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 28

4. Domestic Cultivation —
Exploring the Models
Alongside medical cannabis treatment The number of countries with significant cultivation FOUR OVERLAPPING APPROACHES
programmes, a significant number of European capacity is expected to increase sharply in the next TOWARDS LICENSING CULTIVATION
countries have introduced domestic cannabis five years. The global flow of medical cannabis is likely ARE EMERGING IN EUROPE:
cultivation for medical and scientific purposes. to shift as facilities in Europe and the global south
become operational, providing viable alternatives to 1. Production solely for domestic patients
European cannabis markets have often faced
supply from the Netherlands and Canada. 2. Export-focused production
shortages of readily available flower or formulated
products. To date, a limited number of licensed European countries are moving away from a state- 3. Production exclusively for
producers have been able to meet EU-GMP issued monopoly approach to cultivation towards pharmaceuticals
standards required for prescription to patients public tenders for a designated capacity or issuing 4. Hybrid production model
through the conventional medicines framework. open-ended commercial licenses. In Southern Europe
There is no harmonised supply chain model ensuring there is an increasing trend towards an open market
patient access to products in Europe, despite the model with no cap on the number of producers or
same products being nominally available in many total cannabis output.
jurisdictions across the continent.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 29

4. Domestic Cultivation —
Production Solely for Domestic Patients
Through this model, production
is licensed for the purpose GERMANY ITALY CZECH REPUBLIC
of ensuring stable supply for FRAMEWORK → State-issued commercial tender → State-controlled monopoly → State-issued commercial tender
domestic patient requirements.
CULTIVATORS → Aphria, Aurora, Demecan → The armed forces, Military Chemical and → Elkoplast Slušovice
Cultivation may be overseen Pharmaceutical Plant (SCFM)
by a state body, or contracted
QUANTITY → 10,400kg over a four-year period → 200kg estimated current capacity → 40kg over a four-year period
to commercial companies CONTRACTED
→ 13 lots of 200kg were issued, totalling 2,600kg per → Health Ministry authorised expansion up to 500kg
through state issued tenders. year in 2020
The contracted quantities
QUANTITY → N/A → 157kg supplied to pharmacies → 25kg supplied to the government
have tended to be lower SUPPLIED IN 2019
→ First harvest expected Q1 2021 → 17kg sold by pharmacies
than the volume of medical
cannabis required by domestic PRICE PAID → Estimated average of €2.30 → €6.88 → CZK 139 plus VAT (~€5.11)
patients, maintaining a need CULTIVATOR PER
to supplement production with GRAM'

imports. INSIGHTS → An estimated 6,500kg was imported for dispensing → Domestic production remains insufficient → Elkoplast Slušovice was the only bidder in the
to domestic patients in 2019. Imports will still be compared to patient demand. Just 11% of cannabis most recent tender in 2017, and previous tenders
required to supplement domestic supply. sold in 2019 was produced by SCFM. were reportedly cancelled due to no applications
being made.
→ The government may purchase a larger → Production is supplemented by imports from
quantity depending on the size of the harvests, Bedrocan and a state-issued tender of which → In 2019, imports from Bedrocan and Canadian
at a potentially lower cost than the previous Aurora was the sole winner. producers still occurred despite production
government estimate of an average €2.3 per volumes being greater than demand. This is
→ SCFM has signed a three-year joint venture with
gram. thought to be the result of both quality and
the Italian region of Tuscany, in part exploring
logistical challenges.
→ The first tender was issued for just 6,600kg over a production of flower and standardisation of oil
four-year period, but was cancelled due to legal extracts.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 30

4. Domestic Cultivation —
Export-Focused Production
Several countries have legalised
cannabis cultivation with an eye to
capture the export market, driven
by opportunities for foreign direct INSIGHTS → Emerging as a European → Developing as a → Viewed as a strategic → Likely to become an → Significant number of
investment and economic growth. Most cultivation hotspot due cultivation, research and entrypoint into export hub if regulations licenses have been issued
to a favourable climate, manufacturing hub for Europe and hub for are amended, due to for production.
of these countries have limited domestic low production costs export. manufacturing due climate, low costs of → Many sites are still under
markets and in some instances no and an efficient licensing → No licensed medical to accommodating production and intention development or awaiting
framework. regulations. to join the EU.
framework for medical access. In order cannabis scheme regulatory approval.
→ A framework for - patients access → Many companies based → Currently restricted by
for an export-driven market to succeed, domestic patient access cannabis through a non- outside of Europe plan regulatory barriers and
originating countries must implement a is in place, although no commercial, quasi adult- to export to Malta for inability to export dried
products have yet been use model. processing prior to for EU flower.
framework requiring quality standards
approved. distribution.
to at least the level of the destination
country. However, not all jurisdictions
with an international focus have the
requisite frameworks fully in place, and
it remains to be seen which countries
will succeed in capturing market share.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 31

4. Domestic Cultivation —
Production Exclusively for Pharmaceuticals
In these markets, no dried flower is
currently produced as an end product UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRIA
for either domestic patients or exports. PURPOSE → Production of Sativex and Epydiolex → Production of Dronabinol (isolated THC)
Aside from research, cultivation
MANUFACTURER → GW Pharmaceuticals → Bionorica Ethics (C3)
is currently licensed solely for the
purpose of producing APIs and licensed
pharmaceuticals. We expect this model
to shift towards a hybrid one over the
next year as local demand for medical
CULTIVATORS → Contract growers → AGES - Institute for Sustainable Plant Production
cannabis increases and reputable
businesses apply for licenses. INSIGHTS → World’s largest exporter of cannabis pharmaceuticals supplying → Dried flower cannot be prescribed to patients in Austria.
global markets. → Dronabinol is supplied to domestic patients in addition to export
→ Domestic market is limited by restrictive prescribing guidelines markets including Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
through the National Health Service (NHS), but private clinics are → Production has significantly scaled up in recent years, from
driving increased patient uptake. 59.19 kg in 2015 to 361.78kg in 2018 according to a response to a
→ In July 2020, the NHS announced plans to manufacture medical parliamentary inquiry in 2019.
cannabis oil for a clinical trial for children with severe epilepsy,
although no further detail has been provided.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 32

4. Domestic Cultivation —
Hybrid Production Model
In these markets, production is
authorised for a dual purpose of THE NETHERLANDS DENMARK
supplying domestic patients and FRAMEWORK → State-controlled monopoly → Four-year development scheme to supply domestic patients and
driving economic growth through export markets

commercial exports of EU-GMP CULTIVATORS → Bedrocan → Uncapped

medical cannabis.

INSIGHTS → The Office of Medicinal Cannabis (OMC) purchases all cannabis → The domestic production pilot runs in parallel with the four-year
produced by Bedrocan at a mandated price and facilitates medical cannabis pilot programme.
distribution and exports. → No cap on production volumes or limit to the number of licensed
→ The OMC has an ongoing tender application process for a producers.
maximum of two new suppliers. → Producers must follow strict requirements including additional
→ The Netherlands now exports significantly more cannabis than is restrictions on pesticide use and required levels of product
sold domestically. 2,150kg was exported to Germany alone in 2019, consistency.
compared with 580kg supplied to domestic patients. → A number of international cannabis companies have established
facilities in Denmark with a view to develop an export hub to the
wider EU.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 33

5. Research and Clinical Trials —
A Demand for Data
A lack of clinical data has been widely cited as the Additionally, regulators’ preference for Despite these barriers, there is evidence of a
main factor limiting widespread medical cannabis evidence derived from randomised controlled shift towards companies and research institutes
adoption by most European national regulators. trials (RCTs) has also limited uptake by actively engaging in and supporting the
Despite this being a well-known issue, the industry researchers due to complexities standardising development of clinical data, with over 27 trials
has been slow to rise to the challenge of providing cannabis plant products. As UK medical ongoing in Europe. Such trials will contribute
clinical data. This is most likely due to the perceived cannabis expert Dr. Steve Hajioff believes to a wider clinical understanding of medical
issues with IP, high investment costs, a lack of cannabis. This, combined with attempts to reduce
clinical research experience, the long lead times One of the key barriers to research costs should enable a larger number of patients
of developing clinical data, and because cannabis into cannabis- derived medicines in to access much needed medical cannabis
continues to remain strictly controlled and subject Europe is the lack of standardisation products in Europe. Dr Saoirse O’Sullivan said,
to various rulings in the majority of countries. within proposed studies. We need a
Franjo Grotenhermen of the International clear target group of patients, a trial ‘Phase 3 research which leads to
Association for Cannabinoid Medicines explains using a single product with a single regulatory approval, changes in
that delivery mechanism and a xed dose. clinical guidance and increased clinical
With this sort of standardisation, con dence in novel products is very
In Europe and especially in Germany
researchers will be much more keen expensive and generally only carried
there is a growing interest in
to do further studies. out by pharmaceutical companies
the medical use of cannabis and
cannabinoids. In addition, large looking to develop licensed products,
pharmaceutical companies are and unfortunately we do not have
conducting research on synthetic enough companies like GW carrying
modulators of the endocannabinoid out phase 3 research, although this is
system, in particular inhibitors of the one of the fastest growing sectors in
degradation of endocannabinoids. biotech at the moment.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 34

5. Research and Clinical Trials —
The Statistics

psychiatric disorders such as CLINICAL TRIALS IN EUROPE 1 2 3 4
schizophrenia, PTSD, fear and 7.4% 70.4% Disorder
Government Academic Alzheimer’s
ongoing clinical trials phobias. Research Diseases
across Europe for a

wide range of medical Over
Neuropathic Pain
conditions such as:
→ Multiple sclerosis (MS) Cancer Pain

→ Neuropathic pain Tic Disorders and

Tourette Syndrome
→ Tic disorders and of these trials are Spasticity
Tourette Syndrome sponsored by academic or
→ Cancer pain research institutions such
as King’s College London, Cannabis Abuse
→ Chemotherapy induced or Dependence
Universiteit Utrecht and
nausea and vomiting 22.4% MS
Maastricht University. Private
Induced Nausea
and Vomiting



First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 35

6. Opinion Leaders —
What Lies Ahead

Marion Zammit José Antonio

Malta Enterprise
de la Puente
Linneo Health

Malta continues to attract and approve

projects with the intent of setting up
operations in this sector. The first The EU medical cannabis industry is ready to
jump to the next stage. The pharmaceutical
manufacturing licenses have been
industry needs more sophisticated products
awarded, both in third countries, as
under pharmaceutical standards. It is time
in Israel, as well as in Malta. Soon
to move from a production focus to a focus on
the country shall see its first medical
product development. The cannabis industry
cannabis products being exported
should evolve with that vision, from cannabis
from our shores. It is our imperative to
growers to pharmaceuticals companies, but
continue adding layers and depth to this
without losing their agility and flexibility to
European ecosystem we are a part of, in
navigate in a new world. A robust business
order to ensure its long term viability,
model, full range of products, scale up
competitiveness and success.
capabilities and competitiveness will be the
key assets for suppliers to be on the ground.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 36

6. Opinion Leaders —
What Lies Ahead

Jakob Sons Dr Verónica Codesido

Cansativa GMBH
Phytoplant Research S.L.

We observe that the European market

is not depending on overseas anymore. The medical cannabis market is still in
Pharmaceutical cannabis products its early stage due to a lack of regulatory
cultivated and processed in the European consensus in the EU. However, the effort of
Union already were launched successfully in scientists, researchers, breeders, lawyers
Germany and in 2021 the German domestic and patients are getting heard. When it
cultivation will be available for German comes to researching cannabinoids and how
pharmacies. Local production facilitates to produce them, fantastic work is being
many steps on the pharmaceutical supply done in Europe on the manufacturing of
chains and is challenging existing pathways synthetic cannabinoids and the breeding of
especially from Canada. However, we phytocannabinoids, both key to increasing the
assume that the next game change is quality and safety of cannabinoids to be able
already in sight once low-cost production to develop cannabis medicines.
can be tapped.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 37

Medical Cannabis
in Denmark
The Danish market has become a In order to accelerate the development biotechnology European ecosystems,
uniquely European model for the of the infrastructure and facilitate the with university spin outs, state funding
regulation of medical cannabis. In development of cannabis medicines for innovation, and a high concentration
2018, Denmark announced a 4-year for patients in the country, the Ministry of pharmaceutical R&D campuses.
program to assess the effectiveness of of Foreign Affairs engages with the
In collaboration with Invest in Denmark,
cannabis based medicines, and build private sector to inform investors of
part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the base of what could be a supply of the framework in which Denmark
of Denmark and the First Wednesdays
pharmaceutical-grade cannabis grown operates in the context of its medical
network, Hanway has produced this
domestically. cannabis access programme and
deep dive into the Danish market.
the development of its industry. The
Danish model echoes life science and

Invest in Denmark provided background information on the industry and identified some of the key stakeholders, and
Hanway Associates carried out independent research including interviews with stakeholders to structure the analysis,
and take responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Invest in Denmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They provide tailor-
made solutions for foreign companies looking to set up or expand business or research
activities in Denmark. 38
Introduction to Medical Cannabis
in Denmark
The Danish medical cannabis program is actually scope to explore business models, breeding
two parallel four-year trials – one for domestic approaches, and improving cultivation
medical use and another for domestic cultivation. techniques.
The trial program was launched in 2018 and
A clear framework has been set but many
backed by a unanimous vote of the country’s
opportunities remain to be explored. This
parliamentarians. 2020 marks the halfway point of
means that cultivators need to engage with the
the programs, and an evaluation is pending. The
local ecosystem of plant scientists, breeders, Michael Prytz
country’s parliamentarians will decide on further INVESTMENT MANAGER,
AgTech, and pharma engineering firms to
courses of action on whether to extend or adjust MINISTRY OF FOREIGN
bring the standards up to higher levels of AFFAIRS OF DENMARK
the program after 2022. The Danish framework was
medical grade cultivation. It is not a quick copy-
developed on a hybrid model, bringing together
paste process. Some of the know-how from
the “patient-driven model” based on the needs
North America and elsewhere in Europe has
Derek Light
of patients and their doctors, and the “cultivation SPECIAL ADVISOR,
been really valuable to the development of a LIFE SCIENCES,
for export model”. This is where the Danish hybrid
Danish model, but it has required a process MINISTRY OF FOREIGN
model is especially interesting. In Denmark,
of incorporating and also developing Danish AFFAIRS OF DENMARK
cultivation is structured in an open-ended system
expertise to help the industry.
with no cap on production volumes and no limit to
the number of licenced producers. Berit Chavez Azeri
It is based on a pharma paradigm that requires MINISTRY OF FOREIGN
serious planning to achieve minimum standards, AFFAIRS OF DENMARK,
but the transparent requirements offer significant LONDON

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 39

The Danish Ecosystem

This map has been compiled to highlight Cultivation Specialist Clinics

diverse activity across the value chain.

Company information has been gathered

from government lists of license holders
and publicly available information. Invest
in Denmark has focused on companies Public Agencies
Extraction & Purification
that have made clear progress, although
there are a number of other license
holders at varying stages of development.
Formulation & Manufacturing
An interesting medical cannabis
ecosystem is developing in Denmark,
centred around establishing a viable
domestic supply chain. Collaboration
between licensed cannabis operators Testing & Quality Assurance Ancillary Equipment Suppliers
and leading non-cannabis companies
has been necessary to achieve the COPENHAGEN
required high standards of production, ODENSE
which is evident through the engagement Distribution & Logistics Investment
of leading equipment suppliers, logistics
and professional services companies.

Denmark’s pharmaceutical industry is Associations Professional Services

based in the Copenhagen region, while
key cultivation sites are clustered around
the Odense region.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 40

Deep Dive: Denmark


To date, timelines for facilities to become licensed and Producers must follow strict quality standards to Access to medical cannabis in Denmark is not limited
active have been longer in Denmark than in other operate in the Danish market; cultivators must comply to the pilot scheme, and finished pharmaceutical
jurisdictions. The Danish cultivation trial has been with Good Agricultural Collection Practices (GACP) products (Sativex, Nabilone and Marinol) can be
purposefully designed to the benefit of domestic and post-harvest manufacturers must abide by Good prescribed outside of the pilot. Magistral preparations
patients. Cultivation is not licensed simply for the Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Strict planning and of oils and capsules (using isolated THC and CBD)
purpose of producing a valuable export product Quality Assurance is required to achieve the required remain the leading route by which patients access
for international markets, but as a vital, highly- product standards, which include a permitted standard medical cannabis. The Danish preference for
regulated stage of the pharmaceutical supply chain. deviation of ±10% from the THC and CBD content formulated products over flower has become clearer
A prerequisite to being able to export bulk product is stated before harvest. Selected use of plant protection in the past year with a sharp increase in prescriptions
that the company must have delivered products to the methods is now permitted for imported oral-use for isolated THC oil preparations through the
Danish market, which is currently subject to some of the products. compounding route.
strictest standards in the world.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 41

Deep Dive: Denmark

Denmark’s strong business ecosystem offers investors Producers also benefit from sustainable access
a plug-and-play model for establishing and rapidly to low-cost renewable energy, which is highly
scaling operations in the pharma-oriented European advantageous for indoor production to ensure the
market. Denmark has been quick to attract investment required consistency levels for EU-GMP certification.
as a result, with Canadian producers driving a large
Denmark’s proximity to major markets, particularly
proportion of direct expenditure. Initially announced
the UK, Germany and France, alongside excellent
foreign direct investment into the sector totalled
infrastructure for transport and shipping is
over CAD$407 million, according to estimates by
advantageous from an export-focused perspective.
Denmark’s Horticultural Association and Invest in
Cannabis producers can leverage Denmark’s optimal
location as has historically benefitted pharmaceutical
Investors can draw on expertise from both manufacturers, combatting Europe’s historical
pharmaceutical and horticultural industries, with reliance on Canadian and Dutch imports.
strong Danish heritage in agriculture and greenhouse
production and 2.6% of national GDP originating from
pharmaceutical manufacturing. Denmark benefits
from a highly-trained talent pool, readily-available
land and deep expertise in product development and
Quality Assurance.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 42

Deep Dive: Denmark


Alongside offering a favourable environment for Denmark has ongoing active research projects in Healthcare professionals in Denmark emphasise
production, Denmark’s domestic trial program every national university hospital, with six ongoing European doctors’ demand for doseable, pharma-
encourages patient feedback, product development, randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies into style products. Aurora Nordic’s ‘Sedamen’ softgel
and research. The country has also ensured financial indications including arthritis, multiple sclerosis and capsules are viewed favourably by prescribing
support is available to support patient enrollment. pain induced by chemotherapy. Additional research physicians and are the only product format aside
As of January 2019 terminally ill patients have had projects, including a number of observational and RCT from flower currently authorised through the pilot
their prescriptions fully reimbursed, with the financial studies, are planned to commence throughout the program, containing 5mg THC per capsule for simple
supplement program covering 50% of medical domestic trial program. dosage. As contract extractors, manufacturers and
cannabis spending for all other patients up to an research laboratories become fully licensed and
Close monitoring and relationships between
annual reimbursement of DKK 10,000 (~EUR 1,350). operational, Denmark is expected to drive product
patients and doctors facilitate deeper analysis of
development towards sophisticated, pharmaceutical
Denmark has consolidated access to medical cannabis patient preferences, when considering product
products with proven efficacy for specific conditions
within its well-reputed pharmaceutical industry, types, formulations and delivery systems. Engaging
and therapeutic areas of treatment.
placing high emphasis on data collection from patients physicians has been a key focus in Denmark, with
and doctors to demonstrate efficacy and build upon a dedicated national Klinisk Cannabis Forum (KCF)
anecdotal evidence. composed of prescribing doctors and around 60
scientific researchers planning to launch courses for
doctors this year.

First Wednesdays European Medical Cannabis Ecosystem 43

First Wednesdays is a network of entrepreneurs and investors in the European cannabis sector.
FW members benefit from news, insights, matchmaking and business support.

Hanway Associates is the leading European strategic consultancy, specialising in cannabis research,
new market entry, commercial diligence and M&A strategy.
Whether you are looking to understand the market, pivot your existing business, expand to new
markets, apply for licences, protect your reputation, find the right partners, or start a business from
scratch, our multidisciplinary teams can help. Our clients include listed-pharmaceutical companies,
global FMCG consumer brands, top tier cannabis companies, investors, and innovative biotech /
R&D startups.

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